# Gloppers! Gloppers (**gl**ob h**oppers**) is a Minecraft mod that lets you filter your hoppers by renaming them with glob patterns. The idea comes from [LiveOverflow's Minecraft lets play](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhixgUqwRTjwvBI-hmbZ2rpkAl4lutnJG), where these were silently implemented on his server to make his storage system easier to build. ![A screenshot of a hopper's inventory, with the name "!*_ore,anvil"](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NotNite/gloppers/main/img/demo.png) ## Usage First, install the mod. This mod is serverside only and will do nothing on the client (unless you're in singleplayer). Once it's installed, rename a hopper in an anvil, prefixing with an exclamation mark. Add globs matching the IDs of the items you want to filter for, separated by commas. Some example patterns: - `!*_ore` - Matches all ores - `!iron_*` - Matches all iron items - `!totem_of_undying` - Matches only the Totem of Undying - `!*oak*,*cherry*` - Matches all oak and cherry wood items Note that you must use the internal identifier of the items, and not the item's display name (e.g. `writable_book` instead of `Book and Quill`). Don't add the namespace (the "minecraft" part). ## Advantages over vanilla - Only materials required to use are iron and wood (no redstone) - 1x1x1 footprint, compared to the popular 4x3x1 design - Ability to filter unstackable items - No junk items required ## Usage in storage systems Gloppers are most useful in storage systems. Instead of requiring redstone circuits that take up space, you can instead just design it like so: ![A 2x4x1 schematic of a storage system, with a top row of hoppers, and a bottom row of one glopper and one chest](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NotNite/gloppers/main/img/storage.png) Items will only be sucked up from the top row to the bottom glopper if the pattern is matched.