package content import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.testApi.testRunner.BaseAbstractTest import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.doc.* import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test import kotlin.test.assertEquals import kotlin.test.assertTrue class ContentInDescriptionTest : BaseAbstractTest() { private val configuration = dokkaConfiguration { sourceSets { sourceSet { sourceRoots = listOf("src/") analysisPlatform = "jvm" classpath += jvmStdlibPath!! } } } val expectedDescription = Description( CustomDocTag( listOf( P( listOf( Text("Hello World! Docs with period issue, e.g."), Text(String(Character.toChars(160)), params = mapOf("content-type" to "html")), Text("this.") ) ) ), params = emptyMap(), name = "MARKDOWN_FILE" ) ) @Test fun `nbsp is handled as code in kotlin`() { testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/sample/ParentKt.kt |package sample; |/** | * Hello World! Docs with period issue, e.g. this. | */ |public class ParentKt { |} """.trimIndent(), configuration ) { documentablesMergingStage = { val classlike = it.packages.flatMap { it.classlikes }.find { == "ParentKt" } assertTrue(classlike != null) assertEquals(expectedDescription, classlike.documentation.values.first().children.first()) } } } @Test fun `nbsp is handled as code in java`() { testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/sample/ |package sample; |/** | * Hello World! Docs with period issue, e.g. this. | */ |public class Parent { |} """.trimIndent(), configuration ) { documentablesMergingStage = { val classlike = it.packages.flatMap { it.classlikes }.find { == "Parent" } assertTrue(classlike != null) assertEquals(expectedDescription, classlike.documentation.values.first().children.first()) } } } @Test fun `same documentation in java and kotlin when nbsp is present`() { testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/sample/ |package sample; |/** | * Hello World! Docs with period issue, e.g. this. | */ |public class Parent { |} | |/src/main/kotlin/sample/ParentKt.kt |package sample; |/** | * Hello World! Docs with period issue, e.g. this. | */ |public class ParentKt { |} """.trimIndent(), configuration ) { documentablesMergingStage = { module -> val java = module.packages.flatMap { it.classlikes }.first { == "Parent" } val kotlin = module.packages.flatMap { it.classlikes }.first { == "ParentKt" } assertEquals(java.documentation.values.first(), kotlin.documentation.values.first()) } } } @Test fun `text surrounded by angle brackets is not removed`() { testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/sample/Foo.kt |package sample |/** | * My example `CodeInline<Bar>` | * ``` | * CodeBlock<Bar> | * ``` | */ |class Foo { |} """.trimIndent(), configuration ) { documentablesMergingStage = { module -> val cls = module.packages.flatMap { it.classlikes }.first { == "Foo" } val documentation = cls.documentation.values.first() val docTags = documentation.children.single().root.children assertEquals("CodeInline<Bar>", ((docTags[0].children[1] as CodeInline).children.first() as Text).body) assertEquals("CodeBlock<Bar>", ((docTags[1] as CodeBlock).children.first() as Text).body) } } } }