package org.jetbrains.dokka.base.renderers import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.coroutineScope import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfiguration.DokkaSourceSet import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaException import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.DokkaBase import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.resolvers.local.LocationProvider import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.DisplaySourceSet import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.DokkaContext import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.plugin import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.querySingle import org.jetbrains.dokka.renderers.Renderer import org.jetbrains.dokka.transformers.pages.PageTransformer abstract class DefaultRenderer( protected val context: DokkaContext ) : Renderer { protected val outputWriter = context.plugin().querySingle { outputWriter } protected lateinit var locationProvider: LocationProvider private set protected open val preprocessors: Iterable = emptyList() abstract fun T.buildHeader(level: Int, node: ContentHeader, content: T.() -> Unit) abstract fun T.buildLink(address: String, content: T.() -> Unit) abstract fun T.buildList( node: ContentList, pageContext: ContentPage, sourceSetRestriction: Set? = null ) abstract fun T.buildNewLine() abstract fun T.buildResource(node: ContentEmbeddedResource, pageContext: ContentPage) abstract fun T.buildTable( node: ContentTable, pageContext: ContentPage, sourceSetRestriction: Set? = null ) abstract fun T.buildText(textNode: ContentText) abstract fun T.buildNavigation(page: PageNode) abstract fun buildPage(page: ContentPage, content: (T, ContentPage) -> Unit): String abstract fun buildError(node: ContentNode) open fun T.buildPlatformDependent( content: PlatformHintedContent, pageContext: ContentPage, sourceSetRestriction: Set? ) = buildContentNode(content.inner, pageContext) open fun T.buildGroup( node: ContentGroup, pageContext: ContentPage, sourceSetRestriction: Set? = null ) = wrapGroup(node, pageContext) { node.children.forEach {, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) } } open fun T.buildDivergent(node: ContentDivergentGroup, pageContext: ContentPage) = node.children.forEach {, pageContext) } open fun T.wrapGroup(node: ContentGroup, pageContext: ContentPage, childrenCallback: T.() -> Unit) = childrenCallback() open fun T.buildText( nodes: List, pageContext: ContentPage, sourceSetRestriction: Set? = null ) { nodes.forEach {, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) } } open fun T.buildCodeBlock(code: ContentCodeBlock, pageContext: ContentPage) { code.children.forEach {, pageContext) } } open fun T.buildCodeInline(code: ContentCodeInline, pageContext: ContentPage) { code.children.forEach {, pageContext) } } open fun T.buildHeader( node: ContentHeader, pageContext: ContentPage, sourceSetRestriction: Set? = null ) { buildHeader(node.level, node) { node.children.forEach {, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) } } } open fun builder: T, pageContext: ContentPage, sourceSetRestriction: Set? = null ) = builder.buildContentNode(this, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) open fun T.buildContentNode( node: ContentNode, pageContext: ContentPage, sourceSetRestriction: Set? = null ) { if (sourceSetRestriction == null || node.sourceSets.any { it in sourceSetRestriction }) { when (node) { is ContentText -> buildText(node) is ContentHeader -> buildHeader(node, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) is ContentCodeBlock -> buildCodeBlock(node, pageContext) is ContentCodeInline -> buildCodeInline(node, pageContext) is ContentDRILink -> buildDRILink(node, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) is ContentResolvedLink -> buildResolvedLink(node, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) is ContentEmbeddedResource -> buildResource(node, pageContext) is ContentList -> buildList(node, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) is ContentTable -> buildTable(node, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) is ContentGroup -> buildGroup(node, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) is ContentBreakLine -> buildNewLine() is PlatformHintedContent -> buildPlatformDependent(node, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) is ContentDivergentGroup -> buildDivergent(node, pageContext) is ContentDivergentInstance -> buildDivergentInstance(node, pageContext) else -> buildError(node) } } } open fun T.buildDRILink( node: ContentDRILink, pageContext: ContentPage, sourceSetRestriction: Set? ) { locationProvider.resolve(node.address, node.sourceSets, pageContext)?.let { address -> buildLink(address) { buildText(node.children, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) } } ?: buildText(node.children, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) } open fun T.buildResolvedLink( node: ContentResolvedLink, pageContext: ContentPage, sourceSetRestriction: Set? ) { buildLink(node.address) { buildText(node.children, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) } } open fun T.buildDivergentInstance(node: ContentDivergentInstance, pageContext: ContentPage) { node.before?.build(this, pageContext), pageContext) node.after?.build(this, pageContext) } open fun buildPageContent(context: T, page: ContentPage) { context.buildNavigation(page), page) } open suspend fun renderPage(page: PageNode) { val path by lazy { locationProvider.resolve(page, skipExtension = true) ?: throw DokkaException("Cannot resolve path for ${}") } when (page) { is ContentPage -> outputWriter.write(path, buildPage(page) { c, p -> buildPageContent(c, p) }, ".html") is RendererSpecificPage -> when (val strategy = page.strategy) { is RenderingStrategy.Copy -> outputWriter.writeResources(strategy.from, path) is RenderingStrategy.Write -> outputWriter.write(path, strategy.text, "") is RenderingStrategy.Callback -> outputWriter.write(path, strategy.instructions(this, page), ".html") RenderingStrategy.DoNothing -> Unit } else -> throw AssertionError( "Page ${} cannot be rendered by renderer as it is not renderer specific nor contains content" ) } } private suspend fun renderPages(root: PageNode) { coroutineScope { renderPage(root) root.children.forEach { launch { renderPages(it) } } } } override fun render(root: RootPageNode) { val newRoot = preprocessors.fold(root) { acc, t -> t(acc) } locationProvider = context.plugin().querySingle { locationProviderFactory }.getLocationProvider(newRoot) runBlocking(Dispatchers.Default) { renderPages(newRoot) } } protected fun ContentDivergentGroup.groupDivergentInstances( pageContext: ContentPage, beforeTransformer: (ContentDivergentInstance, ContentPage, DisplaySourceSet) -> String, afterTransformer: (ContentDivergentInstance, ContentPage, DisplaySourceSet) -> String ): Map> = children.flatMap { instance -> { sourceSet -> Pair(instance, sourceSet) to Pair( beforeTransformer(instance, pageContext, sourceSet), afterTransformer(instance, pageContext, sourceSet) ) } }.groupBy( Pair::second, Pair::first ) } internal typealias SerializedBeforeAndAfter = Pair internal typealias InstanceWithSource = Pair fun ContentPage.sourceSets() = this.content.sourceSets