package org.jetbrains.dokka import public interface Location { val path: String get fun relativePathTo(other: Location, anchor: String? = null): String } /** * Represents locations in the documentation in the form of [path](File). * * Locations are provided by [LocationService.location] function. * * $file: [File] for this location * $path: [String] representing path of this location */ public data class FileLocation(val file: File): Location { override val path : String get() = file.path override fun relativePathTo(other: Location, anchor: String?): String { if (other !is FileLocation) { throw IllegalArgumentException("$other is not a FileLocation") } if (file.path.substringBeforeLast(".") == other.file.path.substringBeforeLast(".") && anchor == null) { return "." } val ownerFolder = file.parentFile!! val relativePath = ownerFolder.getRelativePath(other.file).path return if (anchor == null) relativePath else relativePath + "#" + anchor } } /** * Provides means of retrieving locations for [DocumentationNode](documentation nodes) * * `LocationService` determines where documentation for particular node should be generated * * * [FoldersLocationService] – represent packages and types as folders, members as files in those folders. * * [SingleFolderLocationService] – all documentation is generated into single folder using fully qualified names * for file names. */ public interface LocationService { fun withExtension(newExtension: String) = this fun location(node: DocumentationNode): Location = location( { }, node.members.any()) /** * Calculates a location corresponding to the specified [qualifiedName]. * @param hasMembers if true, the node for which the location is calculated has member nodes. */ fun location(qualifiedName: List<String>, hasMembers: Boolean): Location } public interface FileLocationService: LocationService { override fun withExtension(newExtension: String): FileLocationService = this override fun location(node: DocumentationNode): FileLocation = location( { }, node.members.any()) override fun location(qualifiedName: List<String>, hasMembers: Boolean): FileLocation } public fun identifierToFilename(path: String): String { val escaped = path.replace('<', '-').replace('>', '-') val lowercase = escaped.replace("[A-Z]".toRegex()) { matchResult -> "-" + matchResult.value.toLowerCase() } return if (lowercase == "index") "--index--" else lowercase } /** * Returns relative location between two nodes. Used for relative links in documentation. */ fun LocationService.relativePathToLocation(owner: DocumentationNode, node: DocumentationNode): String { return location(owner).relativePathTo(location(node), null) }