package org.jetbrains.dokka.dokkatoo.adapters import import import org.jetbrains.dokka.dokkatoo.DokkatooBasePlugin import org.jetbrains.dokka.dokkatoo.DokkatooExtension import org.jetbrains.dokka.dokkatoo.adapters.DokkatooKotlinAdapter.Companion.currentKotlinToolingVersion import org.jetbrains.dokka.dokkatoo.dokka.parameters.DokkaSourceSetIdSpec import org.jetbrains.dokka.dokkatoo.dokka.parameters.DokkaSourceSetIdSpec.Companion.dokkaSourceSetIdSpec import org.jetbrains.dokka.dokkatoo.dokka.parameters.DokkaSourceSetSpec import org.jetbrains.dokka.dokkatoo.dokka.parameters.KotlinPlatform import org.jetbrains.dokka.dokkatoo.internal.DokkatooInternalApi import org.jetbrains.dokka.dokkatoo.internal.not import import javax.inject.Inject import org.gradle.api.Named import org.gradle.api.NamedDomainObjectContainer import org.gradle.api.Plugin import org.gradle.api.Project import org.gradle.api.file.ConfigurableFileCollection import org.gradle.api.file.FileCollection import org.gradle.api.logging.Logging import org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory import org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtensionContainer import org.gradle.api.provider.ListProperty import org.gradle.api.provider.Provider import org.gradle.api.provider.ProviderFactory import org.gradle.api.provider.SetProperty import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.commonizer.KonanDistribution import org.jetbrains.kotlin.commonizer.platformLibsDir import org.jetbrains.kotlin.commonizer.stdlib import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinMultiplatformExtension import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinProjectExtension import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinSingleTargetExtension import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinCompilation import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinCompilation.Companion.MAIN_COMPILATION_NAME import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinSourceSet import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.getKotlinPluginVersion import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.mpp.AbstractKotlinNativeCompilation import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.mpp.KotlinJvmAndroidCompilation import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.mpp.KotlinMetadataCompilation import import org.jetbrains.kotlin.tooling.core.KotlinToolingVersion /** * The [DokkatooKotlinAdapter] plugin will automatically register Kotlin source sets as Dokka source sets. * * This is not a standalone plugin, it requires [org.jetbrains.dokka.dokkatoo.DokkatooBasePlugin] is also applied. */ @DokkatooInternalApi abstract class DokkatooKotlinAdapter @Inject constructor( private val objects: ObjectFactory, private val providers: ProviderFactory, ) : Plugin { override fun apply(project: Project) {"applied DokkatooKotlinAdapter to ${project.path}") project.plugins.withType().configureEach { project.pluginManager.apply { withPlugin("") { exec(project) } withPlugin("org.jetbrains.kotlin.js") { exec(project) } withPlugin("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm") { exec(project) } withPlugin("org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform") { exec(project) } } } } private fun exec(project: Project) { val kotlinExtension = project.extensions.findKotlinExtension() ?: run {"could not find Kotlin Extension") return }"Configuring Dokkatoo in Gradle Kotlin Project ${project.path}") val dokkatooExtension = project.extensions.getByType() // first fetch the relevant properties of all KotlinCompilations val compilationDetailsBuilder = KotlinCompilationDetailsBuilder( providers = providers, objects = objects, konanHome = dokkatooExtension.konanHome.asFile, ) val allKotlinCompilationDetails: ListProperty = compilationDetailsBuilder.createCompilationDetails( kotlinProjectExtension = kotlinExtension, ) // second, fetch the relevant properties of the Kotlin source sets val sourceSetDetailsBuilder = KotlinSourceSetDetailsBuilder( providers = providers, objects = objects, sourceSetScopeDefault = dokkatooExtension.sourceSetScopeDefault, projectPath = project.path, ) val sourceSetDetails: NamedDomainObjectContainer = sourceSetDetailsBuilder.createSourceSetDetails( kotlinSourceSets = kotlinExtension.sourceSets, allKotlinCompilationDetails = allKotlinCompilationDetails, ) // for each Kotlin source set, register a Dokkatoo source set registerDokkatooSourceSets( dokkatooExtension = dokkatooExtension, sourceSetDetails = sourceSetDetails, ) } /** Register a [DokkaSourceSetSpec] for each element in [sourceSetDetails] */ private fun registerDokkatooSourceSets( dokkatooExtension: DokkatooExtension, sourceSetDetails: NamedDomainObjectContainer, ) { // proactively use 'all' so source sets will be available in users' build files if they use `named("...")` sourceSetDetails.all details@{ dokkatooExtension.dokkatooSourceSets.register(details = this@details) } } /** Register a single [DokkaSourceSetSpec] for [details] */ private fun NamedDomainObjectContainer.register( details: KotlinSourceSetDetails ) { val kssPlatform = { values: List -> { it.kotlinPlatform } .distinct() .singleOrNull() ?: KotlinPlatform.Common } val kssClasspath = determineClasspath(details) register( dss@{ suppress.set(!details.isPublishedSourceSet()) sourceRoots.from(details.sourceDirectories) classpath.from(kssClasspath) analysisPlatform.set(kssPlatform) dependentSourceSets.addAllLater(details.dependentSourceSetIds) } } private fun determineClasspath( details: KotlinSourceSetDetails ): Provider { return { compilations: List -> val classpath = objects.fileCollection() if (compilations.isNotEmpty()) { compilations.fold(classpath) { acc, compilation -> acc.from(compilation.compilationClasspath) // can't use compileDependencyFiles, it causes weird dependency resolution errors in Android projects //acc.from(providers.provider { compilation.compileDependencyFiles }) } } else { classpath .from(details.sourceDirectories) .from(details.sourceDirectoriesOfDependents) } } } @DokkatooInternalApi companion object { private val logger = Logging.getLogger( /** Try and get [KotlinProjectExtension], or `null` if it's not present */ private fun ExtensionContainer.findKotlinExtension(): KotlinProjectExtension? = try { findByType() // fallback to trying to get the JVM extension // (not sure why I did this... maybe to be compatible with really old versions?) ?: findByType() } catch (e: Throwable) { when (e) { is TypeNotPresentException, is ClassNotFoundException, is NoClassDefFoundError -> null else -> throw e } } /** Get the version of the Kotlin Gradle Plugin currently used to compile the project */ // Must be lazy, else tests fail (because the KGP plugin isn't accessible) internal val currentKotlinToolingVersion: KotlinToolingVersion by lazy { val kgpVersion = getKotlinPluginVersion(logger) KotlinToolingVersion(kgpVersion) } } } /** * Store the details of all [KotlinCompilation]s in a configuration cache compatible way. * * The compilation details may come from a multiplatform project ([KotlinMultiplatformExtension]) * or a single-platform project ([KotlinSingleTargetExtension]). */ @DokkatooInternalApi private data class KotlinCompilationDetails( val target: String, val kotlinPlatform: KotlinPlatform, val allKotlinSourceSetsNames: Set, val publishedCompilation: Boolean, val dependentSourceSetNames: Set, val compilationClasspath: FileCollection, val defaultSourceSetName: String, ) /** Utility class, encapsulating logic for building [KotlinCompilationDetails] */ private class KotlinCompilationDetailsBuilder( private val objects: ObjectFactory, private val providers: ProviderFactory, private val konanHome: Provider, ) { fun createCompilationDetails( kotlinProjectExtension: KotlinProjectExtension, ): ListProperty { val details = objects.listProperty() details.addAll( providers.provider { kotlinProjectExtension .allKotlinCompilations() .map { compilation -> createCompilationDetails(compilation = compilation) } }) return details } /** Create a single [KotlinCompilationDetails] for [compilation] */ private fun createCompilationDetails( compilation: KotlinCompilation<*>, ): KotlinCompilationDetails { val allKotlinSourceSetsNames = { } + val dependentSourceSetNames = { } val compilationClasspath: FileCollection = collectKotlinCompilationClasspath(compilation = compilation) return KotlinCompilationDetails( target =, kotlinPlatform = KotlinPlatform.fromString(, allKotlinSourceSetsNames = allKotlinSourceSetsNames.toSet(), publishedCompilation = compilation.isPublished(), dependentSourceSetNames = dependentSourceSetNames.toSet(), compilationClasspath = compilationClasspath, defaultSourceSetName = ) } private fun KotlinProjectExtension.allKotlinCompilations(): Collection> = when (this) { is KotlinMultiplatformExtension -> targets.flatMap { it.compilations } is KotlinSingleTargetExtension<*> -> target.compilations else -> emptyList() // shouldn't happen? } /** * Get the [Configuration][org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration] names of all configurations * used to build this [KotlinCompilation] and * [its source sets][KotlinCompilation.kotlinSourceSets]. */ private fun collectKotlinCompilationClasspath( compilation: KotlinCompilation<*>, ): FileCollection { val compilationClasspath = objects.fileCollection() // collect dependency files from 'regular' Kotlin compilations compilationClasspath.from(providers.provider { compilation.compileDependencyFiles }) // apply workaround for Kotlin/Native, which will be fixed in Kotlin 2.0 // (see KT-61559: K/N dependencies will be part of `compilation.compileDependencyFiles`) if ( currentKotlinToolingVersion < KotlinToolingVersion("2.0.0") && compilation is AbstractKotlinNativeCompilation ) { compilationClasspath.from( { konanHome -> kotlinNativeDependencies(konanHome, compilation.konanTarget) } ) } return compilationClasspath } private fun kotlinNativeDependencies(konanHome: File, target: KonanTarget): FileCollection { val konanDistribution = KonanDistribution(konanHome) val dependencies = objects.fileCollection() dependencies.from(konanDistribution.stdlib) // Konan library files for a specific target dependencies.from( konanDistribution.platformLibsDir .resolve( .listFiles() .orEmpty() .filter { it.isDirectory || it.extension == "klib" } ) return dependencies } companion object { /** * Determine if a [KotlinCompilation] is 'publishable', and so should be enabled by default * when creating a Dokka publication. * * Typically, 'main' compilations are publishable and 'test' compilations should be suppressed. * This can be overridden manually, though. * * @see DokkaSourceSetSpec.suppress */ private fun KotlinCompilation<*>.isPublished(): Boolean { return when (this) { is KotlinMetadataCompilation<*> -> true is KotlinJvmAndroidCompilation -> androidVariant is LibraryVariant || androidVariant is ApplicationVariant else -> name == MAIN_COMPILATION_NAME } } } } /** * Store the details of all [KotlinSourceSet]s in a configuration cache compatible way. * * @param[named] Should be [KotlinSourceSet.getName] */ @DokkatooInternalApi private abstract class KotlinSourceSetDetails @Inject constructor( private val named: String, ) : Named { /** Direct source sets that this source set depends on */ abstract val dependentSourceSetIds: SetProperty abstract val sourceDirectories: ConfigurableFileCollection /** _All_ source directories from any (recursively) dependant source set */ abstract val sourceDirectoriesOfDependents: ConfigurableFileCollection /** The specific compilations used to build this source set */ abstract val compilations: ListProperty /** Estimate if this Kotlin source set contains 'published' sources */ fun isPublishedSourceSet(): Provider = { values -> values.any { it.publishedCompilation } } override fun getName(): String = named } /** Utility class, encapsulating logic for building [KotlinCompilationDetails] */ private class KotlinSourceSetDetailsBuilder( private val sourceSetScopeDefault: Provider, private val objects: ObjectFactory, private val providers: ProviderFactory, /** Used for logging */ private val projectPath: String, ) { private val logger = Logging.getLogger( fun createSourceSetDetails( kotlinSourceSets: NamedDomainObjectContainer, allKotlinCompilationDetails: ListProperty, ): NamedDomainObjectContainer { val sourceSetDetails = objects.domainObjectContainer(KotlinSourceSetDetails::class) kotlinSourceSets.configureEach kss@{ sourceSetDetails.register( kotlinSourceSet = this, allKotlinCompilationDetails = allKotlinCompilationDetails, ) } return sourceSetDetails } private fun NamedDomainObjectContainer.register( kotlinSourceSet: KotlinSourceSet, allKotlinCompilationDetails: ListProperty, ) { // TODO: Needs to respect filters. // We probably need to change from "sourceRoots" to support "sourceFiles" // val extantSourceDirectories = providers.provider { kotlinSourceSet.kotlin.sourceDirectories.filter { it.exists() } } val compilations = { allCompilations -> allCompilations.filter { compilation -> in compilation.allKotlinSourceSetsNames } } // determine the source sets IDs of _other_ source sets that _this_ source depends on. val dependentSourceSets = providers.provider { kotlinSourceSet.dependsOn } val dependentSourceSetIds = dependentSourceSets, sourceSetScopeDefault, ) { sourceSets, sourceSetScope ->"[$projectPath] source set ${} has ${sourceSets.size} dependents ${sourceSets.joinToString { }}") { dependedKss -> objects.dokkaSourceSetIdSpec(sourceSetScope, } } val sourceDirectoriesOfDependents = providers.provider { kotlinSourceSet .allDependentSourceSets() .fold(objects.fileCollection()) { acc, sourceSet -> acc.from(sourceSet.kotlin.sourceDirectories) } } register( { this.dependentSourceSetIds.addAll(dependentSourceSetIds) this.sourceDirectories.from(extantSourceDirectories) this.sourceDirectoriesOfDependents.from(sourceDirectoriesOfDependents) this.compilations.addAll(compilations) } } /** * Return a list containing _all_ source sets that this source set depends on, * searching recursively. * * @see KotlinSourceSet.dependsOn */ private tailrec fun KotlinSourceSet.allDependentSourceSets( queue: Set = dependsOn.toSet(), allDependents: List = emptyList(), ): List { val next = queue.firstOrNull() ?: return allDependents return next.allDependentSourceSets( queue = (queue - next) union next.dependsOn, allDependents = allDependents + next, ) } }