package org.jetbrains.dokka import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.descriptors.* import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.resolve.BindingContext class DocumentationContentSection(val label: String, val text: String) { override fun toString(): String { return "$label = $text" } } class DocumentationContent(val summary: String, val sections: List) { override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean { if (other !is DocumentationContent) return false if (summary != other.summary) return false if (sections.size != other.sections.size) return false for (index in sections.indices) if (sections[index] != other.sections[index]) return false return true } override fun hashCode(): Int { return summary.hashCode() + { it.hashCode() }.sum() } override fun toString(): String { if (sections.isEmpty()) return summary return "$summary | " + sections.joinToString() } class object { val Empty = DocumentationContent("", listOf()) } } fun BindingContext.getDocumentation(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor): DocumentationContent { val docText = getDocumentationElements(descriptor).map { it.extractText() }.join("\n") val sections = docText.parseSections() return DocumentationContent(sections.first().text, sections.drop(1)) } fun String.parseLabel(index: Int): Pair { val c = get(index) when { Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c) -> { for (end in index + 1..length - 1) { if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(get(end))) { return substring(index, end) to end } } return substring(index, length) to length } c == '{' -> { val end = indexOf('}', index + 1) return substring(index, end) to index + 2 } } return "" to -1 } fun String.parseSections(): List { val sections = arrayListOf() var currentLabel = "" var currentSectionStart = 0 var currentIndex = 0 while (currentIndex < length) { if (get(currentIndex) == '$') { val (label, index) = parseLabel(currentIndex + 1) if (index != -1) { // section starts, add previous section sections.add(DocumentationContentSection(currentLabel, substring(currentSectionStart, currentIndex).trim())) currentLabel = label currentIndex = index currentSectionStart = currentIndex continue } } currentIndex++ } sections.add(DocumentationContentSection(currentLabel, substring(currentSectionStart, currentIndex).trim())) return sections }