package org.jetbrains.dokka.Utilities import import java.util.* import java.util.jar.JarFile import data class ServiceDescriptor(val name: String, val category: String, val description: String?, val className: String) class ServiceLookupException(message: String) : Exception(message) public object ServiceLocator { public fun lookup(clazz: Class, category: String, implementationName: String): T { val descriptor = lookupDescriptor(category, implementationName) val loadedClass = javaClass.classLoader.loadClass(descriptor.className) val constructor = loadedClass.constructors .filter { it.parameterTypes.isEmpty() } .firstOrNull() ?: throw ServiceLookupException("Class ${descriptor.className} has no corresponding constructor") val implementationRawType: Any = if (constructor.parameterTypes.isEmpty()) constructor.newInstance() else constructor.newInstance(constructor) if (!clazz.isInstance(implementationRawType)) { throw ServiceLookupException("Class ${descriptor.className} is not a subtype of ${}") } @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") return implementationRawType as T } private fun lookupDescriptor(category: String, implementationName: String): ServiceDescriptor { val properties = javaClass.classLoader.getResourceAsStream("dokka/$category/$")?.use { stream -> Properties().let { properties -> properties.load(stream) properties } } ?: throw ServiceLookupException("No implementation with name $implementationName found in category $category") val className = properties["class"]?.toString() ?: throw ServiceLookupException("Implementation $implementationName has no class configured") return ServiceDescriptor(implementationName, category, properties["description"]?.toString(), className) } fun allServices(category: String): List = javaClass.classLoader.getResourceAsStream("dokka/$category")?.use { stream -> val entries = this.javaClass.classLoader.getResources("dokka/$category")?.toList() ?: emptyList() entries.flatMap { when (it.protocol) { "file" -> File(it.file).listFiles()?.filter { it.extension == "properties" }?.map { lookupDescriptor(category, it.nameWithoutExtension) } ?: emptyList() "jar" -> { val file = JarFile(it.file.removePrefix("file:").substringBefore("!")) try { val jarPath = it.file.substringAfterLast("!").removePrefix("/") file.entries() .asSequence() .filter { entry -> !entry.isDirectory && entry.path == jarPath && entry.extension == "properties" } .map { entry -> lookupDescriptor(category, entry.fileName.substringBeforeLast(".")) }.toList() } finally { file.close() } } else -> emptyList() } } } ?: emptyList() } public inline fun ServiceLocator.lookup(category: String, implementationName: String): T = lookup(, category, implementationName) private val ZipEntry.fileName: String get() = name.substringAfterLast("/", name) private val ZipEntry.path: String get() = name.substringBeforeLast("/", "").removePrefix("/") private val ZipEntry.extension: String? get() = fileName.let { fn -> if ("." in fn) fn.substringAfterLast(".") else null }