package org.jetbrains.dokka.base.transformers.documentables import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.* import import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.PlatformData import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.DokkaContext import org.jetbrains.dokka.transformers.documentation.DocumentableMerger import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addToStdlib.firstNotNullResult internal object DefaultDocumentableMerger : DocumentableMerger { override fun invoke(modules: Collection, context: DokkaContext): DModule { val projectName = modules.fold(modules.first().name) { acc, module -> acc.commonPrefixWith( } .takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() } ?: "project" return modules.reduce { left, right -> val list = listOf(left, right) DModule( name = projectName, packages = merge( list.flatMap { it.packages }, DPackage::mergeWith ), documentation = list.platformDependentFor { documentation }, platformData = list.flatMap { it.platformData }.distinct() ).mergeExtras(left, right) } } } private fun merge(elements: List, reducer: (T, T) -> T): List = elements.groupingBy { it.dri } .reduce { _, left, right -> reducer(left, right) } .values.toList() private fun Iterable.platformDependentFor( selector: D.() -> PlatformDependent ): PlatformDependent { val actuals = map { it.selector().map } .flatMap { it.entries } .associate { (k, v) -> k to v } val expected = firstNotNullResult { it.selector().expect } return PlatformDependent(actuals, expected) } private fun PlatformDependent.mergeWith(other: PlatformDependent) = PlatformDependent( map = this + other, expect = expect ?: other.expect ) private fun mergeExpectActual( elements: List, reducer: (T, T) -> T, platformSetter: T.(List) -> T ): List where T : Documentable, T : WithExpectActual { fun findExpect(actual: T, expects: List): Expect = expects.find { it.platformData.containsAll(actual.platformData) }.let { Expect.from(it) } fun reduceExpectActual(entry: Map.Entry, List>): List = when (val expect = entry.key) { Expect.NotFound -> entry.value is Expect.Found -> } fun analyzeExpectActual(sameDriElements: List): List { val pathGrouped: Collection = mutableMapOf, T>().apply { sameDriElements.forEach { documentable -> val paths = { it.path }.toSet() val key = keys.find { it.containsAll(paths) } if (key == null) { put(paths, documentable) } else { computeIfPresent(key) { _, old -> reducer(old, documentable) } } } }.values val (expect, actual) = pathGrouped.partition { it.sources.expect != null } val mergedExpect = expect.groupBy { it.sources.expect?.path } { e -> e.first().platformSetter(e.flatMap { it.platformData }.distinct()) } val groupExpectActual = actual.groupBy { findExpect(it, mergedExpect) } val pathsToExpects: Set = groupExpectActual.keys.filterIsInstance>() .mapNotNull { it.expect.sources.expect?.path }.toSet() return groupExpectActual.flatMap { reduceExpectActual(it) } + expect.filterNot { it.sources.expect?.path in pathsToExpects } } return elements.groupBy { it.dri }.values.flatMap(::analyzeExpectActual) } private sealed class Expect { object NotFound : Expect() data class Found(val expect: T) : Expect() companion object { fun from(t: T?) = t?.let(::Found) ?: NotFound } } fun DPackage.mergeWith(other: DPackage): DPackage = copy( functions = mergeExpectActual(functions + other.functions, DFunction::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) }, properties = mergeExpectActual(properties +, DProperty::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) }, classlikes = mergeExpectActual(classlikes + other.classlikes, DClasslike::mergeWith, DClasslike::setPlatformData), documentation = documentation.mergeWith(other.documentation), typealiases = merge(typealiases + other.typealiases, DTypeAlias::mergeWith), platformData = (platformData + other.platformData).distinct() ).mergeExtras(this, other) fun DFunction.mergeWith(other: DFunction): DFunction = copy( parameters = merge(this.parameters + other.parameters, DParameter::mergeWith), receiver = receiver?.let { r -> other.receiver?.let { r.mergeWith(it) } ?: r } ?: other.receiver, documentation = documentation.mergeWith(other.documentation), sources = sources.mergeWith(other.sources), visibility = visibility.mergeWith(other.visibility), modifier = modifier.mergeWith(other.modifier), platformData = (platformData + other.platformData).distinct(), generics = merge(generics + other.generics, DTypeParameter::mergeWith) ).mergeExtras(this, other) fun DProperty.mergeWith(other: DProperty): DProperty = copy( receiver = receiver?.let { r -> other.receiver?.let { r.mergeWith(it) } ?: r } ?: other.receiver, documentation = documentation.mergeWith(other.documentation), sources = sources.mergeWith(other.sources), visibility = visibility.mergeWith(other.visibility), modifier = modifier.mergeWith(other.modifier), platformData = (platformData + other.platformData).distinct(), getter = getter?.let { g -> other.getter?.let { g.mergeWith(it) } ?: g } ?: other.getter, setter = setter?.let { s -> other.setter?.let { s.mergeWith(it) } ?: s } ?: other.setter ).mergeExtras(this, other) fun DClasslike.setPlatformData(platformData: List): DClasslike = when (this) { is DClass -> copy(platformData = platformData) is DEnum -> copy(platformData = platformData) is DInterface -> copy(platformData = platformData) is DObject -> copy(platformData = platformData) else -> throw IllegalStateException("${this::class.qualifiedName} ${} cannot have platform set") } fun DClasslike.mergeWith(other: DClasslike): DClasslike = when { this is DClass && other is DClass -> mergeWith(other) this is DEnum && other is DEnum -> mergeWith(other) this is DInterface && other is DInterface -> mergeWith(other) this is DObject && other is DObject -> mergeWith(other) this is DAnnotation && other is DAnnotation -> mergeWith(other) else -> throw IllegalStateException("${this::class.qualifiedName} ${} cannot be mergesd with ${other::class.qualifiedName} ${}") } fun DClass.mergeWith(other: DClass): DClass = copy( constructors = mergeExpectActual( constructors + other.constructors, DFunction::mergeWith ) { copy(platformData = it) }, functions = mergeExpectActual(functions + other.functions, DFunction::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) }, properties = mergeExpectActual(properties +, DProperty::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) }, classlikes = mergeExpectActual(classlikes + other.classlikes, DClasslike::mergeWith, DClasslike::setPlatformData), companion = companion?.let { c -> other.companion?.let { c.mergeWith(it) } ?: c } ?: other.companion, generics = merge(generics + other.generics, DTypeParameter::mergeWith), modifier = modifier.mergeWith(other.modifier), supertypes = supertypes.mergeWith(other.supertypes), documentation = documentation.mergeWith(other.documentation), sources = sources.mergeWith(other.sources), visibility = visibility.mergeWith(other.visibility), platformData = (platformData + other.platformData).distinct() ).mergeExtras(this, other) fun DEnum.mergeWith(other: DEnum): DEnum = copy( entries = merge(entries + other.entries, DEnumEntry::mergeWith), constructors = mergeExpectActual( constructors + other.constructors, DFunction::mergeWith ) { copy(platformData = it) }, functions = mergeExpectActual(functions + other.functions, DFunction::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) }, properties = mergeExpectActual(properties +, DProperty::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) }, classlikes = mergeExpectActual(classlikes + other.classlikes, DClasslike::mergeWith, DClasslike::setPlatformData), companion = companion?.let { c -> other.companion?.let { c.mergeWith(it) } ?: c } ?: other.companion, supertypes = supertypes.mergeWith(other.supertypes), documentation = documentation.mergeWith(other.documentation), sources = sources.mergeWith(other.sources), visibility = visibility.mergeWith(other.visibility), platformData = (platformData + other.platformData).distinct() ).mergeExtras(this, other) fun DEnumEntry.mergeWith(other: DEnumEntry): DEnumEntry = copy( functions = mergeExpectActual(functions + other.functions, DFunction::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) }, properties = mergeExpectActual(properties +, DProperty::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) }, classlikes = mergeExpectActual(classlikes + other.classlikes, DClasslike::mergeWith, DClasslike::setPlatformData), documentation = documentation.mergeWith(other.documentation), platformData = (platformData + other.platformData).distinct() ).mergeExtras(this, other) fun DObject.mergeWith(other: DObject): DObject = copy( functions = mergeExpectActual(functions + other.functions, DFunction::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) }, properties = mergeExpectActual(properties +, DProperty::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) }, classlikes = mergeExpectActual(classlikes + other.classlikes, DClasslike::mergeWith, DClasslike::setPlatformData), supertypes = supertypes.mergeWith(other.supertypes), documentation = documentation.mergeWith(other.documentation), sources = sources.mergeWith(other.sources), visibility = visibility.mergeWith(other.visibility), platformData = (platformData + other.platformData).distinct() ).mergeExtras(this, other) fun DInterface.mergeWith(other: DInterface): DInterface = copy( functions = mergeExpectActual(functions + other.functions, DFunction::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) }, properties = mergeExpectActual(properties +, DProperty::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) }, classlikes = mergeExpectActual(classlikes + other.classlikes, DClasslike::mergeWith, DClasslike::setPlatformData), companion = companion?.let { c -> other.companion?.let { c.mergeWith(it) } ?: c } ?: other.companion, generics = merge(generics + other.generics, DTypeParameter::mergeWith), supertypes = supertypes.mergeWith(other.supertypes), documentation = documentation.mergeWith(other.documentation), sources = sources.mergeWith(other.sources), visibility = visibility.mergeWith(other.visibility), platformData = (platformData + other.platformData).distinct() ).mergeExtras(this, other) fun DAnnotation.mergeWith(other: DAnnotation): DAnnotation = copy( constructors = mergeExpectActual( constructors + other.constructors, DFunction::mergeWith ) { copy(platformData = it) }, functions = mergeExpectActual(functions + other.functions, DFunction::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) }, properties = mergeExpectActual(properties +, DProperty::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) }, classlikes = mergeExpectActual(classlikes + other.classlikes, DClasslike::mergeWith, DClasslike::setPlatformData), companion = companion?.let { c -> other.companion?.let { c.mergeWith(it) } ?: c } ?: other.companion, documentation = documentation.mergeWith(other.documentation), sources = sources.mergeWith(other.sources), visibility = visibility.mergeWith(other.visibility), platformData = (platformData + other.platformData).distinct() ).mergeExtras(this, other) fun DParameter.mergeWith(other: DParameter): DParameter = copy( documentation = documentation.mergeWith(other.documentation), platformData = (platformData + other.platformData).distinct() ).mergeExtras(this, other) fun DTypeParameter.mergeWith(other: DTypeParameter): DTypeParameter = copy( documentation = documentation.mergeWith(other.documentation), platformData = (platformData + other.platformData).distinct() ).mergeExtras(this, other) fun DTypeAlias.mergeWith(other: DTypeAlias): DTypeAlias = copy( documentation = documentation.mergeWith(other.documentation), underlyingType = underlyingType.mergeWith(other.underlyingType), visibility = visibility.mergeWith(other.visibility), platformData = (platformData + other.platformData).distinct() ).mergeExtras(this, other)