package transformers import matchers.content.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.transformers.pages.comments.DocTagToContentConverter import org.jetbrains.dokka.links.DRI import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.doc.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.* import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test class CommentsToContentConverterTest { private val converter = DocTagToContentConverter() private fun executeTest( docTag: DocTag, match: ContentMatcherBuilder.() -> Unit, ) { val dci = DCI( setOf( DRI("kotlin", "Any") ), ContentKind.Comment ) converter.buildContent( Li( listOf( docTag ) ), dci, emptySet() ).single().assertNode(match) } @Test fun `simple text`() { val docTag = P(listOf(Text("This is simple test of string Next line"))) executeTest(docTag) { group { +"This is simple test of string Next line" } } } @Test fun `simple text with new line`() { val docTag = P( listOf( Text("This is simple test of string"), Br, Text("Next line") ) ) executeTest(docTag) { group { +"This is simple test of string" node() +"Next line" } } } @Test fun `paragraphs`() { val docTag = P( listOf( P(listOf(Text("Paragraph number one"))), P(listOf(Text("Paragraph"), Br, Text("number two"))) ) ) executeTest(docTag) { group { group { +"Paragraph number one" } group { +"Paragraph" node() +"number two" } } } } @Test fun `unordered list with empty lines`() { val docTag = Ul( listOf( Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("list item 1 continue 1"))))), Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("list item 2"), Br, Text("continue 2"))))) ) ) executeTest(docTag) { node { group { +"list item 1 continue 1" } group { +"list item 2" node() +"continue 2" } } } } @Test fun `nested list`() { val docTag = P( listOf( Ul( listOf( Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Outer first Outer next line"))))), Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Outer second"))))), Ul( listOf( Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Middle first Middle next line"))))), Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Middle second"))))), Ul( listOf( Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Inner first Inner next line"))))) ) ), Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Middle third"))))) ) ), Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Outer third"))))) ) ), P(listOf(Text("New paragraph"))) ) ) executeTest(docTag) { group { node { group { +"Outer first Outer next line" } group { +"Outer second" } node { group { +"Middle first Middle next line" } group { +"Middle second" } node { group { +"Inner first Inner next line" } } group { +"Middle third" } } group { +"Outer third" } } group { +"New paragraph" } } } } @Test fun `header and paragraphs`() { val docTag = P( listOf( H1(listOf(Text("Header 1"))), P(listOf(Text("Following text"))), P(listOf(Text("New paragraph"))) ) ) executeTest(docTag) { group { header(1) { +"Header 1" } group { +"Following text" } group { +"New paragraph" } } } } @Test fun `header levels`() { val docTag = P( listOf( H1(listOf(Text("Header 1"))), P(listOf(Text("Text 1"))), H2(listOf(Text("Header 2"))), P(listOf(Text("Text 2"))), H3(listOf(Text("Header 3"))), P(listOf(Text("Text 3"))), H4(listOf(Text("Header 4"))), P(listOf(Text("Text 4"))), H5(listOf(Text("Header 5"))), P(listOf(Text("Text 5"))), H6(listOf(Text("Header 6"))), P(listOf(Text("Text 6"))) ) ) executeTest(docTag) { group { header(1) { +"Header 1" } group { +"Text 1" } header(2) { +"Header 2" } group { +"Text 2" } header(3) { +"Header 3" } group { +"Text 3" } header(4) { +"Header 4" } group { +"Text 4" } header(5) { +"Header 5" } group { +"Text 5" } header(6) { +"Header 6" } group { +"Text 6" } } } } @Test fun `block quotes`() { val docTag = P( listOf( BlockQuote( listOf( P( listOf( Text("Blockquotes are very handy in email to emulate reply text. This line is part of the same quote.") ) ) ) ), P(listOf(Text("Quote break."))), BlockQuote( listOf( P(listOf(Text("Quote"))) ) ) ) ) executeTest(docTag) { group { group { group { +"Blockquotes are very handy in email to emulate reply text. This line is part of the same quote." } } group { +"Quote break." } group { group { +"Quote" } } } } } @Test fun `nested block quotes`() { val docTag = P( listOf( BlockQuote( listOf( P(listOf(Text("text 1 text 2"))), BlockQuote( listOf( P(listOf(Text("text 3 text 4"))) ) ), P(listOf(Text("text 5"))) ) ), P(listOf(Text("Quote break."))), BlockQuote( listOf( P(listOf(Text("Quote"))) ) ) ) ) executeTest(docTag) { group { group { group { +"text 1 text 2" } group { group { +"text 3 text 4" } } group { +"text 5" } } group { +"Quote break." } group { group { +"Quote" } } } } } @Test fun `multiline code`() { val docTag = P( listOf( CodeBlock( listOf( Text("val x: Int = 0"), Br, Text("val y: String = \"Text\""), Br, Br, Text(" val z: Boolean = true"), Br, Text("for(i in 0..10) {"), Br, Text(" println(i)"), Br, Text("}") ), mapOf("lang" to "kotlin") ), P(listOf(Text("Sample text"))) ) ) executeTest(docTag) { group { node { +"val x: Int = 0" node() +"val y: String = \"Text\"" node() node() +" val z: Boolean = true" node() +"for(i in 0..10) {" node() +" println(i)" node() +"}" } group { +"Sample text" } } } } @Test fun `inline link`() { val docTag = P( listOf( A( listOf(Text("I'm an inline-style link")), mapOf("href" to "") ) ) ) executeTest(docTag) { group { link { +"I'm an inline-style link" check { assertEquals( (this as? ContentResolvedLink)?.address ?: error("Link should be resolved"), "" ) } } } } } @Test fun `ordered list`() { val docTag = Ol( listOf( Li( listOf( P(listOf(Text("test1"))), P(listOf(Text("test2"))), ) ), Li( listOf( P(listOf(Text("test3"))), P(listOf(Text("test4"))), ) ) ) ) executeTest(docTag) { node { group { +"test1" +"test2" } group { +"test3" +"test4" } } } } @Test fun `nested ordered list`() { val docTag = P( listOf( Ol( listOf( Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Outer first Outer next line"))))), Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Outer second"))))), Ol( listOf( Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Middle first Middle next line"))))), Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Middle second"))))), Ol( listOf( Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Inner first Inner next line"))))) ), mapOf("start" to "1") ), Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Middle third"))))) ), mapOf("start" to "1") ), Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Outer third"))))) ), mapOf("start" to "1") ), P(listOf(Text("New paragraph"))) ) ) executeTest(docTag) { group { node { group { +"Outer first Outer next line" } group { +"Outer second" } node { group { +"Middle first Middle next line" } group { +"Middle second" } node { +"Inner first Inner next line" } group { +"Middle third" } } group { +"Outer third" } } group { +"New paragraph" } } } } @Test fun `description list`() { val docTag = Dl( listOf( Dt( listOf( Text("description list can have...") ) ), Dt( listOf( Text("... two consecutive description terms") ) ), Dd( listOf( Text("and usually has some sort of a description, like this one") ) ) ) ) executeTest(docTag) { composite { check { assertTrue(style.contains(ListStyle.DescriptionList)) { "Expected DL style" } } group { check { assertTrue(style.contains(ListStyle.DescriptionTerm)) { "Expected DT style" } } +"description list can have..." } group { check { assertTrue(style.contains(ListStyle.DescriptionTerm)) { "Expected DT style" } } +"... two consecutive description terms" } group { check { assertTrue(style.contains(ListStyle.DescriptionDetails)) { "Expected DD style" } } +"and usually has some sort of a description, like this one" } } } } }