## romangraefs Java Config library. I intend to mostly use this library for personal projects, so documentation might be lacking in parts. If you have questions, feel free to hit me up on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/romangraef89). That being said: ## Usage Java: ```java public class ConfigurableClass1 { public ConfigVariable someConfigProp = Config.getString("someProp"); // Define a config property public ConfigurableClass1() { Config.use(FilePropertiesProvider.create("config.properties")); // Define a config source. } public void someMethod() { System.out.println(someConfigProp.get()); // Load data from the config. someConfigProp.set("New value"); } } ``` Kotlin: ```kotlin val someConfigProp = Config.get("someProp") var someOtherOption by Config.get("someOtherOption") fun main() { Config.use(FilePropertiesProvider.create("config.properties")) println(someConfigProp.get()) println(someOtherOption) someOtherOption = "lul" } ``` ### Api breakdown The API is split up into 3 parts: - Config variables. These are what you interact with, for most of your code. You obtain an instance by either calling `Config.get(someClazz, "propName")` or you can use `Config.get("propName")` in Kotlin. Some Common Types like `String` have shortcut methods like `Config.getString("propName")`. - Variable Transformers. These parse / serialize a string value obtained from a config source. There are some default implementations for some types (`String` and `Integer` as of right now), but you can manually create transformers by extending `TransformerConfigVariable`. - Config providers. You usually install one config provider at the very start of your main using `Config.use(provider)`. Currently there is only one Provider, which is the `FilePropertiesProvider` which directly utilizes standard java properties. If you want to create your own provider, you can implement `ConfigProvider` ## Installation Gradle via [Jitpack](https://jitpack.io/): ```groovy repositories { maven { url "https://jitpack.io" } } dependencies { implementation("com.github.romangraef", "jrconfig", "v1.1") } ``` The version can be either a git shortref, or a [tag](https://github.com/romangraef/jrconfig/tags). Alternatively, a uberjar/fatjar/ shadow/shadedjar can be obtained from the [releases](https://github.com/romangraef/jrconfig/releases).