package org.jetbrains.dokka.Kotlin import import com.intellij.psi.PsiDocCommentOwner import com.intellij.psi.PsiNamedElement import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil import org.jetbrains.dokka.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.kdoc.KDocFinder import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.kdoc.getResolutionScope import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.components.NoLookupLocation import org.jetbrains.kotlin.kdoc.psi.impl.KDocSection import org.jetbrains.kotlin.kdoc.psi.impl.KDocTag import import import import import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtBlockExpression import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtDeclarationWithBody import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.DescriptorToSourceUtils import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.DescriptorUtils import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.scopes.KtScope import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.scopes.utils.asJetScope import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.source.PsiSourceElement class DescriptorDocumentationParser @Inject constructor(val options: DocumentationOptions, val logger: DokkaLogger, val linkResolver: DeclarationLinkResolver, val resolutionFacade: DokkaResolutionFacade, val refGraph: NodeReferenceGraph) { fun parseDocumentation(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor): Content = parseDocumentationAndDetails(descriptor).first fun parseDocumentationAndDetails(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor): Pair Unit> { if (descriptor is JavaClassDescriptor || descriptor is JavaCallableMemberDescriptor) { return parseJavadoc(descriptor) } val kdoc = KDocFinder.findKDoc(descriptor) ?: findStdlibKDoc(descriptor) if (kdoc == null) { if (options.reportUndocumented && !descriptor.isDeprecated() && descriptor !is ValueParameterDescriptor && descriptor !is TypeParameterDescriptor && descriptor !is PropertyAccessorDescriptor) { logger.warn("No documentation for ${descriptor.signatureWithSourceLocation()}") } return Content.Empty to { node -> } } var kdocText = kdoc.getContent() // workaround for code fence parsing problem in IJ markdown parser if (kdocText.endsWith("```") || kdocText.endsWith("~~~")) { kdocText += "\n" } val tree = parseMarkdown(kdocText) //println(tree.toTestString()) val content = buildContent(tree, { href -> linkResolver.resolveContentLink(descriptor, href) }) if (kdoc is KDocSection) { val tags = kdoc.getTags() tags.forEach { when ( { "sample" -> content.append(functionBody(descriptor, it.getSubjectName())) "see" -> content.addTagToSeeAlso(descriptor, it) else -> { val section = content.addSection(javadocSectionDisplayName(, it.getSubjectName()) val sectionContent = it.getContent() val markdownNode = parseMarkdown(sectionContent) buildInlineContentTo(markdownNode, section, { href -> linkResolver.resolveContentLink(descriptor, href) }) } } } } return content to { node -> } } /** * Special case for generating stdlib documentation (the Any class to which the override chain will resolve * is not the same one as the Any class included in the source scope). */ fun findStdlibKDoc(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor): KDocTag? { if (descriptor !is CallableMemberDescriptor) { return null } val name = if (name == "equals" || name == "hashCode" || name == "toString") { var deepestDescriptor: CallableMemberDescriptor = descriptor while (!deepestDescriptor.overriddenDescriptors.isEmpty()) { deepestDescriptor = deepestDescriptor.overriddenDescriptors.first() } if (DescriptorUtils.getFqName(deepestDescriptor.containingDeclaration).asString() == "kotlin.Any") { val anyClassDescriptors = resolutionFacade.resolveSession.getTopLevelClassDescriptors( FqName.fromSegments(listOf("kotlin", "Any")), NoLookupLocation.UNSORTED) anyClassDescriptors.forEach { val anyMethod = it.getMemberScope(listOf()).getFunctions(, NoLookupLocation.UNSORTED).single() val kdoc = KDocFinder.findKDoc(anyMethod) if (kdoc != null) { return kdoc } } } } return null } fun parseJavadoc(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor): Pair Unit> { val psi = ((descriptor as? DeclarationDescriptorWithSource)?.source as? PsiSourceElement)?.psi if (psi is PsiDocCommentOwner) { val parseResult = JavadocParser(refGraph).parseDocumentation(psi as PsiNamedElement) return parseResult.content to { node -> parseResult.deprecatedContent?.let { val deprecationNode = DocumentationNode("", it, DocumentationNode.Kind.Modifier) node.append(deprecationNode, DocumentationReference.Kind.Deprecation) } } } return Content.Empty to { node -> } } fun KDocSection.getTags(): Array = PsiTreeUtil.getChildrenOfType(this, ?: arrayOf() private fun MutableContent.addTagToSeeAlso(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor, seeTag: KDocTag) { val subjectName = seeTag.getSubjectName() if (subjectName != null) { val seeSection = findSectionByTag("See Also") ?: addSection("See Also", null) val link = linkResolver.resolveContentLink(descriptor, subjectName) link.append(ContentText(subjectName)) val para = ContentParagraph() para.append(link) seeSection.append(para) } } private fun functionBody(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor, functionName: String?): ContentNode { if (functionName == null) { logger.warn("Missing function name in @sample in ${descriptor.signature()}") return ContentBlockCode().let() { it.append(ContentText("Missing function name in @sample")); it } } val scope = getResolutionScope(resolutionFacade, descriptor).asJetScope() val rootPackage = resolutionFacade.moduleDescriptor.getPackage(FqName.ROOT) val rootScope = rootPackage.memberScope val symbol = resolveInScope(functionName, scope) ?: resolveInScope(functionName, rootScope) if (symbol == null) { logger.warn("Unresolved function $functionName in @sample in ${descriptor.signature()}") return ContentBlockCode().let() { it.append(ContentText("Unresolved: $functionName")); it } } val psiElement = DescriptorToSourceUtils.descriptorToDeclaration(symbol) if (psiElement == null) { logger.warn("Can't find source for function $functionName in @sample in ${descriptor.signature()}") return ContentBlockCode().let() { it.append(ContentText("Source not found: $functionName")); it } } val text = when (psiElement) { is KtDeclarationWithBody -> ContentBlockCode().let() { val bodyExpression = psiElement.bodyExpression when (bodyExpression) { is KtBlockExpression -> bodyExpression.text.removeSurrounding("{", "}") else -> bodyExpression!!.text } } else -> psiElement.text } val lines = text.trimEnd().split("\n".toRegex()).toTypedArray().filterNot { it.length == 0 } val indent = { it.takeWhile { it.isWhitespace() }.count() }.min() ?: 0 val finalText = { it.drop(indent) }.joinToString("\n") return ContentBlockCode("kotlin").let() { it.append(ContentText(finalText)); it } } private fun resolveInScope(functionName: String, scope: KtScope): DeclarationDescriptor? { var currentScope = scope val parts = functionName.split('.') var symbol: DeclarationDescriptor? = null for (part in parts) { // short name val symbolName = Name.guess(part) val partSymbol = currentScope.getAllDescriptors().filter { == symbolName }.firstOrNull() if (partSymbol == null) { symbol = null break } currentScope = if (partSymbol is ClassDescriptor) partSymbol.defaultType.memberScope else getResolutionScope(resolutionFacade, partSymbol).asJetScope() symbol = partSymbol } return symbol } }