package org.jetbrains.dokka import com.sampullara.cli.* import com.intellij.openapi.util.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.messages.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.arguments.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.PathUtil import import class DokkaArguments { Argument(value = "src", description = "Source file or directory (allows many paths separated by the system path separator)") ValueDescription("") public var src: String = "" Argument(value = "srcLink", description = "Mapping between a source directory and a Web site for browsing the code") ValueDescription("=[#lineSuffix]") public var srcLink: String = "" Argument(value = "include", description = "Markdown files to load (allows many paths separated by the system path separator)") ValueDescription("") public var include: String = "" Argument(value = "samples", description = "Source root for samples") ValueDescription("") public var samples: String = "" Argument(value = "output", description = "Output directory path") ValueDescription("") public var outputDir: String = "out/doc/" Argument(value = "format", description = "Output format (text, html, markdown, jekyll, kotlin-website)") ValueDescription("") public var outputFormat: String = "html" Argument(value = "module", description = "Name of the documentation module") ValueDescription("") public var moduleName: String = "" Argument(value = "classpath", description = "Classpath for symbol resolution") ValueDescription("") public var classpath: String = "" } class SourceLinkDefinition(val path: String, val url: String, val lineSuffix: String?) private fun parseSourceLinkDefinition(srcLink: String): SourceLinkDefinition { val (path, urlAndLine) = srcLink.split('=') return SourceLinkDefinition(File(path).getAbsolutePath(), urlAndLine.substringBefore("#"), urlAndLine.substringAfter("#", "").let { if (it.isEmpty()) null else "#" + it }) } public fun main(args: Array) { val arguments = DokkaArguments() val freeArgs: List = Args.parse(arguments, args) ?: listOf() val sources = if (arguments.src.isNotEmpty()) arguments.src.split(File.pathSeparatorChar).toList() + freeArgs else freeArgs val samples = if (arguments.samples.isNotEmpty()) arguments.samples.split(File.pathSeparatorChar).toList() else listOf() val includes = if (arguments.include.isNotEmpty()) arguments.include.split(File.pathSeparatorChar).toList() else listOf() val sourceLinks = if (arguments.srcLink.isNotEmpty() && arguments.srcLink.contains("=")) listOf(parseSourceLinkDefinition(arguments.srcLink)) else { if (arguments.srcLink.isNotEmpty()) { println("Warning: Invalid -srcLink syntax. Expected: =[#lineSuffix]. No source links will be generated.") } listOf() } val classPath = arguments.classpath.split(File.pathSeparatorChar).toList() val generator = DokkaGenerator( DokkaConsoleLogger, classPath, sources, samples, includes, arguments.moduleName, arguments.outputDir, arguments.outputFormat, sourceLinks) generator.generate() } trait DokkaLogger { fun info(message: String) fun warn(message: String) fun error(message: String) } object DokkaConsoleLogger: DokkaLogger { override fun info(message: String) = println(message) override fun warn(message: String) = println("WARN: $message") override fun error(message: String) = println("ERROR: $message") } class DokkaMessageCollector(val logger: DokkaLogger): MessageCollector { override fun report(severity: CompilerMessageSeverity, message: String, location: CompilerMessageLocation) { logger.error(MessageRenderer.PLAIN_FULL_PATHS.render(severity, message, location)) } } class DokkaGenerator(val logger: DokkaLogger, val classpath: List, val sources: List, val samples: List, val includes: List, val moduleName: String, val outputDir: String, val outputFormat: String, val sourceLinks: List) { fun generate() { val environment = createAnalysisEnvironment()"Module: ${moduleName}")"Output: ${outputDir}")"Sources: ${environment.sources.join()}")"Classpath: ${environment.classpath.joinToString()}")"Analysing sources and libraries... ") val startAnalyse = System.currentTimeMillis() val documentation = buildDocumentationModule(environment) val timeAnalyse = System.currentTimeMillis() - startAnalyse"done in ${timeAnalyse / 1000} secs") val startBuild = System.currentTimeMillis() val signatureGenerator = KotlinLanguageService() val locationService = FoldersLocationService(outputDir) val templateService = HtmlTemplateService.default("/dokka/styles/style.css") val (formatter, outlineFormatter) = when (outputFormat) { "html" -> { val htmlFormatService = HtmlFormatService(locationService, signatureGenerator, templateService) htmlFormatService to htmlFormatService } "markdown" -> MarkdownFormatService(locationService, signatureGenerator) to null "jekyll" -> JekyllFormatService(locationService, signatureGenerator) to null "kotlin-website" -> KotlinWebsiteFormatService(locationService, signatureGenerator) to YamlOutlineService(locationService, signatureGenerator) else -> { logger.error("Unrecognized output format ${outputFormat}") null to null } } if (formatter == null) return val generator = FileGenerator(signatureGenerator, locationService, formatter, outlineFormatter)"Generating pages... ") generator.buildPage(documentation) generator.buildOutline(documentation) val timeBuild = System.currentTimeMillis() - startBuild"done in ${timeBuild / 1000} secs") Disposer.dispose(environment) } fun createAnalysisEnvironment(): AnalysisEnvironment { val environment = AnalysisEnvironment(DokkaMessageCollector(logger)) { addClasspath(PathUtil.getJdkClassesRoots()) // addClasspath(PathUtil.getKotlinPathsForCompiler().getRuntimePath()) for (element in this@DokkaGenerator.classpath) { addClasspath(File(element)) } addSources(this@DokkaGenerator.sources) addSources(this@DokkaGenerator.samples) } return environment } fun buildDocumentationModule(environment: AnalysisEnvironment): DocumentationModule { val documentation = environment.withContext { environment, session -> val fragmentFiles = environment.getSourceFiles().filter { val sourceFile = File(it.getVirtualFile()!!.getPath()) samples.none { sample -> val canonicalSample = File(sample).canonicalPath val canonicalSource = sourceFile.canonicalPath canonicalSource.startsWith(canonicalSample) } } val fragments = { session.getPackageFragment(it.getPackageFqName()) }.filterNotNull().distinct() val options = DocumentationOptions(false, sourceLinks) val documentationBuilder = DocumentationBuilder(session, options, logger) with(documentationBuilder) { val moduleContent = Content() for (include in includes) { val file = File(include) if (file.exists()) { val text = file.readText() val tree = parseMarkdown(text) val content = buildContent(tree) moduleContent.children.addAll(content.children) } else { logger.warn("Include file $file was not found.") } } val documentationModule = DocumentationModule(moduleName, moduleContent) documentationModule.appendFragments(fragments) documentationBuilder.resolveReferences(documentationModule) documentationModule } } return documentation } }