package org.jetbrains.dokka.dokkatoo.utils import import java.nio.file.Path // based on // context: fun Path.toTreeString(): String = toFile().toTreeString() fun File.toTreeString(): String = when { isDirectory -> name + "/\n" + buildTreeString(this) else -> name } private fun buildTreeString( dir: File, margin: String = "", ): String { val entries = dir.listDirectoryEntries() return entries.joinToString("\n") { entry -> val (currentPrefix, nextPrefix) = when (entry) { entries.last() -> PrefixPair.LAST_ENTRY else -> PrefixPair.INTERMEDIATE } buildString { append("$margin${currentPrefix}${}") if (entry.isDirectory) { append("/") if (entry.countDirectoryEntries() > 0) { append("\n") } append(buildTreeString(entry, margin + nextPrefix)) } } } } private fun File.listDirectoryEntries(): Sequence = walkTopDown().maxDepth(1).filter { it != this@listDirectoryEntries } private fun File.countDirectoryEntries(): Int = listDirectoryEntries().count() private data class PrefixPair( /** The current entry should be prefixed with this */ val currentPrefix: String, /** If the next item is a directory, it should be prefixed with this */ val nextPrefix: String, ) { companion object { /** Prefix pair for a non-last directory entry */ val INTERMEDIATE = PrefixPair("├── ", "│ ") /** Prefix pair for the last directory entry */ val LAST_ENTRY = PrefixPair("└── ", " ") } }