package expectActuals import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.ClasslikePageNode import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.PageNode import org.jetbrains.dokka.testApi.testRunner.AbstractCoreTest import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue class ExpectActualsTest : AbstractCoreTest() { fun PageNode.childrenRec(): List<PageNode> = listOf(this) + children.flatMap { it.childrenRec() } @Test fun `two same named expect actual classes`() { val configuration = dokkaConfiguration { sourceSets { val common = sourceSet { moduleName = "example" name = "common" displayName = "common" analysisPlatform = "common" sourceRoots = listOf("src/commonMain/kotlin/pageMerger/Test.kt") } val commonJ = sourceSet { moduleName = "example" name = "commonJ" displayName = "commonJ" analysisPlatform = "common" sourceRoots = listOf("src/commonJMain/kotlin/pageMerger/Test.kt") dependentSourceSets = setOf(common.sourceSetID) } val commonN = sourceSet { moduleName = "example" name = "commonN" displayName = "commonN" analysisPlatform = "common" sourceRoots = listOf("src/commonNMain/kotlin/pageMerger/Test.kt") dependentSourceSets = setOf(common.sourceSetID) } val js = sourceSet { moduleName = "example" name = "js" displayName = "js" analysisPlatform = "js" dependentSourceSets = setOf(commonJ.sourceSetID) sourceRoots = listOf("src/jsMain/kotlin/pageMerger/Test.kt") } val jvm = sourceSet { moduleName = "example" name = "jvm" displayName = "jvm" analysisPlatform = "jvm" dependentSourceSets = setOf(commonJ.sourceSetID) sourceRoots = listOf("src/jvmMain/kotlin/pageMerger/Test.kt") } val linuxX64 = sourceSet { moduleName = "example" name = "linuxX64" displayName = "linuxX64" analysisPlatform = "native" dependentSourceSets = setOf(commonN.sourceSetID) sourceRoots = listOf("src/linuxX64Main/kotlin/pageMerger/Test.kt") } val mingwX64 = sourceSet { moduleName = "example" name = "mingwX64" displayName = "mingwX64" analysisPlatform = "native" dependentSourceSets = setOf(commonN.sourceSetID) sourceRoots = listOf("src/mingwX64Main/kotlin/pageMerger/Test.kt") } } } testInline( """ |/src/commonMain/kotlin/pageMerger/Test.kt |package pageMerger | |/src/commonJMain/kotlin/pageMerger/Test.kt |package pageMerger | |expect class A | |/src/commonNMain/kotlin/pageMerger/Test.kt |package pageMerger | |expect class A | |/src/jsMain/kotlin/pageMerger/Test.kt |package pageMerger | |actual class A | |/src/jvmMain/kotlin/pageMerger/Test.kt |package pageMerger | |actual class A | |/src/linuxX64/kotlin/pageMerger/Test.kt |package pageMerger | |actual class A | |/src/mingwX64Main/kotlin/pageMerger/Test.kt |package pageMerger | |actual class A | """.trimMargin(), configuration ) { pagesTransformationStage = { println(it) val allChildren = it.childrenRec().filterIsInstance<ClasslikePageNode>() val jvmClass = allChildren.filter { == "DoNotMerge(jvm)" } val jsClass = allChildren.filter { == "DoNotMerge(js)" } val noClass = allChildren.filter { == "DoNotMerge" } assertTrue(jvmClass.size == 1) { "There can be only one DoNotMerge(jvm) page" } assertTrue(jvmClass.first().documentable?.sourceSets?.single()?.analysisPlatform?.key == "jvm") { "DoNotMerge(jvm) should have only jvm sources" } assertTrue(jsClass.size == 1) { "There can be only one DoNotMerge(js) page" } assertTrue(jsClass.first().documentable?.sourceSets?.single()?.analysisPlatform?.key == "js") { "DoNotMerge(js) should have only js sources" } assertTrue(noClass.isEmpty()) { "There can't be any DoNotMerge page" } } } } }