### Configuring a dokka task Dokka 1.4.x will create dedicated tasks for each format. You can expect the following formats being registered and configured by default: - `dokkaHtml` - `dokkaJavadoc` - `dokkaGfm` - `dokkaJekyll` Therefore, you need to either select specifically which task you want to configure or configure all with Type `DokkaTask` ```kotlin /* 0.10.x */ tasks.dokka.configure { /*...*/ } /* 1.4.x */ // configure all formats tasks.withType<DokkaTask>().configureEach { /*...*/ } // configure only html format e.g. tasks.dokkaHtml.configure { /*...*/ } ``` #### properties ```kotlin /* 0.10.x */ outputFormat = "html" /* 1.4.x No equivalent. Formats are only configured by plugins. See `dokkaHtml`, `dokkaJavadoc`,... tasks */ /* 0.10.x */ outputDirectory = "$buildDir/javadoc" /* 1.4.x */ outputDirectory.set(buildDir.resolve("javadoc")) /* 0.10.x */ subProjects = ["subproject1", "subproject2"] /* 1.4.x No equivalent. See `DokkaCollectorTask` and `DokkaMultiModuleTask` */ /* 0.10.x */ disableAutoconfiguration = false /* 1.4.x No equivalent. Source sets are synced with Kotlin Model by default. All settings can still be overridden */ /* 0.10.x */ cacheRoot = "default" /* 1.4.x */ cacheRoot.set(file("default")) ``` ### Configure a source set ```kotlin /* 0.10.x */ tasks.dokka.configure { configuration { // ... } } /* 1.4.x */ tasks.dokkaHtml.configure { dokkaSourceSets { named("main") { /* configure main source set */ } configureEach { /* configure all source sets */ } register("custom") { /* register custom source set */ } } } ``` #### Properties ```kotlin /* 0.10.x */ moduleName = "myModule" /* 1.4.0 */ /* Use AbstractDokkaTask#moduleDisplayName instead */ /* 1.4.10+ */ /* Use AbstractDokkaTask#moduleName instead */ /* 0.10.x */ includeNonPublic = false /* 1.4.x */ includeNonPublic.set(false) /* 0.10.x */ skipDeprecated = false /* 1.4.x */ skipDeprecated.set(false) /* 0.10.x */ reportUndocumented = true /* 1.4.x */ reportUndocumented.set(true) /* 0.10.x */ skipEmptyPackages = true /* 1.4.x */ skipEmptyPackages.set(true) /* 0.10.x */ targets = ["JVM"] /* 1.4.x */ /* No equivalent */ /* Use platform and displayName instead */ /* 0.10.x */ platform = "JVM" /* 1.4.x */ platform.set(org.jetbrains.dokka.Platform.jvm) /* 1.4.x */ platform.set(Platform.jvm) // with import /* 0.10.x */ classpath = [new File("$buildDir/other.jar")] /* 1.4.x */ classpath.setFrom(buildDir.resolve("other.jar")) // setting classpath /* 1.4.x */ classpath.from(buildDir.resolve("other.jar")) // adding to existing classpath /* 0.10.x */ sourceRoots = [files("src/main/kotlin")] /* 1.4.x */ sourceRoots.setFrom(file("src/main/kotlin")) // setting all source roots /* 1.4.x */ sourceRoots.from(file("src/main/kotlin")) // adding to existing source roots /* 0.10.x */ includes = ["packages.md", "extra.md"] /* 1.4.x */ includes.setFrom(files("packages.md", "extra.md")) // setting all includes /* 1.4.x */ includes.from(files("packages.md", "extra.md")) // adding to existing includes /* 0.10.x */ samples = ["samples/basic.kt", "samples/advanced.kt"] /* 1.4.x */ samples.setFrom(files("samples/basic.kt", "samples/advanced.kt")) /* 1.4.x */ samples.from(files("samples/basic.kt", "samples/advanced.kt")) /* 0.10.x */ kotlinTasks { /* ... */ } /* 1.4.x */ /* No *direct* equivalent */ /* Source sets synced with Kotlin Gradle Plugin will be configured properly */ /* Custom source sets can use extension `kotlinSourceSet(...)` */ /* 0.10.x */ jdkVersion = 6 /* 1.4.x */ jdkVersion.set(6) /* 0.10.x */ noStdlibLink = false /* 1.4.x */ noStdlibLink.set(false) /* 0.10.x */ noJdkLink = false /* 1.4.x */ noJdkLink.set(false) sourceLink { /* 0.10.x */ path = "src/main/kotlin" /* 1.4.x */ localDirectory.set(file("src/main/kotlin")) /* 0.10.x */ url = "https://github.com/myproject/blob/master/src/main/kotlin" /* 1.4.x */ remoteUrl.set(java.net.URL("https://github.com/myproject/blob/master/src/main/kotlin")) /* 1.4.x */ remoteUrl.set(uri("https://github.com/myproject/blob/master/src/main/kotlin").toURL()) /* 0.10.x */ lineSuffix = "#L" /* 1.4.x */ remoteLineSuffix.set("#L") } externalDocumentationLink { /* 0.10.x */ url = URL("https://example.com/docs/") /* 1.4.x */ url.set(URL("https://example.com/docs/")) /* 0.10.x */ packageListUrl = URL("file:///home/user/localdocs/package-list") /* 1.4.x */ packageListUrl.set(URL("file:///home/user/localdocs/package-list")) } // Allows to customize documentation generation options on a per-package basis // Repeat for multiple packageOptions perPackageOption { /* 0.10.x */ prefix = "kotlin" /* 1.4.x */ prefix.set("kotlin") /* 0.10.x */ skipDeprecated = false /* 1.4.x */ skipDeprecated.set(false) /* 0.10.x */ reportUndocumented = true /* 1.4.x */ reportUndocumented.set(true) /* 0.10.x */ includeNonPublic = false /* 1.4.x */ includeNonPublic.set(false) /* 0.10.x */ suppress = true /* 1.4.x */ suppress.set(true) } ``` For more information or help, feel free to ask questions in the [official Kotlin Slack Channel](https://kotlinlang.slack.com/)