filteringContext = { dependencies: {}, restrictedDependencies: [], activeFilters: [] } let highlightedAnchor; let topNavbarOffset; let instances = []; let sourcesetNotification; const samplesDarkThemeName = 'darcula' const samplesLightThemeName = 'idea' window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelectorAll("div[data-platform-hinted]") .forEach(elem => elem.addEventListener('click', (event) => togglePlatformDependent(event, elem))) document.querySelectorAll("div[tabs-section]") .forEach(elem => elem.addEventListener('click', (event) => toggleSectionsEventHandler(event))) const filterSection = document.getElementById('filter-section') if (filterSection) { filterSection.addEventListener('click', (event) => filterButtonHandler(event)) initializeFiltering() } initTabs() handleAnchor() initHidingLeftNavigation() topNavbarOffset = document.getElementById('navigation-wrapper') darkModeSwitch() }) const darkModeSwitch = () => { const localStorageKey = "dokka-dark-mode" const storage = localStorage.getItem(localStorageKey) const osDarkSchemePreferred = window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches const darkModeEnabled = storage ? JSON.parse(storage) : osDarkSchemePreferred const element = document.getElementById("theme-toggle-button") initPlayground(darkModeEnabled ? samplesDarkThemeName : samplesLightThemeName) element.addEventListener('click', () => { const enabledClasses = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].classList enabledClasses.toggle("theme-dark") //if previously we had saved dark theme then we set it to light as this is what we save in local storage const darkModeEnabled = enabledClasses.contains("theme-dark") if (darkModeEnabled) { initPlayground(samplesDarkThemeName) } else { initPlayground(samplesLightThemeName) } localStorage.setItem(localStorageKey, JSON.stringify(darkModeEnabled)) }) } const initPlayground = (theme) => { if (!samplesAreEnabled()) return instances.forEach(instance => instance.destroy()) instances = [] // Manually tag code fragments as not processed by playground since we also manually destroy all of its instances document.querySelectorAll('code.runnablesample').forEach(node => { node.removeAttribute("data-kotlin-playground-initialized"); }) KotlinPlayground('code.runnablesample', { getInstance: playgroundInstance => { instances.push(playgroundInstance) }, theme: theme }); } // We check if type is accessible from the current scope to determine if samples script is present // As an alternative we could extract this samples-specific script to new js file but then we would handle dark mode in 2 separate files which is not ideal const samplesAreEnabled = () => { try { KotlinPlayground return true } catch (e) { return false } } const initHidingLeftNavigation = () => { document.getElementById("menu-toggle").onclick = function (event) { //Events need to be prevented from bubbling since they will trigger next handler event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); document.getElementById("leftColumn").classList.toggle("open"); } document.getElementById("main").onclick = () => { document.getElementById("leftColumn").classList.remove("open"); } } // Hash change is needed in order to allow for linking inside the same page with anchors // If this is not present user is forced to refresh the site in order to use an anchor window.onhashchange = handleAnchor function scrollToElementInContent(element) { const scrollToElement = () => document.getElementById('main').scrollTo({ top: element.offsetTop - topNavbarOffset.offsetHeight, behavior: "smooth" }) const waitAndScroll = () => { setTimeout(() => { if (topNavbarOffset) { scrollToElement() } else { waitForScroll() } }, 50) } if (topNavbarOffset) { scrollToElement() } else { waitAndScroll() } } function handleAnchor() { if (highlightedAnchor) { highlightedAnchor.classList.remove('anchor-highlight') highlightedAnchor = null; } let searchForContentTarget = function (element) { if (element && element.hasAttribute) { if (element.hasAttribute("data-togglable")) return element.getAttribute("data-togglable"); else return searchForContentTarget(element.parentNode) } else return null } let findAnyTab = function (target) { let result = null document.querySelectorAll('div[tabs-section] > button[data-togglable]') .forEach(node => { if(node.getAttribute("data-togglable").split(",").includes(target)) { result = node } }) return result } let anchor = window.location.hash if (anchor != "") { anchor = anchor.substring(1) let element = document.querySelector('a[data-name="' + anchor + '"]') if (element) { const content = element.nextElementSibling const contentStyle = window.getComputedStyle(content) if(contentStyle.display == 'none') { let tab = findAnyTab(searchForContentTarget(content)) if (tab) { toggleSections(tab) } } if (content) { content.classList.add('anchor-highlight') highlightedAnchor = content } scrollToElementInContent(element) } } } function initTabs() { document.querySelectorAll("div[tabs-section]") .forEach(element => { showCorrespondingTabBody(element) element.addEventListener('click', (event) => toggleSectionsEventHandler(event)) }) let cached = localStorage.getItem("active-tab") if (cached) { let parsed = JSON.parse(cached) let tab = document.querySelector('div[tabs-section] > button[data-togglable="' + parsed + '"]') if (tab) { toggleSections(tab) } } } function showCorrespondingTabBody(element) { const buttonWithKey = element.querySelector("button[data-active]") if (buttonWithKey) { toggleSections(buttonWithKey) } } function filterButtonHandler(event) { if ( == "BUTTON" &&"data-filter")) { let sourceset ="data-filter") if (filteringContext.activeFilters.indexOf(sourceset) != -1) { filterSourceset(sourceset) } else { unfilterSourceset(sourceset) } } } function initializeFiltering() { filteringContext.dependencies = JSON.parse(sourceset_dependencies) document.querySelectorAll("#filter-section > button") .forEach(p => filteringContext.restrictedDependencies.push(p.getAttribute("data-filter"))) Object.keys(filteringContext.dependencies).forEach(p => { filteringContext.dependencies[p] = filteringContext.dependencies[p] .filter(q => -1 !== filteringContext.restrictedDependencies.indexOf(q)) }) let cached = window.localStorage.getItem('inactive-filters') if (cached) { let parsed = JSON.parse(cached) filteringContext.activeFilters = filteringContext.restrictedDependencies .filter(q => parsed.indexOf(q) == -1) } else { filteringContext.activeFilters = filteringContext.restrictedDependencies } refreshFiltering() } function filterSourceset(sourceset) { filteringContext.activeFilters = filteringContext.activeFilters.filter(p => p != sourceset) refreshFiltering() addSourcesetFilterToCache(sourceset) } function unfilterSourceset(sourceset) { if (filteringContext.activeFilters.length == 0) { filteringContext.activeFilters = filteringContext.dependencies[sourceset].concat([sourceset]) refreshFiltering() filteringContext.dependencies[sourceset].concat([sourceset]).forEach(p => removeSourcesetFilterFromCache(p)) } else { filteringContext.activeFilters.push(sourceset) refreshFiltering() removeSourcesetFilterFromCache(sourceset) } } function addSourcesetFilterToCache(sourceset) { let cached = localStorage.getItem('inactive-filters') if (cached) { let parsed = JSON.parse(cached) localStorage.setItem('inactive-filters', JSON.stringify(parsed.concat([sourceset]))) } else { localStorage.setItem('inactive-filters', JSON.stringify([sourceset])) } } function removeSourcesetFilterFromCache(sourceset) { let cached = localStorage.getItem('inactive-filters') if (cached) { let parsed = JSON.parse(cached) localStorage.setItem('inactive-filters', JSON.stringify(parsed.filter(p => p != sourceset))) } } function toggleSections(target) { const activateTabs = (containerClass) => { for (const element of document.getElementsByClassName(containerClass)) { for (const child of element.children) { if (child.getAttribute("data-togglable") === target.getAttribute("data-togglable")) { child.setAttribute("data-active", "") } else { child.removeAttribute("data-active") } } } } const toggleTargets = target.getAttribute("data-togglable").split(",") const activateTabsBody = (containerClass) => { document.querySelectorAll("." + containerClass + " *[data-togglable]") .forEach(child => { if (toggleTargets.includes(child.getAttribute("data-togglable"))) { child.setAttribute("data-active", "") } else if(!child.classList.contains("sourceset-dependent-content")) { // data-togglable is used to switch source set as well, ignore it child.removeAttribute("data-active") } }) } activateTabs("tabs-section") activateTabsBody("tabs-section-body") } function toggleSectionsEventHandler(evt) { if (!"data-togglable")) return localStorage.setItem('active-tab', JSON.stringify("data-togglable"))) toggleSections( } function togglePlatformDependent(e, container) { let target = if (target.tagName != 'BUTTON') return; let index = target.getAttribute('data-toggle') for (let child of container.children) { if (child.hasAttribute('data-toggle-list')) { for (let bm of child.children) { if (bm == target) { bm.setAttribute('data-active', "") } else if (bm != target) { bm.removeAttribute('data-active') } } } else if (child.getAttribute('data-togglable') == index) { child.setAttribute('data-active', "") } else { child.removeAttribute('data-active') } } } function refreshFiltering() { let sourcesetList = filteringContext.activeFilters document.querySelectorAll("[data-filterable-set]") .forEach( elem => { let platformList = elem.getAttribute("data-filterable-set").split(' ').filter(v => -1 !== sourcesetList.indexOf(v)) elem.setAttribute("data-filterable-current", platformList.join(' ')) } ) refreshFilterButtons() refreshPlatformTabs() refreshNoContentNotification() refreshPlaygroundSamples() } function refreshPlaygroundSamples() { document.querySelectorAll('code.runnablesample').forEach(node => { const playground = node.KotlinPlayground; /* Some samples may be hidden by filter, they have 0px height for visible code area * after rendering. Call this method for re-calculate code area height */ playground && playground.view.codemirror.refresh(); }); } function refreshNoContentNotification() { const element = document.getElementsByClassName("main-content")[0] if(filteringContext.activeFilters.length === 0){ = "none"; const appended = document.createElement("div") appended.className = "filtered-message" appended.innerText = "All documentation is filtered, please adjust your source set filters in top-right corner of the screen" sourcesetNotification = appended element.parentNode.prepend(appended) } else { if(sourcesetNotification) sourcesetNotification.remove() = "block" } } function refreshPlatformTabs() { document.querySelectorAll(".platform-hinted > .platform-bookmarks-row").forEach( p => { let active = false; let firstAvailable = null p.childNodes.forEach( element => { if (element.getAttribute("data-filterable-current") != '') { if (firstAvailable == null) { firstAvailable = element } if (element.hasAttribute("data-active")) { active = true; } } } ) if (active == false && firstAvailable) { } } ) } function refreshFilterButtons() { document.querySelectorAll("#filter-section > button") .forEach(f => { if (filteringContext.activeFilters.indexOf(f.getAttribute("data-filter")) != -1) { f.setAttribute("data-active", "") } else { f.removeAttribute("data-active") } }) }