import kotlinx.browser.document import kotlinx.browser.window import kotlinx.css.* import kotlinx.html.dom.append import kotlinx.html.js.div import* import styled.injectGlobal import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.milliseconds val defaultFileSystem = fileSystem { "etc" { "passwd" text "hunter2" } "home/exhq" { "todo" text """ | - git gud | - finish this website | - convince the general public that comic sans is a viable font """.trimMargin() } "flag" text "CTF{12345abcdefghijklmonp3.}" } fun main() { var startupmsg = "type help to get a list of commands" val root = document.body!!.append.div() val console = KConsole.createFor(root, fileSystem = defaultFileSystem) injectGlobal { ".${Styles.consoleClass}" { minHeight = 100.vh backgroundColor = Color("#282a39C6") } body { backgroundImage = Image("url(weebshit1.jpg)") backgroundSize = "cover" } } console.PS1 = { "${console.fileAccessor!!.currentDir.joinToString("/", "/")} > " } if (window.location.hash == "#mobile" || (window.location.hash != "#desktop" && js("'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement") as Boolean)) { console.openMobileKeyboardOnTap() startupmsg = "nea added phone support, kindaaa. phone is shit anyways \ntype help for a list of commands" } console.addMultilineText(startupmsg) console.fileAccessor!!.cd("/home/exhq") console.rerender() console.registerCommand(defaultLsCommand("ls", delayBetweenLines = 0.milliseconds)) console.registerCommand(defaultCdCommand("cd")) console.registerCommand(defaultCatCommand("cat")) console.registerCommand(defaultCwdCommand("cwd", "pwd")) console.registerCommand(command("help", "?"){ console.addMultilineText(""" ls - lists stuff in current directory cd - move to another directory cat - open files pwd - shows current directory """.trimIndent()) }) console.registerCommand(command("blahaj", "shark"){ console.addMultilineText(""" ,(((/ /((((( ((((#(( (// (((((((. *(((/ /(######/ *((((/ *//%#####((/ ((#((/ ,*/********/////////////////(//* (%* ,((##(( ,*/((///(//////////((/(///////(/////(////*,(*#((/(/((//////###(###(/( /(((((((//((///((////((((((/(((((((((((((((((/(((##((#%(##(/((///*(&#(##/ /#((%(#(((((//#((((((((((((((((((((((((#(((((((((((/##(((((//((//* ####(/ (((###(###(#(#####(###############((#((((((((/((//(((#/(///// ,, ,(###%####%&%#############(#(#(####(((((((/(((/////*//, . .....*#(#######(((###(#(##(##(((/(/(/////, .. ....,..........,..*#%#######/( .. .............,*%%%%#%((((/ **,,,****//*(##((###(#((( &#(#/#((((((((# """.trimIndent()) }) console.registerCommand(command("sudo"){ var str = "" for (e in args){ str += "$e " } if(str == "rm -rf /* " || str == "rm -rf / "){ console.addLine("haha funny xd im laughing so hard rn lmfao xddddddddddddd HAHAHAHAHAHAH") } else{ console.addLine("bro you don have the password smh") } }) }