/* * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. */ package utils import org.jsoup.nodes.Element import org.jsoup.nodes.Node import org.jsoup.nodes.TextNode public fun Element.match(vararg matchers: Any, ignoreSpanWithTokenStyle:Boolean = false): Unit = childNodes() .let { list -> if(ignoreSpanWithTokenStyle) { list .filterNot { it is Element && it.tagName() == "span" && it.attr("class").startsWith("token ") && it.childNodeSize() == 0} .map { if(it is Element && it.tagName() == "span" && it.attr("class").startsWith("token ") && it.childNodeSize() == 1) it.childNode(0) else it } .uniteConsecutiveTextNodes() } else list } .filter { (it !is TextNode || it.text().isNotBlank())} .let { it.drop(it.size - matchers.size) } .zip(matchers) .forEach { (n, m) -> m.accepts(n, ignoreSpan = ignoreSpanWithTokenStyle) } public open class Tag( public val name: String, public vararg val matchers: Any, public val expectedClasses: List = emptyList() ) public class Div(vararg matchers: Any) : Tag("div", *matchers) public class P(vararg matchers: Any) : Tag("p", *matchers) public class Span(vararg matchers: Any) : Tag("span", *matchers) public class A(vararg matchers: Any) : Tag("a", *matchers) public class B(vararg matchers: Any) : Tag("b", *matchers) public class I(vararg matchers: Any) : Tag("i", *matchers) public class STRIKE(vararg matchers: Any) : Tag("strike", *matchers) public class BlockQuote(vararg matchers: Any) : Tag("blockquote", *matchers) public class Dl(vararg matchers: Any) : Tag("dl", *matchers) public class Dt(vararg matchers: Any) : Tag("dt", *matchers) public class Dd(vararg matchers: Any) : Tag("dd", *matchers) public class Var(vararg matchers: Any) : Tag("var", *matchers) public class U(vararg matchers: Any) : Tag("u", *matchers) public object Wbr : Tag("wbr") public object Br : Tag("br") public fun Tag.withClasses(vararg classes: String): Tag = Tag(name, *matchers, expectedClasses = classes.toList()) private fun Any.accepts(n: Node, ignoreSpan:Boolean = true) { when (this) { is String -> assert(n is TextNode && n.text().trim() == this.trim()) { "\"$this\" expected but found: $n" } is Tag -> { check(n is Element) { "Expected node to be Element: $n" } assert(n.tagName() == name) { "Tag \"$name\" expected but found: \"$n\"" } expectedClasses.forEach { assert(n.hasClass(it)) { "Expected to find class \"$it\" for tag \"$name\", found: ${n.classNames()}" } } if (matchers.isNotEmpty()) n.match(*matchers, ignoreSpanWithTokenStyle = ignoreSpan) } else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("$this is not proper matcher") } } private fun List.uniteConsecutiveTextNodes(): MutableList { val resList = mutableListOf() var acc = StringBuilder() forEachIndexed { index, item -> if (item is TextNode) { acc.append(item.text()) if (!(index + 1 < size && this[index + 1] is TextNode)) { resList.add(TextNode(acc.toString())) acc = StringBuilder() } } else resList.add(item) } return resList }