/* * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. */ import {detectOsKind, OsKind} from "./os"; type ModifierKey = { name: string keyArg: string } class ModifierKeys { static metaKey: ModifierKey = {name: "Command", keyArg: "Meta"} static ctrlKey: ModifierKey = {name: "Ctrl", keyArg: "Control"} static altKey: ModifierKey = {name: "Alt", keyArg: "Alt"} static shiftKey: ModifierKey = {name: "Shift", keyArg: "Shift"} } const setOfKeys = [ModifierKeys.altKey, ModifierKeys.shiftKey, ModifierKeys.ctrlKey, ModifierKeys.metaKey] export class Hotkey { private readonly osKind: OsKind; constructor() { this.osKind = detectOsKind() } public getOsAccelKeyName() { return this.getOsAccelKey().name } /** * Register a hotkey of combination Accel key (Cmd/Ctrl depending on OS). * The method also checks that other modifiers key is not pressed to avoid shortcuts intersection. * E.g. don't trigger [Ctrl+K] if [Ctrl + Shift + K] pressed */ public registerHotkeyWithAccel = (event: () => void, letter: string) => { const osMetaKey = this.getOsAccelKey() document.onkeydown = (keyDownEvent) => { const isMetaKeyPressed = keyDownEvent.getModifierState(osMetaKey.keyArg) const isOtherModifierKeyPressed = setOfKeys .filter(key => key !== osMetaKey) .map((otherKeys: ModifierKey) => keyDownEvent.getModifierState(otherKeys.keyArg)) .some(value => value) if (isMetaKeyPressed && !isOtherModifierKeyPressed && keyDownEvent.key === letter) { keyDownEvent.preventDefault() event() } }; } private getOsAccelKey(): ModifierKey { switch (this.osKind) { case OsKind.MACOS: return ModifierKeys.metaKey default: return ModifierKeys.ctrlKey } } }