path: root/src/main/kotlin/pl
diff options
authorRobert Jaros <>2018-01-21 20:31:15 +0100
committerRobert Jaros <>2018-01-21 20:31:15 +0100
commite51fb2c8cc81c7af59f9be2454f81da3825da60a (patch)
tree7694507ffa5df4cd81a087fe33956f3693438ef6 /src/main/kotlin/pl
parentbca362ddd192de9fc96711677274b0207c7afdb7 (diff)
Examples refactoring
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/kotlin/pl')
5 files changed, 4 insertions, 872 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/Main.kt b/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/Main.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index e4816888..00000000
--- a/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/Main.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package pl.treksoft.kvision
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.core.KVManager
-import kotlin.browser.document
-fun main(args: Array<String>) {
- var application: ApplicationBase? = null
- val state: dynamic = { hot ->
- hot.accept()
- hot.dispose { data ->
- data.appState = application?.dispose()
- KVManager.shutdown()
- application = null
- }
- }
- if (document.body != null) {
- application = start(state)
- } else {
- KVManager.init()
- application = null
- document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", { application = start(state) })
- }
-fun start(state: dynamic): ApplicationBase? {
- if (document.getElementById("showcase") == null) return null
- val application = Showcase()
- @Suppress("UnsafeCastFromDynamic")
- application.start(state?.appState ?: emptyMap())
- return application
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/Showcase.kt b/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/Showcase.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 51f0213b..00000000
--- a/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/Showcase.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,823 +0,0 @@
-package pl.treksoft.kvision
-import com.lightningkite.kotlin.observable.list.observableListOf
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.basic.Label
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.core.*
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.dropdown.DD.*
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.dropdown.DropDown
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.Form
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.FormPanel
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.INPUTSIZE
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.bool
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.check.CheckBox
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.check.Radio
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.check.RadioGroup
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.spinner.FORCETYPE
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.spinner.Spinner
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.spinner.SpinnerInput
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.string
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.text.Password
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.text.RichText
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.text.TEXTINPUTTYPE
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.text.Text
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.text.TextArea
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.text.TextAreaInput
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.text.TextInput
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.time.DateTime
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.time.DateTimeInput
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.html.*
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.html.TAG.DIV
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.html.TAG.H1
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.modal.Alert
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.modal.Confirm
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.modal.Modal
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.panel.*
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.routing.routing
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.snabbdom.obj
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.utils.perc
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.utils.px
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.utils.toDateF
-import kotlin.js.Date
-class Showcase : ApplicationBase() {
- override fun start(state: Map<String, Any>) {
- data class DataForm(val a: String?, val b: Boolean?, val c: Date?)
- val f = DataForm("ala", true, Date())
- val form = Form {
- DataForm(it.string("a"), it.bool("b"),"c"))
- }
- form.add("a", Text())
- form.add("b", CheckBox())
- form.add("c", DateTime())
- form.setData(f)
- val ret = form.getData()
- console.log(ret)
- class DataFormMap(map: Map<String, Any?>) {
- val name: String by map
- val age: Date by map
- }
- val fm = DataFormMap(mapOf("name" to "Ala", "age" to Date()))
- val formm = Form {
- DataFormMap(it)
- }
- formm.add("name", Text())
- formm.add("age", DateTime())
- formm.setData(fm)
- val retm = formm.getData()
- console.log(
- console.log(retm.age)
- val root = Root("showcase")
- class Model(p: Boolean, t: String) : DataComponent() {
- var p: Boolean by obs(p)
- var t: String by obs(t)
- }
- val model = observableListOf(Model(true, "Pierwszy"), Model(false, "Drugi"), Model(false, "Trzeci"))
- val datac = DataContainer(model, { element, index ->
- CheckBox(
- value = element.p,
- label = if (element.p) "<b>" + (index + 1) + " " + element.t + "</b>" else element.t,
- rich = true
- ).setEventListener<CheckBox>({
- click = {
- element.p = self.value
- }
- })
- })
- root.add(datac)
- val mbutton = Button("Pokaż wartości").setEventListener<Button> {
- click = {
- println(model.collection)
- }
- dblclick = {
- model.add(Model(true, "XXX"))
- }
- }
- root.add(mbutton)
- val mbutton2 = Button("Zaznacz").setEventListener<Button> {
- click = {
- model.forEach { it.p = true }
- }
- dblclick = {
- model.forEach { it.p = false }
- }
- }
- root.add(mbutton2)
- val textField = TextInput(value = "abc").apply { placeholder = "Wprowadź hasło ..." }
- val mbutton3 = Button("Ukryj/Pokaż").setEventListener<Button> {
- click = {
- if (datac.visible) datac.hide() else
- if (textField.visible) textField.hide() else
- }
- }
- root.add(mbutton3)
- val select = SelectInput(listOf("klucz1" to "Klucz 1", "klucz2" to "Klucz 2"), "klucz2,klucz1", multiple = true)
- root.add(select)
- val mbuttons = Button("Select").setEventListener<Button> {
- click = {
- println(select.value)
- }
- }
- root.add(mbuttons)
- val select2 = SelectInput(value = "klucz1")
- select2.add(SelectOption("klucz0", "Klucz 0", "Subtext 0", "flag"))
- select2.add(SelectOption(divider = true))
- select2.add(SelectOption("klucz1", "Klucz 1", "Subtext 1", "fa-flag"))
- select2.add(SelectOption("klucz2", "Klucz 2", disabled = true))
- root.add(select2)
- val select3 = SelectInput().apply {
- placeholder = "Wybierz opcje"
- emptyOption = true
- liveSearch = true
- }
- select3.add(SelectOptGroup("Opcje pierwsze", listOf("k" to "Opcja pierwsza 1", "m" to "Opcja pierwsza 2")))
- val sopt = SelectOptGroup("Opcje drugie", maxOptions = 2)
- sopt.add(SelectOption("a", "Opcja druga 1", "Subtext 1"))
- sopt.add(SelectOption("b", "Opcja druga 2"))
- sopt.add(SelectOption("c", "Opcja druga 3").apply { color = Color(COLOR.RED) })
- select3.add(sopt)
- root.add(select3)
- val mbuttons3 = Button("Select").setEventListener<Button> {
- click = {
- println(select3.value)
- select3.toggleOptions()
- }
- }
- root.add(mbuttons3)
- val rg = RadioGroup(listOf("o1" to "Pierwsza opcja", "o2" to "Druga opcja"), label = "Radio buttony")
- root.add(rg)
- val rgbutton = Button("Sprawdź radio").setEventListener<Button> {
- click = {
- println(rg.value)
- }
- }
- root.add(rgbutton)
- val rg2button = Button("Ustaw radio").setEventListener<Button> {
- click = {
- rg.value = "o2"
- }
- dblclick = {
- rg.value = null
- }
- }
- root.add(rg2button)
- val select5 = Select(listOf("a" to "Pierwsza", "b" to "Druga"), "a", label = "Lista wyboru")
- root.add(select5)
- val text = Text(label = "To jest pole").apply {
- placeholder = "Pole formularza"
- maxlength = 5
- }
- val select6 = Select(label = "Lista wyboru 2", value = "b")
- select6.add(SelectOption("a", "Opcja 1"))
- select6.add(SelectOption("b", "Opcja 2"))
- select6.add(SelectOption("c", "Opcja 3"))
- select6.setEventListener<Select> {
- showBsSelect = { e ->
- println("show")
- }
- shownBsSelect = { e ->
- println("shown")
- }
- hideBsSelect = { e ->
- println("hide")
- e.detail.preventDefault()
- }
- hiddenBsSelect = { e ->
- println("hidden")
- }
- renderedBsSelect = { e ->
- println("rendered")
- }
- refreshedBsSelect = { e ->
- println("refreshed")
- }
- loadedBsSelect = { e ->
- println("loaded")
- }
- changedBsSelect = { e ->
- println(e.detail.clickedIndex)
- if (e.detail.clickedIndex == 0) {
- self.options = listOf("x" to "x", "y" to "y", "z" to "z")
- self.value = "y"
- text.value = "ole"
- textField.value = "ole2"
- } else {
- self.add(SelectOption("x", "XXX"))
- }
- }
- }
- root.add(select6)
- val select7 = SelectInput().apply {
- ajaxOptions = AjaxOptions("", processData = {
- { item ->
- obj {
- this.value =
- this.text =
- = obj {
- this.subtext = item.owner.login
- }
- }
- }
- }, processParams = obj {
- q = "{{{q}}}"
- })
- }
- root.add(select7)
- val select8 = Select(label = "Wybierz repozytorium").apply {
- emptyOption = true
- ajaxOptions = AjaxOptions("", processData = {
- { item ->
- obj {
- this.value =
- this.text =
- = obj {
- this.subtext = item.owner.login
- }
- }
- }
- }, processParams = obj {
- q = "{{{q}}}"
- }, minLength = 3, requestDelay = 1000)
- setEventListener<Select> {
- change = { _ ->
- println(self.value)
- }
- }
- }
- root.add(select8)
- val mbuttons8 = Button("Sprawdz repozytorium").setEventListener<Button> {
- click = {
- println(select8.value)
- select8.value = null
- }
- }
- root.add(mbuttons8)
- val htmlArea = RichText("test<b>Boldzik</b>", "Pole html").apply {
- placeholder = "Wprowadź rich text"
- width = 50.perc()
- inputHeight = 200.px()
- }
- root.add(htmlArea)
- htmlArea.setEventListener<RichText> {
- change = {
- console.log(self.value)
- }
- }
- val mbuttons9 = Button("Sprawdz html").setEventListener<Button> {
- click = {
- println(htmlArea.value)
- }
- }
- root.add(mbuttons9)
- val date = DateTimeInput().apply {
- placeholder = "Wprowadź datę"
- todayBtn = true
- showMeridian = true
- daysOfWeekDisabled = arrayOf(0, 6)
- }
- root.add(date)
- val date2 = DateTimeInput(Date(), format = "DD-MM-YY").apply {
- disabled = true
- }
- root.add(date2)
- val date3 = DateTimeInput(Date(), format = "DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm A").apply {
- readonly = true
- showMeridian = true
- }
- root.add(date3)
- val date4 = DateTime(Date(), format = "HH:mm", label = "Wprowadź datę wpływu")
- date4.setEventListener<DateTime> {
- showBsDateTime = {
- println("show dt")
- }
- hideBsDateTime = {
- println("hide dt")
- }
- }
- root.add(date4)
- val mbuttons10 = Button("Sprawdz daty").setEventListener<Button> {
- click = {
- println(date.value)
- println(date.getValueAsString())
- println(date2.value)
- println(date2.getValueAsString())
- println(date3.value)
- println(date3.getValueAsString())
- println(date4.value)
- println(date4.getValueAsString())
- date.value = "2017-01-16".toDateF("YYYY-MM-DD")
- date.showPopup()
- date.weekStart = 1
- date4.value = null
- date4.format = "mm:HH"
- date4.disabled = !date4.disabled
- }
- }
- root.add(mbuttons10)
- val container = SimplePanel(setOf("abc", "def"))
- val h1 = Tag(H1, "To jest <i>test pisania</i> tekstu", false, null, classes = setOf("test", "test2"))
- container.add(h1)
- val label = Label("KVLabel1")
- container.add(label)
- val label2 = Label("KVLabel2")
- container.add(label2)
- root.add(container)
- label.hide()
- val link = Link("test", "")
- link.add(Tag(TAG.P, "Cośtam"))
- root.add(link)
- root.add(textField)
- textField.setEventListener<TextInput> {
- input = { e ->
- println("i" + self.value)
- }
- change = { e ->
- println("c" + self.value)
- }
- }
- val passwordField = TextInput(TEXTINPUTTYPE.PASSWORD)
- root.add(passwordField)
- val textField2 = TextInput().apply { placeholder = "Disabled" }
- textField2.disabled = true
- textField2.size = INPUTSIZE.LARGE
- root.add(textField2)
- val checkbox = CheckBox(true, label = "Kliknij aby <b>przetestować</b>", rich = true)
- root.add(checkbox)
- checkbox.setEventListener<CheckBox> {
- click = { e ->
- println("click" + self.value)
- }
- change = { e -> println("change" + self.value) }
- }
-/* val radio = Radio(true, name = "radios", label = "Opcja 1", inline = true,
- style = RADIOSTYLE.DANGER, extraValue = "o1")
- val radio2 = Radio(false, name = "radios", label = "Opcja 2", rich = true, inline = true,
- style = RADIOSTYLE.WARNING, extraValue = "o2")
- val radio3 = Radio(false, name = "radios", label = "Opcja 3", inline = true,
- style = RADIOSTYLE.PRIMARY, squared = true, extraValue = "o3")
- root.add(radio)
- root.add(radio2)
- root.add(radio3)
- radio.setEventListener<CheckBox> {
- click = { e ->
- println("rclick" + self.value)
- }
- change = { e -> println("rchange" + self.value) }
- }*/
- root.add(text)
- val textareainput =
- TextAreaInput(cols = 5, rows = 2, value = "To jest tekst\nTo jest <b>te</b></textarea>kst2").apply {
- placeholder = "..."
- }
- root.add(textareainput)
- val textarea = TextArea(
- cols = 5,
- rows = 2,
- value = "To jest tekst\nTo jest <b>te</b></textarea>kst2",
- label = "Pole długie"
- ).apply {
- placeholder = "..."
- }
- root.add(textarea)
- textarea.setEventListener<TextArea> {
- input = { e ->
- println("ta i" + self.value)
- }
- change = { e ->
- println("ta c" + self.value)
- }
- }
- class Formularz(val map: Map<String, Any?>) {
- val text: String? by map
- val password: String? by map
- val textarea: String? by map
- val richtext: String? by map
- val data: Date? by map
- val checkbox: Boolean by map
- val radio: Boolean by map
- val select: String? by map
- val spinner: Double? by map
- val radiogroup: String? by map
- }
- val formPanel = FormPanel {
- Formularz(it)
- }.apply {
- add("text", Text(label = "Tekst"), required = true, validatorMessage = { "Wprowadź tylko cyfry" }) {
- it.getValue()?.matches("^[0-9]+$")
- }
- add("password", Password(label = "Hasło"), required = true,
- validatorMessage = { "Wprowadź co najmniej 5 znaków" }) {
- (it.getValue()?.length ?: 0) >= 5
- }
- add("textarea", TextArea(label = "Obszar"), required = true)
- add("richtext", RichText(label = "Obszar WYSIWYG"), required = true)
- add("data", DateTime(format = "YYYY-MM-DD", label = "Data"), required = true)
- add("checkbox", CheckBox(label = "Checkbox")) { it.getValue() }
- add("radio", Radio(label = "Radiobutton")) { it.getValue() }
- add("select", Select(
- options = listOf("a" to "Pierwsza opcja", "b" to "Druga opcja"),
- label = "Wybierz opcje"
- ).apply {
- // selectWidthType = SELECTWIDTHTYPE.FIT
- emptyOption = true
- }, required = true
- )
- add("spinner", Spinner(label = "Spinner"), required = true)
- add("radiogroup", RadioGroup(
- listOf("o1" to "Pierwsza opcja", "o2" to "Druga opcja"),
- inline = true, label = "Radio group"
- ).apply {
- setEventListener<RadioGroup> {
- change = { e ->
- println(self.value)
- }
- }
- }, required = true
- )
- validator = {
- val result = it["text"] == it["textarea"]
- if (!result) {
- it.getControl("text")?.validatorError = "Niezgodne dane"
- it.getControl("textarea")?.validatorError = "Niezgodne dane"
- }
- result
- }
- validatorMessage = { "Pole Tekst i Obszar muszą być takie same!" }
- }
- root.add(formPanel)
- val spinner = SpinnerInput(
- 15.05,
- min = -100000,
- max = 100000,
- decimals = 4,
- forceType = FORCETYPE.ROUND,
- step = 0.0001
- ).apply {
- }
- val ttt = TextInput(value = "abc").apply {
- }
- spinner.setEventListener<SpinnerInput> {
- onMinBsSpinner = { e ->
- console.log(e)
- }
- onMaxBsSpinner = { e ->
- console.log(e)
- }
- }
- val formButton = Button("Pokaż dane").setEventListener<Button> {
- click = {
- formPanel.getControl("radiogroup")?.disabled = true
- console.log(formPanel.validate())
- console.log(formPanel.getData().map.toString())
- formPanel.setData(Formularz(mapOf("checkbox" to false, "select" to "a", "radiogroup" to "o2")))
- spinner.toggleVisible()
- spinner.max =
- ttt.toggleVisible()
- }
- }
- formPanel.add(formButton)
- spinner.setEventListener<SpinnerInput> {
- change = {
- console.log(spinner.value)
- }
- }
- root.add(spinner)
- root.add(ttt)
- val dd = DropDown("Dropdown", listOf("abc" to "#!/x", "def" to "#!/y"), "flag")
- root.add(dd)
- dd.setEventListener<DropDown> {
- showBsDropdown = { e -> println("show" + (e.detail)) }
- shownBsDropdown = { e -> println("shown" + e.detail) }
- hideBsDropdown = { e ->
- println("hide" + e.detail)
- e.detail.preventDefault()
- }
- hiddenBsDropdown = { e -> println("hidden" + e.detail) }
- }
- val dd2 = DropDown(
- "Dropdown2", listOf(
- "abc" to "#!/abc", "def" to "#!/def", "xyz" to DISABLED.type,
- "Header" to HEADER.type, "Separtatorek" to SEPARATOR.type
- ), "flag"
- ).apply { dropup = true }
- root.add(dd2)
- dd2.setEventListener<DropDown> {
- hideBsDropdown = { e -> println("hide" + e.detail) }
- hiddenBsDropdown = { e -> println("hidden" + e.detail) }
- }
- val ddbutton = Button("Toggle").setEventListener<Button> {
- click = {
- console.log("x")
- dd2.toggle()
- checkbox.value = true
- }
- }
- root.add(ddbutton)
- val dd3 = DropDown("Dropdown3", icon = "file")
- dd3.add(Tag(TAG.H4, "ABC"))
- dd3.add(Button("To jest button"))
- dd3.add(Image(Img("kotlin.png")))
- root.add(dd3)
- val tabs2 = TabPanel()
- tabs2.addTab("XXX", Label("XXX"), "fa-flag")
- tabs2.addTab("YYY", Label("YYY"), "fa-flag")
- val tabs = TabPanel()
- tabs.addTab("Test zakładki", Label("test zakładki"), "fa-flag")
- tabs.addTab("Test zakładki2", Label("test zakładki2"))
-// tabs.addTab("Test zakładki3", tabs2, "fa-bars")
- val split = SplitPanel()
- split.add(tabs)
- val split2 = SplitPanel(DIRECTION.HORIZONTAL)
- val t1 = Tag(
- "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce nec fringilla turpis, vel molestie dolor. Vestibulum ut ex eget orci porta gravida eu sit amet tortor. Suspendisse vel fermentum purus, vel ornare tellus. Vivamus dictum, risus non viverra venenatis, magna mi pharetra purus, nec dignissim risus tortor a sem. Donec tincidunt dui ut eros laoreet consectetur. Nam dapibus vestibulum sem, eget accumsan ex vestibulum ac. Curabitur ac mi sit amet eros sodales dictum. Sed at felis at nunc aliquam finibus. Vestibulum lorem nulla, dictum ac libero non, mattis dictum nisl. Aenean semper lorem turpis. Praesent pellentesque ligula est, viverra molestie leo imperdiet ut. Nam vitae hendrerit justo. Nullam tincidunt et nibh ac volutpat. Aliquam vulputate mi aliquam fermentum rhoncus.\n" +
- "\n" +
- "Proin porttitor diam id massa eleifend aliquet. Morbi nec erat porttitor, placerat lorem et, dignissim lectus. Cras ultricies posuere arcu, et pharetra dui laoreet in. Sed nec ipsum in sapien vestibulum maximus eu id nunc. Ut finibus aliquam nisi id vehicula. Phasellus sodales lobortis orci, non interdum risus dignissim quis. Proin bibendum consectetur diam nec mattis. Suspendisse dictum vulputate metus at tincidunt."
- )
- t1.padding = 5.px()
- split2.add(t1)
- val t2 = Tag(
- "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce nec fringilla turpis, vel molestie dolor. Vestibulum ut ex eget orci porta gravida eu sit amet tortor. Suspendisse vel fermentum purus, vel ornare tellus. Vivamus dictum, risus non viverra venenatis, magna mi pharetra purus, nec dignissim risus tortor a sem. Donec tincidunt dui ut eros laoreet consectetur. Nam dapibus vestibulum sem, eget accumsan ex vestibulum ac. Curabitur ac mi sit amet eros sodales dictum. Sed at felis at nunc aliquam finibus. Vestibulum lorem nulla, dictum ac libero non, mattis dictum nisl. Aenean semper lorem turpis. Praesent pellentesque ligula est, viverra molestie leo imperdiet ut. Nam vitae hendrerit justo. Nullam tincidunt et nibh ac volutpat. Aliquam vulputate mi aliquam fermentum rhoncus.\n" +
- "\n" +
- "Proin porttitor diam id massa eleifend aliquet. Morbi nec erat porttitor, placerat lorem et, dignissim lectus. Cras ultricies posuere arcu, et pharetra dui laoreet in. Sed nec ipsum in sapien vestibulum maximus eu id nunc. Ut finibus aliquam nisi id vehicula. Phasellus sodales lobortis orci, non interdum risus dignissim quis. Proin bibendum consectetur diam nec mattis. Suspendisse dictum vulputate metus at tincidunt."
- )
- t2.padding = 10.px()
- split2.add(t2)
- split.add(split2)
- root.add(split)
- split.setEventListener<SplitPanel> {
- dragSplitPanel = { e ->
- if ((e.detail.asDynamic()).newWidth > 400) {
- e.detail.preventDefault()
- }
- }
- }
- val p = Tag(TAG.P, "To jest prawo", align = ALIGN.RIGHT)
- p.title = "Tytuł"
- p.border = Border(3.px(), BORDERSTYLE.SOLID)
- p.borderTop = Border(4.px(), BORDERSTYLE.DASHED, COLOR.RED)
- p.borderBottom = Border(4.px(), BORDERSTYLE.DASHED, 0x00ff00)
- p.borderLeft = Border(4.px(), BORDERSTYLE.SOLID, 0xff00ff)
- p.marginTop = 30.px()
- p.paddingRight = 30.px()
- root.add(p)
- val del = Tag(TAG.DEL, "To jest deleted")
- root.add(del)
- val list = ListTag(
- LIST.DL_HORIZ, listOf(
- "abc", "de<b>fdasdasdasddasd</b>tdasdas", "Dasdsada",
- "dasdasdads"
- ), true
- )
- root.add(list)
- val list2 = ListTag(LIST.OL, null)
- list2.add(Tag(TAG.H4, "ABC"))
- list2.add(Button("To jest button"))
- list2.add(Image(Img("kotlin.png")))
- root.add(list2)
- val img = Image(Img("kotlin.png"), "Image", true, IMAGESHAPE.ROUNDED)
- img.opacity = 0.5
- root.add(img)
- val grid = ResponsiveGridPanel(align = ALIGN.RIGHT)
- grid.add(Tag(DIV, "0,0"), 0, 0)
- grid.add(Tag(DIV, "1,1"), 1, 1)
- grid.add(Tag(DIV, "2,2"), 2, 2)
- root.add(grid)
- val grid2 = ResponsiveGridPanel(align = ALIGN.CENTER)
- grid2.add(Tag(DIV, "0,0"), 0, 0, 8)
- grid2.add(Tag(DIV, "0,1"), 0, 1, 4)
- grid2.add(Tag(DIV, "1,1"), 1, 1, 8, 4)
- root.add(grid2)
- val flexPanel = FlexPanel(FLEXDIR.ROW)
- flexPanel.add(Label("1"), 3, 1)
- flexPanel.add(Label("2"), 2, 2)
- flexPanel.add(Label("3"), 1, 1)
- flexPanel.add(tabs2, 4, 1)
- root.add(flexPanel)
- val hPanel = HPanel(FLEXJUSTIFY.CENTER)
- hPanel.add(Label("h1"), basis = 10)
- hPanel.add(Label("h2"), basis = 20)
- hPanel.add(Label("h3"), basis = 10)
- root.add(hPanel)
- val vPanel = VPanel(alignItems = FLEXALIGNITEMS.CENTER)
- vPanel.add(Label("h1"), basis = 10)
- vPanel.add(Label("h2"), basis = 20)
- vPanel.add(Label("h3"), basis = 10)
- root.add(vPanel)
- val grid3 = GridPanel(templateColumns = "1fr 1fr 1fr")
- grid3.background = Background(
- 0xCCCCCC, Img("kotlin.png"), 50.perc(), 50.perc(), size = BGSIZE.CONTAIN,
- )
- grid3.add(Label("hh1"))
- grid3.add(Label("hh2"))
- grid3.add(Label("hh3"))
- grid3.add(Label("hh4"))
- root.add(grid3)
- val grid4 = GridPanel(justifyItems = GRIDJUSTIFY.CENTER)
- grid4.colorHex = 0x00ff00
- grid4.add(Label("hh1"), 1, 1)
- grid4.add(Label("hh2"), 2, 2)
- grid4.add(Label("hh3"), 3, 3)
- grid4.add(Label("hh4"), 4, 4)
- root.add(grid4)
- val dock = DockPanel()
- dock.colorName = COLOR.AQUA
- dock.add(Label("left<br/>left", rich = true), SIDE.LEFT)
- dock.add(Label("right"), SIDE.RIGHT)
- dock.add(Label("up"), SIDE.UP)
- dock.add(Label("down"), SIDE.DOWN)
- dock.add(Label("center"), SIDE.CENTER)
- dock.border = Border(7.px(), BORDERSTYLE.INSET, COLOR.DARKVIOLET)
-// root.add(dock)
- val pa = HPanel(alignItems = FLEXALIGNITEMS.FLEXEND)
- pa.add(
- Label("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce nec fringilla turpis, vel molestie dolor. Vestibulum ut ex eget orci porta gravida eu sit amet tortor. Suspendisse vel fermentum purus, vel ornare tellus. Vivamus dictum, risus non viverra venenatis, magna mi pharetra purus, nec dignissim risus tortor a sem. Donec tincidunt dui ut eros laoreet consectetur. Nam dapibus vestibulum sem, eget accumsan ex vestibulum ac. Curabitur ac mi sit amet eros sodales dictum. Sed at felis at nunc aliquam finibus. Vestibulum lorem nulla, dictum ac libero non, mattis dictum nisl. Aenean semper lorem turpis. Praesent pellentesque ligula est, viverra molestie leo imperdiet ut. Nam vitae hendrerit justo. Nullam tincidunt et nibh ac volutpat. Aliquam vulputate mi aliquam fermentum rhoncus."),
- 3
- )
- pa.add(Image(Img("kotlin.png")), 1)
- pa.add(dock, 2, alignSelf = FLEXALIGNITEMS.FLEXSTART)
- dock.width = 400.px()
- root.add(pa)
- val modal = Modal("Test okienka")
- modal.add(Tag(TAG.H4, "ABC"))
- modal.add(Image(Img("kotlin.png")))
- modal.addButton(Button("To jest button"))
-/* modal.setEventListener<Modal> {
- hideBsModal = { e -> e.detail.preventDefault() }
- }*/
- val button = Button("To jest przycisk FA", "fa-flag", BUTTONSTYLE.DANGER)
- button.setEventListener<Button> {
- click = { _ ->
- println(model.collection)
- println(self.text)
- println(textField.value)
-// println(checkbox.value)
- textField2.disabled = false
- grid4.colorHex = 0xff0000
- dd3.text = "Zmiana"
- dd3.disabled = true
- window.setTimeout({
- modal.size = MODALSIZE.SMALL
- modal.animation = false
- }, 2000)*/
- if (split.visible) {
- split.hide()
- } else {
- }
- if (htmlArea.visible) {
- htmlArea.hide()
- } else {
- }
- }
- }
- root.add(button)
- fun alerts() {
-"This is alert", "A text of the <b>alert</b>", true) {
- println("abc")
-"This is alert 2", "A text of the <b>alert</b> 2", true) {
- println("def")
- }
- }
- }
- val button2 = Button("To jest przycisk", "flag", BUTTONSTYLE.DANGER)
- button2.setEventListener {
- click = { e ->
- dd.hide()
- println("2" + e)
- button.setEventListener {
- click = null
- }
- alerts()
- }
- }
- root.add(button2)
- val button3 = Button("To jest przycisk IMG").apply { image = Img("kotlin.png") }
- button3.setEventListener {
- click = { e ->
-"Pytanie", "Czy na pewno chcesz kliknąć przycisk?", noCallback = { println("no") }) {
- println("3" + e)
- button.setEventListener<Button> {
- click = { _ -> println(self.text) }
- dblclick = { e -> println("111" + e) }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- root.add(button3)
- println("init routing")
- routing.on({ _ -> println("root") })
- .on("/abc", { _ -> println("abc") })
- .on("/test", { _ -> println("test") })
- .resolve()
-// jQuery(document).off(".data-api")
-// routing.on(RegExp("/abc/def/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)"), { x,y,z,u,v -> println(x) })
-// router.on("/test", { -> println("test") })
-/* val vnode = h("div", snOpt {
- on = snEvents {
- click = { e -> println(e) }
- }
- }, arrayOf(
- h("span", snOpt {
- style = snStyle("fontWeight" to "bold", "fontStyle" to "italic")
- }, arrayOf("This is bold")),
- " and this is just normal text ",
- h("a", snOpt {
- props = snProps("href" to "/foo", "target" to "_blank")
- }, "I\'ll take you places!")
- ))
- val v = patch(child, vnode)
- val vnode2 = virtualize("<a href='/top' target='_top'>Test2</a>")
- patch(v, vnode2)*/
- }
- override fun dispose(): Map<String, Any> {
- return mapOf()
- }
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/core/Css.kt b/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/core/Css.kt
index f533ebdd..1e6fdbeb 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/core/Css.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/core/Css.kt
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ package pl.treksoft.kvision.core
import pl.treksoft.kvision.utils.toHexString
+typealias ResString = String
@Suppress("EnumNaming", "EnumEntryName")
enum class UNIT(val unit: String) {
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/core/Img.kt b/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/core/Img.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 80c65e0b..00000000
--- a/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/core/Img.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-package pl.treksoft.kvision.core
-typealias ResString = String
-object Img {
- operator fun invoke(src: String) = at(src)
- @Suppress("UnsafeCastFromDynamic", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
- private inline fun at(src: String): ResString = pl.treksoft.kvision.require("./img/" + src)
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/core/KVManager.kt b/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/core/KVManager.kt
index 4cd50550..55c91436 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/core/KVManager.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/core/KVManager.kt
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ object KVManager {
private val bootstrapSelectI18n = require("./js/bootstrap-select-i18n.min.js")
private val bootstrapSelectAjaxCss = require("ajax-bootstrap-select/dist/css/ajax-bootstrap-select.min.css")
private val bootstrapSelectAjax = require("ajax-bootstrap-select/dist/js/ajax-bootstrap-select.min.js")
- private val bootstrapSelectAjaxI18n =
- require("ajax-bootstrap-select/dist/js/locale/")
+// private val bootstrapSelectAjaxI18n =
+// require("ajax-bootstrap-select/dist/js/locale/")
private val trixCss = require("trix/dist/trix.css")
private val trix = require("trix")
private val bootstrapDateTimePickerCss = require("bootstrap-datetime-picker/css/bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.css")