package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle import groovy.lang.Closure import org.gradle.api.Action import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask import org.gradle.api.Plugin import org.gradle.api.Project import org.gradle.api.Task import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration import org.gradle.api.file.FileCollection import org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaBasePlugin import org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaPluginConvention import org.gradle.api.tasks.* import org.gradle.api.tasks.Optional import org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.AbstractCompile import org.jetbrains.dokka.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.ReflectDsl.isNotInstance import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.ClassloaderContainer.fatJarClassLoader import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.DokkaVersion.version import ru.yole.jkid.JsonExclude import ru.yole.jkid.serialization.serialize import import import import import java.util.* import java.util.concurrent.Callable import java.util.function.BiConsumer open class DokkaPlugin : Plugin { override fun apply(project: Project) { DokkaVersion.loadFrom(javaClass.getResourceAsStream("/META-INF/gradle-plugins/")) project.tasks.create("dokka", { dokkaRuntime = project.configurations.create("dokkaRuntime") moduleName = outputDirectory = File(project.buildDir, "dokka").absolutePath } } } object DokkaVersion { var version: String? = null fun loadFrom(stream: InputStream) { version = Properties().apply { load(stream) }.getProperty("dokka-version") } } object ClassloaderContainer { @JvmField var fatJarClassLoader: ClassLoader? = null } const val `deprecationMessage reportNotDocumented` = "Will be removed in 0.9.17, see dokka#243" open class DokkaTask : DefaultTask() { fun defaultKotlinTasks() = with(ReflectDsl) { val abstractKotlinCompileClz = try { project.buildscript.classLoader.loadClass(ABSTRACT_KOTLIN_COMPILE) } catch (cnfe: ClassNotFoundException) { logger.warn("$ABSTRACT_KOTLIN_COMPILE class not found, default kotlin tasks ignored") return@with emptyList() } return@with project.tasks.filter { it isInstance abstractKotlinCompileClz }.filter { "Test" !in } } init { group = JavaBasePlugin.DOCUMENTATION_GROUP description = "Generates dokka documentation for Kotlin" @Suppress("LeakingThis") dependsOn(Callable { { it.taskDependencies } }) } @Input var moduleName: String = "" @Input var outputFormat: String = "html" var outputDirectory: String = "" var dokkaRuntime: Configuration? = null @Deprecated("Going to be removed in 0.9.16, use classpath + sourceDirs instead if kotlinTasks is not suitable for you") @Input var processConfigurations: List = emptyList() @InputFiles var classpath: Iterable = arrayListOf() @Input var includes: List = arrayListOf() @Input var linkMappings: ArrayList = arrayListOf() @Input var samples: List = arrayListOf() @Input var jdkVersion: Int = 6 @Input var sourceDirs: Iterable = emptyList() @Input var sourceRoots: MutableList = arrayListOf() @Input var dokkaFatJar: Any = "org.jetbrains.dokka:dokka-fatjar:$version" @Input var includeNonPublic = false @Input var skipDeprecated = false @Input var skipEmptyPackages = true @Deprecated(`deprecationMessage reportNotDocumented`, replaceWith = ReplaceWith("reportUndocumented")) var reportNotDocumented get() = reportUndocumented set(value) { logger.warn("Dokka: reportNotDocumented is deprecated and " + `deprecationMessage reportNotDocumented`.decapitalize()) reportUndocumented = value } @Input var reportUndocumented = true @Input var perPackageOptions: MutableList = arrayListOf() @Input var impliedPlatforms: MutableList = arrayListOf() @Input var externalDocumentationLinks = mutableListOf() @Input var noStdlibLink: Boolean = false @Input var noJdkLink: Boolean = false @Optional @Input var cacheRoot: String? = null @Optional @Input var languageVersion: String? = null @Optional @Input var apiVersion: String? = null @Input var collectInheritedExtensionsFromLibraries: Boolean = false @get:Internal internal val kotlinCompileBasedClasspathAndSourceRoots: ClasspathAndSourceRoots by lazy { extractClasspathAndSourceRootsFromKotlinTasks() } private var kotlinTasksConfigurator: () -> List? = { defaultKotlinTasks() } private val kotlinTasks: List by lazy { extractKotlinCompileTasks() } fun kotlinTasks(taskSupplier: Callable>) { kotlinTasksConfigurator = { } } fun kotlinTasks(closure: Closure) { kotlinTasksConfigurator = { as? List } } fun linkMapping(action: Action) { val mapping = LinkMapping() action.execute(mapping) if (mapping.path.isEmpty()) { throw IllegalArgumentException("Link mapping should have dir") } if (mapping.url.isEmpty()) { throw IllegalArgumentException("Link mapping should have url") } linkMappings.add(mapping) } fun linkMapping(closure: Closure) { linkMapping(Action { mapping -> closure.delegate = mapping }) } fun sourceRoot(action: Action) { val sourceRoot = SourceRoot() action.execute(sourceRoot) sourceRoots.add(sourceRoot) } fun sourceRoot(closure: Closure) { sourceRoot(Action { sourceRoot -> closure.delegate = sourceRoot }) } fun packageOptions(action: Action) { val packageOptions = PackageOptions() action.execute(packageOptions) perPackageOptions.add(packageOptions) } fun packageOptions(closure: Closure) { packageOptions(Action { packageOptions -> closure.delegate = packageOptions }) } fun externalDocumentationLink(action: Action) { val builder = DokkaConfiguration.ExternalDocumentationLink.Builder() action.execute(builder) externalDocumentationLinks.add( } fun externalDocumentationLink(closure: Closure) { externalDocumentationLink(Action { builder -> closure.delegate = builder }) } fun tryResolveFatJar(project: Project): Set { return try { dokkaRuntime!!.resolve() } catch (e: Exception) { project.parent?.let { tryResolveFatJar(it) } ?: throw e } } fun loadFatJar() { if (fatJarClassLoader == null) { val jars = if (dokkaFatJar is File) setOf(dokkaFatJar as File) else tryResolveFatJar(project) fatJarClassLoader = URLClassLoader( { it.toURI().toURL() }.toTypedArray(), ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().parent) } } internal data class ClasspathAndSourceRoots(val classpathFileCollection: FileCollection, val sourceRoots: List) : Serializable private fun extractKotlinCompileTasks(): List { val inputList = (kotlinTasksConfigurator.invoke() ?: emptyList()).filterNotNull() val (paths, other) = inputList.partition { it is String } val taskContainer = project.tasks val tasksByPath = { taskContainer.findByPath(it as String) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Task with path '$it' not found") } other .filter { it !is Task || it isNotInstance getAbstractKotlinCompileFor(it) } .forEach { throw IllegalArgumentException("Illegal entry in kotlinTasks, must be subtype of $ABSTRACT_KOTLIN_COMPILE or String, but was $it") } tasksByPath .filter { it == null || it isNotInstance getAbstractKotlinCompileFor(it) } .forEach { throw IllegalArgumentException("Illegal task path in kotlinTasks, must be subtype of $ABSTRACT_KOTLIN_COMPILE, but was $it") } return (tasksByPath + other) as List } private fun extractClasspathAndSourceRootsFromKotlinTasks(): ClasspathAndSourceRoots { val allTasks = kotlinTasks val allClasspath = mutableSetOf() var allClasspathFileCollection: FileCollection = project.files() val allSourceRoots = mutableSetOf() allTasks.forEach { logger.debug("Dokka found AbstractKotlinCompile task: $it") with(ReflectDsl) { val taskSourceRoots: List = it["sourceRootsContainer"]["sourceRoots"].v() val abstractKotlinCompileClz = getAbstractKotlinCompileFor(it)!! val taskClasspath: Iterable = (it["getClasspath", AbstractCompile::class].takeIfIsFunc()?.invoke() ?: it["compileClasspath", abstractKotlinCompileClz].takeIfIsProp()?.v() ?: it["getClasspath", abstractKotlinCompileClz]()) if (taskClasspath is FileCollection) { allClasspathFileCollection += taskClasspath } else { allClasspath += taskClasspath } allSourceRoots += taskSourceRoots.filter { it.exists() } } } return ClasspathAndSourceRoots(allClasspathFileCollection + project.files(allClasspath), allSourceRoots.toList()) } private fun Iterable.toSourceRoots(): List = this.filter { it.exists() }.map { SourceRoot().apply { path = it.path } } protected open fun collectSuppressedFiles(sourceRoots: List): List = emptyList() @TaskAction fun generate() { if (dokkaRuntime == null){ dokkaRuntime = project.configurations.getByName("dokkaRuntime") } dokkaRuntime?.defaultDependencies{ dependencies -> dependencies.add(project.dependencies.create(dokkaFatJar)) } val kotlinColorsEnabledBefore = System.getProperty(COLORS_ENABLED_PROPERTY) ?: "false" System.setProperty(COLORS_ENABLED_PROPERTY, "false") try { loadFatJar() val (tasksClasspath, tasksSourceRoots) = kotlinCompileBasedClasspathAndSourceRoots val project = project val sourceRoots = collectSourceRoots() + tasksSourceRoots.toSourceRoots() if (sourceRoots.isEmpty()) { logger.warn("No source directories found: skipping dokka generation") return } val fullClasspath = collectClasspathFromOldSources() + tasksClasspath + classpath val bootstrapClass = fatJarClassLoader!!.loadClass("org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaBootstrapImpl") val bootstrapInstance = bootstrapClass.constructors.first().newInstance() val bootstrapProxy: DokkaBootstrap = automagicTypedProxy(javaClass.classLoader, bootstrapInstance) TODO("Fix Configuration in Gradle") /* val configuration = SerializeOnlyDokkaConfiguration( moduleName, { it.absolutePath }, sourceRoots, samples.filterNotNull().map { project.file(it).absolutePath }, includes.filterNotNull().map { project.file(it).absolutePath }, outputDirectory, outputFormat, includeNonPublic, false, reportUndocumented, skipEmptyPackages, skipDeprecated, jdkVersion, true, linkMappings, impliedPlatforms, perPackageOptions, externalDocumentationLinks, noStdlibLink, noJdkLink, cacheRoot, collectSuppressedFiles(sourceRoots), languageVersion, apiVersion, collectInheritedExtensionsFromLibraries ) bootstrapProxy.configure( BiConsumer { level, message -> when (level) { "info" -> "warn" -> logger.warn(message) "error" -> logger.error(message) } }, serialize(configuration) ) */ bootstrapProxy.generate() } finally { System.setProperty(COLORS_ENABLED_PROPERTY, kotlinColorsEnabledBefore) } } private fun collectClasspathFromOldSources(): List { val allConfigurations = project.configurations val fromConfigurations = processConfigurations.flatMap { allConfigurations.getByName(it.toString()) } return fromConfigurations } private fun collectSourceRoots(): List { val sourceDirs = if (sourceDirs.any()) {"Dokka: Taking source directories provided by the user") sourceDirs.toSet() } else if (kotlinTasks.isEmpty()) { project.convention.findPlugin( { javaPluginConvention ->"Dokka: Taking source directories from default java plugin") val sourceSets = javaPluginConvention.sourceSets.findByName(SourceSet.MAIN_SOURCE_SET_NAME) sourceSets?.allSource?.srcDirs } } else { emptySet() } return sourceRoots + (sourceDirs?.toSourceRoots() ?: emptyList()) } @Classpath fun getInputClasspath(): FileCollection { val (classpathFileCollection) = extractClasspathAndSourceRootsFromKotlinTasks() return project.files(collectClasspathFromOldSources() + classpath) + classpathFileCollection } @InputFiles fun getInputFiles(): FileCollection { val (_, tasksSourceRoots) = extractClasspathAndSourceRootsFromKotlinTasks() return project.files( { project.fileTree(it) }) + project.files(collectSourceRoots().map { project.fileTree(File(it.path)) }) + project.files(includes) + project.files(samples.filterNotNull().map { project.fileTree(it) }) } @OutputDirectory fun getOutputDirectoryAsFile(): File = project.file(outputDirectory) companion object { const val COLORS_ENABLED_PROPERTY = "kotlin.colors.enabled" const val ABSTRACT_KOTLIN_COMPILE = "org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.AbstractKotlinCompile" private fun getAbstractKotlinCompileFor(task: Task) = try { task.project.buildscript.classLoader.loadClass(ABSTRACT_KOTLIN_COMPILE) } catch (e: ClassNotFoundException) { null } } } class SourceRoot : DokkaConfiguration.SourceRoot, Serializable { override var path: String = "" set(value) { field = File(value).absolutePath } override fun toString(): String = path } open class LinkMapping : Serializable, DokkaConfiguration.SourceLinkDefinition { @JsonExclude var dir: String get() = path set(value) { if (value.contains("\\")) throw java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("Incorrect dir property, only Unix based path allowed.") else path = value } override var path: String = "" override var url: String = "" @JsonExclude var suffix: String? get() = lineSuffix set(value) { lineSuffix = value } override var lineSuffix: String? = null override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean { if (this === other) return true if (other?.javaClass != javaClass) return false other as LinkMapping if (path != other.path) return false if (url != other.url) return false if (lineSuffix != other.lineSuffix) return false return true } override fun hashCode(): Int { var result = path.hashCode() result = 31 * result + url.hashCode() result = 31 * result + (lineSuffix?.hashCode() ?: 0) return result } companion object { const val serialVersionUID: Long = -8133501684312445981L } } class PackageOptions : Serializable, DokkaConfiguration.PackageOptions { override var prefix: String = "" override var includeNonPublic: Boolean = false override var reportUndocumented: Boolean = true override var skipDeprecated: Boolean = false override var suppress: Boolean = false }