/* * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. */ package renderers.html import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.renderers.html.NavigationNodeIcon import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.testApi.testRunner.BaseAbstractTest import org.jsoup.nodes.Element import utils.TestOutputWriterPlugin import utils.navigationHtml import kotlin.test.Test import kotlin.test.assertEquals import kotlin.test.assertNotNull import kotlin.test.assertNull class NavigationTest : BaseAbstractTest() { private val configuration = dokkaConfiguration { sourceSets { sourceSet { sourceRoots = listOf("src/") } } } @Test fun `should sort alphabetically ignoring case`() { val writerPlugin = TestOutputWriterPlugin() testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/com/example/Sequences.kt |package com.example | |fun sequence(): Sequence | |fun Sequence(): Sequence | |fun Sequence.any() {} | |interface Sequence """.trimMargin(), configuration, pluginOverrides = listOf(writerPlugin) ) { renderingStage = { _, _ -> val content = writerPlugin.writer.navigationHtml().select("div.sideMenuPart") assertEquals(6, content.size) // Navigation menu should be the following: // - root // - com.example // - any() // - Sequence interface // - Sequence() // - sequence() content[0].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu", text = "root", address = "index.html", ) content[1].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu-0", text = "com.example", address = "root/com.example/index.html", ) content[2].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu-0-0", text = "any()", address = "root/com.example/any.html", icon = NavigationNodeIcon.FUNCTION ) content[3].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu-0-1", text = "Sequence", address = "root/com.example/-sequence/index.html", icon = NavigationNodeIcon.INTERFACE_KT ) content[4].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu-0-2", text = "Sequence()", address = "root/com.example/-sequence.html", icon = NavigationNodeIcon.FUNCTION ) content[5].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu-0-3", text = "sequence()", address = "root/com.example/sequence.html", icon = NavigationNodeIcon.FUNCTION ) } } } @Test fun `should strike deprecated class link`() { val writerPlugin = TestOutputWriterPlugin() testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/com/example/SimpleDeprecatedClass.kt |package com.example | |@Deprecated("reason") |class SimpleDeprecatedClass {} """.trimIndent(), configuration, pluginOverrides = listOf(writerPlugin) ) { renderingStage = { _, _ -> val content = writerPlugin.writer.navigationHtml().select("div.sideMenuPart") assertEquals(3, content.size) // Navigation menu should be the following: // - root // - com.example // - SimpleDeprecatedClass content[0].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu", text = "root", address = "index.html", ) content[1].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu-0", text = "com.example", address = "root/com.example/index.html", ) content[2].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu-0-0", text = "SimpleDeprecatedClass", address = "root/com.example/-simple-deprecated-class/index.html", icon = NavigationNodeIcon.CLASS_KT, isStrikethrough = true ) } } } @Test fun `should not strike pages where only one of N documentables is deprecated`() { val writerPlugin = TestOutputWriterPlugin() testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/com/example/File.kt |package com.example | |/** | * First | */ |@Deprecated("reason") |fun functionWithCommonName() | |/** | * Second | */ |fun functionWithCommonName() """.trimIndent(), configuration, pluginOverrides = listOf(writerPlugin) ) { renderingStage = { _, _ -> val content = writerPlugin.writer.navigationHtml().select("div.sideMenuPart") assertEquals(3, content.size) // Navigation menu should be the following: // - root // - com.example // - functionWithCommonName content[0].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu", text = "root", address = "index.html", ) content[1].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu-0", text = "com.example", address = "root/com.example/index.html", ) content[2].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu-0-0", text = "functionWithCommonName()", address = "root/com.example/function-with-common-name.html", icon = NavigationNodeIcon.FUNCTION, isStrikethrough = false ) } } } @Test fun `should have expandable classlikes`() { val writerPlugin = TestOutputWriterPlugin() testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/com/example/WithInner.kt |package com.example | |class WithInner { | // in-class functions should not be in navigation | fun a() {} | fun b() {} | fun c() {} | | class InnerClass {} | interface InnerInterface {} | enum class InnerEnum {} | object InnerObject {} | annotation class InnerAnnotation {} | companion object CompanionObject {} |} """.trimIndent(), configuration, pluginOverrides = listOf(writerPlugin) ) { renderingStage = { _, _ -> val content = writerPlugin.writer.navigationHtml().select("div.sideMenuPart") assertEquals(9, content.size) // Navigation menu should be the following, sorted by name: // - root // - com.example // - WithInner // - CompanionObject // - InnerAnnotation // - InnerClass // - InnerEnum // - InnerInterface // - InnerObject content[0].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu", text = "root", address = "index.html", ) content[1].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu-0", text = "com.example", address = "root/com.example/index.html", ) content[2].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu-0-0", text = "WithInner", address = "root/com.example/-with-inner/index.html", icon = NavigationNodeIcon.CLASS_KT ) content[3].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu-0-0-0", text = "CompanionObject", address = "root/com.example/-with-inner/-companion-object/index.html", icon = NavigationNodeIcon.OBJECT ) content[4].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu-0-0-1", text = "InnerAnnotation", address = "root/com.example/-with-inner/-inner-annotation/index.html", icon = NavigationNodeIcon.ANNOTATION_CLASS_KT ) content[5].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu-0-0-2", text = "InnerClass", address = "root/com.example/-with-inner/-inner-class/index.html", icon = NavigationNodeIcon.CLASS_KT ) content[6].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu-0-0-3", text = "InnerEnum", address = "root/com.example/-with-inner/-inner-enum/index.html", icon = NavigationNodeIcon.ENUM_CLASS_KT ) content[7].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu-0-0-4", text = "InnerInterface", address = "root/com.example/-with-inner/-inner-interface/index.html", icon = NavigationNodeIcon.INTERFACE_KT ) content[8].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu-0-0-5", text = "InnerObject", address = "root/com.example/-with-inner/-inner-object/index.html", icon = NavigationNodeIcon.OBJECT ) } } } @Test fun `should be able to have deeply nested classlikes`() { val writerPlugin = TestOutputWriterPlugin() testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/com/example/DeeplyNested.kt |package com.example | |class DeeplyNested { | class FirstLevelClass { | interface SecondLevelInterface { | object ThirdLevelObject { | annotation class FourthLevelAnnotation {} | } | } | } |} """.trimIndent(), configuration, pluginOverrides = listOf(writerPlugin) ) { renderingStage = { _, _ -> val content = writerPlugin.writer.navigationHtml().select("div.sideMenuPart") assertEquals(7, content.size) // Navigation menu should be the following // - root // - com.example // - DeeplyNested // - FirstLevelClass // - SecondLevelInterface // - ThirdLevelObject // - FourthLevelAnnotation content[0].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu", text = "root", address = "index.html", ) content[1].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu-0", text = "com.example", address = "root/com.example/index.html", ) content[2].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu-0-0", text = "DeeplyNested", address = "root/com.example/-deeply-nested/index.html", icon = NavigationNodeIcon.CLASS_KT ) content[3].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu-0-0-0", text = "FirstLevelClass", address = "root/com.example/-deeply-nested/-first-level-class/index.html", icon = NavigationNodeIcon.CLASS_KT ) content[4].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu-0-0-0-0", text = "SecondLevelInterface", address = "root/com.example/-deeply-nested/-first-level-class/-second-level-interface/index.html", icon = NavigationNodeIcon.INTERFACE_KT ) content[5].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu-0-0-0-0-0", text = "ThirdLevelObject", address = "root/com.example/-deeply-nested/-first-level-class/-second-level-interface/" + "-third-level-object/index.html", icon = NavigationNodeIcon.OBJECT ) content[6].assertNavigationLink( id = "root-nav-submenu-0-0-0-0-0-0", text = "FourthLevelAnnotation", address = "root/com.example/-deeply-nested/-first-level-class/-second-level-interface/" + "-third-level-object/-fourth-level-annotation/index.html", icon = NavigationNodeIcon.ANNOTATION_CLASS_KT ) } } } private fun Element.assertNavigationLink( id: String, text: String, address: String, icon: NavigationNodeIcon? = null, isStrikethrough: Boolean = false ) { assertEquals(id, this.id()) val link = this.selectFirst("a") assertNotNull(link) assertEquals(text, link.text()) assertEquals(address, link.attr("href")) if (icon != null) { val iconStyles = this.selectFirst("div.overview span.nav-link-grid")?.child(0)?.classNames()?.toList() ?: emptyList() assertEquals(3, iconStyles.size) assertEquals("nav-link-child", iconStyles[0]) assertEquals(icon.style(), "${iconStyles[1]} ${iconStyles[2]}") } if (isStrikethrough) { val textInsideStrikethrough = link.selectFirst("strike")?.text() assertEquals(text, textInsideStrikethrough) } else { assertNull(link.selectFirst("strike")) } } }