/* * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. */ package model import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.* import utils.AbstractModelTest import utils.assertNotNull import utils.name import kotlin.test.Test class PropertyTest : AbstractModelTest("/src/main/kotlin/property/Test.kt", "property") { @Test fun valueProperty() { inlineModelTest( """ |val property = "test"""" ) { with((this / "property" / "property").cast<DProperty>()) { name equals "property" children counts 0 with(getter.assertNotNull("Getter")) { type.name equals "String" } type.name equals "String" } } } @Test fun variableProperty() { inlineModelTest( """ |var property = "test" """ ) { with((this / "property" / "property").cast<DProperty>()) { name equals "property" children counts 0 setter.assertNotNull("Setter") with(getter.assertNotNull("Getter")) { type.name equals "String" } type.name equals "String" } } } @Test fun valuePropertyWithGetter() { inlineModelTest( """ |val property: String | get() = "test" """ ) { with((this / "property" / "property").cast<DProperty>()) { name equals "property" children counts 0 with(getter.assertNotNull("Getter")) { type.name equals "String" } type.name equals "String" } } } @Test fun variablePropertyWithAccessors() { inlineModelTest( """ |var property: String | get() = "test" | set(value) {} """ ) { with((this / "property" / "property").cast<DProperty>()) { name equals "property" children counts 0 setter.assertNotNull("Setter") with(getter.assertNotNull("Getter")) { type.name equals "String" } visibility.values allEquals KotlinVisibility.Public } } } @Test fun propertyWithReceiver() { inlineModelTest( """ |val String.property: Int | get() = size() * 2 """ ) { with((this / "property" / "property").cast<DProperty>()) { name equals "property" children counts 0 with(receiver.assertNotNull("property receiver")) { name equals null type.name equals "String" } with(getter.assertNotNull("Getter")) { type.name equals "Int" } visibility.values allEquals KotlinVisibility.Public } } } @Test fun propertyOverride() { inlineModelTest( """ |open class Foo() { | open val property: Int get() = 0 |} |class Bar(): Foo() { | override val property: Int get() = 1 |} """ ) { with((this / "property").cast<DPackage>()) { with((this / "Foo" / "property").cast<DProperty>()) { dri.classNames equals "Foo" name equals "property" children counts 0 with(getter.assertNotNull("Getter")) { type.name equals "Int" } } with((this / "Bar" / "property").cast<DProperty>()) { dri.classNames equals "Bar" name equals "property" children counts 0 with(getter.assertNotNull("Getter")) { type.name equals "Int" } } } } } @Test fun propertyInherited() { inlineModelTest( """ |open class Foo() { | open val property: Int get() = 0 |} |class Bar(): Foo() """ ) { with((this / "property").cast<DPackage>()) { with((this / "Bar" / "property").cast<DProperty>()) { dri.classNames equals "Foo" name equals "property" children counts 0 with(getter.assertNotNull("Getter")) { type.name equals "Int" } extra[InheritedMember]?.inheritedFrom?.values?.single()?.run { classNames equals "Foo" callable equals null } } } } } @Test fun sinceKotlin() { inlineModelTest( """ |/** | * Quite useful [String] | */ |@SinceKotlin("1.1") |val prop: String = "1.1 rulezz" """ ) { with((this / "property" / "prop").cast<DProperty>()) { with(extra[Annotations]!!.directAnnotations.entries.single().value.assertNotNull("Annotations")) { this counts 1 with(first()) { dri.classNames equals "SinceKotlin" params.entries counts 1 (params["version"].assertNotNull("version") as StringValue).value equals "1.1" } } } } } @Test fun annotatedProperty() { inlineModelTest( """ |@Strictfp var property = "test" """, configuration = dokkaConfiguration { sourceSets { sourceSet { sourceRoots = listOf("src/") classpath = listOfNotNull(jvmStdlibPath) } } } ) { with((this / "property" / "property").cast<DProperty>()) { with(extra[Annotations]!!.directAnnotations.entries.single().value.assertNotNull("Annotations")) { this counts 1 with(first()) { dri.classNames equals "Strictfp" params.entries counts 0 } } } } } @Test fun genericTopLevelExtensionProperty(){ inlineModelTest( """ | val <T : Number> List<T>.sampleProperty: T | get() { TODO() } """.trimIndent() ){ with((this / "property" / "sampleProperty").cast<DProperty>()) { name equals "sampleProperty" with(receiver.assertNotNull("Property receiver")) { type.name equals "List" } with(getter.assertNotNull("Getter")) { type.name equals "T" } setter equals null generics counts 1 generics.forEach { it.name equals "T" it.bounds.first().name equals "Number" } visibility.values allEquals KotlinVisibility.Public } } } @Test fun genericExtensionPropertyInClass(){ inlineModelTest( """ | package test | class XD<T> { | var List<T>.sampleProperty: T | get() { TODO() } | set(value) { TODO() } | } """.trimIndent() ){ with((this / "property" / "XD" / "sampleProperty").cast<DProperty>()) { name equals "sampleProperty" children counts 0 with(receiver.assertNotNull("Property receiver")) { type.name equals "List" } with(getter.assertNotNull("Getter")) { type.name equals "T" } with(setter.assertNotNull("Setter")){ type.name equals "Unit" } generics counts 0 visibility.values allEquals KotlinVisibility.Public } } } }