# Dokka Versioning MultiModule example This example demonstrates configuration of Dokka's [versioning plugin](../../../plugins/versioning), which allows readers to navigate through different versions of your API reference documentation. The example contains some code that exists only in the current documentation version `1.0`. You will not see this code in the previous version `0.9`, which is located in the [previousDocVersions](previousDocVersions) directory. ___ You can see up-to-date documentation generated for this example on [GitHub Pages](https://kotlin.github.io/dokka/examples/dokka-versioning-multimodule-example/htmlMultiModule/index.html). ![screenshot demonstration of output](demo.png) ### Running Run `dokkaHtmlMultiModule` task to generate documentation for this example: ```bash ./gradlew dokkaHtmlMultiModule ``` It will generate complete documentation for the root project and its subprojects, with the version navigation dropdown menu.