import import import import import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit /* * Copyright 2012 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: 'scala' apply plugin: 'idea' apply plugin: 'eclipse' // We have to explicitly load props from the user home dir - on CI we set // GRADLE_USER_HOME to a different dir to avoid problems with concurrent builds corrupting // a shared Maven local and using Gradle wrapper concurrently loadProperties("${System.getProperty('user.home')}/.gradle/") apply from: "gradle/maven.gradle" group = modowner archivesBaseName = modname defaultTasks = ['assemble'] sourceCompatibility = '1.7' targetCompatibility = '1.7' project.ext.moduleName = "$modowner~$modname~$version" configurations { provided testCompile.extendsFrom provided } repositories { if (System.getenv("VERTX_DISABLE_MAVENLOCAL") == null) { // We don't want to use mavenLocal when running on CI - mavenLocal is only useful in Gradle for // publishing artifacts locally for development purposes - maven local is also not threadsafe when there // are concurrent builds mavenLocal() } maven { url '' } mavenCentral() } dependencies { provided "io.vertx:vertx-core:$vertxVersion" provided "io.vertx:vertx-platform:$vertxVersion" provided "junit:junit:$junitVersion" provided "io.vertx:testtools:$toolsVersion" } // This sets up the classpath for the script itself buildscript { repositories { if (System.getenv("VERTX_DISABLE_MAVENLOCAL") == null) { // We don't want to use mavenLocal when running on CI - mavenLocal is only useful in Gradle for // publishing artifacts locally for development purposes - maven local is also not threadsafe when there // are concurrent builds mavenLocal() } maven { url '' } mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath "io.vertx:vertx-core:$vertxVersion" classpath "io.vertx:vertx-platform:$vertxVersion" classpath files(['src/main/resources']) } } sourceSets { main { compileClasspath = compileClasspath + configurations.provided } } task copyMod( type:Copy, dependsOn: 'classes', description: 'Assemble the module into the local mods directory' ) { into "build/mods/$moduleName" from compileJava from 'src/main/resources' from compileScala into( 'lib' ) { from configurations.compile } } task modZip( type: Zip, dependsOn: 'pullInDeps', description: 'Package the module .zip file') { group = 'vert.x' classifier = "mod" description = "Assembles a vert.x module" destinationDir = project.file('build/libs') archiveName = "${modname}-${version}" + ".zip" from copyMod } task sourceJar(type: Jar) { description = 'Builds a source jar artifact suitable for maven deployment.' classifier = 'sources' from sourceSets.main.scala } task javadocJar(type: Jar) { description = 'Builds a javadoc jar artifact suitable for maven deployment.' classifier = 'javadoc' from javadoc.destinationDir } javadocJar.dependsOn javadoc build.dependsOn sourceJar, javadocJar artifacts { archives sourceJar, javadocJar, modZip } test { dependsOn copyMod // Make sure tests are always run! outputs.upToDateWhen { false } // Show output testLogging.showStandardStreams = true testLogging { exceptionFormat "full" } systemProperty 'vertx.mods', "build/mods" } task runModIDEA(dependsOn: copyMod, description: 'Run the module from the resources in IntelliJ') << { def classpath = [ new URL('file:src/main/resources/'), new URL('file:src/test/resources/'), new URL("file:out/production/${}/"), new URL("file:out/test/${}/")] as URL[] runModWithClasspath(classpath) } task runModEclipse(dependsOn: copyMod, description: 'Run the module from the resources in Eclipse') << { def classpath = [ new URL('file:src/main/resources/'), new URL('file:src/test/resources/'), new URL('file:bin/')] as URL[] runModWithClasspath(classpath) } def runModWithClasspath(URL[] classpath) { setSysProps() def pm = PlatformLocator.factory.createPlatformManager() def latch = new CountDownLatch(1) pm.deployModuleFromClasspath(moduleName, null, 1, classpath, new AsyncResultHandler() { public void handle(AsyncResult asyncResult) { if (asyncResult.succeeded()) { println "CTRL-C to stop server" } else { println "Failed to deploy module" asyncResult.cause().printStackTrace() latch.countDown() } } }); latch.await(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } task runMod(dependsOn: copyMod, description: 'Run the module using all the build dependencies (not using installed vertx') << { setSysProps() // System.setProperty("vertx.langs.scala", "io.vertx~lang-scala~${version}:org.vertx.scala.platform.impl.ScalaVerticleFactory") def pm = PlatformLocator.factory.createPlatformManager() def latch = new CountDownLatch(1) pm.deployModule(moduleName, null, 1, new AsyncResultHandler() { public void handle(AsyncResult asyncResult) { if (asyncResult.succeeded()) { println "CTRL-C to stop server" } else { println "Failed to deploy module" asyncResult.cause().printStackTrace() latch.countDown() } } }); latch.await(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } task pullInDeps(dependsOn: copyMod, description: 'Pull in all the module dependencies for the module into the nested mods directory') << { if (pullInDeps == 'true') { setSysProps() def pm = PlatformLocator.factory.createPlatformManager() def latch = new CountDownLatch(1) println "Pulling in dependencies for module $moduleName. Please wait" pm.pullInDependencies(moduleName, new AsyncResultHandler() { public void handle(AsyncResult asyncResult) { if (asyncResult.succeeded()) { println "Dependencies pulled in successfully" latch.countDown() } else { println "Failed to pull in dependencies" asyncResult.cause().printStackTrace() latch.countDown() } } }) latch.await(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } } def setSysProps() { System.setProperty("vertx.mods", "build/mods") } def loadProperties(String sourceFileName) { def config = new Properties() def propFile = new File(sourceFileName) if (propFile.canRead()) { config.load(new FileInputStream(propFile)) for (Map.Entry property in config) { project.ext[property.key] = property.value; } } } // Map the 'provided' dependency configuration to the appropriate IDEA visibility scopes. plugins.withType(IdeaPlugin) { idea { module { += configurations.provided scopes.COMPILE.minus += configurations.provided scopes.TEST.minus += configurations.provided scopes.RUNTIME.minus += configurations.provided } } } tasks.withType(ScalaCompile) { scalaCompileOptions.useAnt = false }