package enums import matchers.content.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.ConstructorValues import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.DEnum import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.dfs import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.testApi.testRunner.BaseAbstractTest import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addToStdlib.firstIsInstance import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.* import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test class EnumsTest : BaseAbstractTest() { @Test fun basicEnum() { val configuration = dokkaConfiguration { sourceSets { sourceSet { sourceRoots = listOf("src/") } } } testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/basic/Test.kt |package enums | |enum class Test { | E1, | E2 |} """.trimMargin(), configuration ) { pagesGenerationStage = { val map = it.getClasslikeToMemberMap() val test = map.filterKeys { == "Test" }.values.firstOrNull() assertTrue(test != null) { "Test not found" } assertTrue(test!!.any { == "E1" } && test.any { == "E2" }) { "Enum entries missing in parent" } } } } @Test fun enumWithCompanion() { val configuration = dokkaConfiguration { sourceSets { sourceSet { sourceRoots = listOf("src/") } } } testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/basic/Test.kt |package enums | |enum class Test { | E1, | E2; | companion object {} |} """.trimMargin(), configuration ) { documentablesTransformationStage = { m -> m.packages.let { p -> assertTrue(p.isNotEmpty(), "Package list cannot be empty") p.first().classlikes.let { c -> assertTrue(c.isNotEmpty(), "Classlikes list cannot be empty") val enum = c.first() as DEnum assertEquals(, "Test") assertEquals(enum.entries.count(), 2) assertNotNull(enum.companion) } } } pagesGenerationStage = { module -> val map = module.getClasslikeToMemberMap() val test = map.filterKeys { == "Test" }.values.firstOrNull() assertNotNull(test, "Test not found") assertTrue(test!!.any { == "E1" } && test.any { == "E2" }) { "Enum entries missing in parent" } } } } @Test fun enumWithConstructor() { val configuration = dokkaConfiguration { sourceSets { sourceSet { sourceRoots = listOf("src/") } } } testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/basic/Test.kt |package enums | | |enum class Test(name: String, index: Int, excluded: Boolean) { | E1("e1", 1, true), | E2("e2", 2, false); |} """.trimMargin(), configuration ) { documentablesTransformationStage = { m -> m.packages.let { p -> p.first().classlikes.let { c -> val enum = c.first() as DEnum val (first, second) = enum.entries.sortedBy { } assertEquals(1, first.extra.allOfType<ConstructorValues>().size) assertEquals(1, second.extra.allOfType<ConstructorValues>().size) assertEquals(listOf("\"e1\"", "1", "true"), first.extra.allOfType<ConstructorValues>().first().values.values.first()) assertEquals(listOf("\"e2\"", "2", "false"), second.extra.allOfType<ConstructorValues>().first().values.values.first()) } } } pagesGenerationStage = { module -> val entryPage = module.dfs { == "E1" } as ClasslikePageNode val signaturePart = (entryPage.content.dfs { it is ContentGroup && it.dci.toString() == "[enums/Test.E1///PointingToDeclaration/][Symbol]" } as ContentGroup) assertEquals("(\"e1\", 1, true)", signaturePart.constructorSignature()) } } } @Test fun enumWithMethods() { val configuration = dokkaConfiguration { sourceSets { sourceSet { sourceRoots = listOf("src/") } } } testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/basic/Test.kt |package enums | | |interface Sample { | fun toBeImplemented(): String |} | |enum class Test: Sample { | E1 { | override fun toBeImplemented(): String = "e1" | } |} """.trimMargin(), configuration ) { documentablesTransformationStage = { m -> m.packages.let { p -> p.first().classlikes.let { c -> val enum = c.first { it is DEnum } as DEnum val first = enum.entries.first() assertEquals(1, first.extra.allOfType<ConstructorValues>().size) assertEquals(emptyList<String>(), first.extra.allOfType<ConstructorValues>().first().values.values.first()) assertNotNull(first.functions.find { == "toBeImplemented" }) } } } } } @Test fun enumWithAnnotationsOnEntries(){ val configuration = dokkaConfiguration { sourceSets { sourceSet { sourceRoots = listOf("src/") } } } testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/basic/Test.kt |package enums | |enum class Test { | /** | Sample docs for E1 | **/ | @SinceKotlin("1.3") // This annotation is transparent due to lack of @MustBeDocumented annotation | E1 |} """.trimMargin(), configuration ) { pagesTransformationStage = { m -> val entryNode = m.children.first { == "enums" }.children.first { == "Test" }.children.firstIsInstance<ClasslikePageNode>() val signature = (entryNode.content as ContentGroup).dfs { it is ContentGroup && it.dci.toString() == "[enums/Test.E1///PointingToDeclaration/][Cover]" } as ContentGroup signature.assertNode { header(1) { +"E1" } platformHinted { group { group { link { +"E1" } +"()" } } group { group { group { +"Sample docs for E1" } } } } } } } } fun RootPageNode.getClasslikeToMemberMap() = this.parentMap.filterValues { it is ClasslikePageNode }.entries.groupBy({ it.value }) { it.key } private fun ContentGroup.constructorSignature(): String = (children.single() as ContentGroup).children.drop(1).joinToString(separator = "") { (it as ContentText).text } }