package org.gradle.frege import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask import org.gradle.api.tasks.* import org.gradle.process.internal.DefaultJavaExecAction import org.gradle.process.internal.JavaExecAction import org.gradle.api.internal.file.FileResolver import org.gradle.tooling.BuildException class FregeTask extends DefaultTask { static String DEFAULT_CLASSES_SUBDIR = "classes/main" // TODO: should this come from a convention? static String DEFAULT_SRC_DIR = "src/main/frege" // TODO: should this come from a source set? @Optional @Input boolean hints = false @Optional @Input boolean verbose = false @Optional @Input boolean inline = true @Optional @Input boolean make = true @Optional @Input boolean skipCompile = false @Optional @Input String extraArgs = "" @Optional @Input String allArgs = "" // this is an option to overrule all other settings @Optional @Input String module = "" @Optional @InputDirectory File sourceDir = new File(project.projectDir, DEFAULT_SRC_DIR).exists() ? new File(project.projectDir, DEFAULT_SRC_DIR) : null @Optional @OutputDirectory File outputDir = new File(project.buildDir, DEFAULT_CLASSES_SUBDIR) @TaskAction void executeCompile() { if (! outputDir.exists() ) { "Creating output directory '${outputDir.absolutePath}'." outputDir.mkdirs() } // access extension configuration values as ${project.frege.key1} FileResolver fileResolver = getServices().get(FileResolver.class) JavaExecAction action = new DefaultJavaExecAction(fileResolver) action.setMain("frege.compiler.Main") action.setClasspath(project.files(project.configurations.compile)) def args = allArgs ? allArgs.split().toList() : assembleArguments()"Calling Frege compiler with args: '$args'") action.args(args) action.execute() } protected List assembleArguments() { List args = [] if (hints) args << "-hints" if (inline) args << "-inline" if (make) args << "-make" if (verbose) args << "-v" if (skipCompile) args << "-j" if (sourceDir != null) { args << "-sp" args << sourceDir.absolutePath } args << "-d" args << outputDir if (!module && !extraArgs) { "no module and no extra args given: compiling all of the sourceDir" if (sourceDir != null) { args << sourceDir.absolutePath } } else if (module) { "compiling module '$module'" args << module } else { args = args + extraArgs.split().toList() } args } }