package org.jetbrains.dokka import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.resolve.BindingContext import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.psi.JetFile import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.descriptors.* public enum class DocumentationNodeKind { Unknown Package Class Trait Object Constructor Function Property Parameter Receiver TypeParameter Type UpperBound LowerBound Exception Module } public enum class DocumentationReferenceKind { Owner Member Detail Link Override } public open class DocumentationNode(val descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor, val name: String, val doc: DocumentationContent, val kind: DocumentationNodeKind) { private val references = arrayListOf() public val owner: DocumentationNode? get() = references(DocumentationReferenceKind.Owner).firstOrNull()?.to // TODO: should be singleOrNull, but bugz! public val details: List get() = references(DocumentationReferenceKind.Detail).map { } public val members: List get() = references(DocumentationReferenceKind.Member).map { } public val links: List get() = references(DocumentationReferenceKind.Link).map { } // TODO: Should we allow node mutation? Model merge will copy by ref, so references are transparent, which could nice public fun addReferenceTo(to: DocumentationNode, kind: DocumentationReferenceKind) { references.add(DocumentationReference(this, to, kind)) } public fun addAllReferencesFrom(other: DocumentationNode) { references.addAll(other.references) } public fun references(kind: DocumentationReferenceKind): List = references.filter { it.kind == kind } public fun allReferences(): List = references public override fun toString(): String { return "$kind:$name" } } public class DocumentationModule(val module: ModuleDescriptor) : DocumentationNode(module, "model", DocumentationContent.Empty, DocumentationNodeKind.Module) { fun merge(other: DocumentationModule): DocumentationModule { val model = DocumentationModule(module) model.addAllReferencesFrom(other) model.addAllReferencesFrom(this) return model } public val nodes: List get() = members } public data class DocumentationReference(val from: DocumentationNode, val to: DocumentationNode, val kind: DocumentationReferenceKind) fun BindingContext.createDocumentationModel(module: ModuleDescriptor, file: JetFile): DocumentationModule { val packageFragment = getPackageFragment(file) val model = DocumentationModule(module) if (packageFragment == null) throw IllegalArgumentException("File $file should have package fragment") val visitor = DocumentationNodeBuilder(this) packageFragment.accept(DocumentationBuildingVisitor(this, visitor), model) checkResolveChildren(model) return model }