package org.jetbrains.dokka.tests import org.junit.Test import org.jetbrains.dokka import org.jetbrains.dokka.MarkdownProcessor import org.jetbrains.dokka.toTestString import org.jetbrains.dokka.toHtml public class ParserTest { fun runTestFor(text : String) { val markdownTree = MarkdownProcessor.parse(text) println(markdownTree.toTestString()) println(markdownTree.toHtml()) } Test fun text() { runTestFor("text") } Test fun textWithSpaces() { runTestFor("text and string") } Test fun textWithColon() { runTestFor("text and string: cool!") } Test fun link() { runTestFor("text [links]") } Test fun linkWithHref() { runTestFor("text [links](") } Test fun multiline() { runTestFor( """ text and string """) } Test fun para() { runTestFor( """ paragraph number one paragraph number two """) } Test fun bulletList() { runTestFor( """* list item 1 * list item 2 """) } Test fun bulletListWithLines() { runTestFor( """ * list item 1 continue 1 * list item 2 continue 2 """) } Test fun bulletListStrong() { runTestFor( """ * list *item* 1 continue 1 * list *item* 2 continue 2 """) } Test fun emph() { runTestFor("*text*") } Test fun directive() { runTestFor("A text {code with.another.value} with directive") } Test fun emphAndEmptySection() { runTestFor("*text* \$sec:") } Test fun emphAndSection() { runTestFor("*text* \$sec: some text") } Test fun emphAndBracedSection() { runTestFor("Text *bold* text \${sec}: some text") } Test fun section() { runTestFor( "Plain text \$one: Summary \${two}: Description with *emphasis* \${An example of a section}: Example") } Test fun anonymousSection() { runTestFor("Summary\n\nDescription\n") } Test fun specialSection() { runTestFor( "Plain text \$\$summary: Summary \${\$description}: Description \${\$An example of a section}: Example") } Test fun emptySection() { runTestFor( "Plain text \$summary:") } }