path: root/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js
diff options
authorRobert Jaros <rjaros@finn.pl>2019-10-07 09:58:14 +0200
committerRobert Jaros <rjaros@finn.pl>2019-10-07 09:58:14 +0200
commit04ac8542c218b7ce5199350f0880e8f7cb4252b6 (patch)
tree4f96d1c3bb8281289b96e2b11eecc404a3c98788 /kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js
parent6678eec9799681b09e5ac85de1a39596d56de22f (diff)
parent6b14906f0e35dc522bd1c1a44682d728315cf619 (diff)
Merge branch 'bs4'
Diffstat (limited to 'kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js')
41 files changed, 4530 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/ar.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2245b633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ * FileInput Arabic Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ * @author Yasser Lotfy <y_l@live.com>
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['ar'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'ملف',
+ filePlural: 'ملفات',
+ browseLabel: 'تصفح &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'إزالة',
+ removeTitle: 'إزالة الملفات المختارة',
+ cancelLabel: 'إلغاء',
+ cancelTitle: 'إنهاء الرفع الحالي',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'رفع',
+ uploadTitle: 'رفع الملفات المختارة',
+ msgNo: 'لا',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: '',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'ألغيت',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Select {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'معاينة تفصيلية',
+ msgFileRequired: 'You must select a file to upload.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'File "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) is too small and must be larger than <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'الملف "{name}" (<b>{size} ك.ب</b>) تعدى الحد الأقصى المسموح للرفع <b>{maxSize} ك.ب</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'يجب عليك اختيار <b>{n}</b> {files} على الأقل للرفع.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'عدد الملفات المختارة للرفع <b>({n})</b> تعدت الحد الأقصى المسموح به لعدد <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'الملف "{name}" غير موجود!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'قيود أمنية تمنع قراءة الملف "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'الملف "{name}" غير قابل للقراءة.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'تم إلغاء معاينة الملف "{name}".',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'حدث خطأ أثناء قراءة الملف "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Invalid or unsupported characters in file name "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'نوعية غير صالحة للملف "{name}". فقط هذه النوعيات مدعومة "{types}".',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'امتداد غير صالح للملف "{name}". فقط هذه الملفات مدعومة "{extensions}".',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'تم إلغاء رفع الملف',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Processing...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Initializing...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Done',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'No valid data available for upload.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Error',
+ msgValidationError: 'خطأ التحقق من صحة',
+ msgLoading: 'تحميل ملف {index} من {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'تحميل ملف {index} من {files} - {name} - {percent}% منتهي.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} مختار(ة)',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'اسحب وأفلت الملفات فقط! تم تخطي {n} مجلد(ات).',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'عرض ملف الصورة "{name}" يجب أن يكون على الأقل {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'طول ملف الصورة "{name}" يجب أن يكون على الأقل {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'عرض ملف الصورة "{name}" لا يمكن أن يتعدى {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'طول ملف الصورة "{name}" لا يمكن أن يتعدى {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'لم يتمكن من معرفة أبعاد الصورة لتغييرها.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'حدث خطأ أثناء تغيير أبعاد الصورة.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Something went wrong with the {operation} operation. Please try again later!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} failed',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'file delete',
+ uploadThumb: 'file upload',
+ uploadBatch: 'batch file upload',
+ uploadExtra: 'form data upload'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'اسحب وأفلت الملفات هنا &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(or click to select {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'إزالة الملف',
+ uploadTitle: 'رفع الملف',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Retry upload',
+ downloadTitle: 'Download file',
+ zoomTitle: 'مشاهدة التفاصيل',
+ dragTitle: 'Move / Rearrange',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'لم يتم الرفع بعد',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'تم الرفع',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'خطأ بالرفع',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'جارٍ الرفع ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'View previous file',
+ next: 'View next file',
+ toggleheader: 'Toggle header',
+ fullscreen: 'Toggle full screen',
+ borderless: 'Toggle borderless mode',
+ close: 'Close detailed preview'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/az.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/az.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3efafaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/az.js
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ * FileInput Azerbaijan Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ * @author Elbrus <elbrusnt@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['az'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'fayl',
+ filePlural: 'fayl',
+ browseLabel: 'Seç &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Sil',
+ removeTitle: 'Seçilmiş faylları təmizlə',
+ cancelLabel: 'İmtina et',
+ cancelTitle: 'Cari yükləməni dayandır',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Yüklə',
+ uploadTitle: 'Seçilmiş faylları yüklə',
+ msgNo: 'xeyir',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: 'Heç bir fayl seçilməmişdir',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'İmtina edildi',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Select {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'İlkin baxış',
+ msgFileRequired: 'Yükləmə üçün fayl seçməlisiniz.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'Seçdiyiniz "{name}" faylının həcmi (<b>{size} KB</b>)-dır, minimum <b>{minSize} KB</b> olmalıdır.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Seçdiyiniz "{name}" faylının həcmi (<b>{size} KB</b>)-dır, maksimum <b>{maxSize} KB</b> olmalıdır.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Yükləmə üçün minimum <b>{n}</b> {files} seçməlisiniz.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Seçilmiş fayl sayı <b>({n})</b>. Maksimum <b>{m}</b> fayl seçmək mümkündür.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Fayl "{name}" tapılmadı!',
+ msgFileSecured: '"{name}" faylının istifadəsinə yetginiz yoxdur.',
+ msgFileNotReadable: '"{name}" faylının istifadəsi mümkün deyil.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: '"{name}" faylı üçün ilkin baxış ləğv olunub.',
+ msgFilePreviewError: '"{name}" faylının oxunması mümkün olmadı.',
+ msgInvalidFileName: '"{name}" faylının adında qadağan olunmuş simvollardan istifadə olunmuşdur.',
+ msgInvalidFileType: '"{name}" faylının tipi dəstəklənmir. Yalnız "{types}" tipli faylları yükləmək mümkündür.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: '"{name}" faylının genişlənməsi yanlışdır. Yalnız "{extensions}" fayl genişlənmə(si / ləri) qəbul olunur.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'Yükləmə dayandırılmışdır',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Yükləmə...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Yoxlama...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Fayl(lar) yükləndi',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'Yükləmə üçün verilmiş məlumatlar yanlışdır',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Error',
+ msgValidationError: 'Yoxlama nəticəsi səhvir',
+ msgLoading: '{files} fayldan {index} yüklənir &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: '{files} fayldan {index} - {name} - {percent}% yükləndi.',
+ msgSelected: 'Faylların sayı: {n}',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Ancaq faylların daşınmasına icazə verilir! {n} qovluq yüklənmədi.',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: '{name} faylının eni {size} px -dən kiçik olmamalıdır.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: '{name} faylının hündürlüyü {size} px -dən kiçik olmamalıdır.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: '"{name}" faylının eni {size} px -dən böyük olmamalıdır.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: '"{name}" faylının hündürlüyü {size} px -dən böyük olmamalıdır.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Faylın ölçülərini dəyişmək üçün ölçüləri hesablamaq mümkün olmadı.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Faylın ölçülərini dəyişmək mümkün olmadı.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: '{operation} əməliyyatı zamanı səhv baş verdi. Təkrar yoxlayın!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} əməliyyatı yerinə yetirmək mümkün olmadı.',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'faylı sil',
+ uploadThumb: 'faylı yüklə',
+ uploadBatch: 'bir neçə faylı yüklə',
+ uploadExtra: 'məlumatların yüklənməsi'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Faylları bura daşıyın &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(Və ya seçin {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Faylı sil',
+ uploadTitle: 'Faylı yüklə',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Retry upload',
+ downloadTitle: 'Download file',
+ zoomTitle: 'məlumatlara bax',
+ dragTitle: 'Yerini dəyiş və ya sırala',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Davam edir',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Tamamlandı',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Yükləmə xətası',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Yükləmə ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Əvvəlki fayla bax',
+ next: 'Növbəti fayla bax',
+ toggleheader: 'Başlığı dəyiş',
+ fullscreen: 'Tam ekranı dəyiş',
+ borderless: 'Bölmələrsiz rejimi dəyiş',
+ close: 'Ətraflı baxışı bağla'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/bg.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..537932d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * FileInput Bulgarian Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['bg'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'файл',
+ filePlural: 'файла',
+ browseLabel: 'Избери &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Премахни',
+ removeTitle: 'Изчисти избраните',
+ cancelLabel: 'Откажи',
+ cancelTitle: 'Откажи качването',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Качи',
+ uploadTitle: 'Качи избраните файлове',
+ msgNo: 'Не',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: '',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Отменен',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Select {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Детайлен преглед',
+ msgFileRequired: 'You must select a file to upload.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'File "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) is too small and must be larger than <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Файла "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) надвишава максималните разрешени <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Трябва да изберете поне <b>{n}</b> {files} файла.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Броя файлове избрани за качване <b>({n})</b> надвишава ограниченито от максимум <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Файлът "{name}" не може да бъде намерен!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'От съображения за сигурност не може да прочетем файла "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'Файлът "{name}" не е четим.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Прегледа на файла е прекратен за "{name}".',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Грешка при опит за четене на файла "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Invalid or unsupported characters in file name "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Невалиден тип на файла "{name}". Разрешени са само "{types}".',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Невалидно разрешение на "{name}". Разрешени са само "{extensions}".',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'Качите файла, бе прекратена',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Processing...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Initializing...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Done',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'No valid data available for upload.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Error',
+ msgValidationError: 'утвърждаване грешка',
+ msgLoading: 'Зареждане на файл {index} от общо {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Зареждане на файл {index} от общо {files} - {name} - {percent}% завършени.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} избрани',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Само пуснати файлове! Пропуснати {n} пуснати папки.',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'Широчината на изображението "{name}" трябва да е поне {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'Височината на изображението "{name}" трябва да е поне {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'Широчината на изображението "{name}" не може да е по-голяма от {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'Височината на изображението "{name}" нее може да е по-голяма от {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Не може да размерите на изображението, за да промените размера.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Грешка при промяна на размера на изображението.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Something went wrong with the {operation} operation. Please try again later!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} failed',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'file delete',
+ uploadThumb: 'file upload',
+ uploadBatch: 'batch file upload',
+ uploadExtra: 'form data upload'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Пуснете файловете тук &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(or click to select {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Махни файл',
+ uploadTitle: 'Качване на файл',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Retry upload',
+ downloadTitle: 'Download file',
+ zoomTitle: 'Вижте детайли',
+ dragTitle: 'Move / Rearrange',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Все още не е качил',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Качено',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Качи Error',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Качва се ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'View previous file',
+ next: 'View next file',
+ toggleheader: 'Toggle header',
+ fullscreen: 'Toggle full screen',
+ borderless: 'Toggle borderless mode',
+ close: 'Close detailed preview'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/ca.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8410975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * FileInput Català Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['ca'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'arxiu',
+ filePlural: 'arxius',
+ browseLabel: 'Examinar &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Treure',
+ removeTitle: 'Treure arxius seleccionats',
+ cancelLabel: 'Cancel',
+ cancelTitle: 'Avortar la pujada en curs',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Pujar arxiu',
+ uploadTitle: 'Pujar arxius seleccionats',
+ msgNo: 'No',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: '',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'cancel·lat',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Select {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Vista prèvia detallada',
+ msgFileRequired: 'You must select a file to upload.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'File "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) is too small and must be larger than <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Arxiu "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) excedeix la mida màxima permès de <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Heu de seleccionar almenys <b>{n}</b> {files} a carregar.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'El nombre d\'arxius seleccionats a carregar <b>({n})</b> excedeix el límit màxim permès de <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Arxiu "{name}" no trobat.',
+ msgFileSecured: 'No es pot accedir a l\'arxiu "{name}" perquè estarà sent usat per una altra aplicació o no tinguem permisos de lectura.',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'No es pot accedir a l\'arxiu "{name}".',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Previsualització de l\'arxiu "{name}" cancel·lada.',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'S\'ha produït un error mentre es llegia el fitxer "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Invalid or unsupported characters in file name "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Tipus de fitxer no vàlid per a "{name}". Només arxius "{types}" són permesos.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Extensió de fitxer no vàlid per a "{name}". Només arxius "{extensions}" són permesos.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'La càrrega d\'arxius s\'ha cancel·lat',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Processing...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Initializing...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Done',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'No valid data available for upload.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Error',
+ msgValidationError: 'Error de validació',
+ msgLoading: 'Pujant fitxer {index} de {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Pujant fitxer {index} de {files} - {name} - {percent}% completat.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} seleccionat(s)',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Arrossegueu i deixeu anar únicament arxius. Omesa(es) {n} carpeta(es).',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'L\'ample de la imatge "{name}" ha de ser almenys {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'L\'alçada de la imatge "{name}" ha de ser almenys {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'L\'ample de la imatge "{name}" no pot excedir de {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'L\'alçada de la imatge "{name}" no pot excedir de {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'No s\'ha pogut obtenir les dimensions d\'imatge per canviar la mida.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Error en canviar la mida de la imatge.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Something went wrong with the {operation} operation. Please try again later!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} failed',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'file delete',
+ uploadThumb: 'file upload',
+ uploadBatch: 'batch file upload',
+ uploadExtra: 'form data upload'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Arrossegueu i deixeu anar aquí els arxius &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(or click to select {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Eliminar arxiu',
+ uploadTitle: 'Pujar arxiu',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Retry upload',
+ downloadTitle: 'Download file',
+ zoomTitle: 'Veure detalls',
+ dragTitle: 'Move / Rearrange',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'No pujat encara',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Subido',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Pujar Error',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Pujant ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'View previous file',
+ next: 'View next file',
+ toggleheader: 'Toggle header',
+ fullscreen: 'Toggle full screen',
+ borderless: 'Toggle borderless mode',
+ close: 'Close detailed preview'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/cr.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/cr.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6c9f420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/cr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ * FileInput Croatian Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ * @author Milos Stojanovic <stojanovic.loshmi@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['cr'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'datoteka',
+ filePlural: 'datoteke',
+ browseLabel: 'Izaberi &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Ukloni',
+ removeTitle: 'Ukloni označene datoteke',
+ cancelLabel: 'Odustani',
+ cancelTitle: 'Prekini trenutno otpremanje',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Otpremi',
+ uploadTitle: 'Otpremi označene datoteke',
+ msgNo: 'Ne',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: '',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Otkazan',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Select {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Detaljni pregled',
+ msgFileRequired: 'You must select a file to upload.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'File "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) is too small and must be larger than <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Datoteka "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) prekoračuje maksimalnu dozvoljenu veličinu datoteke od <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Morate odabrati najmanje <b>{n}</b> {files} za otpremanje.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Broj datoteka označenih za otpremanje <b>({n})</b> prekoračuje maksimalni dozvoljeni limit od <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Datoteka "{name}" nije pronađena!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Datoteku "{name}" nije moguće pročitati zbog bezbednosnih ograničenja.',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'Datoteku "{name}" nije moguće pročitati.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Generisanje prikaza nije moguće za "{name}".',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Došlo je do greške prilikom čitanja datoteke "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Invalid or unsupported characters in file name "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Datoteka "{name}" je pogrešnog formata. Dozvoljeni formati su "{types}".',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Ekstenzija datoteke "{name}" nije dozvoljena. Dozvoljene ekstenzije su "{extensions}".',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'Prijenos datoteka je prekinut',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Processing...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Initializing...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Done',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'No valid data available for upload.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Error',
+ msgValidationError: 'Provjera pogrešaka',
+ msgLoading: 'Učitavanje datoteke {index} od {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Učitavanje datoteke {index} od {files} - {name} - {percent}% završeno.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} je označeno',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Moguće je prevlačiti samo datoteke! Preskočeno je {n} fascikla.',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'Širina slikovnu datoteku "{name}" moraju biti najmanje {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'Visina slikovnu datoteku "{name}" moraju biti najmanje {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'Širina slikovnu datoteku "{name}" ne može prelaziti {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'Visina slikovnu datoteku "{name}" ne može prelaziti {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Nije mogao dobiti dimenzije slike na veličinu.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Greška prilikom promjene veličine slike.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Something went wrong with the {operation} operation. Please try again later!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} failed',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'file delete',
+ uploadThumb: 'file upload',
+ uploadBatch: 'batch file upload',
+ uploadExtra: 'form data upload'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Prevucite datoteke ovde &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(or click to select {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Uklonite datoteku',
+ uploadTitle: 'Postavi datoteku',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Retry upload',
+ downloadTitle: 'Download file',
+ zoomTitle: 'Pregledavati pojedinosti',
+ dragTitle: 'Move / Rearrange',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Još nije učitao',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Preneseno',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Postavi Greška',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Prijenos ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'View previous file',
+ next: 'View next file',
+ toggleheader: 'Toggle header',
+ fullscreen: 'Toggle full screen',
+ borderless: 'Toggle borderless mode',
+ close: 'Close detailed preview'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/cs.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3989943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * FileInput Czech Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['cs'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'soubor',
+ filePlural: 'soubory',
+ browseLabel: 'Vybrat &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Odstranit',
+ removeTitle: 'Vyčistit vybrané soubory',
+ cancelLabel: 'Storno',
+ cancelTitle: 'Přerušit nahrávání',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Nahrát',
+ uploadTitle: 'Nahrát vybrané soubory',
+ msgNo: 'Ne',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: 'Nevybrány žádné soubory',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Zrušeno',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Vybrat {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Detailní náhled',
+ msgFileRequired: 'Musíte vybrat soubor, který chcete nahrát.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'Soubor "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) je příliš malý, musí mít velikost nejméně <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Soubor "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) je příliš velký, maximální povolená velikost <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Musíte vybrat nejméně <b>{n}</b> {files} souborů.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Počet vybraných souborů <b>({n})</b> překročil maximální povolený limit <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Soubor "{name}" nebyl nalezen!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Zabezpečení souboru znemožnilo číst soubor "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'Soubor "{name}" není čitelný.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Náhled souboru byl přerušen pro "{name}".',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Nastala chyba při načtení souboru "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Neplatné nebo nepovolené znaky ve jménu souboru "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Neplatný typ souboru "{name}". Pouze "{types}" souborů jsou podporovány.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Neplatná extenze souboru "{name}". Pouze "{extensions}" souborů jsou podporovány.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'obrázek',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'Nahrávání souboru bylo přerušeno',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Zpracovávám...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Inicializujem...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Hotovo',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'Pro nahrávání nejsou k dispozici žádné platné údaje.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Chyba',
+ msgValidationError: 'Chyba ověření',
+ msgLoading: 'Nahrávání souboru {index} z {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Nahrávání souboru {index} z {files} - {name} - {percent}% dokončeno.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} vybráno',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Táhni a pusť pouze soubory! Vynechané {n} pustěné složk(y).',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'Šířka obrázku "{name}", musí být alespoň {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'Výška obrázku "{name}", musí být alespoň {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'Šířka obrázku "{name}" nesmí být větší než {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'Výška obrázku "{name}" nesmí být větší než {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Nelze získat rozměry obrázku pro změnu velikosti.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Chyba při změně velikosti obrázku.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Došlo k chybě v {operation}. Prosím zkuste to znovu později!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} - neúspěšné',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'odstranit soubor',
+ uploadThumb: 'nahrát soubor',
+ uploadBatch: 'nahrát várku souborů',
+ uploadExtra: 'odesílání dat formuláře'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Přetáhni soubory sem &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(nebo klikni sem a vyber je)',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Odstranit soubor',
+ uploadTitle: 'Nahrát soubor',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Opakovat nahrávání',
+ downloadTitle: 'Stáhnout soubor',
+ zoomTitle: 'Zobrazit podrobnosti',
+ dragTitle: 'Posunout / Přeskládat',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Ještě nenahrál',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Nahraný',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Chyba nahrávání',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Nahrávání ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Zobrazit předchozí soubor',
+ next: 'Zobrazit následující soubor',
+ toggleheader: 'Přepnout záhlaví',
+ fullscreen: 'Přepnout celoobrazovkové zobrazení',
+ borderless: 'Přepnout bezrámečkové zobrazení',
+ close: 'Zavřít detailní náhled'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/da.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..27d57db5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * FileInput Danish Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['da'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'fil',
+ filePlural: 'filer',
+ browseLabel: 'Browse &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Fjern',
+ removeTitle: 'Fjern valgte filer',
+ cancelLabel: 'Fortryd',
+ cancelTitle: 'Afbryd nuv&aelig;rende upload',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Upload',
+ uploadTitle: 'Upload valgte filer',
+ msgNo: 'Ingen',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: '',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'aflyst',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'V&aelig;lg {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Detaljeret visning',
+ msgFileRequired: 'Du skal v&aelig;lge en fil at uploade.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'Fil "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) er for lille og skal v&aelig;re st&oslash;rre end <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Fil "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) er st&oslash;rre end de tilladte <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Du skal mindst v&aelig;lge <b>{n}</b> {files} til upload.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: '<b>({n})</b> filer valgt til upload, men maks. <b>{m}</b> er tilladt.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Filen "{name}" blev ikke fundet!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Sikkerhedsrestriktioner forhindrer l&aelig;sning af "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'Filen "{name}" kan ikke indl&aelig;ses.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Filgennemsyn annulleret for "{name}".',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Der skete en fejl under l&aelig;sningen af filen "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Ugyldige eller ikke-underst&oslash;ttede tegn i filnavn "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Ukendt type for filen "{name}". Kun "{types}" kan bruges.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Ukendt filtype for filen "{name}". Kun "{extensions}" filer kan bruges.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'Filupload annulleret',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Arbejder...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Initialiserer...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Udf&oslash;rt',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'Ingen gyldig data tilg&aelig;ngelig til upload.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Fejl',
+ msgValidationError: 'Valideringsfejl',
+ msgLoading: 'Henter fil {index} af {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Henter fil {index} af {files} - {name} - {percent}% f&aelig;rdiggjort.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} valgt',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Drag & drop kun filer! {n} mappe(r) sprunget over.',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'Bredden af billedet "{name}" skal v&aelig;re p&aring; mindst {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'H&oslash;jden af billedet "{name}" skal v&aelig;re p&aring; mindst {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'Bredden af billedet "{name}" m&aring; ikke v&aelig;re over {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'H&oslash;jden af billedet "{name}" m&aring; ikke v&aelig;re over {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Kunne ikke f&aring; billedets dimensioner for at &aelig;ndre st&oslash;rrelsen.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Fejl ved at &aelig;ndre st&oslash;rrelsen p&aring; billedet.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Noget gik galt med {operation} operationen. Fors&oslash;g venligst senere!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} fejlede',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'fil slet',
+ uploadThumb: 'fil upload',
+ uploadBatch: 'batchfil upload',
+ uploadExtra: 'form data upload'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Drag & drop filer her &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(eller klik for at v&aelig;lge {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Fjern fil',
+ uploadTitle: 'Upload fil',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Fors&aring;g upload igen',
+ downloadTitle: 'Download fil',
+ zoomTitle: 'Se detaljer',
+ dragTitle: 'Flyt / Omarranger',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Ikke uploadet endnu',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Uploadet',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Upload fejl',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Uploader ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Se forrige fil',
+ next: 'Se n&aelig;ste fil',
+ toggleheader: 'Skift header',
+ fullscreen: 'Skift fuld sk&aelig;rm',
+ borderless: 'Skift gr&aelig;nsel&oslash;s mode',
+ close: 'Luk detaljeret visning'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/de.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c1bb4797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ * FileInput German Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['de'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'Datei',
+ filePlural: 'Dateien',
+ browseLabel: 'Auswählen &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Löschen',
+ removeTitle: 'Ausgewählte löschen',
+ cancelLabel: 'Abbrechen',
+ cancelTitle: 'Hochladen abbrechen',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Hochladen',
+ uploadTitle: 'Hochladen der ausgewählten Dateien',
+ msgNo: 'Keine',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: 'Keine Dateien ausgewählt',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Abgebrochen',
+ msgPlaceholder: '{files} auswählen...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'ausführliche Vorschau',
+ msgFileRequired: 'Sie müssen eine Datei zum Hochladen auswählen.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'Datei "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) unterschreitet mindestens notwendige Upload-Größe von <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Datei "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) überschreitet maximal zulässige Upload-Größe von <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Sie müssen mindestens <b>{n}</b> {files} zum Hochladen auswählen.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Anzahl der zum Hochladen ausgewählten Dateien <b>({n})</b>, überschreitet maximal zulässige Grenze von <b>{m}</b> Stück.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Datei "{name}" wurde nicht gefunden!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Sicherheitseinstellungen verhindern das Lesen der Datei "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'Die Datei "{name}" ist nicht lesbar.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Dateivorschau abgebrochen für "{name}".',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Beim Lesen der Datei "{name}" ein Fehler aufgetreten.',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Ungültige oder nicht unterstützte Zeichen im Dateinamen "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Ungültiger Typ für Datei "{name}". Nur Dateien der Typen "{types}" werden unterstützt.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Ungültige Erweiterung für Datei "{name}". Nur Dateien mit der Endung "{extensions}" werden unterstützt.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'Der Datei-Upload wurde abgebrochen',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Wird bearbeitet ...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Wird initialisiert ...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Erledigt',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'Keine gültigen Daten zum Hochladen verfügbar.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Fehler',
+ msgValidationError: 'Validierungsfehler',
+ msgLoading: 'Lade Datei {index} von {files} hoch&hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Datei {index} von {files} - {name} - zu {percent}% fertiggestellt.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} ausgewählt',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Drag & Drop funktioniert nur bei Dateien! {n} Ordner übersprungen.',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'Breite der Bilddatei "{name}" muss mindestens {size} px betragen.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'Höhe der Bilddatei "{name}" muss mindestens {size} px betragen.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'Breite der Bilddatei "{name}" nicht überschreiten {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'Höhe der Bilddatei "{name}" nicht überschreiten {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Konnte nicht die Bildabmessungen zu ändern.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Fehler beim Ändern der Größe des Bildes.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Bei der Aktion {operation} ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es später noch einmal!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} fehlgeschlagen',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'Datei löschen',
+ uploadThumb: 'Datei hochladen',
+ uploadBatch: 'Batch-Datei-Upload',
+ uploadExtra: 'Formular-Datei-Upload'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Dateien hierher ziehen &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(oder klicken um {files} auszuwählen)',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Datei entfernen',
+ uploadTitle: 'Datei hochladen',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Upload erneut versuchen',
+ downloadTitle: 'Datei herunterladen',
+ zoomTitle: 'Details anzeigen',
+ dragTitle: 'Verschieben / Neuordnen',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Noch nicht hochgeladen',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Hochgeladen',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Upload Fehler',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Hochladen ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Vorherige Datei anzeigen',
+ next: 'Nächste Datei anzeigen',
+ toggleheader: 'Header umschalten',
+ fullscreen: 'Vollbildmodus umschalten',
+ borderless: 'Randlosen Modus umschalten',
+ close: 'Detailansicht schließen'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/el.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0d888e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * FileInput Greek Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['el'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'αρχείο',
+ filePlural: 'αρχεία',
+ browseLabel: 'Αναζήτηση &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Διαγραφή',
+ removeTitle: 'Εκκαθάριση αρχείων',
+ cancelLabel: 'Ακύρωση',
+ cancelTitle: 'Ακύρωση μεταφόρτωσης',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Μεταφόρτωση',
+ uploadTitle: 'Μεταφόρτωση επιλεγμένων αρχείων',
+ msgNo: 'Όχι',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: 'Δεν επιλέχθηκαν αρχεία',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Ακυρώθηκε',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Select {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Λεπτομερής Προεπισκόπηση',
+ msgFileRequired: 'You must select a file to upload.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'Το "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) είναι πολύ μικρό, πρέπει να είναι μεγαλύτερο από <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Το αρχείο "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) υπερβαίνει το μέγιστο επιτρεπόμενο μέγεθος μεταφόρτωσης <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Πρέπει να επιλέξετε τουλάχιστον <b>{n}</b> {files} για να ξεκινήσει η μεταφόρτωση.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Ο αριθμός των αρχείων που έχουν επιλεγεί για μεταφόρτωση <b>({n})</b> υπερβαίνει το μέγιστο επιτρεπόμενο αριθμό <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Το αρχείο "{name}" δεν βρέθηκε!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Περιορισμοί ασφαλείας εμπόδισαν την ανάγνωση του αρχείου "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'Το αρχείο "{name}" δεν είναι αναγνώσιμο.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Η προεπισκόπηση του αρχείου "{name}" ακυρώθηκε.',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά την ανάγνωση του αρχείου "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Μη έγκυροι χαρακτήρες στο όνομα του αρχείου "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Μη έγκυρος ο τύπος του αρχείου "{name}". Οι τύποι αρχείων που υποστηρίζονται είναι : "{types}".',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Μη έγκυρη η επέκταση του αρχείου "{name}". Οι επεκτάσεις που υποστηρίζονται είναι : "{extensions}".',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'Η μεταφόρτωση του αρχείου ματαιώθηκε',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Μεταφόρτωση ...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Initializing...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Done',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'No valid data available for upload.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Error',
+ msgValidationError: 'Σφάλμα Επικύρωσης',
+ msgLoading: 'Φόρτωση αρχείου {index} από {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Φόρτωση αρχείου {index} απο {files} - {name} - {percent}% ολοκληρώθηκε.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} επιλέχθηκαν',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Μπορείτε να σύρετε μόνο αρχεία! Παραβλέφθηκαν {n} φάκελος(οι).',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'Το πλάτος του αρχείου εικόνας "{name}" πρέπει να είναι τουλάχιστον {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'Το ύψος του αρχείου εικόνας "{name}" πρέπει να είναι τουλάχιστον {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'Το πλάτος του αρχείου εικόνας "{name}" δεν μπορεί να υπερβαίνει το {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'Το ύψος του αρχείου εικόνας "{name}" δεν μπορεί να υπερβαίνει το {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Δεν μπορούν να βρεθούν οι διαστάσεις της εικόνας για να αλλάγή μεγέθους.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Σφάλμα κατά την αλλαγή μεγέθους της εικόνας. <pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Something went wrong with the {operation} operation. Please try again later!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} failed',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'file delete',
+ uploadThumb: 'file upload',
+ uploadBatch: 'batch file upload',
+ uploadExtra: 'form data upload'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Σύρετε τα αρχεία εδώ &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(ή πατήστε για επιλογή {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Αφαιρέστε το αρχείο',
+ uploadTitle: 'Μεταφορτώστε το αρχείο',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Retry upload',
+ downloadTitle: 'Download file',
+ zoomTitle: 'Δείτε λεπτομέρειες',
+ dragTitle: 'Μετακίνηση/Προσπαρμογή',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Δεν μεταφορτώθηκε ακόμα',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Μεταφορτώθηκε',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Σφάλμα Μεταφόρτωσης',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Μεταφόρτωση ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Προηγούμενο αρχείο',
+ next: 'Επόμενο αρχείο',
+ toggleheader: 'Εμφάνιση/Απόκρυψη τίτλου',
+ fullscreen: 'Εναλλαγή πλήρους οθόνης',
+ borderless: 'Με ή χωρίς πλαίσιο',
+ close: 'Κλείσιμο προβολής'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/es.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b1c58e6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * FileInput Spanish Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['es'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'archivo',
+ filePlural: 'archivos',
+ browseLabel: 'Examinar &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Quitar',
+ removeTitle: 'Quitar archivos seleccionados',
+ cancelLabel: 'Cancelar',
+ cancelTitle: 'Abortar la subida en curso',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Subir archivo',
+ uploadTitle: 'Subir archivos seleccionados',
+ msgNo: 'No',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: 'No hay archivos seleccionados',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Cancelado',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Seleccionar {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Vista previa detallada',
+ msgFileRequired: 'Debes seleccionar un archivo para subir.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'El archivo "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) es demasiado pequeño y debe ser mayor de <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'El archivo "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) excede el tamaño máximo permitido de <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Debe seleccionar al menos <b>{n}</b> {files} a cargar.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'El número de archivos seleccionados a cargar <b>({n})</b> excede el límite máximo permitido de <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Archivo "{name}" no encontrado.',
+ msgFileSecured: 'No es posible acceder al archivo "{name}" porque está siendo usado por otra aplicación o no tiene permisos de lectura.',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'No es posible acceder al archivo "{name}".',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Previsualización del archivo "{name}" cancelada.',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Ocurrió un error mientras se leía el archivo "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Caracteres no válidos o no soportados en el nombre del archivo "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Tipo de archivo no válido para "{name}". Sólo se permiten archivos de tipo "{types}".',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Extensión de archivo no válida para "{name}". Sólo se permiten archivos "{extensions}".',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'La carga de archivos se ha cancelado',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Procesando...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Inicializando...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Hecho',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'No existen datos válidos para el envío.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Error',
+ msgValidationError: 'Error de validación',
+ msgLoading: 'Subiendo archivo {index} de {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Subiendo archivo {index} de {files} - {name} - {percent}% completado.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} seleccionado(s)',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Arrastre y suelte únicamente archivos. Omitida(s) {n} carpeta(s).',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'El ancho de la imagen "{name}" debe ser de al menos {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'La altura de la imagen "{name}" debe ser de al menos {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'El ancho de la imagen "{name}" no puede exceder de {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'La altura de la imagen "{name}" no puede exceder de {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'No se pudieron obtener las dimensiones de la imagen para cambiar el tamaño.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Error al cambiar el tamaño de la imagen.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Algo ha ido mal con la operación {operation}. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo mas tarde.',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: 'La operación {operation} ha fallado',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'Archivo borrado',
+ uploadThumb: 'Archivo subido',
+ uploadBatch: 'Datos subidos en lote',
+ uploadExtra: 'Datos del formulario subidos '
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Arrastre y suelte aquí los archivos &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(o haga clic para seleccionar {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Eliminar archivo',
+ uploadTitle: 'Subir archivo',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Reintentar subir',
+ downloadTitle: 'Descargar archivo',
+ zoomTitle: 'Ver detalles',
+ dragTitle: 'Mover / Reordenar',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'No subido todavía',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Subido',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Error al subir',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Subiendo...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Anterior',
+ next: 'Siguiente',
+ toggleheader: 'Mostrar encabezado',
+ fullscreen: 'Pantalla completa',
+ borderless: 'Modo sin bordes',
+ close: 'Cerrar vista detallada'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/et.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..039980f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ * FileInput Estonian Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['et'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'fail',
+ filePlural: 'failid',
+ browseLabel: 'Sirvi &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Eemalda',
+ removeTitle: 'Clear selected files',
+ cancelLabel: 'Tühista',
+ cancelTitle: 'Abort ongoing upload',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Salvesta',
+ uploadTitle: 'Salvesta valitud failid',
+ msgNo: 'No',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: 'No files selected',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Cancelled',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Select {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Detailed Preview',
+ msgFileRequired: 'You must select a file to upload.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'File "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) is too small and must be larger than <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Fail "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) ületab lubatu suuruse <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'You must select at least <b>{n}</b> {files} to upload.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Number of files selected for upload <b>({n})</b> exceeds maximum allowed limit of <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'File "{name}" not found!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Security restrictions prevent reading the file "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'File "{name}" is not readable.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'File preview aborted for "{name}".',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'An error occurred while reading the file "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Invalid or unsupported characters in file name "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: '"{name}" on vale tüüpi. Ainult "{types}" on lubatud.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Invalid extension for file "{name}". Only "{extensions}" files are supported.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'The file upload was aborted',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Processing...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Initializing...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Done',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'No valid data available for upload.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Error',
+ msgValidationError: 'Validation Error',
+ msgLoading: 'Loading file {index} of {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Loading file {index} of {files} - {name} - {percent}% completed.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} selected',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Drag & drop files only! Skipped {n} dropped folder(s).',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'Pildi laius peab olema vähemalt {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'Pildi kõrgus peab olema vähemalt {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'Width of image file "{name}" cannot exceed {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'Height of image file "{name}" cannot exceed {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Could not get the image dimensions to resize.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Error while resizing the image.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Something went wrong with the {operation} operation. Please try again later!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} failed',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'file delete',
+ uploadThumb: 'file upload',
+ uploadBatch: 'batch file upload',
+ uploadExtra: 'form data upload'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Lohista failid siia &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(or click to select {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Eemalda fail',
+ uploadTitle: 'Salvesta fail',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Retry upload',
+ zoomTitle: 'Vaata detaile',
+ dragTitle: 'Liiguta / Korralda',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Pole veel salvestatud',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Uploaded',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Salvestamise viga',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Salvestan ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'View previous file',
+ next: 'View next file',
+ toggleheader: 'Toggle header',
+ fullscreen: 'Toggle full screen',
+ borderless: 'Toggle borderless mode',
+ close: 'Close detailed preview'
+ }
+ };
+})(window.jQuery); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/fa.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..11d1d291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ * FileInput Persian Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ * @author Milad Nekofar <milad@nekofar.com>
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['fa'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'فایل',
+ filePlural: 'فایل‌ها',
+ browseLabel: 'مرور &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'حذف',
+ removeTitle: 'پاکسازی فایل‌های انتخاب شده',
+ cancelLabel: 'لغو',
+ cancelTitle: 'لغو بارگزاری جاری',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'بارگذاری',
+ uploadTitle: 'بارگذاری فایل‌های انتخاب شده',
+ msgNo: 'نه',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: 'هیچ فایلی انتخاب نشده است',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'لغو شد',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'انتخاب {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'نمایش با جزییات',
+ msgFileRequired: 'شما باید یک فایل برای بارگذاری انتخاب نمایید.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'فایل "{name}" (<b>{size} کیلوبایت</b>) خیلی کوچک است و باید از <b>{minSize} کیلوبایت بزرگتر باشد</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'فایل "{name}" (<b>{size} کیلوبایت</b>) از حداکثر مجاز <b>{maxSize} کیلوبایت</b> بزرگتر است.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'شما باید حداقل <b>{n}</b> {files} فایل برای بارگذاری انتخاب کنید.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'تعداد فایل‌های انتخاب شده برای بارگذاری <b>({n})</b> از حداکثر مجاز عبور کرده است <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'فایل "{name}" یافت نشد!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'محدودیت های امنیتی مانع خواندن فایل "{name}" است.',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'فایل "{name}" قابل نوشتن نیست.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'پیش نمایش فایل "{name}". به مشکل خورد',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'در هنگام خواندن فایل "{name}" خطایی رخ داد.',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'کاراکترهای غیرمجاز و یا ناشناخته در نام فایل "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'نوع فایل "{name}" معتبر نیست. فقط "{types}" پشیبانی می‌شوند.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'پسوند فایل "{name}" معتبر نیست. فقط "{extensions}" پشتیبانی می‌شوند.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'عکس',
+ 'html': 'اچ تا ام ال',
+ 'text': 'متن',
+ 'video': 'ویدئو',
+ 'audio': 'صدا',
+ 'flash': 'فلش',
+ 'pdf': 'پی دی اف',
+ 'object': 'دیگر'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'بارگذاری فایل به مشکل خورد.',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'در حال پردازش...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'در حال شروع...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'انجام شد',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'هیچ داده معتبری برای بارگذاری موجود نیست.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Error',
+ msgValidationError: 'خطای اعتبار سنجی',
+ msgLoading: 'بارگیری فایل {index} از {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'بارگیری فایل {index} از {files} - {name} - {percent}% تمام شد.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} انتخاب شده',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'فقط فایل‌ها را بکشید و رها کنید! {n} پوشه نادیده گرفته شد.',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'عرض فایل تصویر "{name}" باید حداقل {size} پیکسل باشد.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'ارتفاع فایل تصویر "{name}" باید حداقل {size} پیکسل باشد.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'عرض فایل تصویر "{name}" نمیتواند از {size} پیکسل بیشتر باشد.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'ارتفاع فایل تصویر "{name}" نمی‌تواند از {size} پیکسل بیشتر باشد.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'یافت نشد ابعاد تصویر را برای تغییر اندازه.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'خطا در هنگام تغییر اندازه تصویر.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'به نظر مشکلی در حین {operation} روی داده است. لطفا دوباره تلاش کنید!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} لغو شد',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'حذف فایل',
+ uploadThumb: 'بارگذاری فایل',
+ uploadBatch: 'بارگذاری جمعی فایلها',
+ uploadExtra: 'بارگذاری با کمک فُرم'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'فایل‌ها را بکشید و در اینجا رها کنید &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(یا برای انتخاب {files} کلیک کنید)',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'حذف فایل',
+ uploadTitle: 'آپلود فایل',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'بارگیری مجدد',
+ downloadTitle: 'دریافت فایل',
+ zoomTitle: 'دیدن جزئیات',
+ dragTitle: 'جابجایی / چیدمان',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'آپلود نشده است',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'آپلود شده',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'بارگذاری خطا',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'آپلود ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'مشاهده فایل قبلی',
+ next: 'مشاهده فایل بعدی',
+ toggleheader: 'نمایش عنوان',
+ fullscreen: 'نمایش تمام صفحه',
+ borderless: 'نمایش حاشیه',
+ close: 'بستن نمایش با جزییات'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/fi.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..85154eec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ * FileInput Finnish Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales.fi = {
+ fileSingle: 'tiedosto',
+ filePlural: 'tiedostot',
+ browseLabel: 'Selaa &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Poista',
+ removeTitle: 'Tyhj&auml;nn&auml; valitut tiedostot',
+ cancelLabel: 'Peruuta',
+ cancelTitle: 'Peruuta lataus',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Lataa',
+ uploadTitle: 'Lataa valitut tiedostot',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: '',
+ msgFileRequired: 'You must select a file to upload.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'File "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) is too small and must be larger than <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Tiedosto "{name}" (<b>{size} Kt</b>) ylitt&auml;&auml; suurimman sallitun tiedoston koon, joka on <b>{maxSize} Kt</b>. Yrit&auml; uudelleen!',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'V&auml;hint&auml;&auml;n <b>{n}</b> {files} tiedostoa on valittava ladattavaksi. Ole hyv&auml; ja yrit&auml; uudelleen!',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Valittujen tiedostojen lukum&auml;&auml;r&auml; <b>({n})</b> ylitt&auml;&auml; suurimman sallitun m&auml;&auml;r&auml;n <b>{m}</b>. Ole hyv&auml; ja yrit&auml; uudelleen!',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Tiedostoa "{name}" ei l&ouml;ydy!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Tietoturvarajoitukset est&auml;v&auml;t tiedoston "{name}" lukemisen.',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'Tiedosto "{name}" ei ole luettavissa.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Tiedoston "{name}" esikatselu keskeytetty.',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Virhe on tapahtunut luettaessa tiedostoa "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Invalid or unsupported characters in file name "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Tiedosto "{name}" on v&auml;&auml;r&auml;n tyyppinen. Ainoastaan tiedostot tyyppi&auml; "{types}" ovat tuettuja.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Tiedoston "{name}" tarkenne on ep&auml;kelpo. Ainoastaan tarkenteet "{extensions}" ovat tuettuja.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'Kuva',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'Teksti',
+ 'video': 'Video',
+ 'audio': 'Ääni',
+ 'flash': 'Flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'Olio'
+ },
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Käsitellään...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Initializing...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Done',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'Ei ladattavaa dataa.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Error',
+ msgValidationError: 'Tiedoston latausvirhe',
+ msgLoading: 'Ladataan tiedostoa {index} / {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Ladataan tiedostoa {index} / {files} - {name} - {percent}% valmistunut.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} tiedostoa valittu',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Raahaa ja pudota ainoastaan tiedostoja! Ohitettu {n} raahattua kansiota.',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Something went wrong with the {operation} operation. Please try again later!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} failed',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'file delete',
+ uploadThumb: 'file upload',
+ uploadBatch: 'batch file upload',
+ uploadExtra: 'form data upload'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Raahaa ja pudota tiedostot t&auml;h&auml;n &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(tai valitse hiirellä {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Poista tiedosto',
+ uploadTitle: 'Upload file',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Retry upload',
+ downloadTitle: 'Download file',
+ zoomTitle: 'Yksityiskohdat',
+ dragTitle: 'Siirrä / Järjestele',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Ei ladattu',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Ladattu',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Lataus epäonnistui',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Ladataan ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Seuraava tiedosto',
+ next: 'Edellinen tiedosto',
+ toggleheader: 'Näytä otsikko',
+ fullscreen: 'Kokonäytön tila',
+ borderless: 'Rajaton tila',
+ close: 'Sulje esikatselu'
+ }
+ };
+ $.extend($.fn.fileinput.defaults, $.fn.fileinputLocales.fi);
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/fr.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d9e1e97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ * FileInput French Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['fr'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'fichier',
+ filePlural: 'fichiers',
+ browseLabel: 'Parcourir&hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Retirer',
+ removeTitle: 'Retirer les fichiers sélectionnés',
+ cancelLabel: 'Annuler',
+ cancelTitle: "Annuler l'envoi en cours",
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Transférer',
+ uploadTitle: 'Transférer les fichiers sélectionnés',
+ msgNo: 'Non',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: '',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Annulé',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Sélectionner le(s) {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Aperçu détaillé',
+ msgFileRequired: 'Vous devez sélectionner un fichier à uploader.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'Le fichier "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) est inférieur à la taille minimale de <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Le fichier "{name}" (<b>{size} Ko</b>) dépasse la taille maximale autorisée qui est de <b>{maxSize} Ko</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Vous devez sélectionner au moins <b>{n}</b> {files} à transmettre.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Le nombre de fichier sélectionné <b>({n})</b> dépasse la quantité maximale autorisée qui est de <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Le fichier "{name}" est introuvable !',
+ msgFileSecured: "Des restrictions de sécurité vous empêchent d'accéder au fichier \"{name}\".",
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'Le fichier "{name}" est illisible.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Prévisualisation du fichier "{name}" annulée.',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Une erreur est survenue lors de la lecture du fichier "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Caractères invalides ou non supportés dans le nom de fichier "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Type de document invalide pour "{name}". Seulement les documents de type "{types}" sont autorisés.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Extension invalide pour le fichier "{name}". Seules les extensions "{extensions}" sont autorisées.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'Le transfert du fichier a été interrompu',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'En cours...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Initialisation...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Terminé',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'Aucune donnée valide disponible pour transmission.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Erreur',
+ msgValidationError: 'Erreur de validation',
+ msgLoading: 'Transmission du fichier {index} sur {files}&hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Transmission du fichier {index} sur {files} - {name} - {percent}%.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} sélectionné(s)',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Glissez et déposez uniquement des fichiers ! {n} répertoire(s) exclu(s).',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'La largeur de l\'image "{name}" doit être d\'au moins {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'La hauteur de l\'image "{name}" doit être d\'au moins {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'La largeur de l\'image "{name}" ne peut pas dépasser {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'La hauteur de l\'image "{name}" ne peut pas dépasser {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: "Impossible d'obtenir les dimensions de l'image à redimensionner.",
+ msgImageResizeException: "Erreur lors du redimensionnement de l'image.<pre>{errors}</pre>",
+ msgAjaxError: "Une erreur s'est produite pendant l'opération de {operation}. Veuillez réessayer plus tard.",
+ msgAjaxProgressError: 'L\'opération "{operation}" a échoué',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'suppression du fichier',
+ uploadThumb: 'transfert du fichier',
+ uploadBatch: 'transfert des fichiers',
+ uploadExtra: 'soumission des données de formulaire'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Glissez et déposez les fichiers ici&hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(ou cliquez pour sélectionner manuellement)',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Supprimer le fichier',
+ uploadTitle: 'Transférer le fichier',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Relancer le transfert',
+ zoomTitle: 'Voir les détails',
+ dragTitle: 'Déplacer / Réarranger',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Pas encore transféré',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Posté',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Ajouter erreur',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'En cours...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Voir le fichier précédent',
+ next: 'Voir le fichier suivant',
+ toggleheader: 'Masquer le titre',
+ fullscreen: 'Mode plein écran',
+ borderless: 'Mode cinéma',
+ close: "Fermer l'aperçu"
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/gl.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b4992de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * FileInput Galician Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['gl'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'arquivo',
+ filePlural: 'arquivos',
+ browseLabel: 'Examinar &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Quitar',
+ removeTitle: 'Quitar aquivos seleccionados',
+ cancelLabel: 'Cancelar',
+ cancelTitle: 'Abortar a subida en curso',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Subir arquivo',
+ uploadTitle: 'Subir arquivos seleccionados',
+ msgNo: 'Non',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: 'Non hay arquivos seleccionados',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Cancelado',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Seleccinar {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Vista previa detallada',
+ msgFileRequired: 'Debes seleccionar un arquivo para subir.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'O arquivo "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) é demasiado pequeno e debe ser maior de <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'O arquivo "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) excede o tamaño máximo permitido de <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Debe seleccionar ao menos <b>{n}</b> {files} a cargar.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'O número de arquivos seleccionados a cargar <b>({n})</b> excede do límite máximo permitido de <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Arquivo "{name}" non encontrado.',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Non é posible acceder ao arquivo "{name}" porque estará sendo usado por outra aplicación ou non teñamos permisos de lectura.',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'Non é posible acceder ao arquivo "{name}".',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Previsualización do arquivo "{name}" cancelada.',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Ocurriu un erro mentras se lía o arquivo "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Caracteres non válidos ou non soportados no nome do arquivo "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Tipo de arquivo non válido para "{name}". Só se permiten arquivos do tipo "{types}".',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Extensión de arquivo non válida para "{name}". Só se permiten arquivos "{extensions}".',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'imaxe',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'A carga de arquivos cancelouse',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Procesando...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Inicializando...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Feito',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'Non existen datos válidos para o envío.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Erro',
+ msgValidationError: 'Erro de validación',
+ msgLoading: 'Subindo arquivo {index} de {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Subindo arquivo {index} de {files} - {name} - {percent}% completado.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} seleccionado(s)',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Arrastra e solta unicamente arquivos. Omitida(s) {n} carpeta(s).',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'O ancho da imaxe "{name}" debe ser de ao menos {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'A altura da imaxe "{name}" debe ser de ao menos {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'O ancho da imaxe "{name}" non pode exceder de {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'A altura da imaxe "{name}" non pode exceder de {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Non se puideron obter as dimensións da imaxe para cambiar o tamaño.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Erro ao cambiar o tamaño da imaxe. <pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Algo foi mal ca operación {operation}. Por favor, inténtao de novo máis tarde.',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: 'A operación {operation} fallou',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'Arquivo borrado',
+ uploadThumb: 'Arquivo subido',
+ uploadBatch: 'Datos subidos en lote',
+ uploadExtra: 'Datos do formulario subidos'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Arrasta e solta aquí os arquivos &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(ou fai clic para seleccionar {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Eliminar arquivo',
+ uploadTitle: 'Subir arquivo',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Reintentar a subida',
+ downloadTitle: 'Descargar arquivo',
+ zoomTitle: 'Ver detalles',
+ dragTitle: 'Mover / Reordenar',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Non subido aínda',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Subido',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Erro ao subir',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Subindo...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Ver arquivo anterior',
+ next: 'Ver arquivo seguinte',
+ toggleheader: 'Mostrar encabezado',
+ fullscreen: 'Mostrar a pantalla completa',
+ borderless: 'Activar o modo sen bordes',
+ close: 'Cerrar vista detallada'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/he.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49a73a13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ * FileInput Hebrew Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ * @author Daniel Coryat <awq8002@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['he'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'קובץ',
+ filePlural: 'קבצים',
+ browseLabel: 'העלאה &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'הסרה',
+ removeTitle: 'נקה קבצים נבחרים',
+ cancelLabel: 'ביטול',
+ cancelTitle: 'ביטול העלאה מתמשכת',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'טעינה',
+ uploadTitle: 'טעינת קבצים נבחרים',
+ msgNo: 'לא',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: 'לא נבחרו קבצים',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'מבוטל',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'בחר {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'תצוגה מקדימה מפורטת',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'קובץ "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) קטן מדי וחייב להיות גדול מ <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'קובץ "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) חורג מהגודל המרבי המותר להעלאה של <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'עליך לבחור לפחות <b>{n}</b> {files} להעלאה.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'מספר הקבצים שנבחרו להעלאה <b>({n})</b> חורג מהמגבלה המרבית המותרת של <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'קובץ "{name}" לא נמצא!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'הגבלות אבטחה מונעות קריאת הקובץ "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'קובץ "{name}" לא קריא.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'תצוגה מקדימה של הקובץ בוטלה עבור "{name}".',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'אירעה שגיאה בעת קריאת הקובץ "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'תווים לא חוקיים או לא נתמכים בשם הקובץ "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'סוג קובץ לא חוקי "{name}". רק "{types}" קבצים נתמכים.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'תוסף לא חוקי עבור הקובץ "{name}". רק "{extensions}" קבצים נתמכים.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'תמונה',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'טקסט',
+ 'video': 'וידאו',
+ 'audio': 'שמע',
+ 'flash': 'פלאש',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'אובייקט'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'העלאת הקובץ בוטלה',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'מעבד...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'מאתחל ...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'בוצע',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'אין נתונים זמינים להעלאה.',
+ msgValidationError: 'שגיאת אימות',
+ msgLoading: 'טוען קובץ {index} של {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'טוען קובץ {index} של {files} - {name} - {percent}% הושלמה.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} נבחרו',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'גרירת קבצים ושחרורם בלבד! דילוג {n} גרירת תיקיה(s).',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'רוחב קובץ התמונה "{name}" חייב להיות לפחות {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'גובה קובץ התמונה "{name}" חייב להיות לפחות {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'רוחב קובץ התמונה "{name}" לא יעלה על {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'גובה קובץ התמונה "{name}" לא יעלה על {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'לא ניתן לשנות את גודל מידות התמונה.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'שגיאה בעת שינוי גודל התמונה.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'משהו השתבש עם {operation} המערכת. יש לנסות מאוחר יותר!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} נכשל',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'קובץ נמחק',
+ uploadThumb: 'קובץ הועלה',
+ uploadBatch: 'קובץ אצווה הועלה',
+ uploadExtra: 'העלאת נתונים בטופס'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'גרירת קבצים ושחרורם כאן &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(או לחץ /י כדי לבחור {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'הסרת קובץ',
+ uploadTitle: 'טעינת קובץ',
+ zoomTitle: 'הצגת פרטים',
+ dragTitle: 'העברה / סידור מחדש',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'עדיין לא הועלה',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'הועלה',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'שגיאת העלאה',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'מעלה...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'הצגת את הקובץ הקודם',
+ next: 'הצגת את הקובץ הבא',
+ toggleheader: 'שינוי כותרת',
+ fullscreen: 'מעבר למסך מלא',
+ borderless: 'שינוי המודל ללא שוליים',
+ close: 'סגירת תצוגה מקדימה מפורטת'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/hu.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de210570
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * FileInput Hungarian Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['hu'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'fájl',
+ filePlural: 'fájlok',
+ browseLabel: 'Tallóz &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Eltávolít',
+ removeTitle: 'Kijelölt fájlok törlése',
+ cancelLabel: 'Mégse',
+ cancelTitle: 'Feltöltés megszakítása',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Feltöltés',
+ uploadTitle: 'Kijelölt fájlok feltöltése',
+ msgNo: 'Nem',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: 'Nincs fájl kiválasztva',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Megszakítva',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Válasz {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Részletes Előnézet',
+ msgFileRequired: 'Kötelező fájlt kiválasztani a feltöltéshez.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'A fájl: "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) mérete túl kicsi, nagyobbnak kell lennie, mint <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: '"{name}" fájl (<b>{size} KB</b>) mérete nagyobb a megengedettnél <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Legalább <b>{n}</b> {files} ki kell választania a feltöltéshez.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'A feltölteni kívánt fájlok száma <b>({n})</b> elérte a megengedett maximumot <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: '"{name}" fájl nem található!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Biztonsági beállítások nem engedik olvasni a fájlt "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: '"{name}" fájl nem olvasható.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: '"{name}" fájl feltöltése megszakítva.',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Hiba lépett fel a "{name}" fájl olvasása közben.',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Hibás vagy nem támogatott karakterek a fájl nevében "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Nem megengedett fájl "{name}". Csak a "{types}" fájl típusok támogatottak.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Nem megengedett kiterjesztés / fájltípus "{name}". Csak a "{extensions}" kiterjesztés(ek) / fájltípus(ok) támogatottak.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'A fájl feltöltés megszakítva',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Folyamatban...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Inicializálás...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Kész',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'Nincs érvényes adat a feltöltéshez.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Error',
+ msgValidationError: 'Érvényesítés hiba',
+ msgLoading: '{index} / {files} töltése &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Feltöltés: {index} / {files} - {name} - {percent}% kész.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} kiválasztva.',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Csak fájlokat húzzon ide! Kihagyva {n} könyvtár.',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'A kép szélességének "{name}" legalább {size} pixelnek kell lennie.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'A kép magasságának "{name}" legalább {size} pixelnek kell lennie.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'A kép szélessége "{name}" nem haladhatja meg a {size} pixelt.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'A kép magassága "{name}" nem haladhatja meg a {size} pixelt.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Nem lehet megállapítani a kép méreteit az átméretezéshez.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Hiba történt a méretezés közben.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Hiba történt a művelet közben ({operation}). Kérjük, próbálja később!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: 'Hiba! ({operation})',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'fájl törlés',
+ uploadThumb: 'fájl feltöltés',
+ uploadBatch: 'csoportos fájl feltöltés',
+ uploadExtra: 'űrlap adat feltöltés'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Húzzon ide fájlokat &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(vagy kattintson ide a {files} tallózásához...)',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'A fájl eltávolítása',
+ uploadTitle: 'fájl feltöltése',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Feltöltés újból',
+ downloadTitle: 'Fájl letöltése',
+ zoomTitle: 'Részletek megtekintése',
+ dragTitle: 'Mozgatás / Átrendezés',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Nem feltöltött',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Feltöltött',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Feltöltés hiba',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Feltöltés ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Elöző fájl megnézése',
+ next: 'Következő fájl megnézése',
+ toggleheader: 'Fejléc mutatása',
+ fullscreen: 'Teljes képernyős mód bekapcsolása',
+ borderless: 'Keret nélküli ablak mód bekapcsolása',
+ close: 'Részletes előnézet bezárása'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/id.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/id.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..936e46e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/id.js
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ * FileInput Indonesian Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ * @author Bambang Riswanto <bamz3r@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['id'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'berkas',
+ filePlural: 'berkas',
+ browseLabel: 'Pilih berkas &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Hapus',
+ removeTitle: 'Hapus berkas terpilih',
+ cancelLabel: 'Batal',
+ cancelTitle: 'Batalkan proses pengunggahan',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Unggah',
+ uploadTitle: 'Unggah berkas terpilih',
+ msgNo: 'Tidak',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: '',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Dibatalkan',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Pilih {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Pratinjau terperinci',
+ msgFileRequired: 'Anda harus memilih berkas untuk diunggah.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'Berkas "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) terlalu kecil dan harus lebih besar dari <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Berkas "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) melebihi ukuran unggah maksimal yaitu <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Anda harus memilih setidaknya <b>{n}</b> {files} untuk diunggah.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: '<b>({n})</b> berkas yang dipilih untuk diunggah melebihi ukuran unggah maksimal yaitu <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Berkas "{name}" tak ditemukan!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Sistem keamanan mencegah untuk membaca berkas "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'Berkas "{name}" tak dapat dibaca.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Pratinjau untuk berkas "{name}" dibatalkan.',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Kesalahan saat membaca berkas "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Karakter tidak dikenali atau tidak didukung untuk nama berkas "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Jenis berkas "{name}" tidak sah. Hanya berkas "{types}" yang didukung.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Ekstensi berkas "{name}" tidak sah. Hanya ekstensi "{extensions}" yang didukung.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'Proses Unggah berkas dibatalkan',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Memproses...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Menyiapkan...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Selesai',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'Tidak ada data valid yang tersedia untuk diunggah.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Kesalahan',
+ msgValidationError: 'Kesalahan saat memvalidasi',
+ msgLoading: 'Memuat {index} dari {files} berkas &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Memuat {index} dari {files} berkas - {name} - {percent}% selesai.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} dipilih',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Hanya tahan dan lepas file saja! {n} folder diabaikan.',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'Lebar dari gambar "{name}" harus sekurangnya {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'Tinggi dari gambar "{name}" harus sekurangnya {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'Lebar dari gambar "{name}" tak boleh melebihi {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'Tinggi dari gambar "{name}" tak boleh melebihi {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Tidak dapat menentukan dimensi gambar untuk mengubah ukuran.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Kesalahan saat mengubah ukuran gambar.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Terjadi kesalahan ketika melakukan operasi {operation}. Silahkan coba lagi nanti!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} gagal',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'Hapus berkas',
+ uploadThumb: 'Unggah berkas',
+ uploadBatch: 'Unggah banyak berkas',
+ uploadExtra: 'Unggah form ekstra'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Tarik dan lepaskan berkas disini &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(atau klik untuk memilih {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Hapus Berkas',
+ uploadTitle: 'Unggah Berkas',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Unggah Ulang',
+ downloadTitle: 'Unduh Berkas',
+ zoomTitle: 'Tampilkan Rincian',
+ dragTitle: 'Pindah atau Atur Ulang',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Belum diunggah',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Sudah diunggah',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Kesalahan dalam mengungah',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Mengunggah ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Lihat berkas sebelumnya',
+ next: 'Lihat berkas selanjutnya',
+ toggleheader: 'Beralih ke tajuk',
+ fullscreen: 'Beralih ke mode penuh',
+ borderless: 'Beralih ke mode tanpa tepi',
+ close: 'Tutup pratinjau terperinci'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/it.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd8e5c33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ * FileInput Italian Translation
+ *
+ * Author: Lorenzo Milesi <maxxer@yetopen.it>
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['it'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'file',
+ filePlural: 'file',
+ browseLabel: 'Sfoglia&hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Rimuovi',
+ removeTitle: 'Rimuovi i file selezionati',
+ cancelLabel: 'Annulla',
+ cancelTitle: 'Annulla i caricamenti in corso',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Carica',
+ uploadTitle: 'Carica i file selezionati',
+ msgNo: 'No',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: 'Nessun file selezionato',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Annullato',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Seleziona {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Anteprima dettagliata',
+ msgFileRequired: 'Devi selezionare un file da caricare.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'Il file "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) è troppo piccolo, deve essere almeno di <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Il file "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) eccede la dimensione massima di caricamento di <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Devi selezionare almeno <b>{n}</b> {files} da caricare.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Il numero di file selezionati per il caricamento <b>({n})</b> eccede il numero massimo di file accettati <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'File "{name}" non trovato!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Restrizioni di sicurezza impediscono la lettura del file "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'Il file "{name}" non è leggibile.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Generazione anteprima per "{name}" annullata.',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Errore durante la lettura del file "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Carattere non valido o non supportato nel file "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Tipo non valido per il file "{name}". Sono ammessi solo file di tipo "{types}".',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Estensione non valida per il file "{name}". Sono ammessi solo file con estensione "{extensions}".',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'Il caricamento del file è stato interrotto',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'In lavorazione...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Inizializzazione...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Fatto',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'Dati non disponibili',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Errore',
+ msgValidationError: 'Errore di convalida',
+ msgLoading: 'Caricamento file {index} di {files}&hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Caricamento file {index} di {files} - {name} - {percent}% completato.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} selezionati',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Trascina solo file! Ignorata/e {n} cartella/e.',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'La larghezza dell\'immagine "{name}" deve essere di almeno {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'L\'altezza dell\'immagine "{name}" deve essere di almeno {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'La larghezza dell\'immagine "{name}" non può superare {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'L\'altezza dell\'immagine "{name}" non può superare {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Impossibile ottenere le dimensioni dell\'immagine per ridimensionare.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Errore durante il ridimensionamento dell\'immagine.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Qualcosa non ha funzionato con l\'operazione {operation}. Per favore riprova più tardi!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} failed',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'eliminazione file',
+ uploadThumb: 'caricamento file',
+ uploadBatch: 'caricamento file in batch',
+ uploadExtra: 'upload dati del form'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Trascina i file qui&hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(o clicca per selezionare {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Rimuovere il file',
+ uploadTitle: 'Caricare un file',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Riprova il caricamento',
+ downloadTitle: 'Scarica file',
+ zoomTitle: 'Guarda i dettagli',
+ dragTitle: 'Muovi / Riordina',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Non ancora caricato',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Caricati',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Carica Errore',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Caricamento ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Vedi il file precedente',
+ next: 'Vedi il file seguente',
+ toggleheader: 'Attiva header',
+ fullscreen: 'Attiva full screen',
+ borderless: 'Abilita modalità senza bordi',
+ close: 'Chiudi'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/ja.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..912237de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ * FileInput Japanese Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ * @author Yuta Hoshina <hoshina@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ * slugCallback
+ * \u4e00-\u9fa5 : Kanji (Chinese characters)
+ * \u3040-\u309f : Hiragana (Japanese syllabary)
+ * \u30a0-\u30ff\u31f0-\u31ff : Katakana (including phonetic extension)
+ * \u3200-\u32ff : Enclosed CJK Letters and Months
+ * \uff00-\uffef : Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['ja'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'ファイル',
+ filePlural: 'ファイル',
+ browseLabel: 'ファイルを選択&hellip;',
+ removeLabel: '削除',
+ removeTitle: '選択したファイルを削除',
+ cancelLabel: 'キャンセル',
+ cancelTitle: 'アップロードをキャンセル',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'アップロード',
+ uploadTitle: '選択したファイルをアップロード',
+ msgNo: 'いいえ',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: 'ファイルが選択されていません',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'キャンセル',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Select {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'プレビュー',
+ msgFileRequired: 'ファイルを選択してください',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'ファイル"{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>)はアップロード可能な下限容量<b>{minSize} KB</b>より小さいです',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'ファイル"{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>)はアップロード可能な上限容量<b>{maxSize} KB</b>を超えています',
+ msgFilesTooLess: '最低<b>{n}</b>個の{files}を選択してください',
+ msgFilesTooMany: '選択したファイルの数<b>({n}個)</b>はアップロード可能な上限数<b>({m}個)</b>を超えています',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'ファイル"{name}"はありませんでした',
+ msgFileSecured: 'ファイル"{name}"は読み取り権限がないため取得できません',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'ファイル"{name}"は読み込めません',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'ファイル"{name}"のプレビューを中止しました',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'ファイル"{name}"の読み込み中にエラーが発生しました',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'ファイル名に無効な文字が含まれています "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: '"{name}"は無効なファイル形式です。"{types}"形式のファイルのみサポートしています',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: '"{name}"は無効な拡張子です。拡張子が"{extensions}"のファイルのみサポートしています',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'ファイルのアップロードが中止されました',
+ msgUploadThreshold: '処理中...',
+ msgUploadBegin: '初期化中...',
+ msgUploadEnd: '完了',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'アップロードに有効なデータがありません',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'エラー',
+ msgValidationError: '検証エラー',
+ msgLoading: '{files}個中{index}個目のファイルを読み込み中&hellip;',
+ msgProgress: '{files}個中{index}個のファイルを読み込み中 - {name} - {percent}% 完了',
+ msgSelected: '{n}個の{files}を選択',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'ドラッグ&ドロップが可能なのはファイルのみです。{n}個のフォルダ-は無視されました',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: '画像ファイル"{name}"の幅が小さすぎます。画像サイズの幅は少なくとも{size}px必要です',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: '画像ファイル"{name}"の高さが小さすぎます。画像サイズの高さは少なくとも{size}px必要です',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: '画像ファイル"{name}"の幅がアップロード可能な画像サイズ({size}px)を超えています',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: '画像ファイル"{name}"の高さがアップロード可能な画像サイズ({size}px)を超えています',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'リサイズ時に画像サイズが取得できませんでした',
+ msgImageResizeException: '画像のリサイズ時にエラーが発生しました。<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: '{operation}実行中にエラーが発生しました。時間をおいてもう一度お試しください。',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} failed',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'ファイル削除',
+ uploadThumb: 'ファイルアップロード',
+ uploadBatch: '一括ファイルアップロード',
+ uploadExtra: 'フォームデータアップロード'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'ファイルをドラッグ&ドロップ&hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(または クリックして{files}を選択 )',
+ slugCallback: function(text) {
+ return text ? text.split(/(\\|\/)/g).pop().replace(/[^\w\u4e00-\u9fa5\u3040-\u309f\u30a0-\u30ff\u31f0-\u31ff\u3200-\u32ff\uff00-\uffef\-.\\\/ ]+/g, '') : '';
+ },
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'ファイルを削除',
+ uploadTitle: 'ファイルをアップロード',
+ uploadRetryTitle: '再アップロード',
+ zoomTitle: 'プレビュー',
+ dragTitle: '移動 / 再配置',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'まだアップロードされていません',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'アップロード済み',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'アップロード失敗',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'アップロード中...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: '前のファイルを表示',
+ next: '次のファイルを表示',
+ toggleheader: 'ファイル情報の表示/非表示',
+ fullscreen: 'フルスクリーン表示の開始/終了',
+ borderless: 'フルウィンドウ表示の開始/終了',
+ close: 'プレビューを閉じる'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/ka.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5c552c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ * FileInput Georgian Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ * @author Avtandil Kikabidze aka LONGMAN <akalongman@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['ka'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'ფაილი',
+ filePlural: 'ფაილები',
+ browseLabel: 'არჩევა &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'წაშლა',
+ removeTitle: 'არჩეული ფაილების წაშლა',
+ cancelLabel: 'გაუქმება',
+ cancelTitle: 'მიმდინარე ატვირთვის გაუქმება',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'ატვირთვა',
+ uploadTitle: 'არჩეული ფაილების ატვირთვა',
+ msgNo: 'არა',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: 'ფაილები არ არის არჩეული',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'გაუქმებულია',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'აირჩიეთ {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'დეტალურად ნახვა',
+ msgFileRequired: 'ატვირთვისთვის აუცილებელია ფაილის არჩევა.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'ფაილი "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) არის ძალიან პატარა. მისი ზომა უნდა იყოს არანაკლებ <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'ფაილი "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) აჭარბებს მაქსიმალურ დასაშვებ ზომას <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'უნდა აირჩიოთ მინიმუმ <b>{n}</b> {file} ატვირთვისთვის.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'არჩეული ფაილების რაოდენობა <b>({n})</b> აჭარბებს დასაშვებ ლიმიტს <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'ფაილი "{name}" არ მოიძებნა!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'უსაფრთხოებით გამოწვეული შეზღუდვები კრძალავს ფაილის "{name}" წაკითხვას.',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'ფაილის "{name}" წაკითხვა შეუძლებელია.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'პრევიუ გაუქმებულია ფაილისათვის "{name}".',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'დაფიქსირდა შეცდომა ფაილის "{name}" კითხვისას.',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'ნაპოვნია დაუშვებელი სიმბოლოები ფაილის "{name}" სახელში.',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'ფაილს "{name}" გააჩნია დაუშვებელი ტიპი. მხოლოდ "{types}" ტიპის ფაილები არის დაშვებული.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'ფაილს "{name}" გააჩნია დაუშვებელი გაფართოება. მხოლოდ "{extensions}" გაფართოების ფაილები არის დაშვებული.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'ფაილის ატვირთვა შეწყდა',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'მუშავდება...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'ინიციალიზაცია...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'დასრულებულია',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'ატვირთვისთვის დაუშვებელი მონაცემები.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'ატვირთვის შეცდომა',
+ msgValidationError: 'ვალიდაციის შეცდომა',
+ msgLoading: 'ატვირთვა {index} / {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'ფაილის ატვირთვა დასრულებულია {index} / {files} - {name} - {percent}%.',
+ msgSelected: 'არჩეულია {n} {file}',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'დაშვებულია მხოლოდ ფაილების გადმოთრევა! გამოტოვებულია {n} გადმოთრეული ფოლდერი.',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'სურათის "{name}" სიგანე უნდა იყოს არანაკლებ {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'სურათის "{name}" სიმაღლე უნდა იყოს არანაკლებ {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'სურათის "{name}" სიგანე არ უნდა აღემატებოდეს {size} px-ს.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'სურათის "{name}" სიმაღლე არ უნდა აღემატებოდეს {size} px-ს.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'ვერ მოხერხდა სურათის ზომის შეცვლისთვის საჭირო მონაცემების გარკვევა.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'შეცდომა სურათის ზომის შეცვლისას.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'დაფიქსირდა შეცდომა ოპერაციის {operation} შესრულებისას. ცადეთ მოგვიანებით!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: 'ვერ მოხერხდა ოპერაციის {operation} შესრულება',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'ფაილის წაშლა',
+ uploadThumb: 'ფაილის ატვირთვა',
+ uploadBatch: 'ფაილების ატვირთვა',
+ uploadExtra: 'მონაცემების გაგზავნა ფორმიდან'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'გადმოათრიეთ ფაილები აქ &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(ან დააჭირეთ რათა აირჩიოთ {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'ფაილის წაშლა',
+ uploadTitle: 'ფაილის ატვირთვა',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'ატვირთვის გამეორება',
+ downloadTitle: 'ფაილის ჩამოტვირთვა',
+ zoomTitle: 'დეტალურად ნახვა',
+ dragTitle: 'გადაადგილება / მიმდევრობის შეცვლა',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'ჯერ არ ატვირთულა',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'ატვირთულია',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'ატვირთვის შეცდომა',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'ატვირთვა ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'წინა ფაილის ნახვა',
+ next: 'შემდეგი ფაილის ნახვა',
+ toggleheader: 'სათაურის დამალვა',
+ fullscreen: 'მთელ ეკრანზე გაშლა',
+ borderless: 'მთელ გვერდზე გაშლა',
+ close: 'დახურვა'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/kr.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/kr.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0cee688e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/kr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * FileInput Korean Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['kr'] = {
+ fileSingle: '파일',
+ filePlural: '파일들',
+ browseLabel: '찾아보기 &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: '지우기',
+ removeTitle: '선택한 파일들 지우기',
+ cancelLabel: '취소',
+ cancelTitle: '진행중인 업로드 중단',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: '업로드',
+ uploadTitle: '선택한 파일 업로드',
+ msgNo: '아니요',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: '선택한 파일이 없습니다',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: '취소되었습니다',
+ msgPlaceholder: '{files} 선택...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: '세부 정보',
+ msgFileRequired: '업로드를 위해 반드시 파일을 선택해야 합니다.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: '파일 "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>)이 너무 작습니다. <b>{minSize} KB</b>보다 용량이 커야 합니다..',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: '파일 "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>)이 너무 큽니다. 허용 파일 사이즈는 <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.입니다.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: '업로드하기 위해 최소 <b>{n}</b> {files}개의 파일을 선택해야 합니다.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: '선택한 파일의 수 <b>({n})</b>가 업로드 허용 최고치인 <b>{m}</b>를 넘었습니다..',
+ msgFileNotFound: '파일 "{name}"을 찾을 수 없습니다.!',
+ msgFileSecured: '보안상의 이유로 "{name}"을/를 읽을 수 없습니다..',
+ msgFileNotReadable: '"{name}"은/는 읽을 수 없습니다.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: '"{name}"의 미리보기가 중단되었습니다.',
+ msgFilePreviewError: '"{name}"을/를 읽는 도중 에러가 발생했습니다.',
+ msgInvalidFileName: '파일 이름 "{name}" 중 지원 불가능한 문자가 포함되어 있습니다.',
+ msgInvalidFileType: '"{name}"의 타입은 지원하지 않습니다. "{types}" 타입의 파일을 선택해 주십시요.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: '"{name}"의 확장자는 지원하지 않습니다. "{extensions}" 확장자를 선택해 주십시요.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: '파일 업로드가 중단되었습니다',
+ msgUploadThreshold: '처리하는 중...',
+ msgUploadBegin: '초기화 중...',
+ msgUploadEnd: '완료',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: '업로드 가능한 데이터가 존재하지 않습니다.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: '오류',
+ msgValidationError: '유효성 오류',
+ msgLoading: '{index}/{files}번째 파일을 불러오는 중입니다. &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: '{index}/{files} - {name} - {percent}% 불러오기 완료.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files}이 선택 되었습니다.',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: '파일만 마우스로 끌어올 수 있습니다! 끌어온 폴더는 건너뜁니다.',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: '"{name}"의 가로는 {size} px 보다 넓어야 합니다.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: '"{name}"의 세로는 {size} px 보다 높아야 합니다.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: '"{name}"의 가로는 {size} px를 넘을 수 없습니다.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: '"{name}"의 세로는 {size} px를 넘을 수 없습니다.',
+ msgImageResizeError: '이미지의 치수를 가져올 수 없습니다',
+ msgImageResizeException: '이미지 사이즈 재조정이 다음 이유로 실패했습니다.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: '{operation} 실행 도중 실패했습니다. 잠시 후 다시 시도해 주세요!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} failed',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'file delete',
+ uploadThumb: 'file upload',
+ uploadBatch: 'batch file upload',
+ uploadExtra: 'form data upload'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: '마우스로 파일을 끌어오세요 &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(또는 {files} 선택을 위해 클릭하십시요)',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: '파일 지우기',
+ uploadTitle: '파일 업로드',
+ uploadRetryTitle: '업로드 재시도',
+ downloadTitle: '파일 다운로드',
+ zoomTitle: '세부 정보 보기',
+ dragTitle: '옮기기 / 재배열하기',
+ indicatorNewTitle: '아직 업로드 되지 않았습니다',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: '업로드 성공',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: '업로드 중 에러 발생',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: '업로드 중 ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: '이전 파일',
+ next: '다음 파일',
+ toggleheader: '머릿글 토글',
+ fullscreen: '전체화면 토글',
+ borderless: '창 테두리 토글',
+ close: '세부 정보 닫기'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/kz.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/kz.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ec28c62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/kz.js
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ * FileInput Kazakh Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ * @author Kali Toleugazy <almatytol@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['kz'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'файл',
+ filePlural: 'файлдар',
+ browseLabel: 'Таңдау &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Жою',
+ removeTitle: 'Таңдалған файлдарды жою',
+ cancelLabel: 'Күшін жою',
+ cancelTitle: 'Ағымдағы жүктеуді болдырмау',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Жүктеу',
+ uploadTitle: 'Таңдалған файлдарды жүктеу',
+ msgNo: 'жоқ',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: 'Файл таңдалмады',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Күші жойылған',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Select {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Алдын ала толық көру',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Файл "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) ең үлкен <b>{maxSize} KB</b> өлшемінен асады.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Жүктеу үшіy кемінде <b>{n}</b> {files} таңдау керек.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Таңдалған <b>({n})</b> файлдардың саны берілген <b>{m}</b> саннан асып кетті.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Файл "{name}" табылмады!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Шектеу қауіпсіздігі "{name}" файлын оқуға тыйым салады.',
+ msgFileNotReadable: '"{name}" файлды оқу мүмкін емес.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: '"{name}" файл үшін алдын ала қарап көру тыйым салынған.',
+ msgFilePreviewError: '"{name}" файлды оқығанда қате пайда болды.',
+ msgInvalidFileType: '"{name}" тыйым салынған файл түрі. Тек мынаналарға рұқсат етілген: "{types}"',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: '"{name}" тыйым салынған файл кеңейтімі. Тек "{extensions}" рұқсат.',
+ msgUploadAborted: 'Файлды жүктеу доғарылды',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Өңдеу...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Initializing...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Done',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'No valid data available for upload.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Error',
+ msgValidationError: 'Тексеру қатесі',
+ msgLoading: '{index} файлды {files} &hellip; жүктеу',
+ msgProgress: '{index} файлды {files} - {name} - {percent}% жүктеу аяқталды.',
+ msgSelected: 'Таңдалған файлдар саны: {n}',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Тек файлдарды сүйреу рұқсат! {n} папка өткізілген.',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: '{name} суреттің ені {size} px. аз болмау керек',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: '{name} суреттің биіктігі {size} px. аз болмау керек',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: '"{name}" суреттің ені {size} px. аспау керек',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: '"{name}" суреттің биіктігі {size} px. аспау керек',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Суреттің өлшемін өзгерту үшін, мөлшері алынбады',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Суреттің мөлшерлерін өзгерткен кезде қателік пайда болды.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Something went wrong with the {operation} operation. Please try again later!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} failed',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'file delete',
+ uploadThumb: 'file upload',
+ uploadBatch: 'batch file upload',
+ uploadExtra: 'form data upload'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Файлдарды осында сүйреу &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(or click to select {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Файлды өшіру',
+ uploadTitle: 'Файлды жүктеу',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Retry upload',
+ downloadTitle: 'Download file',
+ zoomTitle: 'мәліметтерді көру',
+ dragTitle: 'Орнын ауыстыру',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Жүктелген жоқ',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Жүктелген',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Жүктелу қатесі ',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Жүктелу ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Алдыңғы файлды қарау',
+ next: 'Келесі файлды қарау',
+ toggleheader: 'Тақырыпты ауыстыру',
+ fullscreen: 'Толық экран режимін қосу',
+ borderless: 'Жиексіз режиміне ауысу',
+ close: 'Толық көрінісін жабу'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/lt.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5c007a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * FileInput <_LANG_> Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ * @author Mindaugas Varkalys <varkalys.mindaugas@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['lt'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'failas',
+ filePlural: 'failai',
+ browseLabel: 'Naršyti &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Šalinti',
+ removeTitle: 'Pašalinti pasirinktus failus',
+ cancelLabel: 'Atšaukti',
+ cancelTitle: 'Atšaukti vykstantį įkėlimą',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Įkelti',
+ uploadTitle: 'Įkelti pasirinktus failus',
+ msgNo: 'Ne',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: 'Nepasirinkta jokių failų',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Atšaukta',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Select {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Detali Peržiūra',
+ msgFileRequired: 'Pasirinkite failą įkėlimui.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'Failas "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) yra per mažas ir turi būti didesnis nei <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Failas "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) viršija maksimalų leidžiamą įkeliamo failo dydį <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Turite pasirinkti bent <b>{n}</b> failus įkėlimui.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Įkėlimui pasirinktų failų skaičius <b>({n})</b> viršija maksimalų leidžiamą limitą <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Failas "{name}" nerastas!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Saugumo apribojimai neleidžia perskaityti failo "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'Failas "{name}" neperskaitomas.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Failo peržiūra nutraukta "{name}".',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Įvyko klaida skaitant failą "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Klaidingi arba nepalaikomi simboliai failo pavadinime "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Klaidingas failo "{name}" tipas. Tik "{types}" tipai yra palaikomi.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Klaidingas failo "{name}" plėtinys. Tik "{extensions}" plėtiniai yra palaikomi.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'paveikslėlis',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'tekstas',
+ 'video': 'vaizdo įrašas',
+ 'audio': 'garso įrašas',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'objektas'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'Failo įkėlimas buvo nutrauktas',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Vykdoma...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Inicijuojama...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Baigta',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'Nėra teisingų duomenų įkėlimui.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Klaida',
+ msgValidationError: 'Validacijos Klaida',
+ msgLoading: 'Keliamas failas {index} iš {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Keliamas failas {index} iš {files} - {name} - {percent}% baigta.',
+ msgSelected: 'Pasirinkti {n} {files}',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Tempkite tik failus! Praleisti {n} nutempti aplankalas(-i).',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'Paveikslėlio "{name}" plotis turi būti bent {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'Paveikslėlio "{name}" aukštis turi būti bent {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'Paveikslėlio "{name}" plotis negali viršyti {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'Paveikslėlio "{name}" aukštis negali viršyti {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Nepavyksta gauti paveikslėlio matmetų, kad pakeisti jo matmemis.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Klaida keičiant paveikslėlio matmenis.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Kažkas nutiko vykdant {operation} operaciją. Prašome pabandyti vėliau!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} operacija nesėkminga',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'failo trynimo',
+ uploadThumb: 'failo įkėlimo',
+ uploadBatch: 'failų rinkinio įkėlimo',
+ uploadExtra: 'formos duomenų įkėlimo'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Tempkite failus čia &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(arba paspauskite, kad pasirinktumėte failus)',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Šalinti failą',
+ uploadTitle: 'Įkelti failą',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Bandyti įkelti vėl',
+ zoomTitle: 'Peržiūrėti detales',
+ dragTitle: 'Perstumti',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Dar neįkelta',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Įkelta',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Įkėlimo Klaida',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Įkeliama ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Peržiūrėti ankstesnį failą',
+ next: 'Peržiūrėti kitą failą',
+ toggleheader: 'Perjungti viršutinę juostą',
+ fullscreen: 'Perjungti pilno ekrano rėžimą',
+ borderless: 'Perjungti berėmį režimą',
+ close: 'Uždaryti detalią peržiūrą'
+ }
+ };
+})(window.jQuery); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/nl.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc462627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * FileInput Dutch Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['nl'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'bestand',
+ filePlural: 'bestanden',
+ browseLabel: 'Zoek &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Verwijder',
+ removeTitle: 'Verwijder geselecteerde bestanden',
+ cancelLabel: 'Annuleren',
+ cancelTitle: 'Annuleer upload',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Upload',
+ uploadTitle: 'Upload geselecteerde bestanden',
+ msgNo: 'Nee',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: '',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Geannuleerd',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Selecteer {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Gedetailleerd voorbeeld',
+ msgFileRequired: 'U moet een bestand kiezen om te uploaden.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'Bestand "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) is te klein en moet groter zijn dan <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Bestand "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) is groter dan de toegestane <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'U moet minstens <b>{n}</b> {files} selecteren om te uploaden.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Aantal geselecteerde bestanden <b>({n})</b> is meer dan de toegestane <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Bestand "{name}" niet gevonden!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Bestand kan niet gelezen worden in verband met beveiligings redenen "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'Bestand "{name}" is niet leesbaar.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Bestand weergaven geannuleerd voor "{name}".',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Er is een fout opgetreden met het lezen van "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Ongeldige of niet ondersteunde karakters in bestandsnaam "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Geen geldig bestand "{name}". Alleen "{types}" zijn toegestaan.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Geen geldige extensie "{name}". Alleen "{extensions}" zijn toegestaan.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'afbeelding',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'tekst',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'geluid',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'Het uploaden van bestanden is afgebroken',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Verwerken...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Initialiseren...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Gedaan',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'Geen geldige data beschikbaar voor upload.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Error',
+ msgValidationError: 'Bevestiging fout',
+ msgLoading: 'Bestanden laden {index} van de {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Bestanden laden {index} van de {files} - {name} - {percent}% compleet.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} geselecteerd',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Drag & drop alleen bestanden! {n} overgeslagen map(pen).',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'Breedte van het foto-bestand "{name}" moet minstens {size} px zijn.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'Hoogte van het foto-bestand "{name}" moet minstens {size} px zijn.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'Breedte van het foto-bestand "{name}" kan niet hoger zijn dan {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'Hoogte van het foto bestand "{name}" kan niet hoger zijn dan {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Kon de foto afmetingen niet lezen om te verkleinen.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Fout bij het verkleinen van de foto.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Er ging iets mis met de {operation} actie. Gelieve later opnieuw te proberen!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} mislukt',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'bestand verwijderen',
+ uploadThumb: 'bestand uploaden',
+ uploadBatch: 'alle bestanden uploaden',
+ uploadExtra: 'form data upload'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Drag & drop bestanden hier &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(of klik hier om {files} te selecteren)',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Verwijder bestand',
+ uploadTitle: 'bestand uploaden',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Opnieuw uploaden',
+ downloadTitle: 'Download file',
+ zoomTitle: 'Bekijk details',
+ dragTitle: 'Verplaatsen / herindelen',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Nog niet geupload',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'geupload',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'fout uploaden',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'uploaden ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Toon vorig bestand',
+ next: 'Toon volgend bestand',
+ toggleheader: 'Toggle header',
+ fullscreen: 'Toggle volledig scherm',
+ borderless: 'Toggle randloze modus',
+ close: 'Sluit gedetailleerde weergave'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/no.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f6b8ab33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ * FileInput Norwegian Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['no'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'fil',
+ filePlural: 'filer',
+ browseLabel: 'Bla gjennom &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Fjern',
+ removeTitle: 'Fjern valgte filer',
+ cancelLabel: 'Avbryt',
+ cancelTitle: 'Stopp pågående opplastninger',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Last opp',
+ uploadTitle: 'Last opp valgte filer',
+ msgNo: 'Nei',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: 'Ingen filer er valgt',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Avbrutt',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Select {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Detaljert visning',
+ msgFileRequired: 'You must select a file to upload.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'Filen "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) er for liten og må være større enn <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Filen "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) er for stor, maksimal filstørrelse er <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Du må velge minst <b>{n}</b> {files} for opplastning.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'For mange filer til opplastning, <b>({n})</b> overstiger maksantallet som er <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Fant ikke filen "{name}"!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Sikkerhetsrestriksjoner hindrer lesing av filen "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'Filen "{name}" er ikke lesbar.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Filvisning avbrutt for "{name}".',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'En feil oppstod under lesing av filen "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Ugyldige tegn i filen "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Ugyldig type for filen "{name}". Kun "{types}" filer er tillatt.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Ugyldig endelse for filen "{name}". Kun "{extensions}" filer støttes.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'Filopplastningen ble avbrutt',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Prosesserer...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Initialiserer...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Ferdig',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'Ingen gyldige data tilgjengelig for opplastning.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Error',
+ msgValidationError: 'Valideringsfeil',
+ msgLoading: 'Laster fil {index} av {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Laster fil {index} av {files} - {name} - {percent}% fullført.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} valgt',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Kun Dra & slipp filer! Hoppet over {n} mappe(r).',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'Bredde på bildefilen "{name}" må være minst {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'Høyde på bildefilen "{name}" må være minst {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'Bredde på bildefilen "{name}" kan ikke overstige {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'Høyde på bildefilen "{name}" kan ikke overstige {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Fant ikke dimensjonene som skulle resizes.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'En feil oppstod under endring av størrelse .<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Noe gikk galt med {operation} operasjonen. Vennligst prøv igjen senere!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} feilet',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'file delete',
+ uploadThumb: 'file upload',
+ uploadBatch: 'batch file upload',
+ uploadExtra: 'form data upload'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Dra & slipp filer her &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(eller klikk for å velge {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Fjern fil',
+ uploadTitle: 'Last opp fil',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Retry upload',
+ zoomTitle: 'Vis detaljer',
+ dragTitle: 'Flytt / endre rekkefølge',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Opplastning ikke fullført',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Opplastet',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Opplastningsfeil',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Laster opp ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Vis forrige fil',
+ next: 'Vis neste fil',
+ toggleheader: 'Vis header',
+ fullscreen: 'Åpne fullskjerm',
+ borderless: 'Åpne uten kanter',
+ close: 'Lukk detaljer'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/pl.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6de299fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ * FileInput Polish Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['pl'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'plik',
+ filePlural: 'pliki',
+ browseLabel: 'Przeglądaj &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Usuń',
+ removeTitle: 'Usuń zaznaczone pliki',
+ cancelLabel: 'Przerwij',
+ cancelTitle: 'Anuluj wysyłanie',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Wgraj',
+ uploadTitle: 'Wgraj zaznaczone pliki',
+ msgNo: 'Nie',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: 'Brak zaznaczonych plików',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Odwołany',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Wybierz {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Szczegółowy podgląd',
+ msgFileRequired: 'Musisz wybrać plik do wgrania.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'Plik "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) jest zbyt mały i musi być większy niż <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Plik o nazwie "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) przekroczył maksymalną dopuszczalną wielkość pliku wynoszącą <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Minimalna liczba plików do wgrania: <b>{n}</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Liczba plików wybranych do wgrania w liczbie <b>({n})</b>, przekracza maksymalny dozwolony limit wynoszący <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Plik "{name}" nie istnieje!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Ustawienia zabezpieczeń uniemożliwiają odczyt pliku "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'Plik "{name}" nie jest plikiem do odczytu.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Podgląd pliku "{name}" został przerwany.',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Wystąpił błąd w czasie odczytu pliku "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Nieprawidłowe lub nieobsługiwane znaki w nazwie pliku "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Nieznany typ pliku "{name}". Tylko następujące rodzaje plików są dozwolone: "{types}".',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Złe rozszerzenie dla pliku "{name}". Tylko następujące rozszerzenia plików są dozwolone: "{extensions}".',
+ msgUploadAborted: 'Przesyłanie pliku zostało przerwane',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Przetwarzanie...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Rozpoczynanie...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Gotowe!',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'Brak poprawnych danych do przesłania.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Błąd',
+ msgValidationError: 'Błąd walidacji',
+ msgLoading: 'Wczytywanie pliku {index} z {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Wczytywanie pliku {index} z {files} - {name} - {percent}% zakończone.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} Plików zaznaczonych',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Metodą przeciągnij i upuść, można przenosić tylko pliki. Pominięto {n} katalogów.',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'Szerokość pliku obrazu "{name}" musi być co najmniej {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'Wysokość pliku obrazu "{name}" musi być co najmniej {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'Szerokość pliku obrazu "{name}" nie może przekraczać {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'Wysokość pliku obrazu "{name}" nie może przekraczać {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Nie udało się uzyskać wymiaru obrazu, aby zmienić rozmiar.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Błąd podczas zmiany rozmiaru obrazu.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Coś poczło nie tak podczas {operation}. Spróbuj ponownie!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} nie powiodło się',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'usuwanie pliku',
+ uploadThumb: 'przesyłanie pliku',
+ uploadBatch: 'masowe przesyłanie plików',
+ uploadExtra: 'przesyłanie danych formularza'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Przeciągnij i upuść pliki tutaj &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(lub kliknij tutaj i wybierz {files} z komputera)',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Usuń plik',
+ uploadTitle: 'Przesyłanie pliku',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Ponów',
+ downloadTitle: 'Pobierz plik',
+ zoomTitle: 'Pokaż szczegóły',
+ dragTitle: 'Przenies / Ponownie zaaranżuj',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Jeszcze nie przesłany',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Dodane',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Błąd',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Przesyłanie ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Pokaż poprzedni plik',
+ next: 'Pokaż następny plik',
+ toggleheader: 'Włącz / wyłącz nagłówek',
+ fullscreen: 'Włącz / wyłącz pełny ekran',
+ borderless: 'Włącz / wyłącz tryb bez ramek',
+ close: 'Zamknij szczegółowy widok'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/pt-BR.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/pt-BR.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40c32cec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/pt-BR.js
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * FileInput Brazillian Portuguese Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['pt-BR'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'arquivo',
+ filePlural: 'arquivos',
+ browseLabel: 'Procurar&hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Remover',
+ removeTitle: 'Remover arquivos selecionados',
+ cancelLabel: 'Cancelar',
+ cancelTitle: 'Interromper envio em andamento',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Enviar',
+ uploadTitle: 'Enviar arquivos selecionados',
+ msgNo: 'Não',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: 'Nenhum arquivo selecionado',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Cancelado',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Selecionar {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Pré-visualização detalhada',
+ msgFileRequired: 'Você deve selecionar um arquivo para enviar.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'O arquivo "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) é muito pequeno e deve ser maior que <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'O arquivo "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) excede o tamanho máximo permitido de <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Você deve selecionar pelo menos <b>{n}</b> {files} para enviar.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'O número de arquivos selecionados para o envio <b>({n})</b> excede o limite máximo permitido de <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'O arquivo "{name}" não foi encontrado!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Restrições de segurança impedem a leitura do arquivo "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'O arquivo "{name}" não pode ser lido.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'A pré-visualização do arquivo "{name}" foi interrompida.',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Ocorreu um erro ao ler o arquivo "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Caracteres inválidos ou não suportados no arquivo "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Tipo inválido para o arquivo "{name}". Apenas arquivos "{types}" são permitidos.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Extensão inválida para o arquivo "{name}". Apenas arquivos "{extensions}" são permitidos.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'imagem',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'texto',
+ 'video': 'vídeo',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'objeto'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'O envio do arquivo foi abortado',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Processando...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Inicializando...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Concluído',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'Nenhuma informação válida para upload.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Erro de Upload',
+ msgValidationError: 'Erro de validação',
+ msgLoading: 'Enviando arquivo {index} de {files}&hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Enviando arquivo {index} de {files} - {name} - {percent}% completo.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} selecionado(s)',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Arraste e solte apenas arquivos! {n} pasta(s) ignoradas.',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'Largura do arquivo de imagem "{name}" deve ser pelo menos {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'Altura do arquivo de imagem "{name}" deve ser pelo menos {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'Largura do arquivo de imagem "{name}" não pode exceder {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'Altura do arquivo de imagem "{name}" não pode exceder {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Não foi possível obter as dimensões da imagem para redimensionar.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Erro ao redimensionar a imagem.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Algo deu errado com a operação {operation}. Por favor tente novamente mais tarde!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} falhou',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'Exclusão de arquivo',
+ uploadThumb: 'Upload de arquivos',
+ uploadBatch: 'Carregamento de arquivos em lote',
+ uploadExtra: 'Carregamento de dados do formulário'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Arraste e solte os arquivos aqui&hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(ou clique para selecionar o(s) arquivo(s))',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Remover arquivo',
+ uploadTitle: 'Enviar arquivo',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Retry upload',
+ downloadTitle: 'Download file',
+ zoomTitle: 'Ver detalhes',
+ dragTitle: 'Mover / Reordenar',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Ainda não enviado',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Enviado',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Erro',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Enviando...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Visualizar arquivo anterior',
+ next: 'Visualizar próximo arquivo',
+ toggleheader: 'Mostrar cabeçalho',
+ fullscreen: 'Ativar tela cheia',
+ borderless: 'Ativar modo sem borda',
+ close: 'Fechar pré-visualização detalhada'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/pt.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..181ab198
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * FileInput Portuguese Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['pt'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'ficheiro',
+ filePlural: 'ficheiros',
+ browseLabel: 'Procurar &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Remover',
+ removeTitle: 'Remover ficheiros selecionados',
+ cancelLabel: 'Cancelar',
+ cancelTitle: 'Abortar envio',
+ pauseLabel: 'Parar',
+ pauseTitle: 'Parar envio em curso',
+ uploadLabel: 'Enviar',
+ uploadTitle: 'Enviar ficheiros selecionados',
+ msgNo: 'Não',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: 'Nenhum ficheiro selecionado',
+ msgPaused: 'Parado',
+ msgCancelled: 'Cancelado',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Selecionar {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Pré-visualização detalhada',
+ msgFileRequired: 'É necessário selecionar um ficheiro a enviar.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'Ficheiro "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) é demasiado pequeno, tem ser ser maior que <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Ficheiro "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) excede o tamanho máximo permido de <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Deve selecionar pelo menos <b>{n}</b> {files} para enviar.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Número máximo de ficheiros selecionados <b>({n})</b> excede o limite máximo de <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Ficheiro "{name}" não encontrado.',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Restrições de segurança impedem a leitura do ficheiro "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'Ficheiro "{name}" não pode ser lido.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Pré-visualização abortado para o ficheiro "{name}".',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Ocorreu um erro ao ler o ficheiro "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Caracteres inválidos ou não suportados no nome de ficheiro "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Tipo inválido para o ficheiro "{name}". Apenas ficheiros "{types}" são suportados.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Extensão inválida para o ficheiro "{name}". Apenas ficheiros "{extensions}" são suportados.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'imagem',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'texto',
+ 'video': 'vídeo',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'objeto'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'O envio do ficheiro foi abortado',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'A processar...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'A inicializar...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Concluído',
+ msgUploadResume: 'A retomar o envio...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'Não existem dados válidos disponíveis para o envio.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Erro de Envio',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Erro de Eliminação',
+ msgProgressError: 'Erro',
+ msgValidationError: 'Erro de Validação',
+ msgLoading: 'A enviar ficheiro {index} de {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'A enviar ficheiro {index} de {files} - {name} - {percent}% completo.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} selecionados',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Arrastar e largar ficheiros apenas. {n} pasta(s) ignoradas.',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'Largura da imagem "{name}" deve ser pelo menos {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'Altura da imagem "{name}" deve ser pelo menos {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'Largura da imagem "{name}" não pode exceder {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'Altura da imagem "{name}" não pode exceder {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Nãofoi possível obter as dimensões da imagem para redimensionar.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Erro ao redimensionar a imagem.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Ocorreu um erro durante a operação {operation}. Por favor tente de novo mais tarde.',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} falhou',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'O ficheiro "{name}" com o mesmo tamanho "{size} KB" já foi anteriormente selecionado. O ficheiro duplicado foi ignorado.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'O envio foi abortado após <b>{max}</b> tentativas para o ficheiro <b>{file}</b>. Detalhes do erro: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} restante',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'a calcular o tempo restante',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'eliminar ficheiro',
+ uploadThumb: 'enviar ficheiro',
+ uploadBatch: 'envio de ficheiros em lote',
+ uploadExtra: 'envio de ficheiro em formulário'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Arrastar e largar ficheiros aqui &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(ou clique para selecionar {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Remover ficheiro',
+ uploadTitle: 'Enviar ficheiro',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Voltar a tentar o envio',
+ downloadTitle: 'Transferir ficheiro',
+ zoomTitle: 'Ver detalhes',
+ dragTitle: 'Mover / Reorganizar',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Ainda Não Enviado',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Enviado',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Erro de Envio',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Envio Parado',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'A enviar ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Ver ficheiro anterior',
+ next: 'Ver próximo ficheiro',
+ toggleheader: 'Mostrar/esconder cabeçalho',
+ fullscreen: 'Alternar entre ecrã completo',
+ borderless: 'Alternar entre modo sem bordas',
+ close: 'Fechar pré-visualização detalhada'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/ro.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b1930984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ * FileInput Romanian Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ * @author Ciprian Voicu <pictoru@autoportret.ro>
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['ro'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'fișier',
+ filePlural: 'fișiere',
+ browseLabel: 'Răsfoiește &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Șterge',
+ removeTitle: 'Curăță fișierele selectate',
+ cancelLabel: 'Renunță',
+ cancelTitle: 'Anulează încărcarea curentă',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Încarcă',
+ uploadTitle: 'Încarcă fișierele selectate',
+ msgNo: 'Nu',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: '',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Anulat',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Select {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Previzualizare detaliată',
+ msgFileRequired: 'You must select a file to upload.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'File "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) is too small and must be larger than <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Fișierul "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) depășește limita maximă de încărcare de <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Trebuie să selectezi cel puțin <b>{n}</b> {files} pentru a încărca.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Numărul fișierelor pentru încărcare <b>({n})</b> depășește limita maximă de <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Fișierul "{name}" nu a fost găsit!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Restricții de securitate previn citirea fișierului "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'Fișierul "{name}" nu se poate citi.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Fișierului "{name}" nu poate fi previzualizat.',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'A intervenit o eroare în încercarea de citire a fișierului "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Invalid or unsupported characters in file name "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Tip de fișier incorect pentru "{name}". Sunt suportate doar fișiere de tipurile "{types}".',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Extensie incorectă pentru "{name}". Sunt suportate doar extensiile "{extensions}".',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'Fișierul Încărcarea a fost întrerupt',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Processing...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Initializing...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Done',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'No valid data available for upload.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Error',
+ msgValidationError: 'Eroare de validare',
+ msgLoading: 'Se încarcă fișierul {index} din {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Se încarcă fișierul {index} din {files} - {name} - {percent}% încărcat.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} încărcate',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Se poate doar trăgând fișierele! Se renunță la {n} dosar(e).',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'Lățimea de fișier de imagine "{name}" trebuie să fie de cel puțin {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'Înălțimea fișier imagine "{name}" trebuie să fie de cel puțin {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'Lățimea de fișier de imagine "{name}" nu poate depăși {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'Înălțimea fișier imagine "{name}" nu poate depăși {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Nu a putut obține dimensiunile imaginii pentru a redimensiona.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Eroare la redimensionarea imaginii.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Something went wrong with the {operation} operation. Please try again later!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} failed',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'file delete',
+ uploadThumb: 'file upload',
+ uploadBatch: 'batch file upload',
+ uploadExtra: 'form data upload'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Trage fișierele aici &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(or click to select {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Scoateți fișier',
+ uploadTitle: 'Incarca fisier',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Retry upload',
+ downloadTitle: 'Download file',
+ zoomTitle: 'Vezi detalii',
+ dragTitle: 'Move / Rearrange',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Nu a încărcat încă',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'încărcat',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Încărcați eroare',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Se încarcă ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'View previous file',
+ next: 'View next file',
+ toggleheader: 'Toggle header',
+ fullscreen: 'Toggle full screen',
+ borderless: 'Toggle borderless mode',
+ close: 'Close detailed preview'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/ru.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..619744bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ * FileInput Russian Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ * @author CyanoFresh <cyanofresh@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['ru'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'файл',
+ filePlural: 'файлы',
+ browseLabel: 'Выбрать &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Удалить',
+ removeTitle: 'Очистить выбранные файлы',
+ cancelLabel: 'Отмена',
+ cancelTitle: 'Отменить текущую загрузку',
+ pauseLabel: 'Пауза',
+ pauseTitle: 'Приостановить текущую загрузку',
+ uploadLabel: 'Загрузить',
+ uploadTitle: 'Загрузить выбранные файлы',
+ msgNo: 'нет',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: '',
+ msgPaused: 'Приостановлено',
+ msgCancelled: 'Отменено',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Выбрать {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Подробное превью',
+ msgFileRequired: 'Необходимо выбрать файл для загрузки.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'Файл "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) имеет слишком маленький размер и должен быть больше <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Файл "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) превышает максимальный размер <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Вы должны выбрать как минимум <b>{n}</b> {files} для загрузки.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Количество выбранных файлов <b>({n})</b> превышает максимально допустимое количество <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Файл "{name}" не найден!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Ограничения безопасности запрещают читать файл "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'Файл "{name}" невозможно прочитать.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Предпросмотр отменен для файла "{name}".',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Произошла ошибка при чтении файла "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Неверные или неподдерживаемые символы в названии файла "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Запрещенный тип файла для "{name}". Только "{types}" разрешены.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Запрещенное расширение для файла "{name}". Только "{extensions}" разрешены.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'Выгрузка файла прервана',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Обработка...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Инициализация...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Готово',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Возобновление загрузки...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'Недопустимые данные для загрузки',
+ msgUploadError: 'Ошибка загрузки',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Ошибка удаления',
+ msgProgressError: 'Ошибка загрузки',
+ msgValidationError: 'Ошибка проверки',
+ msgLoading: 'Загрузка файла {index} из {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Загрузка файла {index} из {files} - {name} - {percent}% завершено.',
+ msgSelected: 'Выбрано файлов: {n}',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Разрешено перетаскивание только файлов! Пропущено {n} папок.',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'Ширина изображения {name} должна быть не меньше {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'Высота изображения {name} должна быть не меньше {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'Ширина изображения "{name}" не может превышать {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'Высота изображения "{name}" не может превышать {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Не удалось получить размеры изображения, чтобы изменить размер.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Ошибка при изменении размера изображения.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Произошла ошибка при выполнении операции {operation}. Повторите попытку позже!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: 'Не удалось выполнить {operation}',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'Файл "{name}" с размером "{size} KB" уже был выбран ранее. Пропуск повторяющегося выбора.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Загрузка прервана после <b>{max}</b> попыток для файла <b>{file}</b>! Информация об ошибке: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} осталось',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'расчет оставшегося времени',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'удалить файл',
+ uploadThumb: 'загрузить файл',
+ uploadBatch: 'загрузить пакет файлов',
+ uploadExtra: 'загрузка данных с формы'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Перетащите файлы сюда &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(Или щёлкните, чтобы выбрать {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Удалить файл',
+ uploadTitle: 'Загрузить файл',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Повторить загрузку',
+ downloadTitle: 'Загрузить файл',
+ zoomTitle: 'Посмотреть детали',
+ dragTitle: 'Переместить / Изменить порядок',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Еще не загружен',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Загружен',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Ошибка загрузки',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Загрузка ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Посмотреть предыдущий файл',
+ next: 'Посмотреть следующий файл',
+ toggleheader: 'Переключить заголовок',
+ fullscreen: 'Переключить полноэкранный режим',
+ borderless: 'Переключить режим без полей',
+ close: 'Закрыть подробный предпросмотр'
+ }
+ };
+})(window.jQuery); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/sk.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..706cb0e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * FileInput Slovakian Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['sk'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'súbor',
+ filePlural: 'súbory',
+ browseLabel: 'Vybrať &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Odstrániť',
+ removeTitle: 'Vyčistiť vybraté súbory',
+ cancelLabel: 'Storno',
+ cancelTitle: 'Prerušiť nahrávanie',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Nahrať',
+ uploadTitle: 'Nahrať vybraté súbory',
+ msgNo: 'Nie',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: '',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Zrušené',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Vybrať {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Detailný náhľad',
+ msgFileRequired: 'Musíte vybrať súbor, ktorý chcete nahrať.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'Súbor "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) je príliš malý, musí mať veľkosť najmenej <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Súbor "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) je príliš veľký, maximálna povolená veľkosť <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Musíte vybrať najmenej <b>{n}</b> {files} pre nahranie.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Počet vybratých súborov <b>({n})</b> prekročil maximálny povolený limit <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Súbor "{name}" nebol nájdený!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Zabezpečenie súboru znemožnilo čítať súbor "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'Súbor "{name}" nie je čitateľný.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Náhľad súboru bol prerušený pre "{name}".',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Nastala chyba pri načítaní súboru "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Invalid or unsupported characters in file name "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Neplatný typ súboru "{name}". Iba "{types}" súborov sú podporované.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Neplatná extenzia súboru "{name}". Iba "{extensions}" súborov sú podporované.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'obrázok',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'Nahrávanie súboru bolo prerušené',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Spracovávam...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Inicializujem...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Hotovo',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'Na nahrávanie nie sú k dispozícii žiadne platné údaje.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Chyba',
+ msgValidationError: 'Chyba overenia',
+ msgLoading: 'Nahrávanie súboru {index} z {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Nahrávanie súboru {index} z {files} - {name} - {percent}% dokončené.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} vybraté',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Tiahni a pusť iba súbory! Vynechané {n} pustené prečinok(y).',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'Šírka obrázku "{name}", musí byť minimálne {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'Výška obrázku "{name}", musí byť minimálne {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'Šírka obrázku "{name}" nemôže presiahnuť {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'Výška obrázku "{name}" nesmie presiahnuť {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Nepodarilo sa získať veľkosť obrázka pre zmenu veľkosti.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Chyba pri zmene veľkosti obrázka.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Pri operácii {operation} sa vyskytla chyba. Skúste to prosím neskôr!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} - neúspešné',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'odstrániť súbor',
+ uploadThumb: 'nahrať súbor',
+ uploadBatch: 'nahrať várku súborov',
+ uploadExtra: 'odosielanie údajov z formulára'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Tiahni a pusť súbory tu &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(alebo kliknite sem a vyberte {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Odstrániť súbor',
+ uploadTitle: 'Nahrať súbor',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Znova nahrať',
+ downloadTitle: 'Stiahnuť súbor',
+ zoomTitle: 'Zobraziť podrobnosti',
+ dragTitle: 'Posunúť / Preskládať',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Ešte nenahral',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Nahraný',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Chyba pri nahrávaní',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Nahrávanie ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Zobraziť predchádzajúci súbor',
+ next: 'Zobraziť následujúci súbor',
+ toggleheader: 'Prepnúť záhlavie',
+ fullscreen: 'Prepnúť zobrazenie na celú obrazovku',
+ borderless: 'Prepnúť na bezrámikové zobrazenie',
+ close: 'Zatvoriť detailný náhľad'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/sl.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b57d996d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ * FileInput Slovenian Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ * @author kv1dr <kv1dr.android@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['sl'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'datoteka',
+ filePlural: 'datotek',
+ browseLabel: 'Prebrskaj &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Odstrani',
+ removeTitle: 'Počisti izbrane datoteke',
+ cancelLabel: 'Prekliči',
+ cancelTitle: 'Prekliči nalaganje',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Naloži',
+ uploadTitle: 'Naloži izbrane datoteke',
+ msgNo: 'Ne',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: 'Nobena datoteka ni izbrana',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Preklicano',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Select {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Podroben predogled',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Datoteka "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) presega največjo dovoljeno velikost za nalaganje <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Za nalaganje morate izbrati vsaj <b>{n}</b> {files}.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Število datotek, izbranih za nalaganje <b>({n})</b> je prekoračilo največjo dovoljeno število <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Datoteka "{name}" ni bila najdena!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Zaradi varnostnih omejitev nisem mogel prebrati datoteko "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'Datoteka "{name}" ni berljiva.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Predogled datoteke "{name}" preklican.',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Pri branju datoteke "{name}" je prišlo do napake.',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Napačen tip datoteke "{name}". Samo "{types}" datoteke so podprte.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Napačna končnica datoteke "{name}". Samo "{extensions}" datoteke so podprte.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'Nalaganje datoteke je bilo preklicano',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Procesiram...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Initializing...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Done',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'No valid data available for upload.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Error',
+ msgValidationError: 'Napaki pri validiranju',
+ msgLoading: 'Nalaganje datoteke {index} od {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Nalaganje datoteke {index} od {files} - {name} - {percent}% dokončano.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} izbrano',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Povlecite in spustite samo datoteke! Izpuščenih je bilo {n} map.',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'Širina slike "{name}" mora biti vsaj {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'Višina slike "{name}" mora biti vsaj {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'Širina slike "{name}" ne sme preseči {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'Višina slike "{name}" ne sme preseči {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Nisem mogel pridobiti dimenzij slike za spreminjanje velikosti.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Napaka pri spreminjanju velikosti slike.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Something went wrong with the {operation} operation. Please try again later!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} failed',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'file delete',
+ uploadThumb: 'file upload',
+ uploadBatch: 'batch file upload',
+ uploadExtra: 'form data upload'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Povlecite in spustite datoteke sem &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(ali kliknite sem za izbiro {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Odstrani datoteko',
+ uploadTitle: 'Naloži datoteko',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Retry upload',
+ downloadTitle: 'Download file',
+ zoomTitle: 'Poglej podrobnosti',
+ dragTitle: 'Premaki / Razporedi',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Še ni naloženo',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Naloženo',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Napaka pri nalaganju',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Nalagam ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Poglej prejšno datoteko',
+ next: 'Poglej naslednjo datoteko',
+ toggleheader: 'Preklopi glavo',
+ fullscreen: 'Preklopi celozaslonski način',
+ borderless: 'Preklopi način brez robov',
+ close: 'Zapri predogled podrobnosti'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/sv.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90abd31d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ * FileInput <_LANG_> Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['sv'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'fil',
+ filePlural: 'filer',
+ browseLabel: 'Bläddra &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Ta bort',
+ removeTitle: 'Rensa valda filer',
+ cancelLabel: 'Avbryt',
+ cancelTitle: 'Avbryt pågående uppladdning',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Ladda upp',
+ uploadTitle: 'Ladda upp valda filer',
+ msgNo: 'Nej',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: 'Inga filer valda',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Avbruten',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Select {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'detaljerad förhandsgranskning',
+ msgFileRequired: 'You must select a file to upload.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'Filen "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) är för liten och måste vara större än <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'File "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) överstiger högsta tillåtna uppladdningsstorlek <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Du måste välja minst <b>{n}</b> {files} för att ladda upp.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Antal filer valda för uppladdning <b>({n})</b> överstiger högsta tillåtna gränsen <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Filen "{name}" kunde inte hittas!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Säkerhetsbegränsningar förhindrar att läsa filen "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'Filen "{name}" är inte läsbar.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Filförhandsvisning avbröts för "{name}".',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Ett fel uppstod vid inläsning av filen "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Ogiltiga eller tecken som inte stöds i filnamnet "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Ogiltig typ för filen "{name}". Endast "{types}" filtyper stöds.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Ogiltigt filtillägg för filen "{name}". Endast "{extensions}" filer stöds.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'bild',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'ljud',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'objekt'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'Filöverföringen avbröts',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Bearbetar...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Påbörjar...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Färdig',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'Ingen giltig data tillgänglig för uppladdning.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Error',
+ msgValidationError: 'Valideringsfel',
+ msgLoading: 'Laddar fil {index} av {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Laddar fil {index} av {files} - {name} - {percent}% färdig.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} valda',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Endast drag & släppfiler! Skippade {n} släpta mappar.',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'Bredd på bildfilen "{name}" måste minst vara {size} pixlar.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'Höjden på bildfilen "{name}" måste minst vara {size} pixlar.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'Bredd på bildfil "{name}" kan inte överstiga {size} pixlar.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'Höjden på bildfilen "{name}" kan inte överstiga {size} pixlar.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Det gick inte att hämta bildens dimensioner för att ändra storlek.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Fel vid storleksändring av bilden.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Något gick fel med {operation} operationen. Försök igen senare!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} misslyckades',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'file delete',
+ uploadThumb: 'file upload',
+ uploadBatch: 'batch file upload',
+ uploadExtra: 'form data upload'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Drag & släpp filer här &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(eller klicka för att markera {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Ta bort fil',
+ uploadTitle: 'Ladda upp fil',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Retry upload',
+ zoomTitle: 'Visa detaljer',
+ dragTitle: 'Flytta / Ändra ordning',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Inte uppladdat ännu',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Uppladdad',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Uppladdningsfel',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Laddar upp...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Visa föregående fil',
+ next: 'Visa nästa fil',
+ toggleheader: 'Rubrik',
+ fullscreen: 'Fullskärm',
+ borderless: 'Gränslös',
+ close: 'Stäng detaljerad förhandsgranskning'
+ }
+ };
+})(window.jQuery); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/th.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c00f82ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * FileInput Thai Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['th'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'ไฟล์',
+ filePlural: 'ไฟล์',
+ browseLabel: 'เลือกดู &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'ลบทิ้ง',
+ removeTitle: 'ลบไฟล์ที่เลือกทิ้ง',
+ cancelLabel: 'ยกเลิก',
+ cancelTitle: 'ยกเลิกการอัพโหลด',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'อัพโหลด',
+ uploadTitle: 'อัพโหลดไฟล์ที่เลือก',
+ msgNo: 'ไม่',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: '',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'ยกเลิก',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Select {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'ตัวอย่างละเอียด',
+ msgFileRequired: 'You must select a file to upload.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'File "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) is too small and must be larger than <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'ไฟล์ "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) มีขนาดเกินที่ระบบอนุญาตที่ <b>{maxSize} KB</b>, กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง!',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'คุณต้องเลือกไฟล์จำนวนอย่างน้อย <b>{n}</b> {files} เพื่ออัพโหลด, กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง!',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'ไฟล์ที่คุณเลือกมีจำนวน <b>({n})</b> ซึ่งเกินกว่าที่ระบบอนุญาตที่ <b>{m}</b>, กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง!',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'ไม่พบไฟล์ "{name}" !',
+ msgFileSecured: 'ระบบความปลอดภัยไม่อนุญาตให้อ่านไฟล์ "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'ไม่สามารถอ่านไฟล์ "{name}" ได้',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'ไฟล์ "{name}" ไม่อนุญาตให้ดูตัวอย่าง',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'พบปัญหาในการดูตัวอย่างไฟล์ "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Invalid or unsupported characters in file name "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'ไฟล์ "{name}" เป็นประเภทไฟล์ที่ไม่ถูกต้อง, อนุญาตเฉพาะไฟล์ประเภท "{types}"',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'ไฟล์ "{name}" เป็น extension ที่ไมถูกต้อง, อนุญาตเฉพาะไฟล์ extension "{extensions}"',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'อัปโหลดไฟล์ถูกยกเลิก',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Processing...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Initializing...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Done',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'No valid data available for upload.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Error',
+ msgValidationError: 'ข้อผิดพลาดในการตรวจสอบ',
+ msgLoading: 'กำลังโหลดไฟล์ {index} จาก {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'กำลังโหลดไฟล์ {index} จาก {files} - {name} - {percent}%',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} ถูกเลือก',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Drag & drop เฉพาะไฟล์เท่านั้น! ข้าม dropped folder จำนวน {n}',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'ความกว้างของภาพไฟล์ "{name}" ต้องมีอย่างน้อย {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'ความสูงของภาพไฟล์ "{name}" ต้องมีอย่างน้อย {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'ความกว้างของภาพไฟล์ "{name}" ไม่เกิน {size} พิกเซล.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'ความสูงของไฟล์ภาพ "{name}" ไม่เกิน {size} พิกเซล.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'ไม่สามารถรับขนาดภาพเพื่อปรับขนาด',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'ข้อผิดพลาดขณะปรับขนาดภาพ<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Something went wrong with the {operation} operation. Please try again later!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} failed',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'file delete',
+ uploadThumb: 'file upload',
+ uploadBatch: 'batch file upload',
+ uploadExtra: 'form data upload'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Drag & drop ไฟล์ตรงนี้ &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(or click to select {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'ลบไฟล์',
+ uploadTitle: 'อัปโหลดไฟล์',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Retry upload',
+ downloadTitle: 'Download file',
+ zoomTitle: 'ดูรายละเอียด',
+ dragTitle: 'Move / Rearrange',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'ยังไม่ได้อัปโหลด',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'อัพโหลด',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'อัปโหลดข้อผิดพลาด',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'อัพโหลด ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'View previous file',
+ next: 'View next file',
+ toggleheader: 'Toggle header',
+ fullscreen: 'Toggle full screen',
+ borderless: 'Toggle borderless mode',
+ close: 'Close detailed preview'
+ }
+ };
+})(window.jQuery); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/tr.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7efa29e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ * FileInput Turkish Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['tr'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'dosya',
+ filePlural: 'dosyalar',
+ browseLabel: 'Gözat &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Sil',
+ removeTitle: 'Seçilen dosyaları sil',
+ cancelLabel: 'İptal',
+ cancelTitle: 'Devam eden yüklemeyi iptal et',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Yükle',
+ uploadTitle: 'Seçilen dosyaları yükle',
+ msgNo: 'Hayır',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: '',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'İptal edildi',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Seçilen {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Detaylı Önizleme',
+ msgFileRequired: 'Yüklemek için bir dosya seçmelisiniz.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: '"{name}"(<b>{size} KB</b>) dosyası çok küçük ve <b>{minSize} KB</b> boyutundan büyük olmalıdır.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: '"{name}" dosyasının boyutu (<b>{size} KB</b>) izin verilen azami dosya boyutu olan <b>{maxSize} KB</b>\'tan büyük.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Yüklemek için en az <b>{n}</b> {files} dosya seçmelisiniz.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Yüklemek için seçtiğiniz dosya sayısı <b>({n})</b> azami limitin <b>({m})</b> altında olmalıdır.',
+ msgFileNotFound: '"{name}" dosyası bulunamadı!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Güvenlik kısıtlamaları "{name}" dosyasının okunmasını engelliyor.',
+ msgFileNotReadable: '"{name}" dosyası okunabilir değil.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: '"{name}" dosyası için önizleme iptal edildi.',
+ msgFilePreviewError: '"{name}" dosyası okunurken bir hata oluştu.',
+ msgInvalidFileName: '"{name}" dosya adında geçersiz veya desteklenmeyen karakterler var.',
+ msgInvalidFileType: '"{name}" dosyasının türü geçerli değil. Yalnızca "{types}" türünde dosyalara izin veriliyor.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: '"{name}" dosyasının uzantısı geçersiz. Yalnızca "{extensions}" uzantılı dosyalara izin veriliyor.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'Dosya yükleme iptal edildi',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'İşlem yapılıyor...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Başlıyor...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Başarılı',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'Yüklemek için geçerli veri mevcut değil.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Hata',
+ msgValidationError: 'Doğrulama Hatası',
+ msgLoading: 'Dosya yükleniyor {index} / {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Dosya yükleniyor {index} / {files} - {name} - %{percent} tamamlandı.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} seçildi',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Yalnızca dosyaları sürükleyip bırakabilirsiniz! {n} dizin(ler) göz ardı edildi.',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: '"{name}" adlı görüntü dosyasının genişliği en az {size} piksel olmalıdır.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: '"{name}" adlı görüntü dosyasının yüksekliği en az {size} piksel olmalıdır.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: '"{name}" adlı görüntü dosyasının genişliği {size} pikseli geçemez.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: '"{name}" adlı görüntü dosyasının yüksekliği {size} pikseli geçemez.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Görüntü boyutlarını yeniden boyutlandıramadı.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Görüntü boyutlandırma sırasında hata.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: '{operation} işlemi ile ilgili bir şeyler ters gitti. Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyiniz!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} işlemi başarısız oldu.',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'dosya silme',
+ uploadThumb: 'dosya yükleme',
+ uploadBatch: 'toplu dosya yükleme',
+ uploadExtra: 'form verisi yükleme'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Dosyaları buraya sürükleyip bırakın',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(ya da {files} seçmek için tıklayınız)',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Dosyayı kaldır',
+ uploadTitle: 'Dosyayı yükle',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Retry upload',
+ zoomTitle: 'Ayrıntıları görüntüle',
+ dragTitle: 'Taşı / Yeniden düzenle',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Henüz yüklenmedi',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Yüklendi',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Yükleme Hatası',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Yükleniyor ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Önceki dosyayı göster',
+ next: 'Sonraki dosyayı göster',
+ toggleheader: 'Üst bilgi geçiş',
+ fullscreen: 'Tam ekran geçiş',
+ borderless: 'Çerçevesiz moda geçiş',
+ close: 'Detaylı önizlemeyi kapat'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/uk.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94928353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ * FileInput Ukrainian Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ * @author CyanoFresh <cyanofresh@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['uk'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'файл',
+ filePlural: 'файли',
+ browseLabel: 'Вибрати &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Видалити',
+ removeTitle: 'Видалити вибрані файли',
+ cancelLabel: 'Скасувати',
+ cancelTitle: 'Скасувати поточне відвантаження',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Відвантажити',
+ uploadTitle: 'Відвантажити обрані файли',
+ msgNo: 'Немає',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: '',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Cкасовано',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Оберіть {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Детальний превью',
+ msgFileRequired: 'Ви повинні обрати файл для завантаження.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'Файл "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) занадто малий і повинен бути більший, ніж <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Файл "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) перевищує максимальний розмір <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Ви повинні обрати як мінімум <b>{n}</b> {files} для відвантаження.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Кількість обраних файлів <b>({n})</b> перевищує максимально допустиму кількість <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Файл "{name}" не знайдено!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Обмеження безпеки перешкоджають читанню файла "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'Файл "{name}" неможливо прочитати.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Перегляд скасований для файла "{name}".',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Сталася помилка під час читання файла "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Недійсні чи непідтримувані символи в імені файлу "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Заборонений тип файла для "{name}". Тільки "{types}" дозволені.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Заборонене розширення для файла "{name}". Тільки "{extensions}" дозволені.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'Вивантаження файлу перервана',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Обробка...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Ініціалізація...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Готово',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'Немає доступних даних для відвантаження.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Помилка',
+ msgValidationError: 'Помилка перевірки',
+ msgLoading: 'Відвантаження файла {index} із {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Відвантаження файла {index} із {files} - {name} - {percent}% завершено.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} обрано',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Дозволено перетягувати тільки файли! Пропущено {n} папок.',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'Ширина зображення "{name}" повинна бути не менше {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'Висота зображення "{name}" повинна бути не менше {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'Ширина зображення "{name}" не може перевищувати {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'Висота зображення "{name}" не може перевищувати {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Не вдалося розміри зображення, щоб змінити розмір.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Помилка при зміні розміру зображення.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Щось не так із операцією {operation}. Будь ласка, спробуйте пізніше!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: 'помилка {operation}',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'видалити файл',
+ uploadThumb: 'відвантажити файл',
+ uploadBatch: 'batch file upload',
+ uploadExtra: 'form data upload'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Перетягніть файли сюди &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(або клацність та оберіть {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Видалити файл',
+ uploadTitle: 'Відвантажити файл',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Повторити відвантаження',
+ downloadTitle: 'Завантажити файл',
+ zoomTitle: 'Подивитися деталі',
+ dragTitle: 'Перенести / Переставити',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Ще не відвантажено',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Відвантажено',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Помилка при відвантаженні',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Завантаження ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Переглянути попередній файл',
+ next: 'Переглянути наступний файл',
+ toggleheader: 'Перемкнути заголовок',
+ fullscreen: 'Перемкнути повноекранний режим',
+ borderless: 'Перемкнути режим без полів',
+ close: 'Закрити детальний перегляд'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/uz.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/uz.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c43e166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/uz.js
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ * FileInput Uzbek Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ * @author CyanoFresh <cyanofresh@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales.uz = {
+ fileSingle: 'fayl',
+ filePlural: 'fayllar',
+ browseLabel: 'Tanlash &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'O\'chirish',
+ removeTitle: 'Tanlangan fayllarni tozalash',
+ cancelLabel: 'Bekor qilish',
+ cancelTitle: 'Joriy yuklab olishni bekor qilish',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Yuklab olish',
+ uploadTitle: 'Tanlangan fayllarni yuklash',
+ msgNo: 'No',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: 'No files selected',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Cancelled',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Select {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Detailed Preview',
+ msgFileRequired: 'You must select a file to upload.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'File "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) is too small and must be larger than <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: '"{name}" fayl (<b>{size} KB</b>) ruxsat etilgan maksimal yuklash hajmidan <b>{maxSize} KB</b> ortiq. Yuklashni qayta urinib ko\'ring!',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Yuklash uchun kamida <b>{n}</b> {files} tanlashingiz kerak. Yuklashni qayta urinib ko\'ring!',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Tanlangan fayllar <b>({n})</b> ruxsat etilgan maksimal yuklash hajmidan <b>{m}</b> ortiq. Yuklashni qayta urinib ko\'ring!',
+ msgFileNotFound: '"{name}" fayl topilmaydi!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Security restrictions prevent reading the file "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: '"{name}" fayl o\'qilmaydi.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: '"{name}" Ffylni oldindan ko\'rish jarayoni to\'xtatildi.',
+ msgFilePreviewError: '"{name}" faylni o\'qish paytida xatolik yuz berdi.',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Invalid or unsupported characters in file name "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: '"{name}" fayl uchun yaroqsiz tur. Faqat "{types}" fayllari qo\'llab-quvvatlanadi.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: '"{name}" fayl uchun noto\'g\'ri kengaytma. Faqat "{extensions}" fayllari qo\'llab-quvvatlanadi.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'The file upload was aborted',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Processing...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Initializing...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Done',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'No valid data available for upload.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Error',
+ msgValidationError: 'Fayl yuklash xatosi',
+ msgLoading: '{Files} dan {index} faylini yuklash &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: '{Files} dan {index}{name} faylini yuklashi - {percent}% tugallandi.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} tanlangan',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Faqat tortib qo\'yiladon fayllar! {n} o\'tirilgan tashlangan papka(lar).',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'Width of image file "{name}" must be at least {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'Height of image file "{name}" must be at least {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'Width of image file "{name}" cannot exceed {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'Height of image file "{name}" cannot exceed {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Could not get the image dimensions to resize.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Error while resizing the image.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Something went wrong with the {operation} operation. Please try again later!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} failed',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'file delete',
+ uploadThumb: 'file upload',
+ uploadBatch: 'batch file upload',
+ uploadExtra: 'form data upload'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Fayllarni bu yerga tortib qo\'ying &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(or click to select {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Remove file',
+ uploadTitle: 'Upload file',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Retry upload',
+ downloadTitle: 'Download file',
+ zoomTitle: 'View details',
+ dragTitle: 'Move / Rearrange',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Not uploaded yet',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Uploaded',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Upload Error',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Uploading ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'View previous file',
+ next: 'View next file',
+ toggleheader: 'Toggle header',
+ fullscreen: 'Toggle full screen',
+ borderless: 'Toggle borderless mode',
+ close: 'Close detailed preview'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/vi.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a51a4b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ * FileInput Vietnamese Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['vi'] = {
+ fileSingle: 'tập tin',
+ filePlural: 'các tập tin',
+ browseLabel: 'Duyệt &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: 'Gỡ bỏ',
+ removeTitle: 'Bỏ tập tin đã chọn',
+ cancelLabel: 'Hủy',
+ cancelTitle: 'Hủy upload',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: 'Upload',
+ uploadTitle: 'Upload tập tin đã chọn',
+ msgNo: 'Không',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: 'Không tập tin nào được chọn',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: 'Đã hủy',
+ msgPlaceholder: 'Select {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: 'Chi tiết xem trước',
+ msgFileRequired: 'You must select a file to upload.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: 'File "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) is too small and must be larger than <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: 'Tập tin "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) vượt quá kích thước giới hạn cho phép <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: 'Bạn phải chọn ít nhất <b>{n}</b> {files} để upload.',
+ msgFilesTooMany: 'Số lượng tập tin upload <b>({n})</b> vượt quá giới hạn cho phép là <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: 'Không tìm thấy tập tin "{name}"!',
+ msgFileSecured: 'Các hạn chế về bảo mật không cho phép đọc tập tin "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: 'Không đọc được tập tin "{name}".',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: 'Đã dừng xem trước tập tin "{name}".',
+ msgFilePreviewError: 'Đã xảy ra lỗi khi đọc tập tin "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileName: 'Invalid or unsupported characters in file name "{name}".',
+ msgInvalidFileType: 'Tập tin "{name}" không hợp lệ. Chỉ hỗ trợ loại tập tin "{types}".',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Phần mở rộng của tập tin "{name}" không hợp lệ. Chỉ hỗ trợ phần mở rộng "{extensions}".',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: 'Đã dừng upload',
+ msgUploadThreshold: 'Đang xử lý...',
+ msgUploadBegin: 'Initializing...',
+ msgUploadEnd: 'Done',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: 'No valid data available for upload.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: 'Error',
+ msgValidationError: 'Lỗi xác nhận',
+ msgLoading: 'Đang nạp {index} tập tin trong số {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: 'Đang nạp {index} tập tin trong số {files} - {name} - {percent}% hoàn thành.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} được chọn',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Chỉ kéo thả tập tin! Đã bỏ qua {n} thư mục.',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: 'Chiều rộng của hình ảnh "{name}" phải tối thiểu là {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: 'Chiều cao của hình ảnh "{name}" phải tối thiểu là {size} px.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: 'Chiều rộng của hình ảnh "{name}" không được quá {size} px.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: 'Chiều cao của hình ảnh "{name}" không được quá {size} px.',
+ msgImageResizeError: 'Không lấy được kích thước của hình ảnh để resize.',
+ msgImageResizeException: 'Resize hình ảnh bị lỗi.<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: 'Something went wrong with the {operation} operation. Please try again later!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} failed',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'file delete',
+ uploadThumb: 'file upload',
+ uploadBatch: 'batch file upload',
+ uploadExtra: 'form data upload'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: 'Kéo thả tập tin vào đây &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(hoặc click để chọn {files})',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: 'Gỡ bỏ',
+ uploadTitle: 'Upload tập tin',
+ uploadRetryTitle: 'Retry upload',
+ downloadTitle: 'Download file',
+ zoomTitle: 'Phóng lớn',
+ dragTitle: 'Di chuyển / Sắp xếp lại',
+ indicatorNewTitle: 'Chưa được upload',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Đã upload',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: 'Upload bị lỗi',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Đang upload ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: 'Xem tập tin phía trước',
+ next: 'Xem tập tin tiếp theo',
+ toggleheader: 'Ẩn/hiện tiêu đề',
+ fullscreen: 'Bật/tắt toàn màn hình',
+ borderless: 'Bật/tắt chế độ không viền',
+ close: 'Đóng'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/zh-TW.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/zh-TW.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a07eb079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/zh-TW.js
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ * FileInput Chinese Traditional Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ * @author kangqf <kangqingfei@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['zh-TW'] = {
+ fileSingle: '單一檔案',
+ filePlural: '複選檔案',
+ browseLabel: '瀏覽 &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: '移除',
+ removeTitle: '清除選取檔案',
+ cancelLabel: '取消',
+ cancelTitle: '取消上傳中檔案',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: '上傳',
+ uploadTitle: '上傳選取檔案',
+ msgNo: '沒有',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: '未選擇檔案',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: '取消',
+ zoomTitle: '詳細資料',
+ msgPlaceholder: '選擇 {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: '內容預覽',
+ msgFileRequired: '必須選擇壹個文件上傳.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: '檔案 "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) 必須大於限定大小 <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: '檔案 "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) 大小超過上限 <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: '最少必須選擇 <b>{n}</b> {files} 來上傳. ',
+ msgFilesTooMany: '上傳的檔案數量 <b>({n})</b> 超過最大檔案上傳限制 <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: '檔案 "{name}" 未發現!',
+ msgFileSecured: '安全限制,禁止讀取檔案 "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: '文件 "{name}" 不可讀取.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: '檔案 "{name}" 預覽中止.',
+ msgFilePreviewError: '讀取 "{name}" 發生錯誤.',
+ msgInvalidFileName: '附檔名 "{name}" 包含非法字符.',
+ msgInvalidFileType: '檔案類型錯誤 "{name}". 只能使用 "{types}" 類型的檔案.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: '附檔名錯誤 "{name}". 只能使用 "{extensions}" 的檔案.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: '該文件上傳被中止',
+ msgUploadThreshold: '處理中...',
+ msgUploadBegin: '正在初始化...',
+ msgUploadEnd: '完成',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: '無效的文件上傳.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: '上傳錯誤',
+ msgValidationError: '驗證錯誤',
+ msgLoading: '載入第 {index} 個檔案,共 {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: '載入第 {index} 個檔案,共 {files} - {name} - {percent}% 成功.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} 選取',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: '只支援單檔拖曳! 無法使用 {n} 拖拽的資料夹.',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: '圖檔寬度"{name}"必須至少為{size}像素(px).',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: '圖檔高度"{name}"必須至少為{size}像素(px).',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: '圖檔寬度"{name}"不能超過{size}像素(px).',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: '圖檔高度"{name}"不能超過{size}像素(px).',
+ msgImageResizeError: '無法獲取的圖像尺寸調整。',
+ msgImageResizeException: '錯誤而調整圖像大小。<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: '{operation} 發生錯誤. 請重試!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} 失敗',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: 'file delete',
+ uploadThumb: 'file upload',
+ uploadBatch: 'batch file upload',
+ uploadExtra: 'form data upload'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: '拖曳檔案至此 &hellip;',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(或點擊{files}按鈕選擇文件)',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: '刪除檔案',
+ uploadTitle: '上傳檔案',
+ uploadRetryTitle: '重試',
+ downloadTitle: '下載檔案',
+ zoomTitle: '詳細資料',
+ dragTitle: '移動 / 重置',
+ indicatorNewTitle: '尚未上傳',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: '上傳成功',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: '上傳失敗',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: '上傳中 ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: '預覽上壹個文件',
+ next: '預覽下壹個文件',
+ toggleheader: '縮放',
+ fullscreen: '全屏',
+ borderless: '無邊界模式',
+ close: '關閉當前預覽'
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/zh.js b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b000e2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-bootstrap-upload/src/main/resources/js/locales/bootstrap-fileinput/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ * FileInput Chinese Translations
+ *
+ * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or
+ * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated.
+ *
+ * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
+ * @author kangqf <kangqingfei@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ "use strict";
+ $.fn.fileinputLocales['zh'] = {
+ fileSingle: '文件',
+ filePlural: '个文件',
+ browseLabel: '选择 &hellip;',
+ removeLabel: '移除',
+ removeTitle: '清除选中文件',
+ cancelLabel: '取消',
+ cancelTitle: '取消进行中的上传',
+ pauseLabel: 'Pause',
+ pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload',
+ uploadLabel: '上传',
+ uploadTitle: '上传选中文件',
+ msgNo: '没有',
+ msgNoFilesSelected: '未选择文件',
+ msgPaused: 'Paused',
+ msgCancelled: '取消',
+ msgPlaceholder: '选择 {files}...',
+ msgZoomModalHeading: '详细预览',
+ msgFileRequired: '必须选择一个文件上传.',
+ msgSizeTooSmall: '文件 "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) 必须大于限定大小 <b>{minSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgSizeTooLarge: '文件 "{name}" (<b>{size} KB</b>) 超过了允许大小 <b>{maxSize} KB</b>.',
+ msgFilesTooLess: '你必须选择最少 <b>{n}</b> {files} 来上传. ',
+ msgFilesTooMany: '选择的上传文件个数 <b>({n})</b> 超出最大文件的限制个数 <b>{m}</b>.',
+ msgFileNotFound: '文件 "{name}" 未找到!',
+ msgFileSecured: '安全限制,为了防止读取文件 "{name}".',
+ msgFileNotReadable: '文件 "{name}" 不可读.',
+ msgFilePreviewAborted: '取消 "{name}" 的预览.',
+ msgFilePreviewError: '读取 "{name}" 时出现了一个错误.',
+ msgInvalidFileName: '文件名 "{name}" 包含非法字符.',
+ msgInvalidFileType: '不正确的类型 "{name}". 只支持 "{types}" 类型的文件.',
+ msgInvalidFileExtension: '不正确的文件扩展名 "{name}". 只支持 "{extensions}" 的文件扩展名.',
+ msgFileTypes: {
+ 'image': 'image',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'text': 'text',
+ 'video': 'video',
+ 'audio': 'audio',
+ 'flash': 'flash',
+ 'pdf': 'PDF',
+ 'object': 'object'
+ },
+ msgUploadAborted: '该文件上传被中止',
+ msgUploadThreshold: '处理中...',
+ msgUploadBegin: '正在初始化...',
+ msgUploadEnd: '完成',
+ msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...',
+ msgUploadEmpty: '无效的文件上传.',
+ msgUploadError: 'Upload Error',
+ msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error',
+ msgProgressError: '上传出错',
+ msgValidationError: '验证错误',
+ msgLoading: '加载第 {index} 文件 共 {files} &hellip;',
+ msgProgress: '加载第 {index} 文件 共 {files} - {name} - {percent}% 完成.',
+ msgSelected: '{n} {files} 选中',
+ msgFoldersNotAllowed: '只支持拖拽文件! 跳过 {n} 拖拽的文件夹.',
+ msgImageWidthSmall: '图像文件的"{name}"的宽度必须是至少{size}像素.',
+ msgImageHeightSmall: '图像文件的"{name}"的高度必须至少为{size}像素.',
+ msgImageWidthLarge: '图像文件"{name}"的宽度不能超过{size}像素.',
+ msgImageHeightLarge: '图像文件"{name}"的高度不能超过{size}像素.',
+ msgImageResizeError: '无法获取的图像尺寸调整。',
+ msgImageResizeException: '调整图像大小时发生错误。<pre>{errors}</pre>',
+ msgAjaxError: '{operation} 发生错误. 请重试!',
+ msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} 失败',
+ msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.',
+ msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond <b>{max}</b> retries for file <b>{file}</b>! Error Details: <pre>{error}</pre>',
+ msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining',
+ msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining',
+ ajaxOperations: {
+ deleteThumb: '删除文件',
+ uploadThumb: '上传文件',
+ uploadBatch: '批量上传',
+ uploadExtra: '表单数据上传'
+ },
+ dropZoneTitle: '拖拽文件到这里 &hellip;<br>支持多文件同时上传',
+ dropZoneClickTitle: '<br>(或点击{files}按钮选择文件)',
+ fileActionSettings: {
+ removeTitle: '删除文件',
+ uploadTitle: '上传文件',
+ downloadTitle: '下载文件',
+ uploadRetryTitle: '重试',
+ zoomTitle: '查看详情',
+ dragTitle: '移动 / 重置',
+ indicatorNewTitle: '没有上传',
+ indicatorSuccessTitle: '上传',
+ indicatorErrorTitle: '上传错误',
+ indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused',
+ indicatorLoadingTitle: '上传 ...'
+ },
+ previewZoomButtonTitles: {
+ prev: '预览上一个文件',
+ next: '预览下一个文件',
+ toggleheader: '缩放',
+ fullscreen: '全屏',
+ borderless: '无边界模式',
+ close: '关闭当前预览'
+ }
+ };