package utils import matchers.content.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.ContentGroup import kotlin.text.Typography.nbsp //TODO: Try to unify those functions after update to 1.4 fun ContentMatcherBuilder<*>.functionSignature( annotations: Map>, visibility: String, modifier: String, keywords: Set, name: String, returnType: String? = null, vararg params: Pair ) = platformHinted { bareSignature(annotations, visibility, modifier, keywords, name, returnType, *params) } fun ContentMatcherBuilder<*>.bareSignature( annotations: Map>, visibility: String, modifier: String, keywords: Set, name: String, returnType: String? = null, vararg params: Pair ) = group { annotations.entries.forEach { group { unwrapAnnotation(it) } } +("$visibility $modifier ${keywords.joinToString("") { "$it " }} fun") link { +name } +"(" params.forEachIndexed { id, (n, t) -> t.annotations.forEach { unwrapAnnotation(it) } t.keywords.forEach { +it } +"$n:" group { link { +(t.type) } } if (id != params.lastIndex) +", " } +")" if (returnType != null) { +(": ") group { link { +(returnType) } } } } fun ContentMatcherBuilder<*>.functionSignatureWithReceiver( annotations: Map>, visibility: String?, modifier: String?, keywords: Set, receiver: String, name: String, returnType: String? = null, vararg params: Pair ) = platformHinted { bareSignatureWithReceiver(annotations, visibility, modifier, keywords, receiver, name, returnType, *params) } fun ContentMatcherBuilder<*>.bareSignatureWithReceiver( annotations: Map>, visibility: String?, modifier: String?, keywords: Set, receiver: String, name: String, returnType: String? = null, vararg params: Pair ) = group { // TODO: remove it when double wrapping for signatures will be resolved annotations.entries.forEach { group { unwrapAnnotation(it) } } +("$visibility $modifier ${keywords.joinToString("") { "$it " }} fun") group { link { +receiver } } +"." link { +name } +"(" params.forEachIndexed { id, (n, t) -> t.annotations.forEach { unwrapAnnotation(it) } t.keywords.forEach { +it } +"$n:" group { link { +(t.type) } } if (id != params.lastIndex) +", " } +")" if (returnType != null) { +(": ") group { link { +(returnType) } } } } fun ContentMatcherBuilder<*>.propertySignature( annotations: Map>, visibility: String, modifier: String, keywords: Set, preposition: String, name: String, type: String? = null, value: String? = null ) { group { header { +"Package test" } skipAllNotMatching() } group { group { skipAllNotMatching() header { +"Properties" } table { group { link { +name } platformHinted { group { annotations.entries.forEach { group { unwrapAnnotation(it) } } +("$visibility $modifier ${keywords.joinToString("") { "$it " }} $preposition") link { +name } if (type != null) { +(": ") group { link { +(type) } } } if (type != null) { +(" = $value") } } } } } } } } fun ContentMatcherBuilder<*>.typealiasSignature(name: String, expressionTarget: String) { group { header { +"Package test" } skipAllNotMatching() } group { group { skipAllNotMatching() header { +"Types" } table { group { link { +name } divergentGroup { divergentInstance { group { group { group { group { +"typealias " group { link { +name } skipAllNotMatching() } +" = " group { link { +expressionTarget } } } } } } } skipAllNotMatching() } } skipAllNotMatching() } skipAllNotMatching() } } } fun ContentMatcherBuilder<*>.pWrapped(text: String) = group {// TODO: remove it when double wrapping for descriptions will be resolved group { +text } } fun ContentMatcherBuilder<*>.unnamedTag(tag: String, content: ContentMatcherBuilder.() -> Unit) = group { header(4) { +tag } content() } fun ContentMatcherBuilder<*>.comment(content: ContentMatcherBuilder.() -> Unit) = group { group { content() } } fun ContentMatcherBuilder<*>.unwrapAnnotation(elem: Map.Entry>) { group { +"@" link { +elem.key } +"(" elem.value.forEach { group { +("$it = ") skipAllNotMatching() } } +")" } } data class ParamAttributes( val annotations: Map>, val keywords: Set, val type: String )