path: root/src/main/groovy/frege/gradle/CompileTask.groovy
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/groovy/frege/gradle/CompileTask.groovy')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 273 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/groovy/frege/gradle/CompileTask.groovy b/src/main/groovy/frege/gradle/CompileTask.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index d297d3d..0000000
--- a/src/main/groovy/frege/gradle/CompileTask.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-package frege.gradle
-import frege.compiler.Main
-import frege.prelude.PreludeBase
-import frege.runtime.Lambda
-import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
-import groovy.transform.TypeCheckingMode
-import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
-import org.gradle.api.Project
-import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration
-import org.gradle.api.file.FileCollection
-import org.gradle.api.tasks.*
-import org.gradle.process.internal.DefaultJavaExecAction
-import org.gradle.process.internal.JavaExecAction
-import org.gradle.api.internal.file.FileResolver
-class CompileTask extends DefaultTask {
- // see help at https://github.com/Frege/frege/wiki/Compiler-Manpage
- static String DEFAULT_CLASSES_SUBDIR = "classes/main" // TODO: should this come from a convention?
- static String DEFAULT_SRC_DIR = "src/main/frege" // TODO: should this come from a source set?
- static String DEFAULT_TEST_CLASSES_DIR = "classes/test"
- static String DEFAULT_TEST_SRC_DIR = "src/test/frege"
- static Boolean USE_EXTERNAl = true
- @Optional @Input
- boolean enabled = true
- @Optional @Input
- Boolean help = false
- @Optional @Input
- String stackSize = "4m"
- @Optional @Input
- boolean hints = false
- @Optional @Input
- boolean optimize = false
- @Optional @Input
- boolean verbose = false
- @Optional @Input
- boolean inline = true
- @Optional @Input
- boolean make = true
- @Optional @Input
- boolean compileGeneratedJava = true
- @Optional @Input
- String target = ""
- @Optional @Input
- boolean comments = false
- @Optional @Input
- boolean suppressWarnings = false
- @Optional @Input
- String explain = ""
- @Optional @Input
- boolean skipCompile = false
- @Optional @Input
- String extraArgs = ""
- @Optional @Input
- String allArgs = "" // this is an option to overrule all other settings
- @Optional @Input
- String module = ""
- @Optional @Input
- List<File> fregePaths = []
- @InputFiles
- List<File> sourcePaths = [deduceSourceDir(project)]
- @Optional @OutputDirectory
- File outputDir = deduceClassesDir(project)
- @Optional @Input
- String mainClass = "frege.compiler.Main"
- @Optional @Input
- List<String> allJvmArgs = []
- @Optional @Input
- String encoding = ""
- @Optional @Input
- String prefix = ""
- // TODO: Missing presentation of types (ascii, symbols, latin, greek, faktur)
- static File deduceSourceDir(File projectDir, String subdir) {
- new File(projectDir, subdir)
- }
- static File deduceSourceDir(Project project) {
- deduceSourceDir(project.projectDir, DEFAULT_SRC_DIR)
- }
- static File deduceClassesDir(File projectDir, String subdir) {
- new File(projectDir, subdir)
- }
- static File deduceClassesDir(Project project) {
- deduceClassesDir(project.buildDir, DEFAULT_CLASSES_SUBDIR)
- }
- static File deduceTestClassesDir(Project project) {
- deduceClassesDir(project.buildDir, DEFAULT_TEST_CLASSES_DIR)
- }
- static File deduceTestSourceDir(Project project) {
- deduceSourceDir(project.projectDir, DEFAULT_TEST_SRC_DIR)
- }
- @TaskAction
- void executeCompile() {
- if (!enabled) {
- logger.info("Frege compiler disabled.")
- return;
- }
- if (!outputDir.exists() ) {
- logger.info "Creating output directory '${outputDir.absolutePath}'."
- outputDir.mkdirs()
- }
- // access extension configuration values as ${project.frege.key1}
- FileResolver fileResolver = getServices().get(FileResolver.class)
- JavaExecAction action = new DefaultJavaExecAction(fileResolver)
- action.setMain(mainClass)
- logConfigurationInfo()
- action.setClasspath(actionClasspath(project))
- def args = []
- if (help) {
- args << "-help"
- } else {
- def jvmArgs = allJvmArgs
- if (jvmArgs.isEmpty()) {
- jvmArgs << "-Xss$stackSize".toString()
- }
- action.setJvmArgs(jvmArgs)
- args = allArgs ? allArgs.split().toList() : assembleArguments()
- }
- logger.info("Calling Frege compiler with args: '$args'")
- action.args(args)
- if (USE_EXTERNAl) {
- action.execute()
- } else {
- compile(args as String[])
- }
- }
- void logConfigurationInfo() {
- def path = project.files(compileConfig()).getAsPath()
- logger.info("Compile configuation as path: $path")
- }
- FileCollection actionClasspath(Project p) {
- p.files(compileConfig()) + p.files(deduceClassesDir(p))
- }
- // TODO: This should be removed or integrated so an external Java process does not need to be started.
- // The Java generated uses System.exit() which does not work well with Gradle
- // This was taken from the frege fork /compiler1/build/classes/main/afrege/compiler/Main.java:main()
- void compile(String[] paramArrayOfString) {
- long l1 = System.nanoTime();
- Integer localInteger = frege.runtime.Runtime.runMain(
- PreludeBase.TST.performUnsafe(
- (Lambda)Main.IJ._mainƒd0fa0028.inst.apply(PreludeBase._toList(paramArrayOfString)).forced()
- )
- );
- long l2 = System.nanoTime();
- ((PrintWriter)frege.runtime.Runtime.stderr.get()).println("runtime " + (l2 - l1 + 500000L) / 1000000L / 1000.0D + " wallclock seconds.");
- if (localInteger != null) {
-// System.exit(localInteger.intValue());
- }
- }
- List<File> totalFregeClasspath(List<File> fp) {
- def result = []
- result.addAll(project.files(compileConfig()).getFiles().toList())
- result.addAll(fp)
- result
- }
- @TypeChecked(TypeCheckingMode.SKIP)
- Configuration compileConfig() {
- project.configurations.compile
- }
- protected List<String> assembleArguments() {
- List args = []
- if (hints)
- args << "-hints"
- if (optimize) {
- args << "-O"
- args << "-inline"
- }
- if (inline & !optimize)
- args << "-inline"
- if (make)
- args << "-make"
- if (!compileGeneratedJava) args << "-j"
- if (target != "") {
- args << "-target"
- args << target
- }
- if (comments) args << "-comments"
- if (suppressWarnings) args << "-nowarn"
- if (explain != "") {
- args << "-explain"
- args << explain
- }
- if (verbose)
- args << "-v"
- if (skipCompile)
- args << "-j"
- def fp = USE_EXTERNAl ? fregePaths : totalFregeClasspath(fregePaths)
- if (!fp.isEmpty()) {
- args << "-fp"
- args << fp.collect{f -> f.absolutePath}.join(File.pathSeparator)
- }
- if (sourcePaths != null && !sourcePaths.isEmpty()) {
- args << "-sp"
- args << sourcePaths.collect{d -> d.absolutePath}.join(File.pathSeparator)
- }
- if (encoding != "") {
- args << "-enc"
- args << encoding
- }
- if (prefix != "") {
- args << "-prefix"
- args << prefix
- }
- args << "-d"
- args << outputDir
- if (!module.isEmpty()) {
- logger.info "compiling module '$module'"
- args << module
- } else {
- args = (args + extraArgs.split().toList()).toList()
- }
- args
- }