package model import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfiguration import org.jetbrains.dokka.Platform import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.transformers.documentables.InheritorsInfo import org.jetbrains.dokka.links.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.doc.Param import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.doc.Text import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test import utils.AbstractModelTest import utils.assertNotNull import import kotlin.test.assertEquals import org.jetbrains.dokka.links.Callable as DRICallable class JavaTest : AbstractModelTest("/src/main/kotlin/java/", "java") { val configuration = dokkaConfiguration { sourceSets { sourceSet { sourceRoots = listOf("src/") analysisPlatform = Platform.jvm.toString() classpath += jvmStdlibPath!! documentedVisibilities = setOf( DokkaConfiguration.Visibility.PUBLIC, DokkaConfiguration.Visibility.PRIVATE, DokkaConfiguration.Visibility.PROTECTED, DokkaConfiguration.Visibility.PACKAGE, ) } } } @Test fun function() { inlineModelTest( """ |class Test { | /** | * Summary for Function | * @param name is String parameter | * @param value is int parameter | */ | public void fn(String name, int value) {} |} """, configuration = configuration ) { with((this / "java" / "Test").cast()) { name equals "Test" children counts 1 with((this / "fn").cast()) { name equals "fn" val params = { it.documentation.values.first().children.first() as Param } params.mapNotNull { it.firstMemberOfType()?.body } equals listOf("is String parameter", "is int parameter") } } } } @Test fun allImplementedInterfacesInJava() { inlineModelTest( """ |interface Highest { } |interface Lower extends Highest { } |class Extendable { } |class Tested extends Extendable implements Lower { } """, configuration = configuration){ with((this / "java" / "Tested").cast()){ extra[ImplementedInterfaces]?.interfaces?.entries?.single()?.value?.map { it.dri.sureClassNames }?.sorted() equals listOf("Highest", "Lower").sorted() } } } @Test fun multipleClassInheritanceWithInterface() { inlineModelTest( """ |interface Highest { } |interface Lower extends Highest { } |class Extendable { } |class Tested extends Extendable implements Lower { } """, configuration = configuration){ with((this / "java" / "Tested").cast()) { supertypes.entries.single() { it.typeConstructor.dri.sureClassNames to it.kind }.sortedBy { it.first } equals listOf("Extendable" to JavaClassKindTypes.CLASS, "Lower" to JavaClassKindTypes.INTERFACE) } } } @Test fun superClass() { inlineModelTest( """ |public class Foo extends Exception implements Cloneable {} """, configuration = configuration ) { with((this / "java" / "Foo").cast()) { val sups = listOf("Exception", "Cloneable") assertTrue( sups.all { s -> supertypes.values.flatten().any { it.typeConstructor.dri.classNames == s } }) "Foo must extend ${sups.joinToString(", ")}" } } } @Test fun arrayType() { inlineModelTest( """ |class Test { | public String[] arrayToString(int[] data) { | return null; | } |} """, configuration = configuration ) { with((this / "java" / "Test").cast()) { name equals "Test" children counts 1 with((this / "arrayToString").cast()) { name equals "arrayToString" equals "Array" with(parameters.firstOrNull().assertNotNull("parameters")) { name equals "data" equals "Array" } } } } } @Test fun typeParameter() { inlineModelTest( """ |class Foo> { | public E foo(); |} """, configuration = configuration ) { with((this / "java" / "Foo").cast()) { generics counts 1 } } } @Test fun constructors() { inlineModelTest( """ |class Test { | public Test() {} | | public Test(String s) {} |} """, configuration = configuration ) { with((this / "java" / "Test").cast()) { name equals "Test" constructors counts 2 constructors.forEach { equals "Test" } constructors.find { it.parameters.isNullOrEmpty() }.assertNotNull("Test()") with(constructors.find { it.parameters.isNotEmpty() }.assertNotNull("Test(String)")) { parameters.firstOrNull()?.type?.name equals "String" } } } } @Test fun innerClass() { inlineModelTest( """ |class InnerClass { | public class D {} |} """, configuration = configuration ) { with((this / "java" / "InnerClass").cast()) { children counts 1 with((this / "D").cast()) { name equals "D" children counts 0 } } } } @Test fun varargs() { inlineModelTest( """ |class Foo { | public void bar(String... x); |} """, configuration = configuration ) { with((this / "java" / "Foo").cast()) { name equals "Foo" children counts 1 with((this / "bar").cast()) { name equals "bar" with(parameters.firstOrNull().assertNotNull("parameter")) { name equals "x" equals "Array" } } } } } @Test fun fields() { inlineModelTest( """ |class Test { | public int i; | public static final String s; |} """, configuration = configuration ) { with((this / "java" / "Test").cast()) { children counts 2 with((this / "i").cast()) { getter equals null setter equals null } with((this / "s").cast()) { getter equals null setter equals null } } } } @Test fun staticMethod() { inlineModelTest( """ |class C { | public static void foo() {} |} """, configuration = configuration ) { with((this / "java" / "C" / "foo").cast()) { with(extra[AdditionalModifiers]!!.content.entries.single().value.assertNotNull("AdditionalModifiers")) { this counts 1 first() equals ExtraModifiers.JavaOnlyModifiers.Static } } } } @Test fun throwsList() { inlineModelTest( """ |class C { | public void foo() throws, ArithmeticException {} |} """, configuration = configuration ) { with((this / "java" / "C" / "foo").cast()) { with(extra[CheckedExceptions]?.exceptions?.entries?.single()?.value.assertNotNull("CheckedExceptions")) { this counts 2 first().packageName equals "" first().classNames equals "IOException" get(1).packageName equals "java.lang" get(1).classNames equals "ArithmeticException" } } } } @Test fun annotatedAnnotation() { inlineModelTest( """ |import java.lang.annotation.*; | |@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD}) |public @interface Attribute { | String value() default ""; |} """, configuration = configuration ) { with((this / "java" / "Attribute").cast()) { with(extra[Annotations]!!.directAnnotations.entries.single().value.assertNotNull("Annotations")) { with(single()) { dri.classNames equals "Target" (params["value"].assertNotNull("value") as ArrayValue).value equals listOf( EnumValue("ElementType.FIELD", DRI("java.lang.annotation", "ElementType")), EnumValue("ElementType.TYPE", DRI("java.lang.annotation", "ElementType")), EnumValue("ElementType.METHOD", DRI("java.lang.annotation", "ElementType")) ) } } } } } @Test fun javaLangObject() { inlineModelTest( """ |class Test { | public Object fn() { return null; } |} """, configuration = configuration ) { with((this / "java" / "Test" / "fn").cast()) { assertTrue(type is JavaObject) } } } @Test fun enumValues() { inlineModelTest( """ |enum E { | Foo |} """, configuration = configuration ) { with((this / "java" / "E").cast()) { name equals "E" entries counts 1 functions.sortedBy { }.filter { == "valueOf" || == "values" }.map { it.dri } equals listOf( DRI("java", "E", DRICallable("valueOf", null, listOf(JavaClassReference("java.lang.String"))), PointingToDeclaration), DRI("java", "E", DRICallable("values", null, emptyList()), PointingToDeclaration), ) with((this / "Foo").cast()) { name equals "Foo" } } } } @Test fun inheritorLinks() { inlineModelTest( """ |public class InheritorLinks { | public static class Foo {} | | public static class Bar extends Foo {} |} """, configuration = configuration ) { with((this / "java" / "InheritorLinks").cast()) { val dri = (this / "Bar").assertNotNull("Foo dri").dri with((this / "Foo").cast()) { with(extra[InheritorsInfo].assertNotNull("InheritorsInfo")) { with(value.values.flatten().distinct()) { this counts 1 first() equals dri } } } } } } @Test fun `retention should work with static import`() { inlineModelTest( """ |import java.lang.annotation.Retention; |import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; |import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME; | |@Retention(RUNTIME) |public @interface JsonClass { |}; """, configuration = configuration ) { with((this / "java" / "JsonClass").cast()) { val annotation = extra[Annotations]?.directAnnotations?.entries ?.firstOrNull()?.value //First sourceset ?.firstOrNull() val expectedDri = DRI("java.lang.annotation", "Retention", null, PointingToDeclaration) val expectedParams = "value" to EnumValue( "RUNTIME", DRI( "java.lang.annotation", "RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME", null, PointingToDeclaration, DRIExtraContainer().also { it[EnumEntryDRIExtra] = EnumEntryDRIExtra }.encode() ) ) assertEquals(expectedDri, annotation?.dri) assertEquals(expectedParams.first, annotation?.params?.entries?.first()?.key) assertEquals(expectedParams.second, annotation?.params?.entries?.first()?.value) } } } }