/* * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. */ package model.annotations import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.signatures.KotlinSignatureUtils.annotations import org.jetbrains.dokka.links.DRI import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.utilities.cast import utils.AbstractModelTest import kotlin.test.Test import kotlin.test.assertEquals import kotlin.test.assertTrue class JavaAnnotationsForParametersTest : AbstractModelTest("/src/main/kotlin/java/Test.java", "java") { @Test fun `function with deprecated parameter`() { inlineModelTest( """ |public class Test { | public void fn(@Deprecated String name) {} |} """.trimIndent() ) { with((this / "java" / "Test").cast()) { with((this / "fn").cast()) { val dri = parameters.first().extra[Annotations]?.directAnnotations?.flatMap { it.value }?.map { it.dri } assertEquals(listOf(DRI("java.lang", "Deprecated")), dri) } } } } @Test fun `function with parameter that has custom annotation`() { inlineModelTest( """ |@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) |@Target(ElementType.PARAMETER) |public @interface Hello { | public String bar() default ""; |} |public class Test { | public void foo(@Hello(bar = "baz") String arg){ } |} """.trimIndent() ) { with((this / "java" / "Test").cast()) { with((this / "foo").cast()) { val annotations = parameters.first().extra[Annotations]?.directAnnotations?.flatMap { it.value } val driOfHello = DRI("java", "Hello") val annotationsValues = annotations?.flatMap { it.params.values }?.map { it.toString() }?.toList() assertEquals(listOf(driOfHello), annotations?.map { it.dri }) assertEquals(listOf("baz"), annotationsValues) } } } } @Test fun `function with annotated generic parameter`() { inlineModelTest( """ |@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) |@Target(ElementType.TYPE_PARAMETER) |@interface Hello { | public String bar() default ""; |} |public class Test { | public <@Hello(bar = "baz") T> List foo() { | return null; | } |} """.trimIndent() ) { with((this / "java" / "Test").cast()) { with((this / "foo").cast()) { val annotations = generics.first().extra[Annotations]?.directAnnotations?.flatMap { it.value } val driOfHello = DRI("java", "Hello") val annotationsValues = annotations?.flatMap { it.params.values }?.map { it.toString() }?.toList() assertEquals(listOf(driOfHello), annotations?.map { it.dri }) assertEquals(listOf("baz"), annotationsValues) } } } } @Test fun `function with generic parameter that has annotated bounds`() { inlineModelTest( """ |@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) |@Target({ElementType.TYPE_USE}) |@interface Hello { | public String bar() default ""; |} |public class Test { | public List foo() { | return null; | } |} """.trimIndent() ) { with((this / "java" / "Test").cast()) { with((this / "foo").cast()) { val annotations = ((generics.first().bounds.first() as Nullable).inner as GenericTypeConstructor) .extra[Annotations]?.directAnnotations?.flatMap { it.value } val driOfHello = DRI("java", "Hello") val annotationsValues = annotations?.flatMap { it.params.values }?.map { it.toString() }?.toList() assertEquals(listOf(driOfHello), annotations?.map { it.dri }) assertEquals(listOf("baz"), annotationsValues) } } } } @Test fun `type parameter annotations should be visible even if type declaration has none`() { inlineModelTest( """ |@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) |@Target(ElementType.PARAMETER) |public @interface Hello { | public String bar() default ""; |} |public class Test { | public void foo(java.util.List<@Hello T> param) {} |} """.trimIndent() ) { with((this / "java" / "Test").cast()) { with((this / "foo").cast()) { val paramAnnotations = parameters.first() .type.cast() .projections.first().cast() .annotations() .values .flatten() assertEquals(1, paramAnnotations.size) assertEquals(DRI("java", "Hello"), paramAnnotations[0].dri) } } } } @Test fun `type parameter annotations should not be propagated from resolved type`() { inlineModelTest( """ |@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) |@Target(ElementType.PARAMETER) |public @interface Hello { | public String bar() default ""; |} |public class Test { | public <@Hello T> void foo(java.util.List param) {} |} """.trimIndent() ) { with((this / "java" / "Test").cast()) { with((this / "foo").cast()) { val paramAnnotations = parameters.first() .type.cast() .projections.first().cast() .annotations() assertTrue(paramAnnotations.isEmpty()) } } } } }