/* * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. */ package org.jetbrains.dokka.base.resolvers.local import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.renderers.sourceSets import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.resolvers.anchors.SymbolAnchorHint import org.jetbrains.dokka.links.DRI import org.jetbrains.dokka.links.PointingToDeclaration import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.DokkaContext import java.util.* public open class DokkaLocationProvider( pageGraphRoot: RootPageNode, dokkaContext: DokkaContext, public val extension: String = ".html" ) : DokkaBaseLocationProvider(pageGraphRoot, dokkaContext) { protected open val PAGE_WITH_CHILDREN_SUFFIX: String = "index" protected open val pathsIndex: Map> = IdentityHashMap>().apply { fun registerPath(page: PageNode, prefix: List) { if (page is RootPageNode && page.forceTopLevelName) { put(page, prefix + PAGE_WITH_CHILDREN_SUFFIX) page.children.forEach { registerPath(it, prefix) } } else { val newPrefix = prefix + page.pathName put(page, if (page is ModulePageNode) prefix else newPrefix) page.children.forEach { registerPath(it, newPrefix) } } } put(pageGraphRoot, emptyList()) pageGraphRoot.children.forEach { registerPath(it, emptyList()) } } protected val pagesIndex: Map = pageGraphRoot.withDescendants().filterIsInstance() .flatMap { page -> page.dri.flatMap { dri -> page.sourceSets().ifEmpty { setOf(null) } .map { sourceSet -> DRIWithSourceSets(dri, setOfNotNull(sourceSet)) to page } .let { if (it.size > 1) { it + (DRIWithSourceSets(dri, page.sourceSets()) to page) } else { it } } } } .groupingBy { it.first } .aggregate { key, _, (_, page), first -> if (first) page else throw AssertionError("Multiple pages associated with key: ${key.dri}/${key.sourceSet}") } protected val anchorsIndex: Map = pageGraphRoot.withDescendants().filterIsInstance() .flatMap { page -> page.content.withDescendants() .filter { it.extra[SymbolAnchorHint] != null && it.dci.dri.any() } .flatMap { content -> content.dci.dri.map { dri -> (dri to content.sourceSets) to content.extra[SymbolAnchorHint]?.contentKind!! } } .distinct() .flatMap { (pair, kind) -> val (dri, sourceSets) = pair sourceSets.ifEmpty { setOf(null) }.map { sourceSet -> DRIWithSourceSets(dri, setOfNotNull(sourceSet)) to PageWithKind(page, kind) } } }.toMap() override fun resolve(node: PageNode, context: PageNode?, skipExtension: Boolean): String = pathTo(node, context) + if (!skipExtension) extension else "" override fun resolve(dri: DRI, sourceSets: Set, context: PageNode?): String? = sourceSets.ifEmpty { setOf(null) }.mapNotNull { sourceSet -> val driWithSourceSets = DRIWithSourceSets(dri, setOfNotNull(sourceSet)) getLocalLocation(driWithSourceSets, context) ?: getLocalLocation(driWithSourceSets.copy(dri = dri.copy(target = PointingToDeclaration)), context) // Not found in PageGraph, that means it's an external link ?: getExternalLocation(dri, sourceSets) ?: getExternalLocation(dri.copy(target = PointingToDeclaration), sourceSets) }.distinct().singleOrNull() private fun getLocalLocation(driWithSourceSets: DRIWithSourceSets, context: PageNode?): String? { val (dri, originalSourceSet) = driWithSourceSets val allSourceSets: List> = listOf(originalSourceSet) + originalSourceSet.let { oss -> val ossIds = oss.computeSourceSetIds() dokkaContext.configuration.sourceSets.filter { it.sourceSetID in ossIds } .flatMap { it.dependentSourceSets } .mapNotNull { ssid -> dokkaContext.configuration.sourceSets.find { it.sourceSetID == ssid }?.toDisplaySourceSet() }.map { setOf(it) } } return getLocalPageLink(dri, allSourceSets, context) ?: getLocalAnchor(dri, allSourceSets, context) } private fun getLocalPageLink(dri: DRI, allSourceSets: Iterable>, context: PageNode?) = allSourceSets.mapNotNull { displaySourceSet -> pagesIndex[DRIWithSourceSets(dri, displaySourceSet)] }.firstOrNull()?.let { page -> resolve(page, context) } private fun getLocalAnchor(dri: DRI, allSourceSets: Iterable>, context: PageNode?) = allSourceSets.mapNotNull { displaySourceSet -> anchorsIndex[DRIWithSourceSets(dri, displaySourceSet)]?.let { (page, kind) -> val dci = DCI(setOf(dri), kind) resolve(page, context) + "#" + anchorForDCI(dci, displaySourceSet) } }.firstOrNull() override fun pathToRoot(from: PageNode): String = pathTo(pageGraphRoot, from).removeSuffix(PAGE_WITH_CHILDREN_SUFFIX) override fun ancestors(node: PageNode): List = generateSequence(node) { it.parent() }.toList() protected open fun pathTo(node: PageNode, context: PageNode?): String { fun pathFor(page: PageNode) = pathsIndex[page] ?: throw AssertionError( "${page::class.simpleName}(${page.name}) does not belong to the current page graph so it is impossible to compute its path" ) val nodePath = pathFor(node) val contextPath = context?.let { pathFor(it) }.orEmpty() val endedContextPath = if (context?.isIndexPage() == false) contextPath.toMutableList().also { it.removeLastOrNull() } else contextPath val commonPathElements = nodePath.asSequence().zip(endedContextPath.asSequence()) .takeWhile { (a, b) -> a == b }.count() return (List(endedContextPath.size - commonPathElements) { ".." } + nodePath.drop(commonPathElements) + if (node.isIndexPage()) listOf(PAGE_WITH_CHILDREN_SUFFIX) else emptyList() ).joinToString("/") } private fun PageNode.isIndexPage() = this is ClasslikePageNode || children.isNotEmpty() private fun PageNode.parent() = pageGraphRoot.parentMap[this] private val PageNode.pathName: String get() = if (this is PackagePageNode || this is RendererSpecificResourcePage) name else identifierToFilename(name) protected data class DRIWithSourceSets(val dri: DRI, val sourceSet: Set) protected data class PageWithKind(val page: ContentPage, val kind: Kind) public companion object { public val reservedFilenames: Set = setOf("index", "con", "aux", "lst", "prn", "nul", "eof", "inp", "out") //Taken from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1976007/what-characters-are-forbidden-in-windows-and-linux-directory-names internal val reservedCharacters = setOf('|', '>', '<', '*', ':', '"', '?', '%') public fun identifierToFilename(name: String): String { if (name.isEmpty()) return "--root--" return sanitizeFileName(name, reservedFilenames, reservedCharacters) } } } internal fun sanitizeFileName(name: String, reservedFileNames: Set, reservedCharacters: Set): String { val lowercase = name.replace("[A-Z]".toRegex()) { matchResult -> "-" + matchResult.value.toLowerCase() } val withoutReservedFileNames = if (lowercase in reservedFileNames) "--$lowercase--" else lowercase return reservedCharacters.fold(withoutReservedFileNames) { acc, character -> if (character in acc) acc.replace(character.toString(), "[${character.toInt()}]") else acc } }