package org.jetbrains.dokka import org.jetbrains.jet.cli.common.messages.* import com.intellij.openapi.* import org.jetbrains.jet.cli.jvm.compiler.* import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.resolve.* import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.psi.* import import org.jetbrains.jet.config.* import org.jetbrains.jet.cli.common.* import org.jetbrains.jet.cli.jvm.* import com.intellij.openapi.util.* import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.descriptors.ModuleDescriptor import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.resolve.lazy.ResolveSession /** * Kotlin as a service entry point * Configures environment, analyses files and provides facilities to perform code processing without emitting bytecode * $messageCollector is required by compiler infrastructure and will receive all compiler messages * $body is optional and can be used to configure environment without creating local variable */ public class AnalysisEnvironment(val messageCollector: MessageCollector, body: AnalysisEnvironment.() -> Unit = {}) : Disposable { val configuration = CompilerConfiguration(); { configuration.put(CLIConfigurationKeys.MESSAGE_COLLECTOR_KEY, messageCollector) body() } /** * Executes [processor] when analysis is complete. * $processor is a function to receive compiler environment, module and context for symbol resolution */ public fun withContext(processor: (JetCoreEnvironment, ResolveSession) -> T): T { val environment = JetCoreEnvironment.createForProduction(this, configuration, EnvironmentConfigFiles.JVM_CONFIG_FILES) val resolveSession = environment.analyze() resolveSession.forceResolveAll() return processor(environment, resolveSession) } /** * Executes [processor] when analysis is complete. * $processor is a function to receive compiler module and context for symbol resolution */ public fun withContext(processor: (ResolveSession) -> T): T { return withContext { environment, session -> processor(session) } } /** * Streams files into [processor] and returns a stream of its results * $processor is a function to receive context for symbol resolution and file for processing */ public fun streamFiles(processor: (ResolveSession, JetFile) -> T): Stream { return withContext { environment, session -> environment.getSourceFiles().stream().map { file -> processor(session, file) } } } /** * Runs [processor] for each file and collects its results into single list * $processor is a function to receive context for symbol resolution and file for processing */ public fun processFiles(processor: (ResolveSession, JetFile) -> T): List { return withContext { environment, session -> environment.getSourceFiles().map { file -> processor(session, file) } } } /** * Runs [processor] for each file and collects its results into single list * $processor is a function to receive context for symbol resolution and file for processing */ public fun processFilesFlat(processor: (ResolveSession, JetFile) -> List): List { return withContext { environment, session -> environment.getSourceFiles().flatMap { file -> processor(session, file) } } } /** * Classpath for this environment. */ public val classpath: List get() = configuration.get(JVMConfigurationKeys.CLASSPATH_KEY) ?: listOf() /** * Adds list of paths to classpath. * $paths collection of paths to add */ public fun addClasspath(paths: List) { configuration.addAll(JVMConfigurationKeys.CLASSPATH_KEY, paths) } /** * Adds path to classpath. * $path path to add */ public fun addClasspath(path: File) { configuration.add(JVMConfigurationKeys.CLASSPATH_KEY, path) } /** * List of source roots for this environment. */ public val sources: List get() = configuration.get(CommonConfigurationKeys.SOURCE_ROOTS_KEY) ?: listOf() /** * Adds list of paths to source roots. * $list collection of files to add */ public fun addSources(list: List) { configuration.addAll(CommonConfigurationKeys.SOURCE_ROOTS_KEY, list) } /** * Disposes the environment and frees all associated resources. */ public override fun dispose() { Disposer.dispose(this) } }