/* * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. */ package expect import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.testApi.testRunner.BaseAbstractTest import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.Path import java.nio.file.Paths import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import kotlin.test.assertEquals import kotlin.test.assertTrue abstract class AbstractExpectTest( val testDir: Path? = Paths.get("src/test", "resources", "expect"), val formats: List = listOf("html") ) : BaseAbstractTest() { protected fun generateOutput(path: Path, outFormat: String): Path? { val config = dokkaConfiguration { format = outFormat sourceSets { sourceSet { sourceRoots = listOf(path.toAbsolutePath().asString()) } } } var result: Path? = null testFromData(config, cleanupOutput = false) { renderingStage = { _, context -> result = context.configuration.outputDir.toPath() } } return result } protected fun compareOutput(expected: Path, obtained: Path?, gitTimeout: Long = 500) { obtained?.let { path -> val gitCompare = ProcessBuilder( "git", "--no-pager", "diff", expected.asString(), path.asString() ).also { logger.info("git diff command: ${it.command().joinToString(" ")}") } .also { it.redirectErrorStream() }.start() assertTrue(gitCompare.waitFor(gitTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), "Git timed out after $gitTimeout") gitCompare.inputStream.bufferedReader().lines().forEach { logger.info(it) } assertEquals(0, gitCompare.exitValue(), "${path.fileName}: outputs don't match") } ?: throw AssertionError("obtained path is null") } protected fun compareOutputWithExcludes( expected: Path, obtained: Path?, excludes: List, timeout: Long = 500 ) { obtained?.let { _ -> val (res, out, err) = runDiff(expected, obtained, excludes, timeout) assertEquals(0, res, "Outputs differ:\nstdout - $out\n\nstderr - ${err ?: ""}") } ?: throw AssertionError("obtained path is null") } protected fun runDiff(exp: Path, obt: Path, excludes: List, timeout: Long): ProcessResult = ProcessBuilder().command( listOf("diff", "-ru") + excludes.flatMap { listOf("-x", it) } + listOf("--", exp.asString(), obt.asString()) ).also { it.redirectErrorStream() }.start().also { assertTrue(it.waitFor(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), "diff timed out") }.let { ProcessResult(it.exitValue(), it.inputStream.bufferResult()) } protected fun testOutput(p: Path, outFormat: String) { val expectOut = p.resolve("out/$outFormat") val testOut = generateOutput(p.resolve("src"), outFormat) .also { logger.info("Test out: ${it?.asString()}") } compareOutput(expectOut.toAbsolutePath(), testOut?.toAbsolutePath()) testOut?.deleteRecursively() } protected fun testOutputWithExcludes( p: Path, outFormat: String, ignores: List = emptyList(), timeout: Long = 500 ) { val expected = p.resolve("out/$outFormat") generateOutput(p.resolve("src"), outFormat) ?.let { obtained -> compareOutputWithExcludes(expected, obtained, ignores, timeout) obtained.deleteRecursively() } ?: throw AssertionError("Output not generated for ${p.fileName}") } protected fun generateExpect(p: Path, outFormat: String) { val out = p.resolve("out/$outFormat/") Files.createDirectories(out) val ret = generateOutput(p.resolve("src"), outFormat) Files.list(out).forEach { it.deleteRecursively() } ret?.let { Files.list(it).forEach { f -> f.copyRecursively(out.resolve(f.fileName)) } } } }