package org.jetbrains.dokka.base.translators.documentables import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.doc.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.withDescendants import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addToStdlib.firstNotNullResult import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addToStdlib.safeAs fun firstParagraphBrief(docTag: DocTag): DocTag? = when(docTag){ is P -> docTag is CustomDocTag -> docTag.children.firstNotNullResult { firstParagraphBrief(it) } is Text -> docTag else -> null } fun firstSentenceBriefFromContentNodes(description: List): List { val firstSentenceRegex = """^((?:[^.?!]|[.!?](?!\s))*[.!?])""".toRegex() //Description that is entirely based on html content. In html it is hard to define a brief so we render all of it if(description.all { it.withDescendants().all { it is ContentGroup || it.safeAs()?.isHtml == true } }){ return description } var sentenceFound = false fun lookthrough(node: ContentNode, neighbours: List, currentIndex: Int): ContentNode = if (node.finishesWithSentenceNotFollowedByHtml(firstSentenceRegex, neighbours, currentIndex) || node.containsSentenceFinish(firstSentenceRegex)) { node as ContentText sentenceFound = true node.copy(text = firstSentenceRegex.find(node.text)?.value.orEmpty()) } else if (node is ContentGroup) { node.copy(children = node.children.mapIndexedNotNull { i, element -> if (!sentenceFound) lookthrough(element, node.children, i) else null }, style = - TextStyle.Paragraph) } else { node } return description.mapIndexedNotNull { i, element -> if (!sentenceFound) lookthrough(element, description, i) else null } } private fun ContentNode.finishesWithSentenceNotFollowedByHtml(firstSentenceRegex: Regex, neighbours: List, currentIndex: Int): Boolean = this is ContentText && !isHtml && matchContainsEnd(this, firstSentenceRegex) && !neighbours.nextElementIsHtml(currentIndex) private fun ContentNode.containsSentenceFinish(firstSentenceRegex: Regex): Boolean = this is ContentText && !isHtml && firstSentenceRegex.containsMatchIn(text) && !matchContainsEnd(this, firstSentenceRegex) private fun matchContainsEnd(node: ContentText, regex: Regex): Boolean = regex.find(node.text)?.let { node.text.endsWith(it.value) } ?: false private fun List.nextElementIsHtml(currentElementIndex: Int): Boolean = currentElementIndex != lastIndex && get(currentElementIndex + 1).isHtml private val ContentNode.isHtml get() = extra[HtmlContent] != null