package org.jetbrains.dokka.kotlinAsJava.converters import org.jetbrains.dokka.kotlinAsJava.hasJvmOverloads import org.jetbrains.dokka.kotlinAsJava.hasJvmSynthetic import org.jetbrains.dokka.kotlinAsJava.jvmField import org.jetbrains.dokka.kotlinAsJava.transformers.JvmNameProvider import org.jetbrains.dokka.kotlinAsJava.transformers.withCallableName import org.jetbrains.dokka.links.Callable import org.jetbrains.dokka.links.DRI import org.jetbrains.dokka.links.PointingToDeclaration import org.jetbrains.dokka.links.withClass import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.* import import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.jvm.JavaToKotlinClassMap import import import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.jvm.JvmPrimitiveType val jvmNameProvider = JvmNameProvider() private val DProperty.isConst: Boolean get() = extra[AdditionalModifiers] ?.content ?.any { (_, modifiers) -> ExtraModifiers.KotlinOnlyModifiers.Const in modifiers } == true private val DProperty.isJvmField: Boolean get() = jvmField() != null internal fun DPackage.asJava(): DPackage { val syntheticClasses = ( { jvmNameProvider.nameForSyntheticClass(it) to it } + { jvmNameProvider.nameForSyntheticClass(it) to it }) .groupBy({ it.first }) { it.second } .map { (syntheticClassName, nodes) -> DClass( dri = dri.withClass(, name =, properties = nodes .filterIsInstance() .filterNot { it.hasJvmSynthetic() } .map { it.asJava(true) }, constructors = emptyList(), functions = ( nodes .filterIsInstance() .filterNot { it.isConst || it.isJvmField || it.hasJvmSynthetic() } .flatMap { it.javaAccessors(relocateToClass = } + nodes .filterIsInstance() .flatMap { it.asJava(, true) }) .filterNot { it.hasJvmSynthetic() }, classlikes = emptyList(), sources = emptyMap(), expectPresentInSet = null, visibility = sourceSets.associateWith { JavaVisibility.Public }, companion = null, generics = emptyList(), supertypes = emptyMap(), documentation = emptyMap(), modifier = sourceSets.associateWith { JavaModifier.Final }, sourceSets = sourceSets, isExpectActual = false, extra = PropertyContainer.empty() ) } return copy( functions = emptyList(), properties = emptyList(), classlikes = { it.asJava() } + syntheticClasses, typealiases = emptyList() ) } internal fun DProperty.asJava(isTopLevel: Boolean = false, relocateToClass: String? = null) = copy( dri = if (relocateToClass.isNullOrBlank()) { dri } else { dri.withClass(relocateToClass) }, modifier = javaModifierFromSetter(), visibility = visibility.mapValues { if (isTopLevel && isConst) { JavaVisibility.Public } else if (jvmField() != null) { it.value.asJava() } else { it.value.propertyVisibilityAsJava() } }, type = type.asJava(), // TODO: check setter = null, getter = null, // Removing getters and setters as they will be available as functions extra = if (isTopLevel) extra + extra.mergeAdditionalModifiers( sourceSets.associateWith { setOf(ExtraModifiers.JavaOnlyModifiers.Static) } ) else extra ) internal fun Visibility.asJava() = when (this) { is JavaVisibility -> this is KotlinVisibility.Public, KotlinVisibility.Internal -> JavaVisibility.Public is KotlinVisibility.Private -> JavaVisibility.Private is KotlinVisibility.Protected -> JavaVisibility.Protected } internal fun DProperty.javaModifierFromSetter() = modifier.mapValues { when { it.value is JavaModifier -> it.value setter == null -> JavaModifier.Final else -> JavaModifier.Empty } } internal fun DProperty.javaAccessors(isTopLevel: Boolean = false, relocateToClass: String? = null): List = listOfNotNull( getter?.let { getter -> val name = "get" + name.capitalize() getter.copy( dri = if (relocateToClass.isNullOrBlank()) { getter.dri } else { getter.dri.withClass(relocateToClass) }.withCallableName(name), name = name, modifier = javaModifierFromSetter(), visibility = visibility.mapValues { JavaVisibility.Public }, type = getter.type.asJava(), extra = if (isTopLevel) getter.extra + getter.extra.mergeAdditionalModifiers( sourceSets.associateWith { setOf(ExtraModifiers.JavaOnlyModifiers.Static) } ) else getter.extra ) }, setter?.let { setter -> val name = "set" + name.capitalize() val baseDRI = (if (relocateToClass.isNullOrBlank()) { setter.dri } else { setter.dri.withClass(relocateToClass) }).withCallableName(name) setter.copy( dri = baseDRI, name = name, parameters = { it.copy( dri = baseDRI.copy( target =, extra = it.dri.extra ), type = it.type.asJava() ) }, modifier = javaModifierFromSetter(), visibility = visibility.mapValues { JavaVisibility.Public }, type = Void, extra = if (isTopLevel) setter.extra + setter.extra.mergeAdditionalModifiers( sourceSets.associateWith { setOf(ExtraModifiers.JavaOnlyModifiers.Static) } ) else setter.extra ) } ) private fun DFunction.asJava( containingClassName: String, newName: String, parameters: List, isTopLevel: Boolean = false ): DFunction { return copy( dri = dri.copy(classNames = containingClassName, callable = dri.callable?.copy(name = newName)), name = newName, type = type.asJava(), modifier = if (modifier.all { (_, v) -> v is KotlinModifier.Final } && isConstructor) sourceSets.associateWith { JavaModifier.Empty } else sourceSets.associateWith { modifier.values.first() }, parameters = listOfNotNull(receiver?.asJava()) + { it.asJava() }, visibility = { (sourceSet, visibility) -> Pair(sourceSet, visibility.asJava()) }.toMap(), receiver = null, extra = if (isTopLevel) { extra + extra.mergeAdditionalModifiers( sourceSets.associateWith { setOf(ExtraModifiers.JavaOnlyModifiers.Static) } ) } else { extra } ) } private fun DFunction.withJvmOverloads( containingClassName: String, newName: String, isTopLevel: Boolean = false ): List? { val (paramsWithDefaults, paramsWithoutDefaults) = parameters .withIndex() .partition { (_, p) -> p.extra[DefaultValue] != null } return paramsWithDefaults .runningFold(paramsWithoutDefaults) { acc, param -> (acc + param) } .map { params -> asJava( containingClassName, newName, params .sortedBy(IndexedValue::index) .map { it.value }, isTopLevel ) } .reversed() .takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() } } internal fun DFunction.asJava(containingClassName: String, isTopLevel: Boolean = false): List { val newName = when { isConstructor -> containingClassName else -> name } val baseFunction = asJava(containingClassName, newName, parameters, isTopLevel) return if (hasJvmOverloads()) { withJvmOverloads(containingClassName, newName, isTopLevel) ?: listOf(baseFunction) } else { listOf(baseFunction) } } internal fun DClasslike.asJava(): DClasslike = when (this) { is DClass -> asJava() is DEnum -> asJava() is DAnnotation -> asJava() is DObject -> asJava() is DInterface -> asJava() else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("$this shouldn't be here") } internal fun DClass.asJava(): DClass = copy( constructors = constructors .filterNot { it.hasJvmSynthetic() } .flatMap { it.asJava( dri.classNames ?: name ) }, // name may not always be valid here, however classNames should always be not null functions = functionsInJava(), properties = properties .filterNot { it.hasJvmSynthetic() } .map { it.asJava() }, classlikes = { it.asJava() }, generics = { it.asJava() }, supertypes = supertypes.mapValues { { it.asJava() } }, modifier = if (modifier.all { (_, v) -> v is KotlinModifier.Empty }) sourceSets.associateWith { JavaModifier.Final } else sourceSets.associateWith { modifier.values.first() } ) internal fun DClass.functionsInJava(): List = properties .filter { it.jvmField() == null && !it.hasJvmSynthetic() } .flatMap { property -> listOfNotNull(property.getter, property.setter) } .plus(functions) .filterNot { it.hasJvmSynthetic() } .flatMap { it.asJava(dri.classNames ?: name) } private fun DTypeParameter.asJava(): DTypeParameter = copy( variantTypeParameter = variantTypeParameter.withDri(dri.possiblyAsJava()), bounds = { it.asJava() } ) private fun Projection.asJava(): Projection = when (this) { is Star -> Star is Covariance<*> -> copy(inner.asJava()) is Contravariance<*> -> copy(inner.asJava()) is Invariance<*> -> copy(inner.asJava()) is Bound -> asJava() } private fun Bound.asJava(): Bound = when (this) { is TypeParameter -> copy(dri.possiblyAsJava()) is GenericTypeConstructor -> copy( dri = dri.possiblyAsJava(), projections = { it.asJava() } ) is FunctionalTypeConstructor -> copy( dri = dri.possiblyAsJava(), projections = { it.asJava() } ) is TypeAliased -> copy( typeAlias = typeAlias.asJava(), inner = inner.asJava() ) is Nullable -> copy(inner.asJava()) is PrimitiveJavaType -> this is Void -> this is JavaObject -> this is Dynamic -> this is UnresolvedBound -> this } internal fun DEnum.asJava(): DEnum = copy( constructors = constructors.flatMap { it.asJava(dri.classNames ?: name) }, functions = functions .plus( properties .filterNot { it.hasJvmSynthetic() } .flatMap { listOf(it.getter, it.setter) } ) .filterNotNull() .filterNot { it.hasJvmSynthetic() } .flatMap { it.asJava(dri.classNames ?: name) }, properties = properties .filterNot { it.hasJvmSynthetic() } .map { it.asJava() }, classlikes = { it.asJava() }, supertypes = supertypes.mapValues { { it.asJava() } } // , entries = { it.asJava() } ) internal fun DObject.asJava(): DObject = copy( functions = functions .plus( properties .filterNot { it.hasJvmSynthetic() } .flatMap { listOf(it.getter, it.setter) } ) .filterNotNull() .filterNot { it.hasJvmSynthetic() } .flatMap { it.asJava(dri.classNames ?: name.orEmpty()) }, properties = properties .filterNot { it.hasJvmSynthetic() } .map { it.asJava() } + DProperty( name = "INSTANCE", modifier = sourceSets.associateWith { JavaModifier.Final }, dri = dri.copy(callable = Callable("INSTANCE", null, emptyList())), documentation = emptyMap(), sources = emptyMap(), visibility = sourceSets.associateWith { JavaVisibility.Public }, type = GenericTypeConstructor(dri, emptyList()), setter = null, getter = null, sourceSets = sourceSets, receiver = null, generics = emptyList(), expectPresentInSet = expectPresentInSet, isExpectActual = false, extra = PropertyContainer.withAll( { mapOf(it to setOf(ExtraModifiers.JavaOnlyModifiers.Static)).toAdditionalModifiers() }) ), classlikes = { it.asJava() }, supertypes = supertypes.mapValues { { it.asJava() } } ) internal fun DInterface.asJava(): DInterface = copy( functions = functions .plus( properties .filterNot { it.hasJvmSynthetic() } .flatMap { listOf(it.getter, it.setter) } ) .filterNotNull() .filterNot { it.hasJvmSynthetic() } .flatMap { it.asJava(dri.classNames ?: name) }, properties = emptyList(), classlikes = { it.asJava() }, // TODO: public static final class DefaultImpls with impls for methods generics = { it.asJava() }, supertypes = supertypes.mapValues { { it.asJava() } } ) internal fun DAnnotation.asJava(): DAnnotation = copy( properties = { it.asJava() }, constructors = emptyList(), classlikes = { it.asJava() } ) // TODO investigate if annotation class can have methods and properties not from constructor internal fun DParameter.asJava(): DParameter = copy( type = type.asJava(), name = if (name.isNullOrBlank()) "\$self" else name ) internal fun Visibility.propertyVisibilityAsJava(): Visibility = if (this is JavaVisibility) this else JavaVisibility.Private internal fun String.getAsPrimitive(): JvmPrimitiveType? = org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.PrimitiveType.values() .find { it.typeFqName.asString() == this } ?.let { JvmPrimitiveType.get(it) } private fun DRI.partialFqName() = packageName?.let { "$it." } + classNames private fun DRI.possiblyAsJava() = this.partialFqName().mapToJava()?.toDRI(this) ?: this private fun TypeConstructor.possiblyAsJava(): TypeConstructor = when (this) { is GenericTypeConstructor -> copy(dri = this.dri.possiblyAsJava()) is FunctionalTypeConstructor -> copy(dri = this.dri.possiblyAsJava()) } private fun String.mapToJava(): ClassId? = JavaToKotlinClassMap.mapKotlinToJava(FqName(this).toUnsafe()) internal fun ClassId.toDRI(dri: DRI?): DRI = DRI( packageName = packageFqName.asString(), classNames = classNames(), callable = dri?.callable,//?.asJava(), TODO: check this extra = null, target = PointingToDeclaration ) internal fun TypeConstructorWithKind.asJava(): TypeConstructorWithKind = TypeConstructorWithKind( typeConstructor = typeConstructor.possiblyAsJava(), kind = kind.asJava() ) internal fun ClassKind.asJava(): ClassKind { return when (this) { is JavaClassKindTypes -> this KotlinClassKindTypes.CLASS -> JavaClassKindTypes.CLASS KotlinClassKindTypes.INTERFACE -> JavaClassKindTypes.INTERFACE KotlinClassKindTypes.ENUM_CLASS -> JavaClassKindTypes.ENUM_CLASS KotlinClassKindTypes.ENUM_ENTRY -> JavaClassKindTypes.ENUM_ENTRY KotlinClassKindTypes.ANNOTATION_CLASS -> JavaClassKindTypes.ANNOTATION_CLASS KotlinClassKindTypes.OBJECT -> JavaClassKindTypes.CLASS else -> throw IllegalStateException("Non exchaustive match while trying to convert $this to Java") } } private fun PropertyContainer.mergeAdditionalModifiers(second: SourceSetDependent>) = this[AdditionalModifiers]?.squash(AdditionalModifiers(second)) ?: AdditionalModifiers(second) private fun AdditionalModifiers.squash(second: AdditionalModifiers) = AdditionalModifiers(content + second.content) internal fun ClassId.classNames(): String = shortClassName.identifier + (outerClassId?.classNames()?.let { ".$it" } ?: "")