package org.jetbrains.dokka.base.signatures import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.translators.documentables.PageContentBuilder import org.jetbrains.dokka.links.DRI import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.* import import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfiguration.DokkaSourceSet import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.signatures.KotlinSignatureUtils.drisOfAllNestedBounds import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.AnnotationTarget interface JvmSignatureUtils { fun PageContentBuilder.DocumentableContentBuilder.annotationsBlock(d: AnnotationTarget) fun PageContentBuilder.DocumentableContentBuilder.annotationsInline(d: AnnotationTarget) fun <T : Documentable> WithExtraProperties<T>.modifiers(): SourceSetDependent<Set<ExtraModifiers>> fun Collection<ExtraModifiers>.toSignatureString(): String = joinToString("") { + " " } fun <T : AnnotationTarget> WithExtraProperties<T>.annotations(): SourceSetDependent<List<Annotations.Annotation>> = extra[Annotations]?.directAnnotations ?: emptyMap() @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") operator fun <T : Iterable<*>> SourceSetDependent<T>.plus(other: SourceSetDependent<T>): SourceSetDependent<T> = LinkedHashMap(this).apply { for ((k, v) in other) { put(k, get(k).let { if (it != null) (it + v) as T else v }) } } fun DProperty.annotations(): SourceSetDependent<List<Annotations.Annotation>> = (extra[Annotations]?.directAnnotations ?: emptyMap()) + (getter?.annotations() ?: emptyMap()).mapValues { { it.copy( scope = Annotations.AnnotationScope.GETTER) } } + (setter?.annotations() ?: emptyMap()).mapValues { { it.copy( scope = Annotations.AnnotationScope.SETTER) } } private fun PageContentBuilder.DocumentableContentBuilder.annotations( d: AnnotationTarget, ignored: Set<Annotations.Annotation>, styles: Set<Style>, operation: PageContentBuilder.DocumentableContentBuilder.(Annotations.Annotation) -> Unit ): Unit = when (d) { is DFunction -> d.annotations() is DProperty -> d.annotations() is DClass -> d.annotations() is DInterface -> d.annotations() is DObject -> d.annotations() is DEnum -> d.annotations() is DAnnotation -> d.annotations() is DTypeParameter -> d.annotations() is DEnumEntry -> d.annotations() is DTypeAlias -> d.annotations() is DParameter -> d.annotations() is TypeParameter -> d.annotations() is GenericTypeConstructor -> d.annotations() is FunctionalTypeConstructor -> d.annotations() is JavaObject -> d.annotations() else -> null }?.let { it.entries.forEach { it.value.filter { it !in ignored && it.mustBeDocumented }.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }?.let { annotations -> group(sourceSets = setOf(it.key), styles = styles, kind = ContentKind.Annotations) { annotations.forEach { operation(it) } } } } } ?: Unit fun PageContentBuilder.DocumentableContentBuilder.toSignatureString( a: Annotations.Annotation, renderAtStrategy: AtStrategy, listBrackets: Pair<Char, Char>, classExtension: String ) { when (renderAtStrategy) { is All, is OnlyOnce -> { when(a.scope) { Annotations.AnnotationScope.GETTER -> text("@get:", styles = mainStyles + TokenStyle.Annotation) Annotations.AnnotationScope.SETTER -> text("@set:", styles = mainStyles + TokenStyle.Annotation) else -> text("@", styles = mainStyles + TokenStyle.Annotation) } link(a.dri.classNames!!, a.dri, styles = mainStyles + TokenStyle.Annotation) } is Never -> link(a.dri.classNames!!, a.dri) } val isNoWrappedBrackets = a.params.entries.isEmpty() && renderAtStrategy is OnlyOnce listParams( a.params.entries, if (isNoWrappedBrackets) null else Pair('(', ')') ) { text(it.key) text(" = ", styles = mainStyles + TokenStyle.Operator) when (renderAtStrategy) { is All -> All is Never, is OnlyOnce -> Never }.let { strategy -> valueToSignature(it.value, strategy, listBrackets, classExtension) } } } private fun PageContentBuilder.DocumentableContentBuilder.valueToSignature( a: AnnotationParameterValue, renderAtStrategy: AtStrategy, listBrackets: Pair<Char, Char>, classExtension: String ): Unit = when (a) { is AnnotationValue -> toSignatureString(a.annotation, renderAtStrategy, listBrackets, classExtension) is ArrayValue -> { listParams(a.value, listBrackets) { valueToSignature(it, renderAtStrategy, listBrackets, classExtension) } } is EnumValue -> link(a.enumName, a.enumDri) is ClassValue -> link(a.className + classExtension, a.classDRI) is StringValue -> group(styles = setOf(TextStyle.Breakable)) { stringLiteral( "\"${a.text()}\"") } is BooleanValue -> group(styles = setOf(TextStyle.Breakable)) { booleanLiteral(a.value) } is LiteralValue -> group(styles = setOf(TextStyle.Breakable)) { constant(a.text()) } } private fun<T> PageContentBuilder.DocumentableContentBuilder.listParams( params: Collection<T>, listBrackets: Pair<Char, Char>?, outFn: PageContentBuilder.DocumentableContentBuilder.(T) -> Unit ) { listBrackets?.let{ punctuation(it.first.toString()) } params.forEachIndexed { i, it -> group(styles = setOf(TextStyle.BreakableAfter)) { this.outFn(it) if (i != params.size - 1) punctuation(", ") } } listBrackets?.let{ punctuation(it.second.toString()) } } fun PageContentBuilder.DocumentableContentBuilder.annotationsBlockWithIgnored( d: AnnotationTarget, ignored: Set<Annotations.Annotation>, renderAtStrategy: AtStrategy, listBrackets: Pair<Char, Char>, classExtension: String ) { annotations(d, ignored, setOf(TextStyle.Block)) { group { toSignatureString(it, renderAtStrategy, listBrackets, classExtension) } } } fun PageContentBuilder.DocumentableContentBuilder.annotationsInlineWithIgnored( d: AnnotationTarget, ignored: Set<Annotations.Annotation>, renderAtStrategy: AtStrategy, listBrackets: Pair<Char, Char>, classExtension: String ) { annotations(d, ignored, setOf(TextStyle.Span)) { toSignatureString(it, renderAtStrategy, listBrackets, classExtension) text(Typography.nbsp.toString()) } } fun <T : Documentable> WithExtraProperties<T>.stylesIfDeprecated(sourceSetData: DokkaSourceSet): Set<TextStyle> { val directAnnotations = extra[Annotations]?.directAnnotations?.get(sourceSetData) ?: emptyList() val hasAnyDeprecatedAnnotation = directAnnotations.any { it.dri == DRI("kotlin", "Deprecated") || it.dri == DRI("java.lang", "Deprecated") } return if (hasAnyDeprecatedAnnotation) setOf(TextStyle.Strikethrough) else emptySet() } infix fun DFunction.uses(typeParameter: DTypeParameter): Boolean { val parameterDris = parameters.flatMap { listOf(it.dri) + it.type.drisOfAllNestedBounds } val receiverDris = listOfNotNull( receiver?.dri, *receiver?.type?.drisOfAllNestedBounds?.toTypedArray() ?: emptyArray() ) val allDris = parameterDris + receiverDris return typeParameter.dri in allDris } /** * Builds a distinguishable [function] parameters block, so that it * can be processed or custom rendered down the road. * * Resulting structure: * ``` * SymbolContentKind.Parameters(style = wrapped) { * SymbolContentKind.Parameter(style = indented) { param, } * SymbolContentKind.Parameter(style = indented) { param, } * SymbolContentKind.Parameter(style = indented) { param } * } * ``` * Wrapping and indentation of parameters is applied conditionally, see [shouldWrapParams] */ fun PageContentBuilder.DocumentableContentBuilder.parametersBlock( function: DFunction, paramBuilder: PageContentBuilder.DocumentableContentBuilder.(DParameter) -> Unit ) { val shouldWrap = function.shouldWrapParams() val parametersStyle = if (shouldWrap) setOf(ContentStyle.Wrapped) else emptySet() val elementStyle = if (shouldWrap) setOf(ContentStyle.Indented) else emptySet() group(kind = SymbolContentKind.Parameters, styles = parametersStyle) { function.parameters.dropLast(1).forEach { group(kind = SymbolContentKind.Parameter, styles = elementStyle) { paramBuilder(it) punctuation(", ") } } group(kind = SymbolContentKind.Parameter, styles = elementStyle) { paramBuilder(function.parameters.last()) } } } /** * Determines whether parameters in a function (including constructor) should be wrapped * * Without wrapping: * ``` * class SimpleClass(foo: String, bar: String) {} * ``` * With wrapping: * ``` * class SimpleClass( * foo: String, * bar: String, * baz: String * ) * ``` */ private fun DFunction.shouldWrapParams() = this.parameters.size >= 3 } sealed class AtStrategy object All : AtStrategy() object OnlyOnce : AtStrategy() object Never : AtStrategy()