package kotlinAsJavaPlugin import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.dfs import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.testApi.testRunner.BaseAbstractTest import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addToStdlib.cast import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test import matchers.content.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfiguration import org.jetbrains.dokka.jdk import signatures.renderedContent import signatures.signature import utils.A import utils.Span import utils.TestOutputWriterPlugin import utils.match class KotlinAsJavaPluginTest : BaseAbstractTest() { @Test fun topLevelTest() { val configuration = dokkaConfiguration { sourceSets { sourceSet { sourceRoots = listOf("src/") } } } testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/kotlinAsJavaPlugin/Test.kt |package kotlinAsJavaPlugin | |object TestObj {} | |fun testFL(l: List) = l |fun testF() {} |fun testF2(i: Int) = i |fun testF3(to: TestObj) = to |fun testF4(t: T) = listOf(t) |val testV = 1 """.trimMargin(), configuration, cleanupOutput = true ) { pagesGenerationStage = { root -> val content = (root.children.single().children.first { == "TestKt" } as ContentPage).content val children = content.mainContents.first().cast() .children.filterIsInstance() .filter { it.children.isNotEmpty() } children.assertCount(2) } } } @Test fun topLevelWithClassTest() { val configuration = dokkaConfiguration { sourceSets { sourceSet { sourceRoots = listOf("src/") } } } testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/kotlinAsJavaPlugin/Test.kt |package kotlinAsJavaPlugin | |class Test { | fun testFC() {} | val testVC = 1 |} | |fun testF(i: Int) = i |val testV = 1 """.trimMargin(), configuration, cleanupOutput = true ) { pagesGenerationStage = { root -> val contentList = root.children .flatMap { it.children() } .map { it.content } val children = contentList.flatMap { content -> content.mainContents.first().cast().children .filterIsInstance() .filter { it.children.isNotEmpty() } } children.assertCount(4) } } } @Test fun kotlinAndJavaTest() { val configuration = dokkaConfiguration { sourceSets { sourceSet { sourceRoots = listOf("src/") } } } testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/kotlinAsJavaPlugin/Test.kt |package kotlinAsJavaPlugin | |fun testF(i: Int) = i |/src/main/kotlin/kotlinAsJavaPlugin/ |package kotlinAsJavaPlugin | |class TestJ { | int testF(int i) { return i; } |} """.trimMargin(), configuration, cleanupOutput = true ) { pagesGenerationStage = { root -> val classes = root.children.first().children.associateBy { } classes.values.assertCount(2, "Class count: ") classes["TestKt"].let { it?.children.orEmpty().assertCount(1, "(Kotlin) TestKt members: ") it!!.children.first() .let { assert( == "testF") { "(Kotlin) Expected method name: testF, got: ${}" } } } classes["TestJ"].let { it?.children.orEmpty().assertCount(1, "(Java) TestJ members: ") it!!.children.first() .let { assert( == "testF") { "(Java) Expected method name: testF, got: ${}" } } } } } } @Test fun `public kotlin properties should have a getter with same visibilities`(){ val configuration = dokkaConfiguration { sourceSets { sourceSet { sourceRoots = listOf("src/") } } } testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/kotlinAsJavaPlugin/Test.kt |package kotlinAsJavaPlugin | |class Test { | public val publicProperty: String = "" |} """.trimMargin(), configuration, cleanupOutput = true ) { pagesTransformationStage = { rootPageNode -> val propertyGetter = rootPageNode.dfs { it is MemberPageNode && == "getPublicProperty" } as? MemberPageNode assert(propertyGetter != null) propertyGetter!!.content.assertNode { group { header(1) { +"getPublicProperty" } } divergentGroup { divergentInstance { divergent { group { +"final " group { link { +"String" } } link { +"getPublicProperty" } +"()" } } } } } } } } @Test fun `java properties should keep its modifiers`(){ val configuration = dokkaConfiguration { sourceSets { sourceSet { sourceRoots = listOf("src/") } } } testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/kotlinAsJavaPlugin/ |package kotlinAsJavaPlugin | |class TestJ { | public Int publicProperty = 1; |} """.trimMargin(), configuration, cleanupOutput = true ) { pagesGenerationStage = { root -> val testClass = root.dfs { == "TestJ" } as? ClasslikePageNode assert(testClass != null) (testClass!!.content as ContentGroup).children.last().assertNode { group { header(2){ +"Properties" } table { group { link { +"publicProperty" } platformHinted { group { +"public Int" link { +"publicProperty" } } } } } } } } } } @Test fun `koltin interfaces and classes should be split to extends and implements`(){ val configuration = dokkaConfiguration { sourceSets { sourceSet { sourceRoots = listOf("src/") } } } testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/kotlinAsJavaPlugin/Test.kt |package kotlinAsJavaPlugin | |open class A { } |interface B |class C : A(), B """.trimMargin(), configuration, cleanupOutput = true ) { pagesGenerationStage = { root -> val testClass = root.dfs { == "C" } as? ClasslikePageNode assert(testClass != null) testClass!!.content.assertNode { group { header(expectedLevel = 1) { +"C" } platformHinted { group { +"public final class " link { +"C" } +" extends " group { link { +"A" } } +" implements " group { link { +"B" } } } } } skipAllNotMatching() } } } } private fun Collection.assertCount(n: Int, prefix: String = "") = assert(count() == n) { "${prefix}Expected $n, got ${count()}" } @Test fun `typealias`() { val writerPlugin = TestOutputWriterPlugin() val configuration = dokkaConfiguration { sourceSets { sourceSet { sourceRoots = listOf("src/") externalDocumentationLinks = listOf(DokkaConfiguration.ExternalDocumentationLink.jdk(8)) } } } testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/kotlinAsJavaPlugin/Test.kt |package kotlinAsJavaPlugin | |typealias XD = Int |class ABC { | fun someFun(xd: XD): Int = 1 |} """.trimMargin(), configuration, pluginOverrides = listOf(writerPlugin), cleanupOutput = true ) { renderingStage = { _, _ -> writerPlugin.writer.renderedContent("root/kotlinAsJavaPlugin/-a-b-c/some-fun.html").signature().first().match( "final ", A("Integer"), A("someFun"), "(", A("Integer"), A("xd"), ")", Span() ) } } } @Test fun `typealias with generic`() { val writerPlugin = TestOutputWriterPlugin() val configuration = dokkaConfiguration { sourceSets { sourceSet { sourceRoots = listOf("src/") externalDocumentationLinks = listOf( DokkaConfiguration.ExternalDocumentationLink.jdk(8), stdlibExternalDocumentationLink ) } } } testInline( """ |/src/main/kotlin/kotlinAsJavaPlugin/Test.kt |package kotlinAsJavaPlugin | |typealias XD = Map | |class ABC { | fun someFun(xd: XD) = 1 |} """.trimMargin(), configuration, pluginOverrides = listOf(writerPlugin), cleanupOutput = true ) { renderingStage = { _, _ -> writerPlugin.writer.renderedContent("root/kotlinAsJavaPlugin/-a-b-c/some-fun.html").signature().first().match( "final ", A("Integer"), A("someFun"), "(", A("Map"), "<", A("String"), ", ", A("Integer"), ">", A("xd"), ")", Span() ) } } } } private val ContentNode.mainContents: List get() = (this as ContentGroup).children .filterIsInstance() .single { it.dci.kind == ContentKind.Main }.children