package content.annotations import matchers.content.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.testApi.testRunner.BaseAbstractTest import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.transformers.documentables.deprecatedAnnotation import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.transformers.documentables.isDeprecated import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.Documentable import import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.ContentPage import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.ContentStyle import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test import utils.ParamAttributes import utils.bareSignature import utils.pWrapped import kotlin.test.assertEquals import kotlin.test.assertTrue class KotlinDeprecatedTest : BaseAbstractTest() { private val testConfiguration = dokkaConfiguration { sourceSets { sourceSet { sourceRoots = listOf("src/") analysisPlatform = "jvm" } } } @Test @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") fun `should assert util functions for deprecation`() { testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/kotlin/KotlinFile.kt |package kotlin | |@Deprecated( | message = "Fancy message" |) |fun simpleFunction() {} """.trimIndent(), testConfiguration ) { documentablesTransformationStage = { module -> val deprecatedFunction = module.children .single { == "kotlin" }.children .single { == "simpleFunction" } val isDeprecated = (deprecatedFunction as WithExtraProperties).isDeprecated() assertTrue(isDeprecated) val deprecatedAnnotation = (deprecatedFunction as WithExtraProperties).deprecatedAnnotation checkNotNull(deprecatedAnnotation) assertTrue(deprecatedAnnotation.isDeprecated()) assertEquals("kotlin", deprecatedAnnotation.dri.packageName) assertEquals("Deprecated", deprecatedAnnotation.dri.classNames) } } } @Test fun `should change header if deprecation level is not default`() { testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/kotlin/DeprecatedKotlin.kt |package kotlin | |/** | * Average function description | */ |@Deprecated( | message = "Reason for deprecation bla bla", | level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR |) |fun oldLegacyFunction(typedParam: SomeOldType, someLiteral: String): String {} | |fun newShinyFunction(typedParam: SomeOldType, someLiteral: String, newTypedParam: SomeNewType): String {} |class SomeOldType {} |class SomeNewType {} """.trimIndent(), testConfiguration ) { pagesTransformationStage = { module -> val functionWithDeprecatedFunction = module.children .single { == "kotlin" }.children .single { == "oldLegacyFunction" } as ContentPage functionWithDeprecatedFunction.content.assertNode { group { header(1) { +"oldLegacyFunction" } } divergentGroup { divergentInstance { divergent { bareSignature( annotations = emptyMap(), visibility = "", modifier = "", keywords = emptySet(), name = "oldLegacyFunction", returnType = "String", params = arrayOf( "typedParam" to ParamAttributes(emptyMap(), emptySet(), "SomeOldType"), "someLiteral" to ParamAttributes(emptyMap(), emptySet(), "String"), ) ) } after { group { header(3) { +"Deprecated (with error)" } p { +"Reason for deprecation bla bla" } } group { pWrapped("Average function description") } } } } } } } } @Test fun `should display repalceWith param with imports as code blocks`() { testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/kotlin/DeprecatedKotlin.kt |package kotlin | |/** | * Average function description | */ |@Deprecated( | message = "Reason for deprecation bla bla", | replaceWith = ReplaceWith( | "newShinyFunction(typedParam, someLiteral, SomeNewType())", | imports = [ | "com.example.dokka.debug.newShinyFunction", | "com.example.dokka.debug.SomeOldType", | "com.example.dokka.debug.SomeNewType", | ] | ), |) |fun oldLegacyFunction(typedParam: SomeOldType, someLiteral: String): String {} | |fun newShinyFunction(typedParam: SomeOldType, someLiteral: String, newTypedParam: SomeNewType): String {} |class SomeOldType {} |class SomeNewType {} """.trimIndent(), testConfiguration ) { pagesTransformationStage = { module -> val functionWithDeprecatedFunction = module.children .single { == "kotlin" }.children .single { == "oldLegacyFunction" } as ContentPage functionWithDeprecatedFunction.content.assertNode { group { header(1) { +"oldLegacyFunction" } } divergentGroup { divergentInstance { divergent { bareSignature( annotations = emptyMap(), visibility = "", modifier = "", keywords = emptySet(), name = "oldLegacyFunction", returnType = "String", params = arrayOf( "typedParam" to ParamAttributes(emptyMap(), emptySet(), "SomeOldType"), "someLiteral" to ParamAttributes(emptyMap(), emptySet(), "String"), ) ) } after { group { header(3) { +"Deprecated" } p { +"Reason for deprecation bla bla" } header(4) { +"Replace with" } codeBlock { +"import com.example.dokka.debug.newShinyFunction" br() +"import com.example.dokka.debug.SomeOldType" br() +"import com.example.dokka.debug.SomeNewType" br() } codeBlock { +"newShinyFunction(typedParam, someLiteral, SomeNewType())" } } group { pWrapped("Average function description") } } } } } } } } @Test fun `should add footnote for DeprecatedSinceKotlin annotation`() { testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/kotlin/DeprecatedKotlin.kt |package kotlin | |/** | * Average function description | */ |@DeprecatedSinceKotlin( | warningSince = "1.4", | errorSince = "1.5", | hiddenSince = "1.6" |) |@Deprecated( | message = "Deprecation reason bla bla" |) |fun oldLegacyFunction(typedParam: SomeOldType, someLiteral: String): String {} | |fun newShinyFunction(typedParam: SomeOldType, someLiteral: String, newTypedParam: SomeNewType): String {} |class SomeOldType {} |class SomeNewType {} """.trimIndent(), testConfiguration ) { pagesTransformationStage = { module -> val functionWithDeprecatedFunction = module.children .single { == "kotlin" }.children .single { == "oldLegacyFunction" } as ContentPage functionWithDeprecatedFunction.content.assertNode { group { header(1) { +"oldLegacyFunction" } } divergentGroup { divergentInstance { divergent { bareSignature( annotations = emptyMap(), visibility = "", modifier = "", keywords = emptySet(), name = "oldLegacyFunction", returnType = "String", params = arrayOf( "typedParam" to ParamAttributes(emptyMap(), emptySet(), "SomeOldType"), "someLiteral" to ParamAttributes(emptyMap(), emptySet(), "String"), ) ) } after { group { header(3) { +"Deprecated" } group { check { assertEquals(ContentStyle.Footnote, } p { +"Warning since 1.4" } p { +"Error since 1.5" } p { +"Hidden since 1.6" } } p { +"Deprecation reason bla bla" } } group { pWrapped("Average function description") } } } } } } } } @Test fun `should generate deprecation block with all parameters present and long description`() { testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/kotlin/DeprecatedKotlin.kt |package kotlin | |/** | * Average function description | */ |@Deprecated( | message = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas vel vulputate risus. " + | "Etiam dictum odio vel vulputate auctor.Nulla facilisi. Duis ullamcorper ullamcorper lectus " + | "nec rutrum. Quisque eu risus eu purus bibendum ultricies. Maecenas tincidunt dui in sodales " + | "faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin id sem felis. " + | "Praesent et libero lacinia, egestas libero in, ultrices lectus. Suspendisse eget volutpat " + | "velit. Phasellus laoreet mi eu egestas mattis.", | replaceWith = ReplaceWith( | "newShinyFunction(typedParam, someLiteral, SomeNewType())", | imports = [ | "com.example.dokka.debug.newShinyFunction", | "com.example.dokka.debug.SomeOldType", | "com.example.dokka.debug.SomeNewType", | ] | ), | level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR |) |fun oldLegacyFunction(typedParam: SomeOldType, someLiteral: String): String {} | |fun newShinyFunction(typedParam: SomeOldType, someLiteral: String, newTypedParam: SomeNewType): String {} |class SomeOldType {} |class SomeNewType {} """.trimIndent(), testConfiguration ) { pagesTransformationStage = { module -> val functionWithDeprecatedFunction = module.children .single { == "kotlin" }.children .single { == "oldLegacyFunction" } as ContentPage functionWithDeprecatedFunction.content.assertNode { group { header(1) { +"oldLegacyFunction" } } divergentGroup { divergentInstance { divergent { bareSignature( annotations = emptyMap(), visibility = "", modifier = "", keywords = emptySet(), name = "oldLegacyFunction", returnType = "String", params = arrayOf( "typedParam" to ParamAttributes(emptyMap(), emptySet(), "SomeOldType"), "someLiteral" to ParamAttributes(emptyMap(), emptySet(), "String"), ) ) } after { group { header(3) { +"Deprecated (with error)" } p { +("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. " + "Maecenas vel vulputate risus. Etiam dictum odio vel " + "vulputate auctor.Nulla facilisi. Duis ullamcorper " + "ullamcorper lectus nec rutrum. Quisque eu risus eu " + "purus bibendum ultricies. Maecenas tincidunt dui in sodales faucibus. " + "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. " + "Proin id sem felis. Praesent et libero lacinia, egestas " + "libero in, ultrices lectus. Suspendisse eget volutpat velit. " + "Phasellus laoreet mi eu egestas mattis.") } header(4) { +"Replace with" } codeBlock { +"import com.example.dokka.debug.newShinyFunction" br() +"import com.example.dokka.debug.SomeOldType" br() +"import com.example.dokka.debug.SomeNewType" br() } codeBlock { +"newShinyFunction(typedParam, someLiteral, SomeNewType())" } } group { pWrapped("Average function description") } } } } } } } } }