package me.bush.illnamethislater import sun.misc.Unsafe import java.lang.reflect.Modifier import kotlin.reflect.KClass import kotlin.reflect.KMutableProperty import kotlin.reflect.full.declaredMembers import kotlin.reflect.full.isSubclassOf import kotlin.reflect.jvm.javaField import kotlin.reflect.typeOf /** * A simple SAM interface for determining if an event (or any class) is cancellable. * * @author bush * @since 1.0.0 */ internal fun interface CancelledState { /** * Returns whether [event] is cancelled or not. [event] should only ever be of the type * that was passed to [CancelledState.of], **or this will crash.** */ fun isCancelled(event: Any): Boolean companion object { private val UNSAFE = runCatching { Unsafe::class.declaredMembers.single { == "theUnsafe" }.handleCall() as Unsafe }.getOrNull() // soy jvm private val CANCELLED_NAMES = arrayOf("canceled", "cancelled") private val NOT_CANCELLABLE = CancelledState { false } private val OFFSETS = hashMapOf, Long>() /** * Creates a [CancelledState] object for events of class [type]. */ fun of(type: KClass<*>, config: Config): CancelledState { // Default impl for our event class. if (type.isSubclassOf(Event::class)) return CancelledState { (it as Event).cancelled } // If compat is disabled. if (!config.thirdPartyCompatibility) return NOT_CANCELLABLE // Find a field named "cancelled" or "canceled" that is a boolean, and has a backing field. type.allMembers.filter { in CANCELLED_NAMES && it.returnType == typeOf() } .filterIsInstance>().filter { it.javaField != null }.toList().let { if (it.isEmpty() || UNSAFE == null) return NOT_CANCELLABLE if (it.size != 1) config.logger.warn("Multiple possible cancel fields found for event type $type") it[0].javaField!!.let { field -> if (Modifier.isStatic(field.modifiers)) OFFSETS[type] = UNSAFE.staticFieldOffset(field) else OFFSETS[type] = UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset(field) } // This is the same speed as direct access, plus one JNI call and hashmap access. // If you are familiar with C, this is essentially the same idea as pointers. return CancelledState { event -> UNSAFE.getBoolean(event, OFFSETS[type]!!) } } } } }