/* * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. */ package org.jetbrains.dokka.base.renderers.html import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.jacksonObjectMapper import org.jetbrains.dokka.Platform import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.renderers.sourceSets import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.templating.AddToSearch import org.jetbrains.dokka.links.DRI import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.DisplaySourceSet import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.dfs import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.withDescendants import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.DokkaContext import org.jetbrains.dokka.transformers.pages.PageTransformer public data class SearchRecord( val name: String, val description: String? = null, val location: String, val searchKeys: List = listOf(name) ) { public companion object } public open class SearchbarDataInstaller( public val context: DokkaContext ) : PageTransformer { public data class DRIWithSourceSets(val dri: DRI, val sourceSet: Set) public data class SignatureWithId(val driWithSourceSets: DRIWithSourceSets, val displayableSignature: String) { public constructor(dri: DRI, page: ContentPage) : this( DRIWithSourceSets(dri, page.sourceSets()), getSymbolSignature(page, dri)?.let { flattenToText(it) } ?: page.name) val id: String get() = with(driWithSourceSets.dri) { listOfNotNull( packageName?.takeIf { it.isNotBlank() }, classNames, callable?.name ).joinToString(".") } } private val mapper = jacksonObjectMapper() public open fun generatePagesList( pages: List, locationResolver: DriResolver ): List = pages.map { pageWithId -> createSearchRecord( name = pageWithId.displayableSignature, description = pageWithId.id, location = resolveLocation(locationResolver, pageWithId.driWithSourceSets).orEmpty(), searchKeys = listOf( pageWithId.id.substringAfterLast("."), pageWithId.displayableSignature, pageWithId.id, ) ) }.sortedWith(compareBy({ it.name }, { it.description })) public open fun createSearchRecord( name: String, description: String?, location: String, searchKeys: List ): SearchRecord = SearchRecord(name, description, location, searchKeys) public open fun processPage(page: PageNode): List = when (page) { is ContentPage -> page.takeIf { page !is ModulePageNode && page !is PackagePageNode }?.dri ?.map { dri -> SignatureWithId(dri, page) }.orEmpty() else -> emptyList() } private fun resolveLocation(locationResolver: DriResolver, driWithSourceSets: DRIWithSourceSets): String? = locationResolver(driWithSourceSets.dri, driWithSourceSets.sourceSet).also { location -> if (location.isNullOrBlank()) context.logger.warn("Cannot resolve path for ${driWithSourceSets.dri}") } override fun invoke(input: RootPageNode): RootPageNode { val signatureWithIds = input.withDescendants().fold(emptyList()) { pageList, page -> pageList + processPage(page) } val page = RendererSpecificResourcePage( name = "scripts/pages.json", children = emptyList(), strategy = RenderingStrategy.DriLocationResolvableWrite { resolver -> val content = signatureWithIds.run { generatePagesList(this, resolver) } if (context.configuration.delayTemplateSubstitution) { mapper.writeValueAsString(AddToSearch(context.configuration.moduleName, content)) } else { mapper.writeValueAsString(content) } }) return input.modified(children = input.children + page) } } private fun getSymbolSignature(page: ContentPage, dri: DRI) = page.content.dfs { it.dci.kind == ContentKind.Symbol && it.dci.dri.contains(dri) } private fun flattenToText(node: ContentNode): String { fun getContentTextNodes(node: ContentNode, sourceSetRestriction: DisplaySourceSet): List = when (node) { is ContentText -> listOf(node) is ContentComposite -> node.children .filter { sourceSetRestriction in it.sourceSets } .flatMap { getContentTextNodes(it, sourceSetRestriction) } .takeIf { node.dci.kind != ContentKind.Annotations && node.dci.kind != ContentKind.Source } .orEmpty() else -> emptyList() } val sourceSetRestriction = node.sourceSets.find { it.platform == Platform.common } ?: node.sourceSets.first() return getContentTextNodes(node, sourceSetRestriction).joinToString("") { it.text } }