package frege.gradle import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask import org.gradle.api.internal.file.FileResolver import org.gradle.api.tasks.InputDirectory import org.gradle.api.tasks.Optional import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction import org.gradle.process.internal.DefaultJavaExecAction import org.gradle.process.internal.JavaExecAction class QuickCheckTask extends DefaultTask { // more options to consider: /* Looks up quick check predicates in the given modules and tests them. [Usage:] java -cp fregec.jar [ option ... ] modulespec ... Options: - -v print a line for each pedicate that passed - -n num run _num_ tests per predicate, default is 100 - -p pred1,pred2,... only test the given predicates - -x pred1,pred2,... do not test the given predicates - -l just print the names of the predicates available. Ways to specify modules: - module the module name (e.g. my.great.Module), will be lookup up in the current class path. - dir/ A directory path. The directory is searched for class files, and for each class files an attempt is made to load it as if the given directory was in the class path. The directory must be the root of the classes contained therein, otherwise the classes won't get loaded. - path-to.jar A jar or zip file is searched for class files, and for each class file found an attempt is made to load it as if the jar was in the class path. The number of passed/failed tests is reported. If any test failed or other errors occured, the exit code will be non zero. The code will try to heat up your CPU by running tests on all available cores. This should be faster on multi-core computers than running the tests sequentially. It makes it feasable to run more tests per predicate. */ Boolean verbose = true Boolean listAvailable = false Boolean help = false Integer num = 100 List includePredicates List excludePredicates String moduleName String moduleDirectory String moduleJar List classpathDirectories = ["$project.buildDir/classes/main/"] // ["$project.buildDir/classes/main/", "$project.buildDir/classes/test/"] @TaskAction void runQuickCheck() { FileResolver fileResolver = getServices().get(FileResolver.class) JavaExecAction action = new DefaultJavaExecAction(fileResolver) action.setMain("") action.standardInput = action.standardOutput = System.out action.errorOutput = System.err action.setClasspath(project.files(project.configurations.testRuntime)) project.configurations.testRuntime.each { println it } def args = [] if (help) { } else { if (verbose) args << "-v" args = args + classpathDirectories // args.action.args(classpathDirectories) // test all in build dir and below build/classes/test/ } action.args args action.execute() } }