/* * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. */ package content.annotations import matchers.content.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.testApi.testRunner.BaseAbstractTest import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.utils.firstNotNullOfOrNull import org.jetbrains.dokka.links.DRI import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.ContentPage import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.ContentText import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.MemberPageNode import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.PackagePageNode import utils.ParamAttributes import utils.assertNotNull import utils.bareSignature import utils.propertySignature import utils.JavaCode import kotlin.test.Test import kotlin.test.assertEquals import kotlin.test.assertTrue class ContentForAnnotationsTest : BaseAbstractTest() { private val testConfiguration = dokkaConfiguration { sourceSets { sourceSet { sourceRoots = listOf("src/") analysisPlatform = "jvm" classpath += jvmStdlibPath!! } } } @Test fun `function with documented annotation`() { testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/test/source.kt |package test | |@Target(AnnotationTarget.CLASS, AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION, | AnnotationTarget.VALUE_PARAMETER, AnnotationTarget.EXPRESSION, AnnotationTarget.CONSTRUCTOR, AnnotationTarget.FIELD |) |@Retention(AnnotationRetention.SOURCE) |@MustBeDocumented |annotation class Fancy | | |@Fancy |fun function(@Fancy abc: String): String { | return "Hello, " + abc |} """.trimIndent(), testConfiguration ) { pagesTransformationStage = { module -> val page = module.children.single { it.name == "test" } .children.single { it.name == "function" } as ContentPage page.content.assertNode { group { header(1) { +"function" } } divergentGroup { divergentInstance { divergent { bareSignature( mapOf("Fancy" to emptySet()), "", "", emptySet(), "function", "String", "abc" to ParamAttributes(mapOf("Fancy" to emptySet()), emptySet(), "String") ) } } } } } } } @Test fun `function with undocumented annotation`() { testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/test/source.kt |package test | |@Target(AnnotationTarget.CLASS, AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION, | AnnotationTarget.VALUE_PARAMETER, AnnotationTarget.EXPRESSION, AnnotationTarget.CONSTRUCTOR, AnnotationTarget.FIELD |) |@Retention(AnnotationRetention.SOURCE) |annotation class Fancy | |@Fancy |fun function(@Fancy abc: String): String { | return "Hello, " + abc |} """.trimIndent(), testConfiguration ) { pagesTransformationStage = { module -> val page = module.children.single { it.name == "test" } .children.single { it.name == "function" } as ContentPage page.content.assertNode { group { header(1) { +"function" } } divergentGroup { divergentInstance { divergent { bareSignature( emptyMap(), "", "", emptySet(), "function", "String", "abc" to ParamAttributes(emptyMap(), emptySet(), "String") ) } } } } } } } @Test fun `property with undocumented annotation`() { testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/test/source.kt |package test | |@Suppress |val property: Int = 6 """.trimIndent(), testConfiguration ) { pagesTransformationStage = { module -> val page = module.children.single { it.name == "test" } as PackagePageNode page.content.assertNode { propertySignature(emptyMap(), "", "", emptySet(), "val", "property", "Int", "6") } } } } @Test fun `property with documented annotation`() { testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/test/source.kt |package test | |@MustBeDocumented |annotation class Fancy | |@Fancy |val property: Int = 6 """.trimIndent(), testConfiguration ) { pagesTransformationStage = { module -> val page = module.children.single { it.name == "test" } as PackagePageNode page.content.assertNode { propertySignature(mapOf("Fancy" to emptySet()), "", "", emptySet(), "val", "property", "Int", "6") } } } } @Test fun `rich documented annotation`() { testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/test/source.kt |package test | |@MustBeDocumented |@Retention(AnnotationRetention.SOURCE) |@Target(AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY) |annotation class BugReport( | val assignedTo: String = "[none]", | val testCase: KClass = ABC::class, | val status: Status = Status.UNCONFIRMED, | val ref: Reference = Reference(value = 1), | val reportedBy: Array, | val showStopper: Boolean = false | val previousReport: BugReport? |) { | enum class Status { | UNCONFIRMED, CONFIRMED, FIXED, NOTABUG | } | class ABC |} |annotation class Reference(val value: Long) |annotation class ReferenceReal(val value: Double) | | |@BugReport( | assignedTo = "me", | testCase = BugReport.ABC::class, | status = BugReport.Status.FIXED, | ref = Reference(value = 2u), | reportedBy = [Reference(value = 2UL), Reference(value = 4L), | ReferenceReal(value = 4.9), ReferenceReal(value = 2f)], | showStopper = true, | previousReport = null |) |val ltint: Int = 5 """.trimIndent(), testConfiguration ) { documentablesCreationStage = { modules -> fun expectedAnnotationValue(name: String, value: AnnotationParameterValue) = AnnotationValue(Annotations.Annotation( dri = DRI("test", name), params = mapOf("value" to value), scope = Annotations.AnnotationScope.DIRECT, mustBeDocumented = false )) val property = modules.flatMap { it.packages }.flatMap { it.properties }.first() val annotation = property.extra[Annotations]?.let { it.directAnnotations.entries.firstNotNullOfOrNull { (_, annotations) -> annotations.firstOrNull() } } val annotationParams = annotation?.params ?: emptyMap() assertEquals(expectedAnnotationValue("Reference", IntValue(2)), annotationParams["ref"]) val reportedByParam = ArrayValue(listOf( expectedAnnotationValue("Reference", LongValue(2)), expectedAnnotationValue("Reference", LongValue(4)), expectedAnnotationValue("ReferenceReal", DoubleValue(4.9)), expectedAnnotationValue("ReferenceReal", FloatValue(2f)) )) assertEquals(reportedByParam, annotationParams["reportedBy"]) assertEquals(BooleanValue(true), annotationParams["showStopper"]) assertEquals(NullValue, annotationParams["previousReport"]) } pagesTransformationStage = { module -> val page = module.children.single { it.name == "test" } as PackagePageNode page.content.assertNode { propertySignature( mapOf( "BugReport" to setOf( "assignedTo", "testCase", "status", "ref", "reportedBy", "showStopper", "previousReport" ) ), "", "", emptySet(), "val", "ltint", "Int", "5" ) } } } } @Test fun `JvmName for property with setter and getter`() { testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/test/source.kt |package test |@get:JvmName("xd") |@set:JvmName("asd") |var property: String | get() = "" | set(value) {} """.trimIndent(), testConfiguration ) { documentablesCreationStage = { modules -> fun expectedAnnotation(name: String) = Annotations.Annotation( dri = DRI("kotlin.jvm", "JvmName"), params = mapOf("name" to StringValue(name)), scope = Annotations.AnnotationScope.DIRECT, mustBeDocumented = true ) val property = modules.flatMap { it.packages }.flatMap { it.properties }.first() val getterAnnotation = property.getter?.extra?.get(Annotations)?.let { it.directAnnotations.entries.firstNotNullOfOrNull { (_, annotations) -> annotations.firstOrNull() } } val setterAnnotation = property.getter?.extra?.get(Annotations)?.let { it.directAnnotations.entries.firstNotNullOfOrNull { (_, annotations) -> annotations.firstOrNull() } } assertEquals(expectedAnnotation("xd"), getterAnnotation) assertTrue(getterAnnotation?.mustBeDocumented!!) assertEquals(Annotations.AnnotationScope.DIRECT, getterAnnotation.scope) assertEquals(expectedAnnotation("asd"), setterAnnotation) assertTrue(setterAnnotation?.mustBeDocumented!!) assertEquals(Annotations.AnnotationScope.DIRECT, setterAnnotation.scope) } } } @Test fun `annotated bounds in Kotlin`() { testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/test/source.kt |@MustBeDocumented |@Target(AnnotationTarget.TYPE_PARAMETER) |annotation class Hello(val bar: String) |fun foo(arg: String): List = TODO() """.trimIndent(), testConfiguration ) { pagesTransformationStage = { root -> val fooPage = root.dfs { it.name == "foo" } as MemberPageNode fooPage.content.dfs { it is ContentText && it.text == "Hello" }.assertNotNull() } } } @JavaCode @Test fun `annotated bounds in Java`() { testInline( """ |/src/main/java/demo/AnnotationTest.java |package demo; |import java.lang.annotation.*; |import java.util.List; |@Documented |@Target({ElementType.TYPE_USE, ElementType.TYPE}) |@interface Hello { | public String bar() default ""; |} |public class AnnotationTest { | public List foo() { | return null; | } |} """.trimIndent(), testConfiguration ) { pagesTransformationStage = { root -> val fooPage = root.dfs { it.name == "foo" } as MemberPageNode fooPage.content.dfs { it is ContentText && it.text == "Hello" }.assertNotNull() } } } }