apply plugin: "groovy" apply plugin: "maven-publish" // I don't think we need this at all apply plugin: "signing" apply plugin: "idea" apply from: 'gradle/integTest.gradle' defaultTasks "build" sourceCompatibility = 1.8 targetCompatibility = 1.8 ext { baseVersion = "0.9" isSnapshot = true snapshotAppendix = "-SNAPSHOT" projectVersion = baseVersion + (isSnapshot ? snapshotAppendix : "") projectGroup = "org.frege-lang" fregeBaseVersion = "3.25.84" fregeClassifier = "" fregeVersion = fregeBaseVersion + fregeClassifier } // apply from: "gradle/sonatype.gradle" // not sure why that is here version = projectVersion group = projectGroup repositories { mavenLocal() mavenCentral() flatDir { dirs 'lib' } } dependencies { implementation "$projectGroup:frege:$fregeVersion" // api "$projectGroup:frege-repl-core:1.2" // this now comes with the frege distro implementation "$projectGroup:frege-native-gen:1.3" // api "org.functionaljava:functionaljava:4.4" // try without implementation gradleApi() implementation localGroovy() testImplementation gradleTestKit() testImplementation('org.spockframework:spock-core:1.0-groovy-2.4') { exclude module: 'groovy-all' } } // using the publishing plugin buildscript { repositories { maven { url "" } } dependencies { classpath "com.gradle.publish:plugin-publish-plugin:0.9.1" } } // Details on how to publish to the gradle plugin portal // Go to, get yourself a publishing key // and add it to ~/.gradle/ as // For publishing, run the task publishPlugins. apply plugin: "com.gradle.plugin-publish" // The configuration example below shows the minimum required properties // configured to publish your plugin to the plugin portal pluginBundle { website = '' vcsUrl = '' description = 'Enabling Frege for compilation, testing, documentation, and supporting tools.' tags = ['frege', 'haskell', 'java'] plugins { fregePlugin { id = 'org.frege-lang' displayName = 'Frege plugin' } } }