() {
protected val js = defaultSourceSet.copy(
defaultSourceSet.sourceSetID.copy(sourceSetName = "js"),
analysisPlatform = Platform.js,
sourceRoots = setOf(File("pl1"))
protected val jvm = defaultSourceSet.copy(
defaultSourceSet.sourceSetID.copy(sourceSetName = "jvm"),
analysisPlatform = Platform.jvm,
sourceRoots = setOf(File("pl1"))
protected val native = defaultSourceSet.copy(
defaultSourceSet.sourceSetID.copy(sourceSetName = "native"),
analysisPlatform = Platform.native,
sourceRoots = setOf(File("pl1"))
val files = TestOutputWriter()
override val context = MockContext(
DokkaBase().outputWriter to { _ -> files },
DokkaBase().locationProviderFactory to ::DefaultLocationProviderFactory,
DokkaBase().htmlPreprocessors to { _ -> RootCreator },
DokkaBase().externalLocationProviderFactory to { ::JavadocExternalLocationProviderFactory },
DokkaBase().externalLocationProviderFactory to { ::DokkaExternalLocationProviderFactory },
DokkaBase().tabSortingStrategy to { DefaultTabSortingStrategy() },
testConfiguration = DokkaConfigurationImpl(
sourceSets = listOf(js, jvm, native)
override val renderedContent: Element by lazy {
files.contents.getValue("test-page.html").let { Jsoup.parse(it) }.select("#content").single()
protected fun linesAfterContentTag() =
.dropWhile { !it.contains("""""") }
.joinToString(separator = "") { it.trim() }
fun Element.match(vararg matchers: Any): Unit =
.filter { it !is TextNode || it.text().isNotBlank() }
.let { it.drop(it.size - matchers.size) }
.forEach { (n, m) -> m.accepts(n) }
open class Tag(val name: String, vararg val matchers: Any)
class Div(vararg matchers: Any) : Tag("div", *matchers)
class P(vararg matchers: Any) : Tag("p", *matchers)
class Span(vararg matchers: Any) : Tag("span", *matchers)
private fun Any.accepts(n: Node) {
when (this) {
is String -> assert(n is TextNode && n.text().trim() == this.trim()) { "\"$this\" expected but found: $n" }
is Tag -> {
assert(n is Element && n.tagName() == name) { "Tag $name expected but found: $n" }
if (n is Element && matchers.isNotEmpty()) n.match(*matchers)
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("$this is not proper matcher")