package org.jetbrains.dokka.base.renderers.html import kotlinx.html.* import import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaSourceSetID import org.jetbrains.dokka.Platform import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.DokkaBase import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.renderers.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.renderers.html.command.consumers.ImmediateResolutionTagConsumer import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.renderers.html.innerTemplating.DefaultTemplateModelFactory import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.renderers.html.innerTemplating.DefaultTemplateModelMerger import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.renderers.html.innerTemplating.DokkaTemplateTypes import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.renderers.html.innerTemplating.HtmlTemplater import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.resolvers.anchors.SymbolAnchorHint import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.resolvers.local.DokkaBaseLocationProvider import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.templating.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.links.DRI import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.* import import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.HtmlContent import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.utilities.htmlEscape import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addIfNotNull internal const val TEMPLATE_REPLACEMENT: String = "###" open class HtmlRenderer( context: DokkaContext ) : DefaultRenderer<FlowContent>(context) { private val sourceSetDependencyMap: Map<DokkaSourceSetID, List<DokkaSourceSetID>> = context.configuration.sourceSets.associate { sourceSet -> sourceSet.sourceSetID to context.configuration.sourceSets .map { it.sourceSetID } .filter { it in sourceSet.dependentSourceSets } } private val templateModelFactories = listOf(DefaultTemplateModelFactory(context)) // TODO: Make extension point private val templateModelMerger = DefaultTemplateModelMerger() private val templater = HtmlTemplater(context).apply { setupSharedModel(templateModelMerger.invoke(templateModelFactories) { buildSharedModel() }) } private var shouldRenderSourceSetBubbles: Boolean = false override val preprocessors = context.plugin<DokkaBase>().query { htmlPreprocessors } private val tabSortingStrategy = context.plugin<DokkaBase>().querySingle { tabSortingStrategy } private fun <R> TagConsumer<R>.prepareForTemplates() = if (context.configuration.delayTemplateSubstitution || this is ImmediateResolutionTagConsumer) this else ImmediateResolutionTagConsumer(this, context) private fun <T : ContentNode> sortTabs(strategy: TabSortingStrategy, tabs: Collection<T>): List<T> { val sorted = strategy.sort(tabs) if (sorted.size != tabs.size) context.logger.warn("Tab sorting strategy has changed number of tabs from ${tabs.size} to ${sorted.size}") return sorted } override fun FlowContent.wrapGroup( node: ContentGroup, pageContext: ContentPage, childrenCallback: FlowContent.() -> Unit ) { val additionalClasses =" ") { it.toString().toLowerCase() } return when { node.hasStyle(ContentStyle.TabbedContent) -> div(additionalClasses) { val secondLevel = node.children.filterIsInstance<ContentComposite>().flatMap { it.children } .filterIsInstance<ContentHeader>().flatMap { it.children }.filterIsInstance<ContentText>() val firstLevel = node.children.filterIsInstance<ContentHeader>().flatMap { it.children } .filterIsInstance<ContentText>() val renderable = sortTabs(tabSortingStrategy, firstLevel.union(secondLevel)) div(classes = "tabs-section") { attributes["tabs-section"] = "tabs-section" renderable.forEachIndexed { index, node -> button(classes = "section-tab") { if (index == 0) attributes["data-active"] = "" attributes["data-togglable"] = node.text text(node.text) } } } div(classes = "tabs-section-body") { childrenCallback() } } node.hasStyle(ContentStyle.WithExtraAttributes) -> div { node.extra.extraHtmlAttributes().forEach { attributes[it.extraKey] = it.extraValue } childrenCallback() } node.dci.kind in setOf(ContentKind.Symbol) -> div("symbol $additionalClasses") { childrenCallback() } node.hasStyle(ContentStyle.KDocTag) -> span("kdoc-tag") { childrenCallback() } node.hasStyle(ContentStyle.Footnote) -> div("footnote") { childrenCallback() } node.hasStyle(TextStyle.BreakableAfter) -> { span { childrenCallback() } wbr { } } node.hasStyle(TextStyle.Breakable) -> { span("breakable-word") { childrenCallback() } } node.hasStyle(TextStyle.Span) -> span { childrenCallback() } node.dci.kind == ContentKind.Symbol -> div("symbol $additionalClasses") { childrenCallback() } node.dci.kind == SymbolContentKind.Parameters -> { span("parameters $additionalClasses") { childrenCallback() } } node.dci.kind == SymbolContentKind.Parameter -> { span("parameter $additionalClasses") { childrenCallback() } } node.hasStyle(TextStyle.InlineComment) -> div("inline-comment") { childrenCallback() } node.dci.kind == ContentKind.BriefComment -> div("brief $additionalClasses") { childrenCallback() } node.dci.kind == ContentKind.Cover -> div("cover $additionalClasses") { //TODO this can be removed childrenCallback() } node.dci.kind == ContentKind.Deprecation -> div("deprecation-content") { childrenCallback() } node.hasStyle(TextStyle.Paragraph) -> p(additionalClasses) { childrenCallback() } node.hasStyle(TextStyle.Block) -> div(additionalClasses) { childrenCallback() } node.hasStyle(TextStyle.Quotation) -> blockQuote(additionalClasses) { childrenCallback() } node.hasStyle(TextStyle.FloatingRight) -> span("clearfix") { span("floating-right") { childrenCallback() } } node.hasStyle(TextStyle.Strikethrough) -> strike { childrenCallback() } node.isAnchorable -> buildAnchor( node.anchor!!, node.anchorLabel!!, node.sourceSetsFilters ) { childrenCallback() } node.extra[InsertTemplateExtra] != null -> node.extra[InsertTemplateExtra]?.let { templateCommand(it.command) } ?: Unit node.hasStyle(ListStyle.DescriptionTerm) -> DT(emptyMap(), consumer).visit { this@wrapGroup.childrenCallback() } node.hasStyle(ListStyle.DescriptionDetails) -> DD(emptyMap(), consumer).visit { this@wrapGroup.childrenCallback() } else -> childrenCallback() } } private fun FlowContent.copyButton() = span(classes = "top-right-position") { span("copy-icon") copiedPopup("Content copied to clipboard", "popup-to-left") } private fun FlowContent.copiedPopup(notificationContent: String, additionalClasses: String = "") = div("copy-popup-wrapper $additionalClasses") { span("copy-popup-icon") span { text(notificationContent) } } override fun FlowContent.buildPlatformDependent( content: PlatformHintedContent, pageContext: ContentPage, sourceSetRestriction: Set<DisplaySourceSet>? ) = buildPlatformDependent( content.sourceSets.filter { sourceSetRestriction == null || it in sourceSetRestriction }.associateWith { setOf(content.inner) }, pageContext, content.extra, ) private fun FlowContent.buildPlatformDependent( nodes: Map<DisplaySourceSet, Collection<ContentNode>>, pageContext: ContentPage, extra: PropertyContainer<ContentNode> = PropertyContainer.empty(), styles: Set<Style> = emptySet(), shouldHaveTabs: Boolean = shouldRenderSourceSetBubbles ) { val contents = contentsForSourceSetDependent(nodes, pageContext) val isOnlyCommonContent = contents.singleOrNull()?.let { (sourceSet, _) -> sourceSet.platform == Platform.common &&"common", ignoreCase = true) && sourceSet.sourceSetIDs.all.all { sourceSetDependencyMap[it]?.isEmpty() == true } } ?: false // little point in rendering a single "common" tab - it can be // assumed that code without any tabs is common by default val renderTabs = shouldHaveTabs && !isOnlyCommonContent val divStyles = "platform-hinted ${styles.joinToString()}" + if (renderTabs) " with-platform-tabs" else "" div(divStyles) { attributes["data-platform-hinted"] = "data-platform-hinted" extra.extraHtmlAttributes().forEach { attributes[it.extraKey] = it.extraValue } if (renderTabs) { div("platform-bookmarks-row") { attributes["data-toggle-list"] = "data-toggle-list" contents.forEachIndexed { index, pair -> button(classes = "platform-bookmark") { attributes["data-filterable-current"] = pair.first.sourceSetIDs.merged.toString() attributes["data-filterable-set"] = pair.first.sourceSetIDs.merged.toString() if (index == 0) attributes["data-active"] = "" attributes["data-toggle"] = pair.first.sourceSetIDs.merged.toString() text( } } } } contents.forEach { consumer.onTagContentUnsafe { +it.second } } } } private fun contentsForSourceSetDependent( nodes: Map<DisplaySourceSet, Collection<ContentNode>>, pageContext: ContentPage, ): List<Pair<DisplaySourceSet, String>> { var counter = 0 return nodes.toList().map { (sourceSet, elements) -> val htmlContent = createHTML(prettyPrint = false).prepareForTemplates().div { elements.forEach { buildContentNode(it, pageContext, sourceSet.toSet()) } }.stripDiv() sourceSet to createHTML(prettyPrint = false).prepareForTemplates() .div(classes = "content sourceset-dependent-content") { if (counter++ == 0) attributes["data-active"] = "" attributes["data-togglable"] = sourceSet.sourceSetIDs.merged.toString() unsafe { +htmlContent } } }.sortedBy { it.first.comparableKey } } override fun FlowContent.buildDivergent(node: ContentDivergentGroup, pageContext: ContentPage) { if (node.implicitlySourceSetHinted) { val groupedInstancesBySourceSet = node.children.flatMap { instance -> { sourceSet -> instance to sourceSet } }.groupBy( Pair<ContentDivergentInstance, DisplaySourceSet>::second, Pair<ContentDivergentInstance, DisplaySourceSet>::first ) val nodes = groupedInstancesBySourceSet.mapValues { val distinct = groupDivergentInstancesWithSourceSet(it.value, it.key, pageContext, beforeTransformer = { instance, _, sourceSet -> createHTML(prettyPrint = false).prepareForTemplates().div { instance.before?.let { before -> buildContentNode(before, pageContext, sourceSet) } }.stripDiv() }, afterTransformer = { instance, _, sourceSet -> createHTML(prettyPrint = false).prepareForTemplates().div { instance.after?.let { after -> buildContentNode(after, pageContext, sourceSet) } }.stripDiv() }) val isPageWithOverloadedMembers = pageContext is MemberPage && pageContext.documentables().size > 1 val contentOfSourceSet = mutableListOf<ContentNode>() distinct.onEachIndexed{ index, (_, distinctInstances) -> contentOfSourceSet.addIfNotNull(distinctInstances.firstOrNull()?.before) contentOfSourceSet.addAll( { it.divergent }) contentOfSourceSet.addIfNotNull( distinctInstances.firstOrNull()?.after ?: if (index != distinct.size - 1) ContentBreakLine(it.key) else null ) // content kind main is important for declarations list to avoid double line breaks if (node.dci.kind == ContentKind.Main && index != distinct.size - 1) { if (isPageWithOverloadedMembers) { // add some spacing and distinction between function/property overloads. // not ideal, but there's no other place to modify overloads page atm contentOfSourceSet.add(ContentBreakLine(it.key, style = setOf(HorizontalBreakLineStyle))) } else { contentOfSourceSet.add(ContentBreakLine(it.key)) } } } contentOfSourceSet } buildPlatformDependent(nodes, pageContext) } else { node.children.forEach { buildContentNode(it.divergent, pageContext, it.sourceSets) } } } private fun groupDivergentInstancesWithSourceSet( instances: List<ContentDivergentInstance>, sourceSet: DisplaySourceSet, pageContext: ContentPage, beforeTransformer: (ContentDivergentInstance, ContentPage, DisplaySourceSet) -> String, afterTransformer: (ContentDivergentInstance, ContentPage, DisplaySourceSet) -> String ): Map<SerializedBeforeAndAfter, List<ContentDivergentInstance>> = { instance -> instance to Pair( beforeTransformer(instance, pageContext, sourceSet), afterTransformer(instance, pageContext, sourceSet) ) }.groupBy( Pair<ContentDivergentInstance, SerializedBeforeAndAfter>::second, Pair<ContentDivergentInstance, SerializedBeforeAndAfter>::first ) private fun ContentPage.documentables(): List<Documentable> { return (this as? WithDocumentables)?.documentables ?: emptyList() } override fun FlowContent.buildList( node: ContentList, pageContext: ContentPage, sourceSetRestriction: Set<DisplaySourceSet>? ) = when { node.ordered -> { ol { buildListItems(node.children, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) } } node.hasStyle(ListStyle.DescriptionList) -> { dl { node.children.forEach {, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) } } } else -> { ul { buildListItems(node.children, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) } } } open fun OL.buildListItems( items: List<ContentNode>, pageContext: ContentPage, sourceSetRestriction: Set<DisplaySourceSet>? = null ) { items.forEach { if (it is ContentList) buildList(it, pageContext) else li {, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) } } } open fun UL.buildListItems( items: List<ContentNode>, pageContext: ContentPage, sourceSetRestriction: Set<DisplaySourceSet>? = null ) { items.forEach { if (it is ContentList) buildList(it, pageContext) else li {, pageContext) } } } override fun FlowContent.buildResource( node: ContentEmbeddedResource, pageContext: ContentPage ) = // TODO: extension point there if (node.isImage()) { img(src = node.address, alt = node.altText) } else { println("Unrecognized resource type: $node") } private fun FlowContent.buildRow( node: ContentGroup, pageContext: ContentPage, sourceSetRestriction: Set<DisplaySourceSet>? ) { node.children .filter { sourceSetRestriction == null || it.sourceSets.any { s -> s in sourceSetRestriction } } .takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() } ?.let { when (pageContext) { is MultimoduleRootPage -> buildRowForMultiModule(node, it, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) is ModulePage -> buildRowForModule(node, it, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) else -> buildRowForContent(node, it, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) } } } private fun FlowContent.buildRowForMultiModule( contextNode: ContentGroup, toRender: List<ContentNode>, pageContext: ContentPage, sourceSetRestriction: Set<DisplaySourceSet>? ) { buildAnchor(contextNode) div(classes = "table-row") { div("main-subrow " + = " ")) { buildRowHeaderLink(toRender, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction, contextNode.anchor, "w-100") div { buildRowBriefSectionForDocs(toRender, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) } } } } private fun FlowContent.buildRowForModule( contextNode: ContentGroup, toRender: List<ContentNode>, pageContext: ContentPage, sourceSetRestriction: Set<DisplaySourceSet>? ) { buildAnchor(contextNode) div(classes = "table-row") { addSourceSetFilteringAttributes(contextNode) div { div("main-subrow " + = " ")) { buildRowHeaderLink(toRender, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction, contextNode.anchor) div("pull-right") { if (ContentKind.shouldBePlatformTagged(contextNode.dci.kind)) { createPlatformTags(contextNode, cssClasses = "no-gutters") } } } div { buildRowBriefSectionForDocs(toRender, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) } } } } private fun FlowContent.buildRowForContent( contextNode: ContentGroup, toRender: List<ContentNode>, pageContext: ContentPage, sourceSetRestriction: Set<DisplaySourceSet>? ) { buildAnchor(contextNode) div(classes = "table-row") { addSourceSetFilteringAttributes(contextNode) div("main-subrow keyValue " + = " ")) { buildRowHeaderLink(toRender, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction, contextNode.anchor) div { toRender.filter { it !is ContentLink && !it.hasStyle(ContentStyle.RowTitle) } .takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }?.let { div("title") { it.forEach {, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) } } } } } } } private fun FlowContent.buildRowHeaderLink( toRender: List<ContentNode>, pageContext: ContentPage, sourceSetRestriction: Set<DisplaySourceSet>?, anchorDestination: String?, classes: String = "" ) { toRender.filter { it is ContentLink || it.hasStyle(ContentStyle.RowTitle) }.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }?.let { div(classes) { it.filter { sourceSetRestriction == null || it.sourceSets.any { s -> s in sourceSetRestriction } } .forEach { span("inline-flex") { div {, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) } if (it is ContentLink && !anchorDestination.isNullOrBlank()) { buildAnchorCopyButton(anchorDestination) } } } } } } private fun FlowContent.addSourceSetFilteringAttributes( contextNode: ContentGroup, ) { attributes["data-filterable-current"] = contextNode.sourceSets.joinToString(" ") { it.sourceSetIDs.merged.toString() } attributes["data-filterable-set"] = contextNode.sourceSets.joinToString(" ") { it.sourceSetIDs.merged.toString() } } private fun FlowContent.buildRowBriefSectionForDocs( toRender: List<ContentNode>, pageContext: ContentPage, sourceSetRestriction: Set<DisplaySourceSet>?, ) { toRender.filter { it !is ContentLink }.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }?.let { it.forEach { span(classes = if (it.dci.kind == ContentKind.Comment) "brief-comment" else "") {, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) } } } } private fun FlowContent.createPlatformTagBubbles(sourceSets: List<DisplaySourceSet>, cssClasses: String = "") { if (shouldRenderSourceSetBubbles) { div("platform-tags $cssClasses") { sourceSets.sortedBy { }.forEach { div("platform-tag") { when (it.platform.key) { "common" -> classes = classes + "common-like" "native" -> classes = classes + "native-like" "jvm" -> classes = classes + "jvm-like" "js" -> classes = classes + "js-like" "wasm" -> classes = classes + "wasm-like" } text( } } } } } private fun FlowContent.createPlatformTags( node: ContentNode, sourceSetRestriction: Set<DisplaySourceSet>? = null, cssClasses: String = "" ) { node.takeIf { sourceSetRestriction == null || it.sourceSets.any { s -> s in sourceSetRestriction } }?.let { createPlatformTagBubbles(node.sourceSets.filter { sourceSetRestriction == null || it in sourceSetRestriction }.sortedBy { }, cssClasses) } } override fun FlowContent.buildTable( node: ContentTable, pageContext: ContentPage, sourceSetRestriction: Set<DisplaySourceSet>? ) { when { -> buildDefaultTable(node, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) else -> div(classes = "table") { node.extra.extraHtmlAttributes().forEach { attributes[it.extraKey] = it.extraValue } node.children.forEach { buildRow(it, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) } } } } fun FlowContent.buildDefaultTable( node: ContentTable, pageContext: ContentPage, sourceSetRestriction: Set<DisplaySourceSet>? ) { table { thead { node.header.forEach { tr { it.children.forEach { th {, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) } } } } } tbody { node.children.forEach { tr { it.children.forEach { td {, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) } } } } } } } override fun FlowContent.buildHeader(level: Int, node: ContentHeader, content: FlowContent.() -> Unit) { val classes = { it.toString() }.toLowerCase() when (level) { 1 -> h1(classes = classes, content) 2 -> h2(classes = classes, content) 3 -> h3(classes = classes, content) 4 -> h4(classes = classes, content) 5 -> h5(classes = classes, content) else -> h6(classes = classes, content) } } private fun FlowContent.buildAnchor( anchor: String, anchorLabel: String, sourceSets: String, content: FlowContent.() -> Unit ) { a { attributes["data-name"] = anchor attributes["anchor-label"] = anchorLabel attributes["id"] = anchor attributes["data-filterable-set"] = sourceSets } content() } private fun FlowContent.buildAnchor(anchor: String, anchorLabel: String, sourceSets: String) = buildAnchor(anchor, anchorLabel, sourceSets) {} private fun FlowContent.buildAnchor(node: ContentNode) { node.anchorLabel?.let { label -> buildAnchor(node.anchor!!, label, node.sourceSetsFilters) } } override fun FlowContent.buildNavigation(page: PageNode) = div(classes = "breadcrumbs") { val path = locationProvider.ancestors(page).filterNot { it is RendererSpecificPage }.asReversed() if (path.size > 1) { buildNavigationElement(path.first(), page) path.drop(1).forEach { node -> span(classes = "delimiter") { text("/") } buildNavigationElement(node, page) } } } private fun FlowContent.buildNavigationElement(node: PageNode, page: PageNode) = if (node.isNavigable) { val isCurrentPage = (node == page) if (isCurrentPage) { span(classes = "current") { text( } } else { buildLink(node, page) } } else { text( } private fun FlowContent.buildLink(to: PageNode, from: PageNode) = locationProvider.resolve(to, from)?.let { path -> buildLink(path) { text( } } ?: span { attributes["data-unresolved-link"] = text( } fun FlowContent.buildAnchorCopyButton(pointingTo: String) { span(classes = "anchor-wrapper") { span(classes = "anchor-icon") { attributes["pointing-to"] = pointingTo } copiedPopup("Link copied to clipboard") } } fun FlowContent.buildLink( to: DRI, platforms: List<DisplaySourceSet>, from: PageNode? = null, block: FlowContent.() -> Unit ) = locationProvider.resolve(to, platforms.toSet(), from)?.let { buildLink(it, block) } ?: run { context.logger.error("Cannot resolve path for `$to` from `$from`"); block() } override fun buildError(node: ContentNode) = context.logger.error("Unknown ContentNode type: $node") override fun FlowContent.buildLineBreak() = br() override fun FlowContent.buildLineBreak(node: ContentBreakLine, pageContext: ContentPage) { if ( { hr() } else { buildLineBreak() } } override fun FlowContent.buildLink(address: String, content: FlowContent.() -> Unit) = a(href = address, block = content) override fun FlowContent.buildDRILink( node: ContentDRILink, pageContext: ContentPage, sourceSetRestriction: Set<DisplaySourceSet>? ) = locationProvider.resolve(node.address, node.sourceSets, pageContext)?.let { address -> buildLink(address) { buildText(node.children, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) } } ?: if (isPartial) { templateCommand(ResolveLinkCommand(node.address)) { buildText(node.children, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) } } else { span { attributes["data-unresolved-link"] = node.address.toString().htmlEscape() buildText(node.children, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) } } override fun FlowContent.buildCodeBlock( code: ContentCodeBlock, pageContext: ContentPage ) { div("sample-container") { val codeLang = "lang-" + code.language.ifEmpty { "kotlin" } val stylesWithBlock = + TextStyle.Block + codeLang pre { code(stylesWithBlock.joinToString(" ") { it.toString().toLowerCase() }) { attributes["theme"] = "idea" code.children.forEach { buildContentNode(it, pageContext) } } } /* Disable copy button on samples as: - it is useless - it overflows with playground's run button */ if (! copyButton() } } override fun FlowContent.buildCodeInline( code: ContentCodeInline, pageContext: ContentPage ) { val codeLang = "lang-" + code.language.ifEmpty { "kotlin" } val stylesWithBlock = + codeLang code(stylesWithBlock.joinToString(" ") { it.toString().toLowerCase() }) { code.children.forEach { buildContentNode(it, pageContext) } } } override fun FlowContent.buildText(textNode: ContentText) = buildText(textNode, private fun FlowContent.buildText(textNode: ContentText, unappliedStyles: Set<Style>) { when { textNode.extra[HtmlContent] != null -> { consumer.onTagContentUnsafe { raw(textNode.text) } } unappliedStyles.contains(TextStyle.Indented) -> { consumer.onTagContentEntity(Entities.nbsp) buildText(textNode, unappliedStyles - TextStyle.Indented) } unappliedStyles.isNotEmpty() -> { val styleToApply = unappliedStyles.first() applyStyle(styleToApply) { buildText(textNode, unappliedStyles - styleToApply) } } textNode.hasStyle(ContentStyle.RowTitle) || textNode.hasStyle(TextStyle.Cover) -> buildBreakableText(textNode.text) else -> text(textNode.text) } } private inline fun FlowContent.applyStyle(styleToApply: Style, crossinline body: FlowContent.() -> Unit) { when (styleToApply) { TextStyle.Bold -> b { body() } TextStyle.Italic -> i { body() } TextStyle.Strikethrough -> strike { body() } TextStyle.Strong -> strong { body() } TextStyle.Var -> htmlVar { body() } TextStyle.Underlined -> underline { body() } is TokenStyle -> span("token ${styleToApply.prismJsClass()}") { body() } else -> body() } } private fun TokenStyle.prismJsClass(): String = when(this) { // Prism.js parser adds Builtin token instead of Annotation // for some reason, so we also add it for consistency and correct coloring TokenStyle.Annotation -> "annotation builtin" else -> this.toString().toLowerCase() } override fun render(root: RootPageNode) { shouldRenderSourceSetBubbles = shouldRenderSourceSetBubbles(root) super.render(root) } override fun buildPage(page: ContentPage, content: (FlowContent, ContentPage) -> Unit): String = buildHtml(page, page.embeddedResources) { content(this, page) } open fun buildHtml(page: PageNode, resources: List<String>, content: FlowContent.() -> Unit): String = templater.renderFromTemplate(DokkaTemplateTypes.BASE) { val generatedContent = createHTML().div("main-content") { id = "content" (page as? ContentPage)?.let { attributes["pageIds"] = "${context.configuration.moduleName}::${page.pageId}" } content() } templateModelMerger.invoke(templateModelFactories) { buildModel( page, resources, locationProvider, shouldRenderSourceSetBubbles, generatedContent ) } } /** * This is deliberately left open for plugins that have some other pages above ours and would like to link to them * instead of ours when clicking the logo */ open fun FlowContent.clickableLogo(page: PageNode, pathToRoot: String) { if (context.configuration.delayTemplateSubstitution && page is ContentPage) { templateCommand(PathToRootSubstitutionCommand(pattern = "###", default = pathToRoot)) { a { href = "###index.html" templateCommand( ProjectNameSubstitutionCommand( pattern = "@@@", default = context.configuration.moduleName ) ) { span { text("@@@") } } } } } else { a { href = pathToRoot + "index.html" text(context.configuration.moduleName) } } } private val ContentNode.isAnchorable: Boolean get() = anchorLabel != null private val ContentNode.anchorLabel: String? get() = extra[SymbolAnchorHint]?.anchorName private val ContentNode.anchor: String? get() = extra[SymbolAnchorHint]?.contentKind?.let { contentKind -> (locationProvider as DokkaBaseLocationProvider).anchorForDCI(DCI(dci.dri, contentKind), sourceSets) } private val isPartial = context.configuration.delayTemplateSubstitution } fun List<SimpleAttr>.joinAttr() = joinToString(" ") { it.extraKey + "=" + it.extraValue } private fun String.stripDiv() = drop(5).dropLast(6) // TODO: Find a way to do it without arbitrary trims private val PageNode.isNavigable: Boolean get() = this !is RendererSpecificPage || strategy != RenderingStrategy.DoNothing private fun PropertyContainer<ContentNode>.extraHtmlAttributes() = allOfType<SimpleAttr>() private val ContentNode.sourceSetsFilters: String get() = sourceSets.sourceSetIDs.joinToString(" ") { it.toString() } private val DisplaySourceSet.comparableKey get() = sourceSetIDs.merged.let { it.scopeId + it.sourceSetName }