package org.jetbrains.dokka.dokkatoo import org.jetbrains.dokka.dokkatoo.internal.DokkatooConstants.DOKKATOO_VERSION import org.jetbrains.dokka.dokkatoo.utils.* import import io.kotest.inspectors.shouldForAll import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldBeIn import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldContainAll import io.kotest.matchers.file.shouldBeAFile import io.kotest.matchers.paths.shouldBeAFile import io.kotest.matchers.paths.shouldNotExist import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldBeEmpty import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldContain import org.gradle.testkit.runner.TaskOutcome.* class MultiModuleFunctionalTest : FunSpec({ context("when dokkatoo generates all formats") { val project = initDokkatooProject("all-formats") project.runner .addArguments( "clean", ":dokkatooGenerate", "--stacktrace", ) .forwardOutput() .build { test("expect build is successful") { output shouldContain "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" } } test("expect all dokka workers are successful") { project .findFiles { == "dokka-worker.log" } .shouldForAll { dokkaWorkerLog -> dokkaWorkerLog.shouldBeAFile() dokkaWorkerLog.readText().shouldNotContainAnyOf( "[ERROR]", "[WARN]", ) } } context("expect HTML site is generated") { test("with expected HTML files") { project.file("subproject/build/dokka/html/index.html").shouldBeAFile() project.file("subproject/build/dokka/html/com/project/hello/Hello.html") .shouldBeAFile() } test("and dokka_parameters.json is generated") { project.file("subproject/build/dokka/html/dokka_parameters.json") .shouldBeAFile() } test("with element-list") { project.file("build/dokka/html/package-list").shouldBeAFile() project.file("build/dokka/html/package-list").toFile().readText() .shouldContain( /* language=text */ """ |${'$'}dokka.format:html-v1 |${'$'}dokka.linkExtension:html | |module:subproject-hello |com.project.hello |module:subproject-goodbye |com.project.goodbye """.trimMargin() ) } } } context("Gradle caching") { context("expect Dokkatoo is compatible with Gradle Build Cache") { val project = initDokkatooProject("build-cache") test("expect clean is successful") { project.runner.addArguments("clean").build { output shouldContain "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" } } project.runner .addArguments( //"clean", ":dokkatooGenerate", "--stacktrace", "--build-cache", ) .forwardOutput() .build { test("expect build is successful") { output shouldContain "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" } test("expect all dokka workers are successful") { project .findFiles { == "dokka-worker.log" } .shouldForAll { dokkaWorkerLog -> dokkaWorkerLog.shouldBeAFile() dokkaWorkerLog.readText().shouldNotContainAnyOf( "[ERROR]", "[WARN]", ) } } } context("when build cache is enabled") { project.runner .addArguments( ":dokkatooGenerate", "--stacktrace", "--build-cache", ) .forwardOutput() .build { test("expect build is successful") { output shouldContainAll listOf( "BUILD SUCCESSFUL", "24 actionable tasks: 24 up-to-date", ) } test("expect all dokkatoo tasks are up-to-date") { tasks .filter { task ->"dokkatoo", ignoreCase = true) } .shouldForAll { task -> task.outcome.shouldBeIn(FROM_CACHE, UP_TO_DATE, SKIPPED) } } } } } context("Gradle Configuration Cache") { val project = initDokkatooProject("config-cache") test("expect clean is successful") { project.runner.addArguments("clean").build { output shouldContain "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" } } project.runner .addArguments( //"clean", ":dokkatooGenerate", "--stacktrace", "--no-build-cache", "--configuration-cache", ) .forwardOutput() .build { test("expect build is successful") { output shouldContain "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" } } test("expect all dokka workers are successful") { project .findFiles { == "dokka-worker.log" } .shouldForAll { dokkaWorkerLog -> dokkaWorkerLog.shouldBeAFile() dokkaWorkerLog.readText().shouldNotContainAnyOf( "[ERROR]", "[WARN]", ) } } } context("expect updates in subprojects re-run tasks") { val project = initDokkatooProject("submodule-update") test("expect clean is successful") { project.runner.addArguments("clean").build { output shouldContain "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" } } test("expect first build is successful") { project.runner .addArguments( //"clean", ":dokkatooGeneratePublicationHtml", "--stacktrace", "--build-cache", ) .forwardOutput() .build { output shouldContain "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" } } context("and when a file in a subproject changes") { val helloAgainIndexHtml = @Suppress("KDocUnresolvedReference") project.createKotlinFile( "subproject-hello/src/main/kotlin/HelloAgain.kt", """ |package com.project.hello | |/** Like [Hello], but again */ |class HelloAgain { | /** prints `Hello Again` to the console */ | fun sayHelloAgain() = println("Hello Again") |} | """.trimMargin() ).toPath() context("expect Dokka re-generates the publication") { project.runner .addArguments( ":dokkatooGeneratePublicationHtml", "--stacktrace", "--build-cache", ) .forwardOutput() .build { test("expect HelloAgain HTML file exists") { helloAgainIndexHtml.shouldBeAFile() } test("expect :subproject-goodbye tasks are up-to-date, because no files changed") { shouldHaveTasksWithOutcome( ":subproject-goodbye:dokkatooGenerateModuleHtml" to UP_TO_DATE, ":subproject-goodbye:prepareDokkatooModuleDescriptorHtml" to UP_TO_DATE, ) } val successfulOutcomes = listOf(SUCCESS, FROM_CACHE) test("expect :subproject-hello tasks should be re-run, since a file changed") { shouldHaveTasksWithAnyOutcome( ":subproject-hello:dokkatooGenerateModuleHtml" to successfulOutcomes, ":subproject-hello:prepareDokkatooModuleDescriptorHtml" to successfulOutcomes, ) } test("expect aggregating tasks should re-run because the :subproject-hello Dokka Module changed") { shouldHaveTasksWithAnyOutcome( ":dokkatooGeneratePublicationHtml" to successfulOutcomes, ) } test("expect build is successful") { output shouldContain "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" } test("expect 5 tasks are run") { output shouldContain "5 actionable tasks" } } context("and when the class is deleted") { project.dir("subproject-hello") { require(file("src/main/kotlin/HelloAgain.kt").toFile().delete()) { "failed to delete HelloAgain.kt" } } project.runner .addArguments( ":dokkatooGeneratePublicationHtml", "--stacktrace", "--info", "--build-cache", ) .forwardOutput() .build { test("expect HelloAgain HTML file is now deleted") { helloAgainIndexHtml.shouldNotExist() project.dir("build/dokka/html/") { projectDir.toTreeString().shouldNotContainAnyOf( "hello-again", "-hello-again/", "-hello-again.html", ) } } } } } } } } context("logging") { val project = initDokkatooProject("logging") test("expect no logs when built using --quiet log level") { project.runner .addArguments( "clean", ":dokkatooGenerate", "--no-configuration-cache", "--no-build-cache", "--quiet", ) .forwardOutput() .build { output.shouldBeEmpty() } } test("expect no Dokkatoo logs when built using lifecycle log level") { project.runner .addArguments( "clean", ":dokkatooGenerate", "--no-configuration-cache", "--no-build-cache", "--no-parallel", // no logging option => lifecycle log level ) .forwardOutput() .build { // projects are only configured the first time TestKit runs, and annoyingly there's no // easy way to force Gradle to re-configure the projects - so only check conditionally. if ("Configure project" in output) { output shouldContain /*language=text*/ """ ¦> Configure project : ¦> Configure project :subproject-goodbye ¦> Configure project :subproject-hello ¦> Task :clean """.trimMargin("¦") } output.lines() .filter { it.startsWith("> Task :") } .shouldContainAll( "> Task :clean", "> Task :dokkatooGenerate", "> Task :dokkatooGenerateModuleGfm", "> Task :dokkatooGenerateModuleHtml", "> Task :dokkatooGenerateModuleJavadoc", "> Task :dokkatooGenerateModuleJekyll", "> Task :dokkatooGeneratePublicationGfm", "> Task :dokkatooGeneratePublicationHtml", "> Task :dokkatooGeneratePublicationJavadoc", "> Task :dokkatooGeneratePublicationJekyll", "> Task :subproject-goodbye:clean", "> Task :subproject-goodbye:dokkatooGenerateModuleGfm", "> Task :subproject-goodbye:dokkatooGenerateModuleHtml", "> Task :subproject-goodbye:dokkatooGenerateModuleJavadoc", "> Task :subproject-goodbye:dokkatooGenerateModuleJekyll", "> Task :subproject-goodbye:prepareDokkatooModuleDescriptorGfm", "> Task :subproject-goodbye:prepareDokkatooModuleDescriptorHtml", "> Task :subproject-goodbye:prepareDokkatooModuleDescriptorJavadoc", "> Task :subproject-goodbye:prepareDokkatooModuleDescriptorJekyll", "> Task :subproject-hello:clean", "> Task :subproject-hello:dokkatooGenerateModuleGfm", "> Task :subproject-hello:dokkatooGenerateModuleHtml", "> Task :subproject-hello:dokkatooGenerateModuleJavadoc", "> Task :subproject-hello:dokkatooGenerateModuleJekyll", "> Task :subproject-hello:prepareDokkatooModuleDescriptorGfm", "> Task :subproject-hello:prepareDokkatooModuleDescriptorHtml", "> Task :subproject-hello:prepareDokkatooModuleDescriptorJavadoc", "> Task :subproject-hello:prepareDokkatooModuleDescriptorJekyll", ) } } } }) private fun initDokkatooProject( testName: String, config: GradleProjectTest.() -> Unit = {}, ): GradleProjectTest { return gradleKtsProjectTest("multi-module-hello-goodbye/$testName") { settingsGradleKts += """ | |include(":subproject-hello") |include(":subproject-goodbye") | """.trimMargin() buildGradleKts = """ |plugins { | // Kotlin plugin shouldn't be necessary here, but without it Dokka errors | // with ClassNotFound KotlinPluginExtension... very weird | kotlin("jvm") version "1.8.22" apply false | id("org.jetbrains.dokka.dokkatoo") version "$DOKKATOO_VERSION" |} | |dependencies { | dokkatoo(project(":subproject-hello")) | dokkatoo(project(":subproject-goodbye")) | dokkatooPluginHtml( | { dokkaVersion -> | "org.jetbrains.dokka:all-modules-page-plugin:${'$'}dokkaVersion" | } | ) |} | """.trimMargin() dir("subproject-hello") { buildGradleKts = """ |plugins { | kotlin("jvm") version "1.8.22" | id("org.jetbrains.dokka.dokkatoo") version "$DOKKATOO_VERSION" |} | """.trimMargin() createKotlinFile( "src/main/kotlin/Hello.kt", """ |package com.project.hello | |/** The Hello class */ |class Hello { | /** prints `Hello` to the console */ | fun sayHello() = println("Hello") |} | """.trimMargin() ) createKotlinFile("src/main/kotlin/HelloAgain.kt", "") } dir("subproject-goodbye") { buildGradleKts = """ |plugins { | kotlin("jvm") version "1.8.22" | id("org.jetbrains.dokka.dokkatoo") version "$DOKKATOO_VERSION" |} | """.trimMargin() createKotlinFile( "src/main/kotlin/Goodbye.kt", """ |package com.project.goodbye | |/** The Goodbye class */ |class Goodbye { | /** prints a goodbye message to the console */ | fun sayHello() = println("Goodbye!") |} | """.trimMargin() ) } config() } }